Access Cordova CLI in local Intel-XDK - intel-xdk

Intel-XDK uses third party Cordova plugins only at build time. Is there a way to implement a third party plugin using Cordova CLI in my local Intel-XDK environment? In other words, can I access the internal Intel-XDK Cordova server in some way?

EDIT (7 Aug 2015): With our EA release local plugins no longer need to be placed inside your source directory (typically www inside your project directory). The Intel XDK EA release manages plugins in a way that is consistent with Cordova CLI. This CLI-compatible plugin management scheme will become part of the mainstream release in the very near future.
Original Post:
You cannot directly access the XDK build server's CLI. However, you can reference a plugin locally (that is, you can submit a plugin that is located on your local disk drive). Unfortunately, you have to locate the plugin inside your www "source" directory, I hope to see that changed in a future revision of the product; this is not where a local CLI would place the plugin...
Placing the plugin into your www directory, and then referencing it using the "import local plugin" on the Projects tab (find the "Plugins and Permission" and then the "Third-Party Plugins" section) allows you to customize that plugin before it gets submitted to the build service. For example, assume you need to change the contennts of the plugin.xml file or change a plist or manifest file that is part of the plugin, you could do that in the local copy and those changes would be part of this "local third-party plugin" that is submitted to the build server with your app when the build server runs.
In essence, the build server does a plugin add on a copy of the plugin that got submitted along with your project when you use the "import local plugin" feature. A copy of your local plugin gets sent with your app source to the build server and, before the build happens, the build server's CLI performs a plugin add with that plugin, so the changes you implemented locally will be included in the plugin when it is built by the build server. Make sense? :)
There are also some useful things you can do with the intelxdk.config.additions.xml file regarding plugins. See these doc pages for some details:
The checkmarked plugins on the Project tab refer only to what are called "core" plugins and "featured" plugins. They are really just a convenience for selecting plugins. The "core" plugins also include some simulation inside the Emulate, Test and Debug tabs (as well as in App Preview). Other than that, they are standard Cordova plugins that are also "plugin added" by the build server if they have been checked. Take a look at the various intelxdk.config.*.xml files that are automatically generated when you perform a build to see how the checkmarks (and third-party plugins) are communicated to the build server.


nopcommerce 4.2 payment methods missing

I have NopCommerce source code and I cannot see any payment methods which used to come default with nopcommerce. It says download from Marketplace but I cant find PayPal Standard plugin on the marketplace
In the root plugin folder I can see the plugin Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalStandard which has some files. I believe this is a source code of the plugin. Then I can also see an empty folder of Payments.PayPalStandard
I can see the plugin in action on the demo nopcommerce site so I believe it is still relevant and available.
Am I missing something? Where can I find the plugin and how can I install it on my application
Please download no source code from github.
Refer this link for download deployed code.
It's not possible that any payment plugin not there into plugin folder.
So please dowload from given link and check there are many payment plugins inbuilt.
Currently I have downoad nopCommerce_4.20_NoSource_SelfContained.rar and checked Payments.PayPalStandard is there.
\Plugins is a Visual Studio solution folder that contains plugin projects. Physically it's located in the root of your solution. But plugins DLLs are automatically copied in \Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\ directory which is used for already deployed plugins because the build output paths of all plugins are set to ..\..\Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\{Group}.{Name}\. This allows plugins to contain some external files, such as static content (CSS or JS files) without having to copy files between projects to be able to run the project.
You need to build the project Nop.Plugin.Payments.PayPalStandard, to publish the binary files in the output directory of \Presentation\Nop.Web project. Then run the project and complete the installation process of the plug-in in the administrative panel.

How to use multiple alfresco AMP file in eclipse

I have created one Alfresco project in Eclipse. I want to use one uploader-plus AMP file in my newly created Alfresco project in Eclipse.
How can I achieve this?
can we use multiple amps in single alfresco project in eclipse or can we create single amp file by combining 2 different amp files???
Independently from the IDE you are using, it is possible to setup an All-In-One project to fetch and apply several extra amps before starting up (either from a local or a remote maven repo) :
Create a new amp (Optional)
Build a release for your amp (Optional)
Add dependency for your amp in your project (You may need to add a repository as well)
Add an overlay for your amp to either share or repo (depending on the nature of your amp)
Run and enjoy
To learn more about this process please check the official documentation here
UPDATE : In the case of uploader-plus amps, you need either to fetch projects from here and install them locally (using mvn clean install) or add reference in your pom to this maven repo : but I can see only v1.2 is released there so you probably would want to stick to option 1 !

are you unable to use plugins in since version 3.0?

