How to use play-plugins-mailer with Play 2.3 and Scala 2.11? - scala

I am trying to use the play plugin for sending emails:
I have followed the instructions as found on github: added the dependency to build.sbt, created play.plugins with the specified content (do I need to register the file somehow)?
but I get a compilation error:
object mailer is not a member of package play.api.libs
when trying to import
import play.api.libs.mailer._
I get another compilation error on
val mail = use[MailerPlugin].email
MailerPlugin and use are not found.
How to get this working?
Note: the plugin is correctly downloaded (I can find it in my .ivy2 directory), but it is not listed as a dependency in my application.
My build.sbt file:
name := ...
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
scalaVersion := "2.11.2"
resolvers += Resolver.typesafeRepo("releases")
//"mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.31"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.24",
"org.webjars" %% "webjars-play" % "2.3.0-2",
"" %% "play-slick" % "0.8.0",
"" %% "play-plugins-mailer" % "2.3.1",
"org.mindrot" % "jbcrypt" % "0.3m"
fork in Test := false
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
And my play.plugins contains only:
I've downloaded the sample project from
and tried to compile using sbt. It failed with exactly the same problem.

It looks like the problem is somehow with the version of plugin that is available in the typesafe repo:
I've built the plugin from sources, published it to my local repository and then everything compiled fine.
In the build.sbt of the sample app there is:
resolvers += Resolver.file("LocalIvy", file(Path.userHome + File.separator + ".ivy2" + File.separator + "local"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
So it looks like the authors also had problems in compiling the app using the plugin deployed to the official repository.
Well, it compiled fine, but then failed at runtime with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.typesafe.plugin.CommonsMailerPlugin
The sample play.plugins is also wrong, the correct one should be:
and then eveyrthing finally works

The README is up to date with the latest development (upcoming version).
As of 19/12/2014, the latest version released and available in the Typesafe repository is 2.3.1. If you want to use this version you need to refer to the README in the v2.3.1 tag:
For the upcoming version we have decided to break compatibility to move the Play mailer into its own package and provide a better implementation. That's the reason why the documentation in the master branch is not working with version 2.3.1.


sbt ivy2: configuration 'master' not found from 'compile'

I am getting the following error when I build a library bp-kafka-bp2 that depends on library bp-bp2-componentized:
sbt.librarymanagement.ResolveException: unresolved dependency:;3.3.+: configuration not found in;3.3.0: 'master'. It was required
from;3.10.1 compile
The unresolved library bp-bp2-componentized does in fact exist in ~/.ivy2/local and does not have a master configuration in its ivy.xml
My questions are:
Should the dependent library (bp-kafka-bp2) be looking for a master configuration of the (not really) missing library?
If it should not be looking for a master config, what can I do to make it stop doing so?
If it should be looking for a master config, how do I induce the build for the (not really) missing library to produce such a config?
I have tried this in sbt versions 1.1.5 and 1.2.1. I have deleted ~/.ivy2/local, ./ivy2/cache and ~/.sbt. I have also removed all the /target and project/target directories in the library I am building and done sbt clean
This library has built just fine for a year or two now. The only recent change I can think of is introducing 2.11 and 2.12 cross-compilation option -- which is not being exercised here, I'm just building 2.11 version on its own.
The direct dependency is declared in a multi-project build.sbt as
lazy val bp2 = (project in file("bp2")).
name := "bp-kafka-bp2"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % ScalaTestVersion % "test",
"ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % LogbackVersion % "test",
"" %% "bp-bp2-componentized" % Constellation.dependency("bp-bp2"),
"" %% "bp-akka-http" % Constellation.dependency("bp-akka")
where Constellation.dependency is just a function that looks up a version by name and turns it into a patch range:
object Constellation {
def dependency(name: String) : String = versions(name).split("\\.").dropRight(1).mkString(".") + ".+"
You can see from the error message that the version is being found and converted to 3.3.+ which is then resolved correctly to a 3.3.0 in the ivy cache. But then it insists on finding a master configuration which is not present.

Not found object error when importing external library in intellij

Here is my sbt file myproject/build.sbt
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.12.1"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.4.16",
"io.circe" %% "circe-core" % "0.6.1",
"io.circe" %% "circe-generic" % "0.6.1",
"io.circe" %% "circe-parser" % "0.6.1"
Here is my scala file myproject/src/test.scala
package mytest
import akka._
object test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
I verified that my external library contains, akka
but intellij keep saying that
Error:(7, 8) not found: object akka
import akka._
I am using intellij community edition 2016.3 with the latest scala plugin (which should include latest sbt)
Can someone give me a hint on how to resolve this?
To fix the problem, you have to place your Scala source file into src/main/scala directory. Otherwise IntelliJ/SBT can't recognize it as file related to the project, so it can't associate project dependencies with it.
By default Scala source files can be placed either in the root directory of your project, or in src/main/scala (for main sources, there is also src/test/scala for tests).
If you want to use some other directories to store your Scala source files, you can configure it this way in your build.sbt:
sourceDirectories in Compile += new File("src")
I had a similar problem and it was nothing to do with the directory structure in my case. IntelliJ asks you to refresh when you add a new dependency in build.sbt. I also manually refreshed it form the SBT Shell and still same error.
In the end I closed the project and re-opened and it was fixed.

