How to apply theorems for definitions with restrictions in coq - coq

I found a number of examples of definitions with restrictions in coq. Here is for example a variation of the pred function:
Lemma Lemma_NotZeroIsNotEqualToZero : ~ 0 <> 0.
Definition pred (s : { n : nat | n <> 0 }) : nat :=
match s with
| exist 0 pf => match (Lemma_NotZeroIsNotEqualToZero pf) with end
| exist (S n') _ => n'
But I don't actually understand how to use this definition. Suppose I want to use pred for some natural number and I proved that this number is not zero. Like, for instance, suppose I proved the following lemma:
Lemma Lemma_TenIsNotEqualToZero : 10 <> 0.
Now, I want to compute what in essence is "pred 10" using Lemma_TenIsNotEqualToZero:
Eval compute in (pred ??).
How to do it?

pred is a function taking a sig type (try to Print sig.). Simply put, it's an inductive type with one constructor stating that "there exists an x of type A such that P x is true".
If you want to create a term of type {n : nat | n <> 0}, you will have to build it using constructors, like any other inductive type. In your case:
Eval compute in (pred (exist 10 Lemma_TenIsNotEqualToZero)).
It is the exact same syntax you used to pattern match on the s argument of pred.
Hope it helps,
PS: using omega for both your proofs is really overkill...
Lemma Lemma_NotZeroIsNotEqualToZero : ~ 0 <> 0.
intro h.
apply h; reflexivity.
Lemma Lemma_TenIsNotEqualToZero : 10 <> 0.
intro h.
discriminate h.
Edit: exists takes 3 arguments in practice (use Print to get a clear idea what are they used for). Depending on the status of implicit types, you should write
exists _ 10 Lemma_TenIsNotEqualToZero
with the additional _.


Prove a constant is even

Given the inductive definition of evenness, how is it best proved that, say, 1024 is an even number?
Repeating apply even_S down to zero is certainly not the right approach.
As HTNW pointed out, you can use Ltac automation to produce such a proof. This has the disadvantage of producing a large proof term even_S (even_S ... even_O), thus slowing down proofs. In this case, it is better to reformulate the goal using a boolean decision procedure:
Fixpoint evenb (n : nat) : bool :=
match n with
| 0 => true
| 1 => false
| S (S m) => evenb m
Lemma evenb_correct : forall n, evenb n = true <-> even n.
(* Fun exercise! *)
Coq can prove that evenb 1024 = true simply by evaluating the left-hand side:
Goal (even 1024). apply evenb_correct. reflexivity. Qed.
Repeating apply even_S is not the way. repeat apply even_S is. If even_S is a constructor, there's also repeat constructor.
Inductive even : nat -> Prop :=
| even_O : even O
| even_S : forall n, even n -> even (S (S n)).
Goal (even 1024). repeat apply even_S. exact even_O. Qed.
Goal (even 1024). repeat constructor. Qed. (* also finds even_O, would leave as goal otherwise *)

