When I upgrade my Simple DB2 v10.5.0.0 with Fix pack for Encryption DB2,it changes the db2level from to
And when I tune my DB2 with TDS. I first create an instance then set admin password and when I run command "/opt/IBM/ldap/V6.3/sbin/idscfgdb -n -I <instance name> -a <instance name> -w <password> -t <ids database name> -l /home/<instance name>", for create Database it failed with error
GLPCTL026I Creating database: 'db2ldap'.
GLPCTL028E Failed to create database: 'db2ldap'. The failure might have occurred because the system was not set up correctly before using the tool.
GLPCTL011I Stopping database manager for the database instance: 'db2inst1'.
I am using the Bitnami Postgres Docker container and noticed that my ORM which uses UUIDs requires the uuid-ossp extension to be available. After some trial and error I noticed that I had to manually install it using the postgres superuser since my custom non-root user created via the POSTGRESQL_USERNAME environment variable is not allowed to execute CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";.
I'd like to know what a script inside /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d might look like that can execute this command into the specific database, to be more precise to automate the following steps I had to perform manually:
psql -U postgres // this requires interactive password input
\c target_database
I think that something like this should work
PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRESQL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD psql -U postgres // this requires interactive password input
\c target_database
If you want to do it on startup you need to add a file to the startup scripts. Check out the config section of their image documentation: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/postgresql-repmgr/
If you're deploying it via helm you can add your scripts in the postgresql.initdbScripts variable. values.yaml.
If the deployment is already running, you'll need to connect as the repmgr user not the Postgres user you created. That's default NOT a superuser for security purposes. This way most of your connections are not privileged.
For example I deployed bitnami/postgresql-ha via helm to a k8s cluster in a namespace called "data" with the release name "prod-pg". I can connect to the database with a privileged user by running
export REPMGR_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace data prod-pg-postgresql-ha-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.repmgr-password}" | base64 --decode)
kubectl run prod-pg-postgresql-ha-client \
--rm --tty -i --restart='Never' \
--namespace data \
--image docker.io/bitnami/postgresql-repmgr:14 \
--command -- psql -h prod-pg-postgresql-ha-postgresql -p 5432 -U repmgr -d repmgr
This drops me into an interactive terminal
$ ./connect-db.sh
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
I have been trying since yesterday to connect to a ChainLink node and I was not able to.
I followed the steps at this website
I am having a problem with "Set the Remote DATABASE_URL Config" (I think that this is my only error because of the [ERROR] listed below, I do not know if I am doing something else wrong since every command was executed without error)
I am using the Docker option to create the database listed here.
I am always having this error:
"[ERROR] unable to lock ORM: failed to connect to host=localhost user=some-postgres database=postgres: dial error (dial tcp [::1]:5432: connect: cannot assign requested address) logger/default.go:155 stacktrace=github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink/core/logger.Errorf
After writing in my Ubuntu Terminal (ON WINDOWS 10):
"cd ~/.chainlink-kovan && docker run -p 6688:6688 -v ~/.chainlink-kovan:/chainlink -it --env-file=.env smartcontract/chainlink:0.10.1 local n"
I do not know how to connect to the database and what to write as attributes. All of the other steps and installs I have accomplished successfully.
I just want to know how to create a database on PostgreSQL and connect it to Docker as explained on the ChainLink website and write the appropriate command in the Ubunto terminal (for the "Remote DATABASE_URL Config PostgreSQL" step) so that I can run my node.
Thanks! (PS: I am a beginner and your help is much appreciated, and if I forgot to mention any important information please let me know so that I add it)
A comprehensive 101 for docker-postgres can be found here: https://hackernoon.com/dont-install-postgres-docker-pull-postgres-bee20e200198
Basically, you need to deploy a postgres db with docker
Create a dir for you docker/postgres:
mkdir -p $HOME/docker/volumes/postgres
docker run --rm --name pg-docker -e POSTGRES_USER=<any_desired_name> -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -e POSTGRES_DB=<any_db_name> -d -p 5432:5432 -v $HOME/docker/volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres
For postgres username, it can be anything like "super_chain" or etc.
For postgres db, it can be "chainlink"
After, docker is up and running. Just follow up the docs tut, where you need to write the DB URL to the .env file
Postgresql update from 9.6 to 10.4 (on Fedora 28) has me stuck: one table in one database has a column of data type "unknown". I would gladly remove the column, but since I cannot get postgresql service to start (because "An old version of the database format was found"), I have no access to the database. In more detail:
postgresql-setup --upgrade fails.
