Assign conditional expression in Swift? - swift

Is there a way in Swift to assign conditional expressions similar to this
let foo = if (bar == 2) {
} else {
(or with a switch case).
(Don't want to have to use ternary operator for this).
This kind of assignement is good for functional style / immutability. The expressions have a return value in this case.
Note: it's a general question, this is just simplified example, imagine e.g. a switch case with a lot of values, pattern matching, etc. You can't do that with ternary operator.
Btw also note that there are languages that don't support ternary operator because if else returns a value, so it's not necessary, see e.g. Scala.

You can use a closure to initialize an immutable:
let foo: Int = {
if bar == 2 {
return 100
} else {
return 120
The advantage of using a closure is that it's a function, so you can use any complex logic inside, implemented in a clean way and not through nested ternary operators. It can be a switch statement, it can be obtained as the return value of a function followed by some calculations, it can be a pattern matching case, it can be a combination of them all, etc.
Said in other words, it's the same as initializing with the return value of a function, but the difference is that the function is inline and not somewhere else, with readability benefits.
Just for completeness, if the variable is mutable, you can use deferred initialization:
var foo: Int
// Any statement here
if bar == 2 {
foo = 100
} else {
foo = 120
// Other statements here
so you can declare a mutable variable, and initialize it anywhere in the same scope, but before using it the variable must be initialized.
Update: Since Swift 2.0, deferred initialization also works with immutables.


Swift short syntax of execution

I am looking for the way to write short syntax.
For instance. In JS, PHP and etc.
var a = 1 ;
function Foo ()-> void {}
a && Foo() ;
if a exists, run Foo.
a and Foo itself already mean exist or not, the syntax is away better looks....
However, in Swift, the typing checking is kinda of tough.
var a = 1 ;
func Foo ()-> Foid {} ;
a && Foo();
will generate neither are Bool returning error.
a != nil && Foo() ;
this can resolve and variable condition, but what if the better bypass for the function condition? I just dont want to write something like
if( a != nil ) { Foo() } ;
Yet what is the better syntax for Not Exist?
if ( !a ) or !a //is easy and better looks...
I found not similar thing in swift...
if( a == nil ) // will throws error when its not Optional Typing.
guard var b = xxx else {} // simply for Exist and very long syntax.
Thank you for your advice!
As mentioned by other contributors, Swift emphasizes readability and thus, explicit syntax. It would be sacrilege for the Swift standard library to support Python-style truth value testing.
That being said, Swift’s extensibility allows us to implement such functionality ourselves—if we really want to.
prefix func !<T>(value: T) -> Bool {
switch T.self {
case is Bool.Type:
return value as! Bool
guard Double(String(describing: value)) != 0
else { return false }
return true
prefix func !<T>(value: T?) -> Bool {
guard let unwrappedValue = value
else { return false }
return !unwrappedValue
var a = 1
func foo() -> Void { }
!a && !foo()
Or even define our own custom operator:
prefix operator ✋
prefix func ✋<T>(value: T) -> Bool {
/// Same body as the previous example.
prefix func ✋<T>(value: T?) -> Bool {
guard let unwrappedValue = value
else { return false }
return ✋unwrappedValue
var a = 1
func foo() -> Void { }
✋a && ✋foo()
The expectations you've developed from dynamic languages like PHP and JS (and Ruby, Python for that matter) are almost universally inapplicable to static languages like Swift.
Swift is a statically compiled language. If you reference a variable that doesn't exist, it's not legal Swift code, and the compiler will fail your build. Given that, the question of "how do I check if a variable is undefined?" is completely moot in Swift. If you have a successfully compiling program that references a variable a, then a exists. There's absolutely no reason for a check, and so a mechanism for it doesn't even exist.
Static vs Dynamic typing
Static type systems are like mathematical proof systems. They produce rigerous proofs that certain aspects of your program are valid. This has trade-offs. The rigidity buys you many guarantees. For example, you'll never have a valid Swift program where you accidentally pass an Int where a Bool is expected. The static type system makes that class of error literally impossible, so it's not something you have to remember to check for yourself.
On the other hand, many truths are easier to intuit than to prove. Thus, there's great utility in scripting and dynamic languages, because they don't demand the rigorous proofs of your claims that static languages require. On the down side, their type systems "do" much less. For example, JS happily lets you reference an undefined variable. To remedy this, JS provides a way for you to do a run-time check to see whether a variable is defined or not. But this isn't a problem Swift has, so the "solution" is absent.
When static typing is too hard
Swift actually takes a middle ground position. If you find yourself with a statement that's obviously true, but hard to prove to the compiler, various "escape hatches" exist that allow you to leave the safety of the type system, and go into dynamic land. For example, if you look at an IBOutlet, and see that it's connected to an element in a storyboard, you can intuitively be sure that the IBOutlet is not nil. But that's not something you can prove to the compiler, and hence when you see implicitly unwrapped optionals being used for IBOutlets.
Implicitly unwrapped optionals are one such "escape hatch". The Any type is another, as is unsafeBitcast(_:to:), withoutActuallyEscaping(_:), as!, try!, etc.
Swift takes type safety very seriously. Unlike C or JS we can not use anything that doesn't resolve to Bool value type in If statement in Swift. So there won't be a short hand for that(at-least that I know of). Regarding below code
if( a == nil ) // will throws error when its not Optional Typing.
Swift doesn't allow you to set nil to non optional types. So there is no need to check for nil. By the way both Obj-C and Swift use verbose syntax, we need to get use to that.
In this case you are trying to force Swift to work in a way that you are used to with other languages like JavaScript or PHP, as you say in your comment. There are a few reasons why your code won't compile, but it mainly falls on the fact that Swift doesn't do the same truthy and falsy stuff JS does.
var a = 1
if a {
print("won't compile")
//'Int' is not convertible to 'Bool'
In Swift it's better to use an actual Bool value if that's what it's supposed to be, or if it's truly supposed to be an Int you're just going to have to check the value
var a = true
if a {
print("this compiles")
var a = 1
if a > 0 {
print("this compiles too")
Swift really isn't meant to be as loose as JS, so you should just embrace that and take advantage of the safety and readability.
Here is one way most similar to what you designed.
You may have to set the type of a to Int?:
var a: Int? = 1
func foo ()-> Void {}{_ in foo()}

