Deadlock on banker's algorithm - operating-system

When preforming the banker's algorithm, what happens when there is a deadlock? Will it pick the first one?

The banker's algorithm is used to avoid deadlocks, not to handle them. If a system is working under this algorithm you won't have any dead lock. If a request of resources by a process could take the system to a dead lock the process has to wait until more resources are avaible.


Out-of-order execution vs. speculative execution

I have read the wikipedia page about out-of-order execution and speculative exectution.
What I fail to understant though are the similarities and differences. It seems to me that speculative execution uses out-of-order execution when it has not determined the value of a condition for example.
The confusion came when I read the papers of Meltdown and Spectre and did additional research. It is stated in the Meltdown paper that Meltdown is based on out-of-order execution, while some other resources including the wiki page about sepeculative execution state that Meltdown is based on speculative execution.
I'd like to get some clarification about this.
Speculative execution and out-of-order execution are orthogonal. One could design a processor that is OoO but not speculative or speculative but in-order. OoO execution is an execution model in which instructions can be dispatched to execution units in an order that is potentially different from the program order. However, the instructions are still retired in program order so that the program's observed behavior is the same as the one intuitively expected by the programmer. (Although it's possible to design an OoO processor that retires instructions in some unnatural order with certain constraints. See the simulation-based study on this idea: Maximizing Limited Resources: a Limit-Based Study and Taxonomy
of Out-of-Order Commit).
Speculative execution is an execution model in which instructions can be fetched and enter the pipeline and begin execution without knowing for sure that they will indeed be required to execute (according to the control flow of the program). The term is often used to specifically refer to speculative execution in the execution stage of the pipeline. The Meltdown paper does define these terms on page 3:
In this paper, we refer to speculative execution in a more
restricted meaning, where it refers to an instruction sequence
following a branch, and use the term out-of-order execution to refer
to any way of getting an operation executed before the processor has
committed the results of all prior instructions.
The authors here specifically refer to having branch prediction with executing instructions past predicted branches in the execution units. This is commonly the intended meaning of the term. Although it's possible to design a processor that executes instructions speculatively without any branch prediction by using other techniques such as value prediction and speculative memory disambiguation. This would be speculation on data or memory dependencies rather than on control. An instruction could be dispatched to an execution unit with an incorrect operand or that loads the wrong value. Speculation can also occur on the availability of execution resources, on the latency of an earlier instruction, or on the presence of a needed value in a particular unit in the memory hierarchy.
Note that instructions can be executed speculatively, yet in-order. When the decoding stage of the pipeline identifies a conditional branch instruction, it can speculate on the branch and its target and fetch instructions from the predicted target location. But still, instructions can also be executed in-order. However, note that once the speculated conditional branch instruction and the instructions fetched from the predicted path (or both paths) reach the issue stage, none of them will be issued until all earlier instructions are issued. The Intel Bonnell microarchitecture is an example of a real processor that is in-order and supports branch prediction.
Processors designed to carry out simple tasks and used in embedded systems or IoT devices are typically neither speculative nor OoO. Desktop and server processors are both speculative and OoO. Speculative execution is particularly beneficial when used with OoO.
The confusion came when I read the papers of Meltdown and Spectre and
did additional research. It is stated in the Meltdown paper that
Meltdown is based on out-of-order execution, while some other
resources including the wiki page about sepeculative execution state
that Meltdown is based on speculative execution.
The Meltdown vulnerability as described in the paper requires both speculative and out-of-order execution. However, this is somewhat a vague statement since there are many different speculative and out-of-order execution implementations. Meltdown doesn't work with just any type of OoO or speculative execution. For example, ARM11 (used in Raspberry Pis) supports some limited OoO and speculative execution, but it's not vulnerable.
See Peter's answer for more details on Meltdown and his other answer.
Related: What is the difference between Superscalar and OoO execution?.
I'm still having hard time figuring out, how Meltdown uses speculative execution. The example in the paper (the same one I mentioned here earlier) uses IMO only OoO - #Name in a comment
Meltdown is based on Intel CPUs optimistically speculating that loads won't fault, and that if a faulting load reaches the load ports, that it was the result of an earlier mispredicted branch. So the load uop gets marked so it will fault if it reaches retirement, but execution continues speculatively using data the page table entry says you aren't allowed to read from user-space.
Instead of triggering a costly exception-recovery when the load executes, it waits until it definitely reaches retirement, because that's a cheap way for the machinery to handle the branch miss -> bad load case. In hardware, it's easier for the pipe to keep piping unless you need it to stop / stall for correctness. e.g. A load where there's no page-table entry at all, and thus a TLB miss, has to wait. But waiting even on a TLB hit (for an entry with permissions that block using it) would be added complexity. Normally a page-fault is only ever raised after a failed page walk (which doesn't find an entry for the virtual address), or at retirement of a load or store that failed the permissions of the TLB entry it hit.
