How to invoke a powershell scriptblock with $_ automatic variable - powershell

What works -
Lets say I have a scriptblock which I use with Select-Object cmdlet.
$jobTypeSelector = `
if ($_.Type -eq "Foo")
elseif ($_.Data -match "-Action ([a-zA-Z]+)")
$_.Type + " [" + $Matches[1] + "]"
$projectedData = $AllJobs | Select-Object -Property State, #{Name="Type"; Expression=$jobTypeSelector}
This works fine, and I get the results as expected.
What I am trying to do -
However, at a later point in code, I want to reuse the scriptblock defined as $jobTypeSelector.
For example, I expected below code to take $fooJob (note that it is a single object) passed as parameter below, and be used for $_ automatic variable in the scriptblock and return me the same result, as it returns when executed in context of Select-Object cmdlet.
$fooType = $jobTypeSelector.Invoke($fooJob)
What doesn't work -
It does not work as I expected and I get back empty value.
What I have already tried -
I checked, the properties are all correctly set, and it's not due to the relevant property itself being blank or $null.
I looked on the internet, and it's seemed pretty hard to find any relevant page on the subject, but I eventually found one which was close to explaining the issue in a slightly different context - calling the script blocks in PowerShell. The blog doesn't directly answer my question, and any relevant explanation only leads to a solution which would be very ugly, hard to read and maintain in my opinion.
Question -
So, what is the best way to invoke a scriptblock for a single object, which uses $_ automatic variable as parameter, (instead of param block)

After fiddling around with varoius options, I ended up sloving the problem, in a sort of Hackish way.. But I find it to be the best solution because it's small, easy to read, maintain and understand.
Even though we are talking about single object, use it in the pipeline (which is when PowerShell defines the $_ automatic variable) with ForEach-Object cmdlet
$fooType = $fooJob | ForEach-Object $jobTypeSelector

You can certainly use foreach or ForEach-Object as you mention.
You can also pipe to the ScriptBlock directly, if you change it from a function ScriptBlock to a filter ScriptBlock by setting IsFilter to $true:
$jobTypeSelector.IsFilter = $true
$fooType = $fooJob | $jobTypeSelector
But, what would be even better is if you used a named function instead of an anonymous ScriptBlock, for example:
function Get-JobType
Param (
[object] $Job
if ($Job.Type -eq "Foo")
elseif ($Job.Data -match "-Action ([a-zA-Z]+)")
$Job.Type + " [" + $Matches[1] + "]"
Then you can use it with Select-Object aka select like this:
$projectedData = $AllJobs |
select -Property State, #{Name="Type"; Expression={Get-JobType $_}}
Or with a single job, like this:
$fooType = Get-JobType $fooJob


Make current item ($_ / $PSItem) available to scriptblock parameter in module function

Basically I'm trying to get the below "inline if-statement" function working (credit here)
Function IIf($If, $Then, $Else) {
If ($If -IsNot "Boolean") {$_ = $If}
If ($If) {If ($Then -is "ScriptBlock") {&$Then} Else {$Then}}
Else {If ($Else -is "ScriptBlock") {&$Else} Else {$Else}}
Using PowerShell v5 it doesn't seem to work for me and calling it like
IIf "some string" {$_.Substring(0, 4)} "no string found :("
gives the following error:
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At line:1 char:20
+ IIf "some string" {$_.Substring(0, 4)} "no string found :("
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
So, as a more general question, how do you make $_ available to the scriptblock passed into a function?
I kind of tried following this answer, but it seems it's meant for passing it to a separate process, which is not what I'm looking for.
It seems the issue is that I have the function in a module rather than directly in a script/PS session. A workaround would be to avoid putting it in the module, but I feel a module is more portable, so I'd like to figure out a solution for that.
There are two changes worth making, which make your problem go away:
Do not try to assign to $_ directly; it is an automatic variable under PowerShell's control, not meant to be set by user code (even though it may work situationally, it shouldn't be relied upon).
Instead, use the ForEach-Object cmdlet to implicitly set $_ via its -InputObject parameter.
Note that use of ForEach-Object with -InputObject rather than with input from the pipeline is unusual, because it results in atypical behavior: even collections passed to -InputObject are passed as a single object to the -Process block; that is, the usual enumeration does not take place; however, in the context at hand, this is precisely what is desired here: whatever $If represents should be passed as-is to the -Process script block, even if it happens to be a collection.
Use the -is operator with type literals such as [Boolean], not type names such as "Boolean".
Function IIf($If, $Then, $Else) {
If ($If) {
If ($Then -is [scriptblock]) { ForEach-Object -InputObject $If -Process $Then }
Else { $Then }
} Else {
If ($Else -is [scriptblock]) { ForEach-Object -InputObject $If -Process $Else }
Else { $Else }
As for what you tried:
In a later update you state that your IIf function is defined in a module, which explains why your attempt to set $_ by direct assignment ($_ = $If, which, as stated, is to be avoided in general), was ineffective:
It created a function-local $_ instance, which the $Then script block, due to being bound to the scope of the (module-external) caller, does not see.
The reason is that each module has its own scope domain (hierarchy of scopes aka session state), which only shares the global scope with non-module callers - see the bottom section of this answer for more information about scopes in PowerShell.