Prove equality on list constructed with a map

I have two lists, one constructed directly by recursion and the other constructed using a map operation. I'm trying to show they are equal, and surprisingly I got stuck.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Fixpoint ls_zeroes n :=
match n with
| 0 => nil
| S n' => 0 :: ls_zeroes n'
Fixpoint ls_ones n := map S (ls_zeroes n).
Fixpoint ls_ones' n :=
match n with
| 0 => nil
| S n' => 1 :: ls_ones' n'
Goal forall n, ls_ones n = ls_ones' n.
induction n.
- reflexivity.
- simpl. f_equal. (* ??? *)
This is what the context looks like:
1 subgoal
n : nat
IHn : ls_ones n = ls_ones' n
map S (ls_zeroes n) = ls_ones' n
I thought fold ls_ones would map S (ls_zeroes n) into ls_ones n since that's literally the definition of ls_ones but it does nothing. If I try to unfold ls_ones in IHn I get a nasty recursive expression instead of the verbatim definition of ls_ones.
What is the cleanest way to complete this proof?
Notice that when you define ls_one and unfold the definition you gets :
(fix ls_ones (n0 : nat) : list nat := map S (ls_zeroes n0)) n = ls_ones' n
The problem is that ls_one isn't a fixpoint. Indeed, it's doesn't make a recursion. Once coq automatically defines the point {struct n0} (in that case the n argument), your proof gets stuck because n is never destructed in P k -> P (k + 1), 'cause k is not destructed.
Using :
Definition ls_ones n := map S (ls_zeroes n).
The proof becomes trivial :
Goal forall n, ls_ones n = ls_ones' n.
induction n.
unfold ls_ones in *.
rewrite IHn.
I thought fold ls_ones would map S (ls_zeroes n) into ls_ones n since that's literally the definition of ls_ones
Is it? You said Fixpoint ls_ones, not Definition. Just like any Fixpoint, this means that the given definition of ls_ones is transformed into a fix. There's no recursive structure in the definition given, so this is pointless, but you said to do it, so Coq does it. Issue Print ls_ones. to see the actual definition. The true solution is to make ls_ones a Definition.
If you don't fix that, Coq will only reduce a Fixpoint if the recursive argument(s) start with constructors. Then, in order to complete this proof, you need to destruct n to show those constructors:
Goal forall n, ls_ones n = ls_ones' n.
induction n.
- reflexivity.
- simpl. f_equal. destruct n; assumption.
Unfortunately, due to the value being fixed in your definitions you must use induction to do the proof:
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Fixpoint seq0 n :=
match n with
| 0 => nil
| S n' => 0 :: seq0 n'
Fixpoint seq1 n :=
match n with
| 0 => nil
| S n' => 1 :: seq1 n'
Lemma eq_F n : seq1 n = [seq n.+1 | n <- seq0 n].
Proof. by elim: n => //= n ->. Qed.
There is not a lot to proof tho. I'd recommend tho using the more general nseq count elem function instead of definition your own duplicate structures, then the proof follows pretty quickly from the general lemma about map:
Lemma eq_G n : nseq n 1 = [seq n.+1 | n <- nseq n 0].
Proof. by rewrite map_nseq. Qed.

How to prove a theorem on natural numbers using Coq list

I'm new in Coq. To do practice on list and list of pairs, I used Coq list library to prove a simple theorem of natural numbers. I try to prove the simple property of natural numbers:
forall n, multiplier,, d1...dn:
((a0*multiplier)=d1)+((a1*multiplier)=d2)+((a2*multiplier)=d3)+...+((an*multiplier)=dn) = result
-> (a0+a1+a2+...+an) * multiplier = d1+d2+...+dn = result
((3*2)=6)+((5*2)=10)+((9*2)=18) = 34 -> (3+5+9)*2 = 6+10+18 = 34 can be an example of this property(i.e. n=3 and multiplier = 2).
I use list of pairs (storing a's in one list and d's in another list) to code this property in Coq as:
Require Import List.
Fixpoint addnumbers (L : list nat) : nat :=
match L with
| nil => 0
| H::tail => H + addnumbers tail
Theorem resultAreEqual : forall (natListofpair :list (nat * nat))
(multiplier : nat) (result : nat),
Forall (fun '(a,d) => a * multiplier = d ) natListofpair ->
addnumbers( (#fst nat nat) natListofpair) * multiplier = result ->
addnumbers ( (#snd nat nat) natListofpair) = result.
destruct natListofpair.
subst. simpl. reflexivity.
rewrite <- H0.
inversion H.
destruct p. simpl.
But I don't know how I should continue this prove. I'm stuck in this proving for one week. I'd be thankful for your help.
One reason you are having difficulty is that you have stated your lemma in an indirect way. When proving something in Coq, it is very important that you state it as simple as possible, as this often leads to easier proofs. In this case, the statement can become much simpler by using higher-order functions on lists.
Require Import Coq.Arith.PeanoNat.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Definition sum (l : list nat) := fold_right Nat.add 0 l.
Lemma my_lemma l m : sum (map (Nat.mul m) l) = m * sum l.
The sum function is the equivalent of your addnumbers. The lemma says "the result of multiplying all numbers in l by m and adding them is the same as the result of adding them up first and multiplying by m later".
To prove this result, we need a crucial ingredient that your proof was missing: induction. This is often needed in Coq when we want to reason about objects of unbounded size, such as lists. Here is one possible proof.
unfold sum.
induction l as [|x l IH]; simpl.
- (* Nil case *)
now rewrite Nat.mul_0_r.
- (* Cons case *)
now rewrite IH, Nat.mul_add_distr_l.