In a modern OoO pipelined CPU, all instructions are treated as speculative until retirement. Only at retirement do instructions become non-speculative. The Out-of-Order machinery doesn't really know or care whether it's speculating down one side of a branch that was predicted but not executed yet, or speculating past potentially-faulting loads. "Speculating" that loads don't fault or ALU instructions don't raise exceptions happens even in CPUs that aren't really considered speculative, but fully out-of-order execution turns that into just another kind of speculation.
I'm not too worried about an exact definition for "speculative execution", and what counts / what doesn't. I'm more interested in how modern out-of-order designs actually work, and that it's actually simpler to not even try to distinguish speculative from non-speculative until the end of the pipeline. This answer isn't even trying to address simpler in-order pipelines with speculative instruction-fetch (based on branch prediction) but not execution, or anywhere in between that and full-blown Tomasulo's algorithm with a ROB + scheduler with OoO exec + in-order retirement for precise exceptions.
For example, only after retirement can a store ever commit from the store buffer to L1d cache, not before. And to absorb short bursts and cache misses, it doesn't have to happen as part of retirement either. So one of the only non-speculative out-of-order things is committing stores to L1d; they have definitely happened as far as the architectural state is concerned, so they have to be completed even if an interrupt / exception happens.
The fault-if-reaching-retirement mechanism is a good way to avoid expensive work in the shadow of a branch mispredict. It also gives the CPU the right architectural state (register values, etc.) if the exception does fire. You do need that whether or not you let the OoO machinery keep churning on instructions beyond a point where you've detected an exception.
Branch-misses are special: there are buffers that record micro-architectural state (like register-allocation) on branches, so branch-recovery can roll back to that instead of flushing the pipeline and restarting from the last known-good retirement state. Branches do mispredict a fair amount in real code. Other exceptions are very rare.
Modern high-performance CPUs can keep (out-of-order) executing uops from before a branch miss, while discarding uops and execution results from after that point. Fast recovery is a lot cheaper than discarding and restarting everything from a retirement state that's potentially far behind the point where the mispredict was discovered.
E.g. in a loop, the instructions that handle the loop counter might get far ahead of the rest of the loop body, and detect the mispredict at the end soon enough to redirect the front-end and maybe not lose much real throughput, especially if the bottleneck was the latency of a dependency chain or something other than uop throughput.
This optimized recovery mechanism is only used for branches (because the state-snapshot buffers are limited), which is why branch misses are relatively cheap compared to full pipeline flushes. (e.g. on Intel, memory-ordering machine clears, performance counter machine_clears.memory_ordering: What are the latency and throughput costs of producer-consumer sharing of a memory location between hyper-siblings versus non-hyper siblings?)
Exceptions are not unheard-of, though; page-faults do happen in the normal course of operation. e.g. store to a read-only page triggers copy-on-write. Load or store to an unmapped page triggers page-in or handling the lazy mapping. But thousands to millions of instructions usually run between every page fault even in a process that's allocating new memory frequently. (1 per micro or milli-second on a 1GHz CPU). In code that doesn't map new memory, you can go far longer without exceptions. Mostly just a timer interrupt occasionally in pure number crunching without I/O.
But anyway, you don't want to trigger a pipeline flush or anything expensive until you're sure that an exception will really fire. And that you're sure you have the right exception. e.g. maybe the load address for an earlier faulting load wasn't ready as soon, so the first faulting load to execute wasn't the first in program order. Waiting until retirement is a cheap way to get precise exceptions. Cheap in terms of additional transistors to handle this case, and letting the usual in-order retirement machinery figure out exactly which exception fires is fast.
The useless work done executing instructions after an instruction marked to fault on retirement costs a tiny bit of power, and isn't worth blocking because exceptions are so rare.
This explains why it makes sense to design hardware that was vulnerable to Meltdown in the first place. Obviously it's not safe to keep doing this, now that Meltdown has been thought of.
Fixing Meltdown cheaply
We don't need to block speculative execution after a faulting load; we just need to make sure it doesn't actually use sensitive data. It's not the load succeeding speculatively that's the problem, Meltdown is based on the following instructions using that data to produce data-dependent microarchitectural effects. (e.g. touching a cache line based on the data).
So if the load ports mask the loaded data to zero or something as well as setting the fault-on-retirement flag, execution continues but can't gain any info about the secret data. This should take about 1 extra gate delay of critical path, which is probably possible in the load ports without limiting the clock speed or adding an extra cycle of latency. (1 clock cycle is long enough for logic to propagate through many AND/OR gates within a pipeline stage, e.g. a full 64-bit adder).
Related: I suggested the same mechanism for a HW fix for Meltdown in Why are AMD processors not/less vulnerable to Meltdown and Spectre?.

how often deadlock detection to be done?

