RapidMiner and WEKA : Different clustering result - cluster-analysis

I am new in Data Mining analytic and Machine Learning. I have been trying to compare the use of Predictive analysis and Clustering analysis using RapidMiner and Weka for my college assignment.
Just after I study the advantages and disadvantages from both tools and starting to do the analyzing process I found some problems. I tried doing Clustering using K-means and simpleKmeans for Weka and Regression analysis using LinearRegression and I am not quite satisfied with the result, since they contain result that significantly different. all of that I used a same datasets. numerical datasets.
I have been spending a lot of my time trying to figure something out by studying the initialization for each algorithm each tools since the interface is different and there are some parameter that is on RapidMiner but not in Weka or otherwise, so I am a bit confused. (is it the problem?)
Despite that what do you think is wrong? is there some initialization process that I missed? or is it because the code is different in each tools even they use the same algorithm?
Thank you for your answer!

Weka often uses built-in normalization at least in k-means and other algorithms.
Make sure you have disabled this if you want to make results comparable.
Also understand that k-means is a randomized algorithm. Different results even from the same package are to be expected (and desirable).

did you use WEKA itself or rapidminer's WEKA extension? Did you try to compare the results of WEKA with RM WEKA?


calculating clustering validity of k-means using rapidminer

Well, I have been studying up on the different algorithms used for clustering like k-means, k-mediods etc and I was trying to run the algorithms and analyze their performance on the leaf dataset right here:
I was able to cluster the dataset via k-means by first reading the csv file, filtering out unneeded attributes and applying k-means on it. The problem that I am facing here that I wish to calculate measures such as entropy, precision, recall and f-measure for the model developed via k-means. Is there an operator avialable that allows me to do this so that I can quantitatively compare the different clustering algorithms available on rapid-miner?
P.S I know about performance operators like Performance(Classification) that allows me to calculate precision and recall for a model but I dont know any that allow me to calculate entropy.
Help would be much appreciated.
The short answer is to use R. Here's a link to a book chapter about this very subject. There is a revised version coming soon that works for the most recent version of RapidMiner.

text classification methods? SVM and decision tree

i have a training set and i want to use a classification method for classifying other documents according to my training set.my document types are news and categories are sports,politics,economic and so on.
i understand naive bayes and KNN completely but SVM and decision tree are vague and i dont know if i can implement this method by myself?or there is applications for using this methods?
what is the best method i can use for classifying docs in this way?
Naive Bayes
Though this is the simplest algorithm and everything is deemed independent, in real text classification case, this method work great. And I would try this algorithm first for sure.
KNN is for clustering rather than classification. I think you misunderstand the conception of clustering and classification.
SVM has SVC(classification) and SVR(Regression) algorithms to do class classification and prediction. It sometime works good, but from my experiences, it has bad performance in text classification, as it has high demands for good tokenizers (filters). But the dictionary of the dataset always has dirty tokens. The accuracy is really bad.
Random Forest (decision tree)
I've never try this method for text classification. Because I think decision tree need several key nodes, while it's hard to find "several key tokens" for text classification, and random forest works bad for high sparse dimensions.
These are all from my experiences, but for your case, you have no better ways to decide which methods to use but to try every algorithm to fit your model.
Apache's Mahout is a great tool for machine learning algorithms. It integrates three aspects' algorithms: recommendation, clustering, and classification. You could try this library. But you have to learn some basic knowledge about Hadoop.
And for machine learning, weka is a software toolkit for experiences which integrates many algorithms.
Linear SVMs are one of the top algorithms for text classification problems (along with Logistic Regression). Decision Trees suffer badly in such high dimensional feature spaces.
The Pegasos algorithm is one of the simplest Linear SVM algorithms and is incredibly effective.
EDIT: Multinomial Naive bayes also works well on text data, though not usually as well as Linear SVMs. kNN can work okay, but its an already slow algorithm and doesn't ever top the accuracy charts on text problems.
If you are familiar with Python, you may consider NLTK and scikit-learn. The former is dedicated to NLP while the latter is a more comprehensive machine learning package (but it has a great inventory of text processing modules). Both are open source and have great community suport on SO.