Why outside of block swift can't see value assigned to a uninitialized variable in the block?

What is the mechanism of declaring w/o value in Swift5 ? Does the first assign become the real declaration ?
And, should we avoid to declare without value in Swift?
var v:String;
if true {
v = "Hello"
print(v) // print "Hello" when without the print below
print(v) // variable 'v' used before being initialized
var v:String="";
if true {
v = "Hello"
print(v) // print "Hello"
print(v) // print "Hello"
Well, the message is not very helpful, and that's the problem. This pattern (which I call computed initialization) is perfectly legal and useful and — amazingly — you can even use let instead of var. But you must initialize the uninitialized variable by all possible paths before you use it. So you have:
var v:String
if true {
v = "Hello"
print(v) // error
But hold my beer and watch this:
var v:String
if true {
v = "Hello"
} else {
v = "Goodbye"
print(v) // fine!
Or even:
let v:String
if true {
v = "Hello"
} else {
v = "Goodbye"
print(v) // fine!
Amazing, eh?
Now, you might say: OK, but true will always be true so it's silly to make me fulfill the "all paths" rule. Too bad! The compiler insists anyway, and then lets you off later with a warning that the else won't be executed. But a warning lets you compile; an error doesn't. The truth is that your example is very artificial. But this is a real-life possibility:
let v:String
if self.someBoolProperty {
v = "Hello"
} else {
v = "Goodbye"
print(v) // fine!
Not only is this sort of thing legal, it is actually the pattern that Apple recommends under certain slightly tricky circumstances. For instance, it is used in Apple's own example code showing how to use the Swift 5 Result struct:
let result: Result<Int, EntropyError>
if count < AsyncRandomGenerator.entropyLimit {
// Produce numbers until reaching the entropy limit.
result = .success(Int.random(in: 1...100))
} else {
// Supply a failure reason when the caller hits the limit.
result = .failure(.entropyDepleted)
So this is because swift compiles your code and notices that your value var v:String; is undeclared before being used which makes it an "optional" value. Even though you are assigning it within the if statement, if you were to get rid of the true value it is possible that the if statement would never run therefore no value will ever be stored in v, thus it would be used before "assigned".
So to answer your question if you want your value to be an optional and possible empty value declare v as the following var v:String? if you would like it to be a non-optional value with a value always stored within v you should declare it as the following var v = "". Swift will interpret this declaration as a String.
To answer your second question, defining without values in swift is 100% allowed, it really just depends on how you want to handle your code. I use optional values in my code all the time, but I don't necessarily like optionals so i usually like to declare my values such as var v = "" that way if the value is empty my UI or whatever else i'm manipulating won't break. But if i need to ensure a value is present i will have to make my value optional so i can use an if statement to check whether it's a valid value or not.
Shorter version of what I'm trying to say is, you are receiving the compiler warning because you are declaring v as a non-optional value rather than an optional value.

