Paypal payment gateway for credit card/debit card - paypal

Is paypal providing the payment gateway that accepts payments from credit /debit cards.
I have created a sandbox account in paypal and tried to purchase using my paypal account and its working fine. But I need provide paypal payment gateway for customers who doesnt have paypal account. They need to purchase it by providing their account details.
Please help me on the same.

Yes, PayPal does process credit/debit card payments without requiring your customers to have PayPal accounts. Although, you'd still need a PayPal merchant account to receive credit/debit card payments using PayPal payment gateway.


Can I create a Billing Agreement with credit card (without paypal account)

As per the subject. Does my customer MUST to have paypal account and login to his paypal account in order for me to create a billing agreement, or I can use credit card as payment method for a billing agreement?
I am working with REST Api
It is possible.
An example of the API is here:
Subscriptions (recurring payments) option for direct payments needs to be also enabled in merchant paypal account. I had trouble with it but messaged paypal and they enabled the feature for us.
So tested and working now.

How can i do paypal payment direct transfer to merchant account

How can i do recurring payment with credit card in paypal. Payment should directly transfer to merchant bank account.
Can anyone give solution for that?
For that you can refer this link.
Paypal direct payment to merchant

PayPal recurring subscriptions with credit card payments

In my website I have integrated PayPal subscription. There client redirects to paypal site and do the payments and return to my site, it is fine. But my client wants to accept credit card payments, in current implementation users need to create paypal account in order to do credit card payments. As per my finding on the web we can do recurring credit card payments in following ways.
Collect credit card detail and store on paypal side and perform transaction when we need using a token. But this method supports only in UK and US
Collect credit card details and create recurring payment profiles via API. But this method possible only in US,UK,Canada only
We can do credit cards payments on PayPal site(without paypal account) with their Enhanced Recurring Payment service. It is not free($19.99/month)
My client is in France, So in my case only possible option is 3. Am I correct? Is there any other way to do it.
Unfortunately, none of the option is available for France Merchants to process direct credit card payments.
The option 3 Enhanced Recurring Payment(ERP) is available for US,UK,AU and CA.
No, for France Merchants there is no way to accept direct credit card payments, only way is you can turn on "account optional" feature in paypal account and increase chances that buyer could pay with credit card along with PayPal with Website Payment standard or Express checkout

How to enable internet banking payment method for my PayPal sandbox account?

I have implemented paypal payment gateway for my application on sandbox mode. Now I can use paypal account payment and direct payment such as credit card/debit card payment.
But now I want to pay by using internet banking. How can I enable this feature for my sandbox merchant account?
To make paypal payment using net banking use this website's steps:
The charge is also nominal # 3%.

Paypal Express Checkout Subscription using Credit Card Payment

Is it possible to set up a subscription via Paypal api Express Checkout, so you can pay via Credit card and Paypal login. The Paypal login works no problem, but I can not get it to work with credit cards at the moment.
I have set the NVP SOLUTIONTYPE = Sole
I know you can set up a paypal subscription button, but the client want to sell a product (single payment or instalments) and add a subscription if user wants to sign up.
Many thanks for any help.
For anyone else who has this problem I got this response back from Paypal:
With subscriptions and Express Checkout, they will be PayPal only. Any time you specify a billing type in your SetExpressCheckout call, it turns it into a PayPal only transaction. The only way you would be able to set up a recurring payment via credit card (without a button) is to use the Website Payments Pro and Pro Recurring Payments. Website Payments Pro would allow the customer to enter their credit card directly on the website for one-time payments and also you can set it up to accept the credit card information for recurring payments. You wouldn't be able to turn that one-time payment into a recurring payment at a later time but if you wanted to set them both up at the start that's certainly possible. Also, you would be able to use reference transactions with your Pro payments as well.
Here is a link to the paypal manual for Paypal Pro.
Be warned, with Paypal Pro you can not accept American Express cards, if your paypal account is not American - which sadly is what I'm trying to do :(
No, this is not possible with Express Checkout Recurring Payments.
You must purchase Direct Payment Recurring Payments (an addon to Website Payments Pro) in order to set up profiles direct via credit card.
Note that Direct Payment Recurring Payments is only available in the US, UK and Canada at the moment.
This is not possible to make direct payment with Express Checkout,for this you have got create and account on paypal and please set only two options to working credit/debit card with Express Checkout.
solutiontype = Sole
landingpage = billing