How to create a Play project in IntelliJ IDEA 14 Community Edition? - scala

I am trying to create a Scala project in IntelliJ IDEA 14. As mentioned in IntelliJ IDEA's help, the Scala plugin already has support for Play 2.x.
I have installed the Scala plugin, and when I create a new project I can select Scala > Scala and Scala > SBT projects but there's no Scala > Play 2.x.
Are there any additional steps needed to make this available? I am using IDEA 14 Community Edition.
I have tried importing module to a Scala project using play-generated .impl file but IDE could not handle it well e.g. was finding errors in completely fine play! views.

Play framework is supported only in ultimate edition of Intellij Idea.
Here, section Frameworks and Technologies.

For everyone else looking for an answer for Play 2.4+ the easiest way to get up and running is:
Create a new Run Configuration – From the main menu, select Run -> Edit Configurations
Click on the + to add a new configuration
From the list of configurations, choose “SBT Task”
In the “tasks” input box, simply put “run”
Apply changes and select OK.
Now you can choose “Run” from the main Run menu and run your application


IntelliIdea - Cannot see scala in add framework support

I want to run scala code in IntelliJ Idea.
I donot see option scala in Add Framework Support
Please suggest how to do it?
To run the Scala code there is no need to add any framework or facet (things like this were done in some previous IntelliJ versions, but this is long ago).
The only thing you need is to install a Scala plugin.
If you did not install the plugin when installing the IDE, use menu item Settings, click on Plugin, then Marketplace and type Scala.
With a Scala plugin installed, you can create a new Scala project.

Intellij IDEA - Cannot add framework support for Scala

I have sbt 0.13.16 and Scala 2.10.6 running with Intellij 2018.2.1, working with those recommended sbt and Scala settings for Odersky's coursera course on Scala (I'm guessing their automated submission grader depended on old SBT?).
When creating new sbt + scala projects, I choose the above sbt and Scala versions, then after all the dependencies have downloaded, when I right-click New -> ... I see options for Java class but nothing for Scala. I have the Scala plugin already there according to the plugin settings.
So I try to Add Framework Support after right-clicking on the project, I select Scala, but then everything is disabled except Cancel.
I looked through previous forums, found one but that seemed relevant only for git projects.
Anyone else run into this issue? Do I need to update to more recent Scala and SBT? Any help would be very appreciated.
Please check for a compatibility table.
You can manage plugins in IntelliJ Preferences. Your versions seem to be too old to still be supported, already. It may help to upgrade IntelliJ and then go to preferences and get the latest Scala and SBT plugins.

Building a Play 2.6 project from IntelliJ builds nothing

I'm running my head into the ground trying to create a new "hello-world" level blank Play 2.6 project. I have successfully opened and run one of their example starter projects from the Play site in IntelliJ, and it works without issue.
However when creating my own I follow all the steps:
New project -> Play 2.x -> Setup as pictured:
And about 10 seconds later, this is all I get:
From my understanding, the whole structure should be available and displaying to me.
I don't know if it matters, but my Scala version is 2.12.1 and my IntelliJ version is the full version 2017.1 . I checked and the Playframework Support plugin is enabled, and so is Scala.
I'm also open to creating a "blank" one in SBT and then importing it into Scala, but unsure of how to do that either.
Thanks for the help.
Refresh your IDE, the latest Intellij IDEA version (2017.2) with up to date plugins creates a new Play 2.x project without a problem.

Play framework support in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

I installed IDEA version 15 with the Scala plugin, but Play projects are enabled only in the Ultimate edition. I'm new to Scala and Play, any issues if I run Play outside of IDEA? Would Play "hot deploy" any changes I make in scala source code?
Just open it as an SBT project and it's fine.
This is how it works: (1) create a project using play/activator, (2) open IntelliJ and import as SBT project (accept all defaults), (3) run the project in a command line (externally to IntelliJ), (4) edit project source files in IntelliJ - when you update a file, it is automatically compiled (you can see that refreshing the url localhost:9000)
Play works great outside of IntelliJ. I have developed play applications using Sublime Text and Atom. You'll get the errors in the console, or in the web application itself.
There's also a NetBeans plugin now (, and the official ScalaIDE should also support it (although I've never tried using it).

Intellij does not open Scala files

I'm using IntelliJ (version 13.0) and Scala (2.9.1).
I created a Test project but Intellij does not open/display the scala files in the editor window. It displays the files only when I select the option 'Mark as Plain text' from the context menu of the scala file.
You need to install a separate plugin for Scala support: Scala plugin. This is also available directly from within IntelliJ IDEA using Preferences -> Plugins -> Jetbrains Plugins
More details about IDEA's Scala support are given here: The Most Intelligent IDE for Scala Development
Next, you need to add the Scala SDK to IntelliJ IDEA, again using the Project Structure -> SDKs. Finally add the Scala Facet to your module using Project Structure -> Facets.
A step-by-step check-list is given here: Getting Started with IntelliJ IDEA Scala Plugin. It's a bit out-of-date, but still covers all the steps.