Range.AutoFilter Method (Excel) - autofilter

I'm using code like this:
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("$A$1:$Z$100").AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:=String1
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("$A$1:$Z$100").AutoFilter field:=2, Criteria1:=String2
(Where String1 and String2 are defined previously)
I use this code inside a loop, and it works most of the time. However, sometimes it doesn't...
When there are no results that match both criteria it's giving me everything inside the filtered range when it pastes, rather than pasting empty cells, as I'd like.
The really annoying part is that I have more-or-less identical code in another spreadsheet the works precisely like this - giving me nothing when there are no hits to the query.

' Give it a try after removing the "$" sign.
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:Z100").AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:=String1
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:Z100").AutoFilter field:=2, Criteria1:=String2
' U must copy the cell which is visible


Replace every non letter or number character in a string with another

I am designing a code that runs a bunch of calculations, and outputs figures. At the end of the code, I want to save everything in a nice way, so my take on this is to go to a user specified Output directory, create a new folder and then run the save process.
My question is twofold:
I want my folder name to be unique. I was thinking about getting the current date and time and creating a unique name from this and the input filename. This works but it generates folder names that are a bit cryptic. Is there some good practice / convention I have not heard of to do that?
When I get the datetime string (tn = datestr(now);), it looks like that:
tn =
'07-Jul-2022 09:28:54'
To convert it to a nice filename, i replace the '-',' ' and ':' characters by underscores and append it to a shorter version of the input filename chosen by the user. I do that using strrep:
tn = strrep(tn,'-','_');
tn = strrep(tn,' ','_');
tn = strrep(tn,':','_');
This is fine but it bugs me to have to use 3 lines of code to do so. Is there a nice one liner to do that? More generally, is there a way to look for every non letter or number character in a string and replace it with a given character? I bet that's what regexp is there for but frankly I can't quite get a hold on how regexps work.
Your point (1) is opinion based so you might get a variety of answers, but I think a common convention is to at least start the name with a reverse-order date string so that sorting alphabetically is the same as sorting chronologically (i.e. yymmddHHMMSS).
To answer your main question directly, you can use the built-in makeValidName utility which is designed for making valid variable names, but works for making similarly "plain" file names.
str = '07-Jul-2022 09:28:54';
str = matlab.lang.makeValidName(str)
% str = 'x07_Jul_202209_28_54'
Because a valid variable can't start with a number, it prefixes an x - you could avoid this by manually prefixing something more descriptive first.
This option is a bit more simple than working out the regex, although that would be another option which isn't too nasty here using regexprep and replacing non-alphanumeric chars with an underscore:
str = regexprep( str, '\W', '_' ); % \W (capital W) matches all non-alphanumeric chars
% str = '07_Jul_2022_09_28_54'
To answer indirectly with a different approach, a nice trick with datestr which gets around this issue and addresses point (1) in one hit is to use the following syntax:
str = datestr( now(), 30 );
% str = '20220707T094214'
The 30 input (from the docs) gives you an ISO standardised string to the nearest second in reverse-order:
'yyyymmddTHHMMSS' (ISO 8601)
(note the T in the middle isn't a placeholder for some time measurement, it remains a literal letter T to split the date and time parts).
I normally use your folder naming approach with a meaningful prefix, replacing ':' by something else:
folder_name = ['results_' strrep(datestr(now), ':', '.')];
As for your second question, you can use isstrprop:
folder_name(~isstrprop(folder_name, 'alphanum')) = '_';
Or if you want more control on the allowed characters you can use good old ismember:
folder_name(~ismember(folder_name, ['0':'9' 'a':'z' 'A':'Z'])) = '_';

Is there a method to switch strings around '=' in eclipse source file

I like to use dictionaries for function inputs and output. Here is example Python code:
def fun(d):
a = d['a']
result = 2*a
r['result'] = result
a = 1
d['a'] = a
r = fun(d)
result = r['result']
Does Eclipse help somehow to generate: result = r['result'] from the copied line: r['result'] = result ? Now I need to select first result, copy, select point in the beginning of code text, paste, select r['result'], copy, select end of line and paste. And same for all other parameters...
This "extra" manual work has annoyed me several years...
I do not have Eclipse at hand at the moment to try it, but you should be able to do it with Practically Macro.
Record something like
Paste, search '=' backwards, shift-end, cut to clipboard, home, paste, type '=', end, backspace (delete last char =)
You will need to test it regarding off-by-one errors (maybe '=' will be copied to clipboard and first rather than last character would need to be deleted), but it should work.