How can I rewrite "+ 1" (plus one) to "S" (succ) in Coq?

I have the following Lemma with an incomplete proof:
Lemma s_is_plus_one : forall n:nat, S n = n + 1.
This proof fails with
Unable to unify "n + 1" with "S n".
It seems like eq_S would be the way to prove this, but I can't apply it (it doesn't recognize n + 1 as S n: Error: Unable to find an instance for the variable y.). I've also tried ring, but it can't find a relation. When I use rewrite, it just reduces to the same final goal.
How can I finish this proof?
This is related to the way (+) is defined. You can access (+)'s underlying definition by turning notations off (in CoqIDE that's in View > Display notations), seeing that the notation (+) corresponds to the function Nat.add and then calling Print Nat.add which gives you:
Nat.add =
fix add (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
match n with
| O => m
| S p => S (add p m)
You can see that (+) is defined by matching on its first argument which in n + 1 is the variable n. Because n does not start with either O or S (it's not "constructor-headed"), the match cannot reduce. Which means you won't be able to prove the equality just by saying that the two things compute to the same normal form (which is what reflexivity claims).
Instead you need to explain to coq why it is the case that for any n the equality will hold true. A classic move in the case of a recursive function like Nat.add is to proceed with a proof by induction. And it does indeed do the job here:
Lemma s_is_plus_one : forall n:nat, S n = n + 1.
intros. induction n.
- reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite <- IHn. reflexivity.
Another thing you can do is notice that 1 on the other hand is constructor-headed which means that the match would fire if only you had 1 + n rather than n + 1. Well, we're in luck because in the standard library someone already has proven that Nat.add is commutative so we can just use that:
Lemma s_is_plus_one : forall n:nat, S n = n + 1.
rewrite (Nat.add_comm n 1).
A last alternative: using SearchAbout (?n + 1), we can find all the theorems talking about the pattern ?n + 1 for some variable ?n (the question mark is important here). The first result is the really relevant lemma:
Nat.add_1_r: forall n : nat, n + 1 = S n

Using an hypothesis to remove cases in a match statement

I would like to use an hypothesis in a function to rule out some of the cases in a match statement. I wonder how this is done in Coq.
A very simple example is a function that uses match on a nat. I would like to use an hypothesis that says that n <> 0 so that I won't have to provide a match pattern for 0, like this:
Fixpoint minus_1 (n:nat) (H:n<>0): nat :=
match n with
| S n' => n'
The above example gives Error: Non exhaustive pattern-matching: no clause found for pattern 0.
How do I make use of H to not have to provide a pattern for 0?
You can rely on the Program library to fill some gaps for you, for example:
Require Import Arith Program.
Program Fixpoint minus_1 (n: nat) (h: n <> 0) : nat :=
match n with
| S p => p
| _ => _
or you can build the term "by hand" using tactics (in v8.4):
Fixpoint minus_1 (n: nat) (h: n <> 0) {struct n} : nat.
destruct n as [ | p ].
- case h; reflexivity.
- exact p.
Here is a version that should work on older version of Coq:
Definition minus_1 (n: nat) (h: n <> 0) : nat.
revert h.
elim n.
intros heq; case heq; reflexivity.
intros p _ _; exact p.
In all cases, you can use Print minus_1. to see the resulting term.
You can use a return annotation on the match:
Lemma notNotEqual : forall x:nat, (x <> x) -> False.
Definition predecessor (n:nat) : n<>0 -> nat :=
match n return (n <> 0 -> nat) with
| 0 =>
fun H : 0 <> 0 =>
match notNotEqual 0 H with end
| S m => fun _ => m
This is covered in Adam Chlipala's book, "Certified Programming with Dependent Types", starting in the chapter on Inductive Types. It is also covered in Chapter 17 of the Coq manual, "Extended pattern-matching", by Cristina Cornes and Hugo Herbelin.
You could also mix the function style with the tactics style using refine:
Definition predecessor_alt (n:nat) : n<>0 -> nat.
(match n return (n <> 0 -> nat) with
| 0 => _
| S m => fun _ => m
intros; assert False as nope.
inversion nope.