Can I use case enum comparison as a boolean expression?

I have an enum with associated values:
enum SessionState {
case active(authToken: String)
I can use case let to compare enum cases with associated values:
if case .active = session.state {
return true
} else {
return false
But can I directly return the case as a bool expression? Something like:
// Error: Enum 'case' is not allowed outside of an enum
return (case .active = session.state)
A simple comparison doesn’t work either:
// Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'SessionState' and '_'
return (session.state == .active)
Unfortunately, you cannot (directly) use a case condition as a Bool expression. They are only accessible in statements such as if, guard, while, for etc.
This is detailed in the language grammar, with:
case-condition → case ­pattern­ initializer­
This is then used in a condition:
condition → expression |­ availability-condition |­ case-condition­ | optional-binding-condition
(where expression represents a Bool expression)
This is then used in condition-list:
condition-list → condition­ | condition ­, ­condition-list­
which is then used in statements such as if:
if-statement → if­ condition-list­ code-block­ else-clause­ opt­
So you can see that unfortunately case-condition is not an expression, rather just a special condition you can use in given statements.
To pack it into an expression, you'll either have to use an immediately-evaluated closure:
return { if case .active = session.state { return true }; return false }()
Or otherwise write convenience computed properties on the enum in order to get a Bool in order to check for a given case, as shown in this Q&A.
Both of which are quite unsatisfactory. This has been filed as an improvement request, but nothing has come of it yet (at the time of posting). Hopefully it's something that will be possible in a future version of the language.
No, at this moment.
but may implement in the future.

Swift assignments inside conditions

I was wondering what this code does:
var something: String = "Hi"
if something = "Hello world!" {
// Will this be executed?
Will it assign to something variable and do the if body? Or will it set the value of that variable only for the if body and outside it will not change? Or has it anything to do with nil?
Assignments are not expressions that return booleans, so cannot be used inside an if like this. So this won’t compile.
(though you will get a misleading compiler message)
This pattern only works for assignments that can fail — that is, if you're assigning the result of an expression that returns an Optional value. And in that case, you use if let, not just if.
we can't use assignment operator for if condition, you would you if let suppose if you are working with optional types
Here are some operators that helps you get clarity to differentiate from assignment operator
= assignment operator
== is equal to
=== is identical to

