Exporting a figure - matlab

I came across this program for exporting a figure. I just want to ask, what should I pass to the program if I want to export a figure of mine to some image (i.e; .jpg), as I couldn't figure out what to pass as a parameter.

The built-in command print is used to export a figure to an image. Like so:
print('-djpeg', 'myplot.jpg')

patrik's suggestion probably refers to this ME file. (Which is great, by the way)
A native MATLAB solution would be
saveas(<handle of the figure>,<file path with .jpg at the end>)
This is what I have used for a long time and it works (e.g., saveas(h,'/figures/automatic/myfig.jpg')); but it is very possible that print or something else is better suited for whatever reason.


Convert abf to atf file type. Where should I start?

I want to preface this question by first saying I am not 100% sure this is the correct place to ask.
Basically, I want to take files with the .abf (axon binary files) extension and convert them to .atf (axon text files). I was wondering if I could simply just run a script that converts binary to text or if it would be more complicated than that.
I'm making a script that takes files with the .abf extension and feeds them into the Clampex9.2 program in order to save them as .atf files. However I feel like there is a much better way than manually feeding the files into a program, then resaving them with the correct extension.
Again, if this is not the right forum for this type of question, I apologize but thank you in advance if anyone can help me with this problem!

Script for running (testing) another matlab script?

I need to create a matlab mfile that will run another matlab file with default values given in a txt file. It's ment to be useful for testing programs, so that user may specify values in a txt files and instead of inputing values every time he starts the program, my script will give the program default values and user will only see the result.
My idea is to load tested file into a variable, change 'variable=input('...');' for variable = default_variable;, save it to tmp file, execute, and than delete tmp file. Is this going to do the job?
I have only two problems:
1) How to eliminate the problem of duplicated variable names - i mean this must work for all scripts, i don't know the names of variables used in tested script.
2) As I wrote before - is this going to work fine? Or maybe I missed a easier way to do it - for example maybe I don't have to create a tmp file?
I really need your help!
Thanks in advance!
If the person who has to edit the default values has access to Matlab, I would recommend saveing the values in a mat file and loading them when needed. Otherwise you could just write a smalls cript that contains the assignment to certain variables, but make sure to keep this small. For example:
maxRuns = 100;
clusters = 12;
So much for setting up the defaults. Regarding the process my main advice is to wrap the thing that you want to test into a function. This way variables used in the code to call the 'script' will not interfere as a function gets its own separate workspace. Check doc function if you are not familiar with them.

Gnuplot incremental filename using macro

I need to plot points out of my c++ application.
So I simply save my points to a points.txt
and then run system("gnuplot 'plotmakro'");
which contains:
set output 'plot.png' set terminal png
set grid set multiplot
plot pointsa.txt' ', 'pointb.txt'
Is there a solution so that I get plot2.png, plot3.png when running the makro again?
As far as I understand your problem two possible solutions come to my mind:
sed the output of your gnuplot script to another location before running gnuplot with the newly created script or
output the png to some arbitrary file like tmp_plot.png and change the file name after gnuplot is done to your liking.
However, with both suggestions I somehow feel that there is a nicer and cleaner solution to your problem. Maybe you want to think about your interface between your application an gnuplot...

printing text into a file in Matlab

I want to log the running of my program, specifically the running time of each part. At this moment I print to the screen using disp. Is there a way so that some of the things I print would also be printed into a text file?
You can use the DIARY command, that captures everything from the command window.
There are other solutions to this problem where you write to one or more logfiles opened when your program is running. This provides a permanent record without polluting your work space or diary. It also works well if you compile your MATLAB application.
Jan Simon has a nice solution at MATLAB Central which uses a persistant file id so the log to file mechanism can be used again and again throughout an application with many functions without passing the file id about.
Others at MATLAB Central (here and here) have developed class based solutions with more features.
Also, fprintf.

Write a figure to a file automatically in MATLAB

Does anyone know if it's possible to automatically write a figure out to a .eps file in MATLAB?
I'm running a script that produces a large number of graphs, and it'd be nice if I didn't have to manually save each one!
print function does that:
Print figure or save to specific file format...
print(filename,formattype) saves the current figure to a file using the specified file format, such as print('BarPlot','-dpng'). If the file name does not include an extension, then print appends the appropriate one.
print(filename,formattype,formatoptions) specifies additional options that are available for some formats.
print prints the current figure to the default printer...
print or saveas will do the trick.
saveas(fig_handle, 'filename','eps')
print -deps 1
If you want to specify the output file name, you're better off using saveas.
This was answered in this other question, using the PRINT command. Although that question dealt with making .tiff images, it should be straightforward to modify the code given in those answers to write a .eps.
Suppose, you are generating N numbers of figures in a loop, then you should try the command line:
saveas(gca,sprintf('Figure%02d.pdf',N )); it produces N figures Figure1.pdf - FigureN.pdf
saveas(gca,sprintf('Figure%02d.eps',N )); it produces N figures Figure1.eps - FigureN.eps
in place of gca one can use gcf also. First command line is a better solution.
Hope this will solve your issue.