paw : Mutual Authentication 2 Way SSL - mutual-authentication

Does Paw Rest Client support Mutual Authentication (2 Way SSL) ?
I could not find how to define a keystore.


ldap + oidc + jwt node js

I have a project about authentication with ldap using openid connect and generate a jwt with node js.
My knowledge:
1 ldap is a directory service allow the sharing of information about users, systems, networks, services, and applications throughout the network
2 OpenID Connect (oidc) is an authentification system based in Oauth2.0 (which is a delegation of authorization) by generat jwt.
3 jwt is a token contient crypted information about user,jwt is just a way to convey information between tow parties ( ldap where data stocked and our backend).
My questions:
1 I'm using ldap apache directory studio where the attributes like cn (cn= common name) are unique but we can find many users have the same name so how I can change it and set the email to be unique?
2 How oidc generates jwt ? Is it automatically and how? Or do I have to build it?
3 How can I connect ldap with oidc? Or oidc have to be connect with my backend ?

Use Envoy Proxy or HA Proxy for authentication using IDP

I have a requirement where i need to authenticate external request via IDP. Can this be done using envoy proxy or HA Proxy?
Currently the only way to achieve this is by using the ext_authz filter to send request metadata to an auth server.
There's currently work on implementing an OAuth filter that would work with any OAuth 2.0 compliant IdP but that work is not yet complete (

Adopting OWASP security recommendation using Keycloak, Java backend and Javascript frontend

I was checking OWASP cheatsheet on how to improve security in a frontend client using a JWT to interact with the backend.
The approach they suggest is to basically add a claim in the JWT which contains an encoded "fingerprint" which is also sent via a hardened cookie.
The fingerprint is verified in the backend by checking that the claim and the cookie contains the same fingerprint. Here the OWASP Cheatsheet entry
When using Keycloak, is it possible to use such approach? Is Keycloak JavaScript adapter "secure" enough?

Differences between CAS and Kerberos

I know Central Authentication Service (CAS) and Kerberos both could be utilized to authenticated for establishing the session.The two protocols involves at least three parties,and will create a Ticket Granting Ticket duration authentication,so which differences are there between CAS and Kerberos?
Anyone could help? Thank you!
#Fred said (please see reply below)
it(CAS) is a way to proxy authentication services like Kerberos or
LDAP on the Web.
However,JASIG states "CAS then generates a ticket and a transient cookie transmitted over SSL to be stored in Browser memory" (, so I guess CAS isn't just like a proxy because it itself can generate a ticket. Am I right?
Please shed a light on me, thanks!
CAS is not an authentication service in and of itself, but it is a way to proxy authentication services like Kerberos or LDAP on the Web.
At the time CAS was invented there was little support for kerberos in either the browser or the server. So CAS ( and Stanford WebAuth, and the one Duke wrote and ... ) all came up with various ways to emulate the kind of authentication service Kerberos provides using what was available in the browser. (i.e. stuffing things that look a lot like kerberos service tickets into browser cookies... )
Even now, kerberos support is not uniformly available in all browsers and all servers. Configuring your browser to do kerberos authentication via SPNEGO can vary from completely automatic to next to impossible. If you have a web based application, your best bet is to use something like CAS to do cookie-based authentication. A proxy service like CAS will work with any browser that supports cookies.
Kerberos does not support session key and only use algorithm verification。

WIF using SAML 2 protocol / Federate AD FS 2.0 with CAS

I'am are trying to implement a Web SSO with claim based identity using WIF and AD FS 2.0 right now. Right now I have a existing ASP.Net application which delegates authentification to the AD FS 2.0 server and trust issued security tokens. That works just fine.
However, in the organization there is an existing JA-SIG Central Authentication Service (CAS) server which supports the SAML 2 protocol. I would like to replace AD FS 2.0 with the existing CAS service.
In my understanding WIF uses WS-Federation, which is like a container around a SAML token. Is it possible to use the plain SAML 2 protocol and it's bindings (redirect or POST)? If that is not possible (as I guess), a second alternative might be to use federate identity and federate AD FS 2.0 with CAS. Is that possible? There is little to no information about that on the web.
Thanks :-)
After some research I came up with the following issues. CAS 3.x supports SAML 1.1 tokens and the SAML 1.1 protocol including Web SSO. There is support for SAML 1.1/2.0 tokens in ADFS 2.0. However, only the SAML 2.0 protocol is supported. That means no out of the box federation between CAS and ADFS 2.0 is possible.
We are researching OpenSSO as an alternative now, which provides support for all necessary protocols including WS-Federation for attaching WIF clients.
Access control Service v2 (ACS v2) may be an option. It supports both SAML1.1 and 2.0 as well in addition to other ones like simple web token (SWT) etc. It then allows to translate tokens from the source system to the relying party format..