If deadlocks are less likely to occur in the system and processes are frequently requesting resources what are the main logical reasons due to which we must only run the deadlock algorithm only when they occur and not in a continuous loop testing the deadlock condition to be true?
This is highly system dependent. Quality operating systems incorporate general purpose locking mechanisms as system services that detect deadlocks. Deadlock checks are normally instigated when a process requests a lock; not through continuous loop.
Many quick and dirty system have no deadlock detection at all.

what is effect of deadlock on other processes which are not involve in deadlock?

I am not finding the exact answer that if deadlock occurres in the system then the system will stop working or some of the processes which are not involved in the deadlock can keep executing.
When deadlock occures Then system will go in deadlock or only that processes which are in deadlock?
Only that processes which are in deadlock will.
And it's one of the reasons that most of modern personal computers ignore it.
(Since deadlock prevention,avoidance,detection and recovery are expensive)
I guess the only process which goes in the deadlock is affected, not the other one as generally the most of the operating systems like Windows and Linux uses the deadlock ignorance(Ostrich algorithm) method to avoid the deadlock in the system, while on the other hand, other algorithms such as deadlock prevention/detection/avoidance are expensive to implement and its somewhat about an unrealistic assumption that how much a process is gonna need the amount of resource to execute completely, generally deadlock avoidance/detection is used in database software, for example, many database operations involve locking several records, Ergo no other processes are affected except the process which entered into an infinite blocking/starvation(Deadlock).

A program resistent to power/hardware/OS failures

I need to write a program that performs a parallel search in a large space of possible states, with new areas being discovered (and their exploration started) in the process, and exploration of some areas being terminated early as intermediate results obtained elsewhere eliminate a possibility of discovering new useful results in them. The search is performed using multiple threads running in a heavy cooperation with each other to avoid recalculation of intermediate data.
A complex internal state (including call stacks of several threads and state synchronization primitives they use) has to be maintained and updated during the whole process, and there is no apparent way to split the computation into isolated chunks that can be executed sequentially, each saving and passing a small intermediate result to the next. Also, there is no way to split the computation into independent parallel threads not communicating with each other, without imposing a prohibitive overhead due to recalculation of large amount of intermediate data.
Because of the large search domain, the program would possibly run for months before producing a final result. Hence, there is a significant risk of power, hardware or OS failure during the program execution that can lead to a complete loss of all work that has been done to the moment. In such a case the program will need to restart all its computations from scratch.
I need a solution that can prevent a complete data loss in such cases. I thought of an execution engine/platform that continuously saves the current state of the process to a failure-resistant storage like a redundant disk array or database. But I understand that this approach can significantly slow down the process, even to a degree when there would be no benefit compared to an expected computation time including restarts due to possible failures.
In fact, I do not need an ideal solution that continuously saves the program state, and I can easily bear a loss of hours or maybe even days of work. A possible heavyweight solution that comes to my mind is to run the program inside a virtual machine, saving its snapshots from time to time, and restoring the machine after a possible host failure from a recent snapshot. This approach can also help to recover the program state after a random or preventable guest OS failure.
Is there a similar, but more lightweight solution limited to preserving a state of a single process? Or could you suggest any other approaches that can solve my problem?
You may want to look at using Erlang which allows large numbers of threads to run at relatively low cost. Because the thread cost is low, redundancy can be used to achieve increased reliability.
For the problem you present, a triple-redundancy scheme may be the way to go, where periodic checks for synchronization across the three (or more) systems would determine by vote who has failed.

How often do deadlocks occur(about to occur) in an operating system

We study a lot about deadlocks in operating system courses. How often do they really occur ?
or rather how often is there a chance for a deadlock(the OS actually doesn't let the dead lock to occur)?
I was asking the same question. I came across this in my textbook:
Expense is one important consideration. Ignoring the possibility of deadlocks is
cheaper than the other approaches. Since in many systems, deadlocks occur
infrequently (say, once per year), the extra expense of the other methods may not
seem worthwhile.
It also mentions that if it occurs, the system would likely just slow down a bit, and eventually need a restart. Something we are all familiar with.
The textbook quote is from page 323 of Brian, W.'s Operating System Basics.
But as Joao mentioned, it's up to the developer to produce quality code. So I guess in theory, if you were running a lot of junk programs you could face deadlocks regularly.
Deadlocks occur as often as you program multi thread programs with synchronizers and you don't know what you're doing.
You always have to release a mutex, for example, before placing the thread on wait as long as you need that same mutex to awake that thread, and that's just a small example.
Deadlock in multi threaded process of a user program will make the user application nonfunctional and this has got nothing to do with deadlock in operating systems. Deadlock in an operating system will occur if kernel allocates resource in an improper way and this happens very very rarely. The frequency is once in years and thus popular operating systems like Windows and Unix take the ostrich approach of ignoring the deadlock.