Powershell Switch Parameter to add to end of expression

Here's what I'm trying to do:
If($myparamter -eq $true) {$export = Export-CSV c:\temp\temp.csv}
Get-MyFunction | $export
If $myparameter is passed, export the data to said location. Else, just display the normal output (in other words, ignore the $export). What doesn't work here is setting $export to the "Export-csv...". Wrapping it in quotes does not work.
I'm trying to avoid an if, then statement saying "if it's passed, export this. If it's not passed, output data"
I have a larger module that everything works in so there is a reason behind why I am looking to do it this way. Please let me know if any additional information is needed.
Thank you everyone in advance.
param([Switch] $myparameter)
# Define the core command as a *script block* (enclosed in { ... }),
# to be invoked later, either with operator . (no child variable scope)
# or & (with child variable scope)
$scriptBlock = { Get-MyFunction }
# Invoke the script block with . (or &), and pipe it to the Export-Csv cmdlet,
# if requested.
If ($myparameter) { # short for: ($myparameter -eq $True), because $myparameter is a switch
. $scriptBlock | Export-Csv c:\temp\temp.csv
} else {
. $scriptBlock
TessellatingHeckler's answer is concise, works, and uses a number of advanced features cleverly - however, while it avoids an if statement, as requested, doing so may not yield the best or most readable solution in this case.
What you're looking for is to store a command in a variable for later execution, but your own attempt to do so:
If ($myparameter -eq $true) { $export = Export-CSV c:\temp\temp.csv }
results in immediate execution, which is not only unintended, but fails, because the Export-Csv cmdlet is missing input in the above statement.
You can store a snippet of source code for later execution in a variable via a script block, simply by enclosing the snippet in { ... }, which in your case would mean:
If ($myparameter -eq $true) { $export = { Export-Csv c:\temp\temp.csv } }
Note that what you pass to if is itself a script block, but it is by definition one that is executed as soon as the if condition is found to be true.
A variable containing a script block can then be invoked on demand, using one of two operators:
., the "dot-sourcing" operator, which executes the script block in the current scope.
&, the call operator, which executes the script block in a child scope with respect to potential variable definitions.
However, given that you only need the pipeline with an additional command if switch $myparameter is specified, it's better to change the logic:
Store the shared core command, Get-MyFunction, in a script block, in variable $scriptBlock.
Invoke that script block in an if statement, either standalone (by default), or by piping it to Export-Csv (if -MyParameter was specified).
I'm trying to avoid an if, then statement
Uh, if you insist...
$cmdlet, $params = (('Write-output', #{}),
('Export-Csv', #{'LiteralPath'='c:\temp\temp.csv'}))[$myparameter]
Get-MyFunction | & $cmdlet #params

Writing $null to Powershell Output Stream

There are powershell cmdlets in our project for finding data in a database. If no data is found, the cmdlets write out a $null to the output stream as follows:
Write-Output $null
Or, more accurately since the cmdlets are implemented in C#:
I have found that this causes some behavior that is very counter to the conventions employed elsewhere, including in the built-in cmdlets.
Are there any guidelines/rules, especially from Microsoft, that talk about this? I need help better explaining why this is a bad idea, or to be convinced that writing $null to the output stream is an okay practice. Here is some detail about the resulting behaviors that I see:
If the results are piped into another cmdlet, that cmdlet executes despite no results being found and the pipeline variable ($_) is $null. This means that I have to add checks for $null.
Find-DbRecord -Id 3 | For-Each { if ($_ -ne $null) { <do something with $_> }}
Similarly, If I want to get the array of records found, ensuring that it is an array, I might do the following:
$recsFound = #(Find-DbRecord -Category XYZ)
foreach ($record in $recsFound)
$record.Name = "Something New"
The convention I have seen, this should work without issue. If no records are found, the foreach loop wouldn't execute. Since the Find cmdlet is writing null to the output, the $recsFound variable is set to an array with one item that is $null. Now I would need to check each item in the array for $null which clutters my code.
$null is not void. If you don't want null values in your pipeline, either don't write null values to the pipeline in the first place, or remove them from the pipeline with a filter like this:
... | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null } | ...
Depending on what you want to allow through the filter you could simplify it to this:
... | Where-Object { $_ } | ...
or (using the ? alias for Where-Object) to this:
... | ? { $_ } | ...
which would remove all values that PowerShell interprets as $false ($null, 0, empty string, empty array, etc.).

