Invite Facebook friends to app on Windows Phone - facebook

is it possible to send an invitation (appRequest?) to a Facebook friend using Facebook C# SDK on Windows Phone 8/8.1? Best way for me would be using similar dialog as described here:
I understand that the link does not describe Facebook C# SDK, but I am asking for a best way to imitate this functionality. I presume Facebook C# SDK uses Facebook app GUI for Login and maybe some more functions, so is there a way to use it even for sending an invitation?
Thanks for any help


Facebook SDK capabilities WP8

I am integrating facebook in WP8 app for login,Post on wall(Share),Invite friends.
Here I am using Facebook SDK for .Net
Using SDK's capabilities I am able to do login using In app browser, Post on wall(Share).
I user me/taggable_friends GRAPH API for getting friends list as me/friends returns only those friends who are using our app.
My app is not Game App so I can't use invitable friends API.
My Question is: How to invite friend?
If its not possible, Can anyone tell me the official list of possible things with facebook sdk on windows phone 8 except this.
UPDATE: I am able to send app request using this link, but not seen any request came on receiver's facebook account.
Replies are really appreciated.
I had similar problem and I used this method which works for me
Use a WebBrowser control and set the Url as
Uri inviteUri = new Uri("{app_id_goes_here}&message=YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE!&redirect_uri={app_id_goes_here}/", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
From this you can search for your other friends who are not using the game yet.
Hope this works for you too.

API's to connect to facebook from windows phone?

I'm writing a windows phone app that should allows user to post status updates from within the application. Any link for the API's or help documentation that allows us to connect to facebook ?
Have a look at the Facebook C# SDK here
There is a sample you can look into about how to use the Facebook C# SDK here on GitHub in your Windows Phone App
Here is the starting point of using Facebook API

Facebook login on windows 7

I'm trying to build a phone app on the windows phone, I've decided to use Facebook as a mean of authentication, for users to login. I've been reading through the Facebook Mobile Dev page, but I couldn't see any SDK for a window phone native app.
Am I missing something? Is there another technique to login the user through Facebook?
I think you need to use OAuth in the web browser to get this to work. I used the Facebook c# sdk by following instructions on Prabir's Blog.

Facebook applications and WP7

I need to perform facebook post into the user wall from wp7 (but without using the nice built-in ShareLinkTask of mango, please don't ask me why, its a requirement).
So, lets say I must do it as I was in Wp7 before mango, the only way available I found, is based on building a facebook application and using that applicationId with the facebook sdk.
It works but I need to use an ad-hoc or a company account to create the app, I was not able to do both, it seems that comapny account cannot create apps, ad-hoc account are prohibited.
Is there a way to create a facebook app withouth using a personal account ?
Is it really necessary to create a facebook app to make a wp7 app post to facebook (without using the ShareLinkTask of mango).
thanks to all
There is no other way to post on somebody's wall. You have to use the SDK and to register your app on Facebook because the user has to explicitly authorize your applications to post on his wall.
Even if you post a message from the built-in Windows Phone features, you'll see on Facebook that the message has been posted with the application Windows Phone. And you can retrieve the settings of that application in your facebook account settings:

Facebook "Like" on iPhone/iPad

Has anyone implemented facebook "Like" on iPhone/iPad?
I've done general Facebook Connect implementation before, but it appears they're phasing that out in favour of OAuth and the Graph API?
We're trying to give users the ability to "Like" items of content in the app. Each item of content has a corresponding URL for its representation on the website.
Will it be possible to implement this kind of functionality (without implementing anything on the server side)?
And is there a library that will let us do this easily?
Facebook will release an Open Graph API/SDK for iPhone to replace Facebook Connect.
If still relevant, our company has build native "like" and "share this" buttons for both iPhone and Android and it works to both Facebook and Twitter. You can check it out here:
We're coming out of Beta now. The libraries will be downloadable shortly.