swift, optional unwrapping, reversing if condition

Let's say I have function which returns optional. nil if error and value if success:
func foo() -> Bar? { ... }
I can use following code to work with this function:
let fooResultOpt = foo()
if let fooResult = fooResultOpt {
// continue correct operations here
} else {
// handle error
However there are few problems with this approach for any non-trivial code:
Error handling performed in the end and it's easy to miss something. It's much better, when error handling code follows function call.
Correct operations code is indented by one level. If we have another function to call, we have to indent one more time.
With C one usually could write something like this:
Bar *fooResult = foo();
if (fooResult == null) {
// handle error and return
// continue correct operations here
I found two ways to achieve similar code style with Swift, but I don't like either.
let fooResultOpt = foo()
if fooResult == nil {
// handle error and return
// use fooResultOpt! from here
let fooResult = fooResultOpt! // or define another variable
If I'll write "!" everywhere, it just looks bad for my taste. I could introduce another variable, but that doesn't look good either. Ideally I would like to see the following:
if !let fooResult = foo() {
// handle error and return
// fooResult has Bar type and can be used in the top level
Did I miss something in the specification or is there some another way to write good looking Swift code?
Your assumptions are correct—there isn't a "negated if-let" syntax in Swift.
I suspect one reason for that might be grammar integrity. Throughout Swift (and commonly in other C-inspired languages), if you have a statement that can bind local symbols (i.e. name new variables and give them values) and that can have a block body (e.g. if, while, for), those bindings are scoped to said block. Letting a block statement bind symbols to its enclosing scope instead would be inconsistent.
It's still a reasonable thing to think about, though — I'd recommend filing a bug and seeing what Apple does about it.
This is what pattern matching is all about, and is the tool meant for this job:
let x: String? = "Yes"
switch x {
case .Some(let value):
println("I have a value: \(value)")
case .None:
println("I'm empty")
The if-let form is just a convenience for when you don't need both legs.
If what you are writing is a set of functions performing the same sequence of transformation, such as when processing a result returned by a REST call (check for response not nil, check status, check for app/server error, parse response, etc.), what I would do is create a pipeline that at each steps transforms the input data, and at the end returns either nil or a transformed result of a certain type.
I chose the >>> custom operator, that visually indicates the data flow, but of course feel free to choose your own:
infix operator >>> { associativity left }
func >>> <T, V> (params: T?, next: T -> V?) -> V? {
if let params = params {
return next(params)
return nil
The operator is a function that receives as input a value of a certain type, and a closure that transforms the value into a value of another type. If the value is not nil, the function invokes the closure, passing the value, and returns its return value. If the value is nil, then the operator returns nil.
An example is probably needed, so let's suppose I have an array of integers, and I want to perform the following operations in sequence:
sum all elements of the array
calculate the power of 2
divide by 5 and return the integer part and the remainder
sum the above 2 numbers together
These are the 4 functions:
func sumArray(array: [Int]?) -> Int? {
if let array = array {
return array.reduce(0, combine: +)
return nil
func powerOf2(num: Int?) -> Int? {
if let num = num {
return num * num
return nil
func module5(num: Int?) -> (Int, Int)? {
if let num = num {
return (num / 5, num % 5)
return nil
func sum(params: (num1: Int, num2: Int)?) -> Int? {
if let params = params {
return params.num1 + params.num2
return nil
and this is how I would use:
let res: Int? = [1, 2, 3] >>> sumArray >>> powerOf2 >>> module5 >>> sum
The result of this expression is either nil or a value of the type as defined in the last function of the pipeline, which in the above example is an Int.
If you need to do better error handling, you can define an enum like this:
enum Result<T> {
case Value(T)
case Error(MyErrorType)
and replace all optionals in the above functions with Result<T>, returning Result.Error() instead of nil.
I've found a way that looks better than alternatives, but it uses language features in unrecommended way.
Example using code from the question:
let fooResult: Bar! = foo();
if fooResult == nil {
// handle error and return
// continue correct operations here
fooResult might be used as normal variable and it's not needed to use "?" or "!" suffixes.
Apple documentation says:
Implicitly unwrapped optionals are useful when an optional’s value is confirmed to exist immediately after the optional is first defined and can definitely be assumed to exist at every point thereafter. The primary use of implicitly unwrapped optionals in Swift is during class initialization, as described in Unowned References and Implicitly Unwrapped Optional Properties.
How about the following:
func foo(i:Int) ->Int? {
switch i {
case 0: return 0
case 1: return 1
default: return nil
var error:Int {
return 99
for i in 0...2 {
var bob:Int = foo(i) ?? error
println("\(i) produces \(bob)")
Results in the following output:
0 produces 0
1 produces 1
2 produces 99