libSVM outputs "Line search fails in two-class probability estimates"

When I tried to train a SVM(trainsvm function) with RBF kernel,
The libSVM library outputs "Line search fails in two-class probability estimates" during training.
After training, the training accuracy of the model is just 20%.
I think I might miss something and it is related to the message.
For more information about my project,
I'm dealing with PASCAL VOC action classification problem.
I'm trying to follow this method.
There are 1300 training images and 11 classes.
After making codebooks and sparse coding,
The dimension of feature vector is 2688.
The number of training example is 1370.
You need to do a grid search, either using cross validation, or using a separate validation data set to get good values for C and gamma. Libsvm has a script called grid.py that is useful for this. I noticed you tagged this with matlab, using grid.py needs command line tools and a python installation (IMO this generally works out better than with matlab, especially if you have a some big machines to run many jobs in parallel).
I recommend that you read the libsvm guide if you haven't already done so: http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/papers/guide/guide.pdf‎.
I also suggest you initially use the same dataset as used for the paper as occasionally published algorithms only work well on the dataset chosen for the paper.
Lastly, you could contact the authors of the paper.
I asked about this warning the author of LIBSVM, and he replied that this warning can be ignored.

svmtrain function in matlab never exits ... do alternatives exist?

I am trying to learn how to use support vector machines in matlab. I have the bioinformatics toolbox, which has SVM functions svmtrain and svmclassify.
I managed to successfully use it for some reference data sets, with some nice accuracy. When I try to use the svm on my actual data the training never stops. My data set is 400 instances in 25 dimensions, so it should not take very long?!
Can I use other solvers in matlab? I dont want to buy new toolbox please ...
There are several things that may cause problems for training, but it should not run infinitely. Do you get any errors when using the solver?
With regard to alternatives: LIBSVM has an interface to matlab. This is a state-of-the-art library with thousands of users. I highly recommend it, because it is easy to install/use and offers additional functionality for parameter tuning and more.

Feature Selection methods in MATLAB?

I am trying to do some text classification with SVMs in MATLAB and really would to know if MATLAB has any methods for feature selection(Chi Sq.,MI,....), For the reason that I wan to try various methods and keeping the best method, I don't have time to implement all of them. That's why I am looking for such methods in MATLAB.Does any one know?
MATLAB has other utilities for classification like cluster analysis, random forests, etc.
If you don't have the required toolbox for svmtrain, I recommend LIBSVM. It's free and I've used it a lot with good results.
The Statistics Toolbox has sequentialfs. See also the documentation on feature selection.
A similar approach is dimensionality reduction. In MATLAB you can easily perform PCA or Factor analysis.
Alternatively you can take a wrapper approach to feature selection. You would search through the space of features by taking a subset of features each time, and evaluating that subset using any classification algorithm you decide (LDA, Decision tree, SVM, ..). You can do this as an exhaustively or using some kind of heuristic to guide the search (greedy, GA, SA, ..)
If you have access to the Bioinformatics Toolbox, it has a randfeatures function that does a similar thing. There's even a couple of cool demos of actual use cases.
May be this might help:
There are two ways of selecting the features in the classification:
Using fselect.py from libsvm tool directory (http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvmtools/#feature_selection_tool)
Using sequentialfs from statistics toolbox.
I would recommend using fselect.py as it provides more options - like automatic grid search for optimum parameters (using grid.py). It also provides an F-score based on the discrimination ability of the features (see http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/papers/features.pdf for details of F-score).
Since fselect.py is written in python, either you can use python interface or as I prefer, use matlab to perform a system call to python:
system('python fselect.py <training file name>')
Its important that you have python installed, libsvm compiled (and you are in the tools directory of libsvm which has grid.py and other files).
It is necessary to have the training file in libsvm format (sparse format). You can do that by using sparse function in matlab and then libsvmwrite.
xtrain_sparse = sparse(xtrain)
Hope this helps.
For sequentialfs with libsvm, you can see this post:
Features selection with sequentialfs with libsvm