/var/lib/pgsql/upgrade_postgresql.log attributes this failure to column with data type "unknown": "...Checking for invalid 'unknown' user columns: fatal .... check tables_using_unknown.txt". And "tables_using_unknown.txt" specifies one column in one table that I wish I could drop, but can't, because I can't get the server to start:
systemctl start postgresql.service fails, and
systemctl status postgresql.service complains about the "old version of the database"
I have found no obvious way to install postgresql 9.6 on Fedora 28.
Is there a way to drop the column without a running server? Or at least produce a dump of the database? Or can I force the upgrade tool to drop columns with data type "unknown"? Or is there any other obvious solution that I'm missing?
Here's what finally worked for me:
I used a docker container (on the same machine) with postgres 9.6 to access the "old" database directory,
converted the problematic column from "unknown" to "text" in the container,
dumped the relevant database to a file on the container's host, and then
loaded the dumped db into the postgres 10.4 environment.
Not pretty, but worked. In more detail:
I copied postgresql's data directory (/var/lib/pgsql/data/ in Fedora) -- containing the database that could not be converted -- to a new, empty directory /home/hj/pg-problem/.
I created a Dockerfile (text file) called "Docker-pg-problem" reading
FROM postgres:9.6
# my databases need German locale;
# if you just need en_US, comment the next two lines out.
RUN localedef -i de_DE -c -f UTF-8 -A /usr/share/locale/locale.alias de_DE.UTF-8
ENV LANG de_DE.utf8
and saved it as the only file in the new, empty folder /home/hj/pg-problem/docker/.
I started the docker daemon and ran a container that uses the data from my copy of the problematic data (in /home/hj/pg-problem/data/) as data directory for the postgres 9.6 server in the container. (NB: the "docker build" command in line three needs a working internet connection, takes a while, and should finish saying "Successfully built").
root#host: cd /home/hj/pg-problem/docker
root#host: service docker start
root#host: docker build -t hj/failed-update -f Dockerfile .
root#host: docker run -it --rm -p 5431:5432 -v /home/hj/pg-problem/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data:z --name failed-update -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret hj/failed-update
Then, I opened a terminal in the container to fix the database:
hj#host: docker exec -it failed-update bash
Inside the container, I fixed and dumped the database:
root#container: su postgres
postgres#container: psql <DB-name>
postgres#container: alter table <Table-name> alter column <Col-Name> type text;
postgres#container: \q
postgres#container: dump_db <DB-name> /var/lib/postgresql/data/dbREPAIRED.sql
I dumped the db right into the data directory so I could easily access the dumped file from the docker host.
On the docker host, the dumped database was, obviously, in /home/hj/pg-problem/data/dbREPAIRED.sql, and from there I could load it into postgresql 10:
postgres#host: createdb <DB-name>
postgres#host: psql <DB-name> < /home/hj/pg-problem/data/dbREPAIRED.sql
Since I was on a laptop with limited disk space, I deleted the docker stuff:
root#host: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
root#host: docker rmi $(docker images -q)
I'm using heroku and I want to download the database from my app(heroku) so I can make some changes in it, I've installed pgbackups, but using heroku pgbackups:url downloads a .dump file
How can I download a postgresql file or translate that .dump into a postgresql file?
If you're using Heroku's pgbackups (which you probably should be using):
$ heroku pg:backups capture
$ curl -o latest.dump `heroku pg:backups public-url`
"Translate" it into a postgres db with
$ pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser -d mydb latest.dump
See https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-postgres-import-export
There's a command for this in the CLI - heroku db:pull which will do this for you. db:pull can be a bit slow mind you so you may be better to use the next option.
If you are using complex postgress data types (hstore, arrays etc) then you need to use the pgtransfer plugin https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-pg-transfer which will basically does a backup on Heroku and a restores it locally.
UPDATE: db:pull and db:push have been deprecated and should be replaced with pg:pull and pg:push - read more at https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-postgresql#pg-push-and-pg-pull
I found the first method suggested in the documentation pull/push even easier. No password or username needed.
pg:pull can be used to pull remote data from a Heroku Postgres
database to a database on your local machine. The command looks like
$ heroku pg:pull HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_MAGENTA mylocaldb --app sushi
This command will create a new local database named “mylocaldb” and
then pull data from database at DATABASE_URL from the app “sushi”. In
order to prevent accidental data overwrites and loss, the local
database must not exist. You will be prompted to drop an already
existing local database before proceeding.
