How to PayPal do_direct_payment in the Philippines - paypal

After I am searching for the past few days and I find out that Do Direct Payment by PayPal is not available to all Filipinos merchants, but I need direct payment using cards, there is any suggestion please of how I can place cards payment on my website. Please be patient with me. :)


Marketplace with Paypal & Stripe

we are currently creating an app for marketplace where we are hoping to get airbnb model implemented. Where buyer will pay the seller and we will take our cut from the seller. We actually don't want to get payment ourself for the sale and handle the disputes for order shipping or chargebacks.
The customer support from PayPal said, that there is not marketplace solution for small business & startups in Europe. But we need PayPal as an payment option in our marketplace.
My research so far:
I heard, that you could connect PayPal & Stripe with zapier. But I don't know how to handle the payments through that solution.
Maybe someone had the same challenge and could help us with that.

Multiple Paypal Merchant Accounts on one website

This is what I want to do?
I am building a online fundraising platform where people can create a page on my site and setup their payment colletion facility so the funds can go directly into their account.
I already have Stripe which allows me to do that where users essentially provide their Stripe account details and all those funds go into that account directly instead of mine.
Does anyone know if this is possible in Paypal as well?
I couldn't find it anywhere.
Example where it works now?
Ebay is perfect example where sellers setup their account and provide their paypal details. Then all funds go into their paypal account.
To be honest, I haven't seen this anywhere else on the same website domain.
Any solution ideas would be great!

How to Use PayPal to Charge a Commission

I have a plugin in wordpress like ebay where people can post their products and sale their products and i manage to save paypal response in my database. may i know how can I configure Paypal so that when someone sells something I get a percentage commission. I have searched everywhere, I haven't found anything. tnx
You need to become a paypal partner, then you can put your BN code into the PayNow button you generate.

Paypal REST API for Donations

I'm trying to create a custom form with the ability to process credit card direct donations, as well as paypal account donations, and the ability to select whether the amount paid is a regular monthly donation or a one time. I cannot find documentation anywhere on how to use the paypal REST API for donations. There doesn't seem to be an intent type for donation anywhere, or any option for monthly or one time payments. Does anyone have any experience with this? I understand how the commercial payment API works, but I'm not sure what options need to be changed for donations.
The easiest way is to add Buy Now button to your site. It is just plain HTML code, no server code is needed. When someone donated you recieve email with details including amount of payment and email of donator. So you can reply him "Thank you" :)
Please note, in some countries you should verify your paypal account before accepting payments. It can be done in "View limits" menu.

Need some light on PayPal's Website Payments Pro

After having a good read through PayPal's docs, I'm still lost.
FYI in Canada and US it's called "Website Payments Pro", otherwise it's "PayPal Payments Pro".
I need to setup a way of:
User subscribing to a yearly fee
User can setup subscriptions WITHOUT a paypal account (pro feature)
This sounds really simple, but when you start searching for more technical docs about that matter I can only find articles like these:
Which is fine, but this isn't for PayPal Payments Pro. I heard I'll have to use server-side calls to the API but all I can find is people telling me to "create a button".
But the buttons, for some reason, doesn't support Pro features and ask users to register on PayPal to get subscribed which my client doesn't want at all.
Could anyone share me some light about those?
I find PayPal's docs misleading. I really really need to get this done as soon as possible but I cannot seem to find good docs or a good working example for this.
Thanks for your help, it's greatly appreciated!
PayPal Payments Pro is the new name for Website Payments Pro. The button way of doing things is called PayPal Payments Standard.
See Recurring payments can be set up with ExpressCheckout (buyer has a paypal account and logs in to paypal site to approve subscription during setup) or DoDirectPayment (you provide buyer's credit card info when setting up the subscription)
There are a few ways to do it, but if you don't want to mess around with API calls, then I would suggest using a subscription button and signing up for Enhanced Recurring Payments. This allows you to accept subscriptions from buyers who don't have a PayPal account and don't want to sign up for one. To sign up, go to