VB macro to use a GREP expression to search in a Word Doc

As Word does not have a mechanism for searching based on a regular expression, I was trying to write a simple macro that would, in this case, search in my currently active document for a period (.) WITHOUT a space following it. Here is my first pass on this:
Sub TestREG()
' TestREG Macro
Set objRegExp1 = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
objRegExp1.Global = True
objRegExp1.IgnoreCase = True
objRegExp1.Pattern = "\.[A-Z]"
MyDOC = ActiveDocument
objRegExp1.Execute (MyDOC)
End Sub
I know that I'm missing a lot here, but was trying to remember how to do this in an open Word doc. Every test I try, as I step through this is returning False.
Could anyone suggest how I might do this?
Looks like Word can do regular expressions since 2007:
Find and replace text by using regular expressions (Advanced)

Removing quotes that seem to be nonexistent in MatLab

I have an application that translates the .csv files I currently have into the correct format I need. But, the files I that I do have seem to have '"' double quotes around them, as seen in this image, which will not work with the program. As a result, I'm using this command to remove them:
for m = 1:currentsize(1)
for n = 1:currentsize(2)
replacement{m,n} = strrep(current{m,n}, '"', '');
I'm not entirely sure that this works though, as it spits this back at me as it runs:
Warning: Inputs must be character arrays or cell arrays of strings.
When I open the file in matlab, it seems to only have the single quotes around it, which is normal for any other file. However, when I open it in notepad++, it seems to have '"' double quotes around everything. Is there a way to remove these double quotes in any other way? My code doesn't seem to do anything as seen here:
After using xlswrite to write the replacement cell-array to a .csv file, one appears corrupted. Any idea why?
So, my questions are:
Is there any way to remove the quotes in a more efficient manner or without rewriting to a csv?
What exactly is causing the corruption in the xlswrite function? The variable replacement seems perfectly normal.
Thanks in advance!
Regarding the "corrupted" file. That's not a corrupted file, that's an xls file (not xlsx). You could verify this opening the text file in a hex editor to compare the signature. This happens when you chose no file extension or ask excel to write a file which can't be encoded into csv. I assume it's some character which causes the problems, try to isolate the critical line writing only parts of the cell.
Regarding your warning, not having the actual input I could only guess what's wrong. Again, I can only give some advices to debug the problem yourself. Run this code:
for m = 1:currentsize(1)
for n = 1:currentsize(2)
replacement{m,n} = strrep(current{m,n}, '"', '');
if ~isempty(lastwarn)
This will launch the debugger when a warning is raised, allowing you to check the content of current{m,n}
It is mentionned in the documentation of strrep that :
The strrep function does not find empty strings for replacement. That is, when origStr and oldSubstr both contain the empty string (''), strrep does not replace '' with the contents of newSubstr.
You can use this user function substr like this :
for m = 1:currentsize(1)
for n = 1:currentsize(2)
replacement{m,n} = substr(current{m,n}, 2, -1);
Please use xlswrite function like this :
[status,message] = xlswrite(___)
and check the status if it is zero, that means the function did not succeed and an error message is generated in message as string.

matlab regexprep

How to use matlab regexprep , for multiple expression and replacements?
I want to replace 'sys' with sys1 and 'total' with 'total1'. For a single expression a replacement it works like this:
strrep(file,'sys', 'sys1')
and want to have like
strrep(file,'sys','sys1','total','total1') .
I know this doesn't work for strrep
Why not just issue the command twice?
file = 'http:xxx/sys/tags/Rel/total';
file = strrep(file,'sys','sys1')
To solve it you need substitute functionality with regex, try to find in matlab's regexes something similar to this in php:
$string = 'http:xxx/sys/tags/Rel/total';
preg_replace('/http:(.*?)\//', 'http:${1}1/', $string);
${1} means 1st match group, that is what in parenthesis, (.*?).
http:(.*?)\/ - match pattern
http:${1}1/ - replace pattern with second 1 as you wish to add (first 1 is a group number)
http:xxx/sys/tags/Rel/total - input string
The secret is that whatever is matched by (.*?) (whether xxx or yyyy or 1234) will be inserted instead of ${1} in replace pattern, and then replace instead of old stuff into the input string. Welcome to see more examples on substitute functionality in php.
As documented in the help page for regexprep, you can specify pairs of patterns and replacements like this:
regexprep(file, {'sys' 'total'}, {'sys1' 'total1'})
ans =
It is even possible to use tokens, should you be able to define a match pattern for everything you want to replace:
regexprep(file, '/([st][yo][^/$]*)', '/$11')
ans =
However, care must be taken with the first approach under certain circumstances, because MATLAB replaces the pairs one after another. That is to say if, say, the first pattern matches a string and replaces it with something that is subsequently matched by a later pattern, then that will also be replaced by the later replacement, even though it might not have matched the later pattern in the original string.
regexprep('This\is{not}LaTeX.', {'\\' '([{}])'}, {'\\textbackslash{}' '\\$1'})
ans =
=> This\{}is{not}LaTeX.
regexprep('This\is{not}LaTeX.', {'([{}])' '\\'}, {'\\$1' '\\textbackslash{}'})
ans =
=> This\is\not\LaTeX.
Both results are unintended, and there seems to be no way around this with consecutive replacements instead of simultaneous ones.