At first I had an error: /bin/sh: createdb: command not found; which I solved following this SO post.
An alternative described also in the documentation (I did not try it yet) is:
To export the data from your Heroku Postgres database, create a new
backup and download it.
$ heroku pg:backups:capture
$ heroku pg:backups:download
Source: Importing and Exporting Heroku Postgres Databases with PG Backups
To export the data from Heroku Postgres database, just follow below steps
Login to heroku
Go to APP->settings->reveal config variable
run pg_dump --DATABASE_URL_COPIED_IN_STEP_3 > database_dump_file
Note this will provide postgresql file or for dump file you can download directly from postgres addon interface.
I think the easiest way to download and replicate the database on local server:
Go through this document for more info:
This is the script that I like to use.
namespace :heroku do
desc "Import most recent database dump"
task :import_from_prod => :environment do
puts 'heroku run pg:backups capture --app APPNAME'
restore_backup 'APPNAME'
def path_to_heroku
['/usr/local/heroku/bin/heroku', '/usr/local/bin/heroku'].detect {|path| File.exists?(path)}
def heroku(command, site)
`GEM_HOME='' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='' GEM_PATH='' RUBYOPT='' #{path_to_heroku} #{command} -a #{site}`
def restore_backup(site = 'APPNAME')
dump_file = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/postgres.dump"
unless File.exists?(dump_file)
pgbackups_url = heroku('pg:backups public-url -q', site).chomp
puts "curl -o #{dump_file} #{pgbackups_url}"
system "curl -o #{dump_file} '#{pgbackups_url}'"
database_config = YAML.load(File.open("#{Rails.root}/config/database.yml")).with_indifferent_access
dev_db = database_config[Rails.env]
system "pg_restore -d #{dev_db[:database]} -c #{dump_file}".gsub(/\s+/,' ')
puts "'rm #{dump_file}' to redownload postgres dump."
puts "Done!"
I wanted to install pgAgent service on windows. Though it installs alright using the following command:
C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAdmin III\1.14>pgagent.exe INSTALL pgAgent -l2 -u postgres hostaddr=localhost port=5432 dbname=postgres user=postgres
the service does not start giving an error: Windows could not start pgAgent service on the local computer. Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure.
The password is being provided using pgpass.conf file. The same password is being used by pgAdmin to logon to databases.
I have even tried by providing same password (as pgpass.conf) using -p option on the command line itself. It did not work either but error is different. On command line it says service could not be started. Service reported no error . However when I see logs in Control Panel/EventViewer following warning is shown:
Couldn't create the primary connection (attempt 10): fe_sendauth: no password supplied
and then an error:
Stopping pgAgent: Couldn't establish the primary connection with the database server.
If it could help, I downloaded pgAgent separately and placed pgAgent.exe in pgAdmin III/1.14 folder where libpq.dll also resides. I am using PostgreSQL 9.0, pgAdmin 1.14 and pgAgent 3.0.0
Can somebody please help me with this?
Go to pgAgent installation folder on windows and execute
C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAgent\bin>pgagent REMOVE pgAgent
This will remove the existing misconfigured windows service
then reinstall the service in the following way giving the password credentials properly. The first -u gives the postgres user created on windows and the second username in the connection string is the db username.
After doing the below start the service and check the Event Viewer if you still see the error.
C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAgent\bin>pgagent --help
pgagent REMOVE <serviceName>
pgagent INSTALL <serviceName> [options] <connect-string>
pgagent DEBUG [options] <connect-string>
-u <user or DOMAIN\user>
-p <password>
-d <displayname>
-t <poll time interval in seconds (default 10)>
-r <retry period after connection abort in seconds (>=10, default 30)>
-l <logging verbosity (ERROR=0, WARNING=1, DEBUG=2, default 0)>
C:\Program Files (x86)\pgAgent\bin>pgagent INSTALL pgAgent -u postgres -p admin
-l 2 hostaddr= port=5433 user=postgres dbname=first password=admin
ok guys, i am able to solve the issue, by reinstalling PostgreSQL and then installing pgAgent with StackBuilder.