Pipe a single object and process it without For-EachObject

Original Question
I a piping a single string and processing it with For-EachObject as follows:
"Test" | % { $_.Substring(0,1) }
It seems wrong to process a single piped item using For-EachObject, partly because it's misleading to future code maintainers. I don't know any other way, though, to capture the string while saying "it's just a single item." For instance, this doesn't work.
"Test" | $_.Substring(0,1)
"Test" | { $_.Substring(0,1) }
How can I process a single object while indicating that I expect only one?
Edit: Add the actual use case
The above is a simplified version of what I'm actually trying to accomplish. I am getting the first paragraph of a Wikipedia article, which is part of a larger function that saves the result to a file.
curl ",_British_Columbia" |
select -expand allelements |
? { $ -eq "mw-content-text" } |
select -expand innerHTML |
% {
$i = $_.IndexOf("<P>");
$j = $_.IndexOf("</P>");
$_.Substring($i, $j - $i) -replace '<[^>]*>'
The part that needs to process a single object follows the select -expand innerHtml expression. Piping is my preferred way because putting multiple parenthesis around the curl part seems ugly.
curl is Invoke-WebRequest
select is Select-Object
-expand is ExplandProperty
? is Where-Object
% is For-EachObject
If you are creating single-purpose code where you control both the input and the output, and there will always be only one object, then using the pipeline is overkill and not really appropriate. Just pass the string as a parameter to your function.
function f([String]$s) {
PS> f "Test"
If you're building a general-purpose function to take input from the pipeline, your function needs to account for more than one object in the stream. Fortunately PowerShell has a natural way to do this using the Process{} block, which is executed once for each item in the input pipeline.
function f {
process {
PS> '123','abc','#%#' | f
This is a common enough function that PowerShell has a shorthand for writing a function that takes one parameter from the pipeline and only contains a process block.
filter f {
PS> '123','abc','#%#' | f