sryza/spark-timeseries: NoSuchMethodError: scala.runtime.IntRef.create(I)Lscala/runtime/IntRef;

I have a Scala project that I build with sbt. It uses the sryza/spark-timeseries library.
I am trying to run the following simple code:
val tsAirPassengers = new DenseVector(Array(
val period = 12
val model = HoltWinters.fitModel(tsAirPassengers, period, "additive", "BOBYQA")
It builds fine, but when I try to run it, I get this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: scala.runtime.IntRef.create(I)Lscala/runtime/IntRef;
at com.cloudera.sparkts.models.HoltWintersModel.convolve(HoltWinters.scala:252)
at com.cloudera.sparkts.models.HoltWintersModel.initHoltWinters(HoltWinters.scala:277)
at com.cloudera.sparkts.models.HoltWintersModel.getHoltWintersComponents(HoltWinters.scala:190)
The error occurs on this line:
val model = HoltWinters.fitModel(tsAirPassengers, period, "additive", "BOBYQA")
My build.sbt includes:
name := "acme-project"
version := "0.0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.10.5"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-hive" % "1.6.0",
"net.liftweb" %% "lift-json" % "2.5+",
"com.github.seratch" %% "awscala" % "0.3.+",
"org.apache.spark" % "spark-mllib_2.10" % "1.6.2"
I have placed sparkts-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in the lib folder of my project. (I would have preferred to add a libraryDependency, but spark-ts does not appear to be on Maven Central.)
What is causing this run-time error?
The library requires Scala 2.11, not 2.10, and Spark 2.0, not 1.6.2, as you can see from
in pom.xml. You can try changing these and seeing if it still compiles, find which older version of sparkts is compatible with your versions, or update your project's Scala and Spark versions (don't miss spark-mllib_2.10 in this case).
Also, if you put the jar into lib folder, you also have to put its dependencies there (and their dependencies, etc.) or into libraryDependencies. Instead, publish sparkts into your local repository using mvn install (IIRC) and add it to libraryDependencies, which will allow SBT to resolve its dependencies.

Can't install Scaladoc with SBT and Intellij

I am new to scala and am currently trying to setup IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 with the Scala plugin. It has support for SBT. I have simply followed the basic tutorial for creating a new project for SBT here:
Currently my build.sbt file is:
name := "scalasandpit"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.10"
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.10" % "2.1.0" % "test"
autoAPIMappings := true
This pulls down various jar binaries, but no sources and no javadoc. I wondered if there is a way to have both sources and javadoc work with IntelliJ and SBT. I think I'm missing something.
There seem to be two issues: getting sbt to pull down sources and docs, and then getting Idea to show them to you. To solve the former problem see the sbt documentation -- about half way down there's a section called "Download Sources" which tells you what to add to your build.sbt:
libraryDependencies +=
"org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.10" % "2.1.0" % "test" withSources() withJavadoc()

Play build.scala to build.sbt isn't working for secureSocial plugin. I don't understand why?

I'm new in playFrameWork
I'm trying to figure out how the build.sbt file works in play framework 2.2
i'm also trying to make the secureSocial plugin works
In the sample app of the plugin secureSocial, there is a built.scala containing :
import sbt._
import Keys._
import play.Project._
object ApplicationBuild extends Build {
val appName = "SecureTestApp"
val appVersion = "1.0"
val appDependencies = Seq(
"ws.securesocial" %% "securesocial" % "master-SNAPSHOT"
val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings(
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")
Whith the command play run, everything wrok fine and the page is showing itself
AnyWay, as i understand it, i should be able to delete project/built.scala and replace it by /build.sbt. i think my file is ok and look like this :
name := "SecureTestApp"
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"securesocial" %% "securesocial" % "master-SNAPSHOT"
resolvers += Resolver.url("Scala Sbt", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")
This time the play run command work fine the server launch itself but when i launch and test the app homePage,
i get the error : Compilation error "object RuntimeEnvironment is not a member of package securesocial.core"
Play is no longer able to find the package secureSocial. And i don't understand why?
What am i doing wrong?
is there a parametter someWhere to set?
Thanks in advance for any answer!
Edit : whith the line
"ws.securesocial" %% "securesocial" % "2.1.3"
put in both file, play doensn't fine the dependency in both for package secureSocial.
I think the problem is that this object simply does not exist in the version that is published to the repository. If you take a look at the sources, there is no file RuntimeEnvironment.scala in which it is supposed to be defined.
Further if you check the date when the file appeared on github it is 7th May, and the last modified date in the repo shows 23-Jan-2014.
So the bottom line is that your build is working just fine, but the library you're using is not the one that in in the master branch on the github at the moment.
You should rather use the last stable version :
"ws.securesocial" %% "securesocial" % "2.1.3"
and as resolver
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
as master constantly evolves and the doc might not been updated yet.
Major changes have been made on master the 7th May which might break your project if your created it before. (You could also try to clean-all maybe)