I was using in it's simplest way. That is: no sdk and no phonegap framework installed on my computer; no git or svn repository used. I just upload a zip with my html, css and js files.
But now I need to use the File plugin.
I found several posts (here and elsewhere) taking about using the CLI to add plugins and to build remotely since phonegap 3.0 (which doesn't use the config.xml to add plugins anymore, but instead it uses the CLI).
If you just used to upload a zip file to, are you now unable to use plugins since phonegap 3.0??
If that virtue is gone, what is now the simplest way for doing it? I currently use Aptana 3.0. Do I have to install Eclipse and install the phonegap framework? Do I have to create git of svn repository? Is that now the simplest way for using plugins in the cloud-based build service?
Is there a way to use the service with phonegap 2.x?? I have not found it yet.
This is taking me out of schedule for the imminent delivery of an ongoing project.
Please advise.
Put the config.xml in the www directory. And then upload only on
In phonegap 2.x plugins like File were part of the core, so there was no need to include them through the config.xml file.
In phonegap 3.x every plugin has to be included through the config.xml file. BUT for plugins to work, the root index.html header must have a
<script src="phonegap.js"></script>
phonegap.js is provided (kind of injected) by the service, so I don't have to have it on my source code.
The script tag was the only thing I was missing.

Installing a Griffon plugin in zip format from private remote url

Somehow I cannot find and answer to this in griffon documentation nor googling...
I have created a griffon plugin. It gets packaged as usual with:
griffon package-plugin
Then I can install it locally in my application specifying path to the zip file resulting from packaging:
griffon install-plugin /path-to-plugin/
I can even upload it to a remote url and install it from there:
griffon install-plugin address-of-my-site/
How can I make installing of this plugin from my url an automatic step during building/running of a griffon application, which uses it?
I work on the application with another developer and don't want to force him to install the plugin manually every time when something changes. It should be downloaded from my site automatically. But I don't want to release the plugin to the griffon official repository either - it's pretty experimental stuff still.
There is a line in, which tells griffon, that the plugin is needed:
But it cannot be installed from griffon central repository, like all the other plugins, because it's not there, obviously.
I looked into documentation of "griffon.project.dependency.resolution" section in BuildConfig.groovy, but I can't find anything useful for my purposes there.
Do I miss something?
The answer you seek is found in sections 12.1 and 12.2 of the guide. The first section describes an example of a plugin being pushed to a local repository. The second section describes the types of repositories supported by Griffon.
Plugins that are available from a plugin repository that can be queried by the build system (i.e, the repository is configured) are instantly available to be installed using the short notation you want.
There's always a local repository configured by Griffon: griffon-local. Pushing releases to it will make them instantly available to install-plugin, list-plugins, plugin-info, etc.

PlayN Maven Archetype and Running HTML5 in Eclipse

I generated a skeleton PlayN project from the playn-archetype and imported into Eclipse via m2e after verifying a successful build via
mvn clean package
After using the Google Plugin for Eclipse to successfully compile the html subproject, I then right click on the html subproject and perform a Run As -> Web Application.... Per the 'Getting Started' instructions on the PlayN wiki, I attempt to load the resulting Development Mode URL minus the ?gwt.codesvr= suffix and am greeted with a dialog containing the following:
GWT module named 'project' may need to be (re)compiled.
I have verified that the <script> tag in my project.html is pointing to the appropriate javascript file (project/project.nocache.js), and I've verified that said javascript file exists and its contents browsed when navigating directly to it (i.e.
The project works fine (albeit slowly) when the ?gwt.codesvr= suffix is part of the URL (which is expected), and it also works fine when running mvn gae:run from the html subproject folder and browsing to
This is more of an annoyance than anything else, but I would at least like to know why it's happening and how to fix it :).
After you started the web application with "Run as... Web application" you need to recompile the project again (while the web application is running).
When you refresh your browser (be aware of the browser-cache) it should work.
This is a known issue is some older versions of PlayN.