Is it possible to terminate or stop a PowerShell pipeline from within a filter

I have written a simple PowerShell filter that pushes the current object down the pipeline if its date is between the specified begin and end date. The objects coming down the pipeline are always in ascending date order so as soon as the date exceeds the specified end date I know my work is done and I would like to let tell the pipeline that the upstream commands can abandon their work so that the pipeline can finish its work. I am reading some very large log files and I will frequently want to examine just a portion of the log. I am pretty sure this is not possible but I wanted to ask to be sure.
It is possible to break a pipeline with anything that would otherwise break an outside loop or halt script execution altogether (like throwing an exception). The solution then is to wrap the pipeline in a loop that you can break if you need to stop the pipeline. For example, the below code will return the first item from the pipeline and then break the pipeline by breaking the outside do-while loop:
do {
Get-ChildItem|% { $_;break }
} while ($false)
This functionality can be wrapped into a function like this, where the last line accomplishes the same thing as above:
function Breakable-Pipeline([ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock) {
do {
. $ScriptBlock
} while ($false)
Breakable-Pipeline { Get-ChildItem|% { $_;break } }
It is not possible to stop an upstream command from a downstream command.. it will continue to filter out objects that do not match your criteria, but the first command will process everything it was set to process.
The workaround will be to do more filtering on the upstream cmdlet or function/filter. Working with log files makes it a bit more comoplicated, but perhaps using Select-String and a regular expression to filter out the undesired dates might work for you.
Unless you know how many lines you want to take and from where, the whole file will be read to check for the pattern.
You can throw an exception when ending the pipeline.
gc demo.txt -ReadCount 1 | %{$num=0}{$num++; if($num -eq 5){throw "terminated pipeline!"}else{write-host $_}}
Look at this post about how to terminate a pipeline:
Not sure about your exact needs, but it may be worth your time to look at Log Parser to see if you can't use a query to filter the data before it even hits the pipe.
If you're willing to use non-public members here is a way to stop the pipeline. It mimics what select-object does. invoke-method (alias im) is a function to invoke non-public methods. select-property (alias selp) is a function to select (similar to select-object) non-public properties - however it automatically acts like -ExpandProperty if only one matching property is found. (I wrote select-property and invoke-method at work, so can't share the source code of those).
# Get the assembly
? location -like "**"
# Get the StopUpstreamCommandsException class
$script:upcet=$smaa.gettypes()| ? name -like "*StopUpstreamCommandsException *"
function stop-pipeline {
# Create a StopUpstreamCommandsException
$upce = [activator]::CreateInstance($upcet,#($pscmdlet))
$PipelineProcessor=$pscmdlet.CommandRuntime|select-property PipelineProcessor
$commands = $PipelineProcessor|select-property commands
$commandProcessor= $commands[0]
$ci = $commandProcessor|select-property commandinfo
$upce.RequestingCommandProcessor | im set_commandinfo #($ci)
$cr = $commandProcessor|select-property commandruntime
$upce.RequestingCommandProcessor| im set_commandruntime #($cr)
$null = $PipelineProcessor|
invoke-method recordfailure #($upce, $commandProcessor.command)
if ($commands.count -gt 1) {
$doCompletes = #()
1..($commands.count-1) | % {
write-debug "Stop-pipeline: added DoComplete for $($commands[$_])"
$doCompletes += $commands[$_] | invoke-method DoComplete -returnClosure
foreach ($DoComplete in $doCompletes) {
$null = & $DoComplete
throw $upce
EDIT: per mklement0's comment:
Here is a link to the Nivot ink blog on a script on the "poke" module which similarly gives access to non-public members.
As far as additional comments, I don't have meaningful ones at this point. This code just mimics what a decompilation of select-object reveals. The original MS comments (if any) are of course not in the decompilation. Frankly I don't know the purpose of the various types the function uses. Getting that level of understanding would likely require a considerable amount of effort.
My suggestion: get Oisin's poke module. Tweak the code to use that module. And then try it out. If you like the way it works, then use it and don't worry how it works (that's what I did).
Note: I haven't studied "poke" in any depth, but my guess is that it doesn't have anything like -returnClosure. However adding that should be easy as this:
if (-not $returnClosure) {
} else {
Here's an - imperfect - implementation of a Stop-Pipeline cmdlet (requires PS v3+), gratefully adapted from this answer:
#requires -version 3
Filter Stop-Pipeline {
$sp = { Select-Object -First 1 }.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
# Example
1..5 | % { if ($_ -gt 2) { Stop-Pipeline }; $_ } # -> 1, 2
Caveat: I don't fully understand how it works, though fundamentally it takes advantage of Select -First's ability to stop the pipeline prematurely (PS v3+). However, in this case there is one crucial difference to how Select -First terminates the pipeline: downstream cmdlets (commands later in the pipeline) do not get a chance to run their end blocks.
Therefore, aggregating cmdlets (those that must receive all input before producing output, such as Sort-Object, Group-Object, and Measure-Object) will not produce output if placed later in the same pipeline; e.g.:
# !! NO output, because Sort-Object never finishes.
1..5 | % { if ($_ -gt 2) { Stop-Pipeline }; $_ } | Sort-Object
Background info that may lead to a better solution:
Thanks to PetSerAl, my answer here shows how to produce the same exception that Select-Object -First uses internally to stop upstream cmdlets.
However, there the exception is thrown from inside the cmdlet that is itself connected to the pipeline to stop, which is not the case here:
Stop-Pipeline, as used in the examples above, is not connected to the pipeline that should be stopped (only the enclosing ForEach-Object (%) block is), so the question is: How can the exception be thrown in the context of the target pipeline?
Try these filters, they'll force the pipeline to stop after the first object -or the first n elements- and store it -them- in a variable; you need to pass the name of the variable, if you don't the object(s) are pushed out but cannot be assigned to a variable.
filter FirstObject ([string]$vName = '') {
if ($vName) {sv $vName $_ -s 1} else {$_}
filter FirstElements ([int]$max = 2, [string]$vName = '') {
if ($max -le 0) {break} else {$_arr += ,$_}
if (!--$max) {
if ($vName) {sv $vName $_arr -s 1} else {$_arr}
# can't assign to a variable directly
$myLog = get-eventLog security | ... | firstObject
# pass the the varName
get-eventLog security | ... | firstObject myLog
# can't assign to a variable directly
$myLogs = get-eventLog security | ... | firstElements 3
# pass the number of elements and the varName
get-eventLog security | ... | firstElements 3 myLogs
get-eventLog security | % {
if ($_.timegenerated -lt (date 11.09.08) -and`
$_.timegenerated -gt (date 11.01.08)) {$log1 = $_; break}
Another option would be to use the -file parameter on a switch statement. Using -file will read the file one line at a time, and you can use break to exit immediately without reading the rest of the file.
switch -file $someFile {
# Parse current line for later matches.
{ $script:line = [DateTime]$_ } { }
# If less than min date, keep looking.
{ $line -lt $minDate } { Write-Host "skipping: $line"; continue }
# If greater than max date, stop checking.
{ $line -gt $maxDate } { Write-Host "stopping: $line"; break }
# Otherwise, date is between min and max.
default { Write-Host "match: $line" }