is EXPUNGE allowed in IMAP APPEND command - append

Is this an allowed "response" to an IMAP APPEND command? Sometimes the mailserver where I want to upload some messages responds this way and my current implementation does to allow the EXPUNGE.
A00003 APPEND "somefolder" (\Seen) "12-Dec-2012 12:12:12 +0000" {1212}
+ send APPEND data...
What I have:
An EXPUNGE response MUST NOT be sent when no command is in progress,
nor while responding to a FETCH, STORE, or SEARCH command.
A command is not "in progress" until the complete command
has been received; in particular, a command is not "in progress"
during the negotiation of command continuation.
I am not able to put the pieces together.

The server is behaving incorrectly. It should not send EXPUNGE and then the + continuation. That said, this rule
in particular, a command is not "in progress" during the
negotiation of command continuation
is a bit little senseless and I would not trust random servers to obey it.
I can guess why the rule exists. In a command like the one below, the meaning of 3:7 depends on which EXPUNGE responses the client has parsed and acted on before it constructed the string 3:7:
a uid search subject {3}
But the server has to deal with MSNs. Clients can generally choose to avoid the whole problem area by using UIDs instead of MSNs.
My suggestion is to avoid sending MSNs, to use UIDs always, and to be as tolerant as you can of oddly timed EXPUNGE responses.


How to write a test to confirm that a perl script waits (or doesn't wait) for interactive user input (based on supplied options)

I have a perl script for which I would like to write a few tests. If the perl script gets supplied a specific option, the user is allowed to paste or type out multi-line input and end their input using control-d.
These are the tests I want to write:
The script (when an interactive flag is supplied) waits for (multiple lines of) input on STDIN until the user hits control-d
[this test is already implemented - but provided for completeness] The script (when a flag is supplied that indicates a redirect/pipe) consumes all input on STDIN and does not wait for control-d
The script (when no input flag is provided [interactive or redirect]) does not wait for interactive user input
Test 1 toy example
I wrote a test for test 1 that confirms input was received (it works by the parent test script printing to the child's input handle and the child modifies and prints that input back out), but that test doesn't wait for an end of input signal (e.g. control-d) (which I don't know how to send anyway). So in other words, I can confirm it receives input, but I don't know how to confirm that it waits for the user to intentionally end the input entry. I.e. How do I know that the input consumption won't stop until the user types control-d?
Here's what I have so far for test 1. I wrote a 3rd little IO::Pipe::Consumer module to be able to send input to the child process that I'm testing and I wrote a toy example of the script that allows input on STDIN from a tty.
Here is a toy version of the script I'm testing:
>perl -e 'while(<STDIN>){print("*$_")}'
And here is the toy test code (that I want to improve) for the above script:
>perl -e '
use IO::Pipe::Consumer;
$obj = new IO::Pipe::Consumer;
$si = $obj->getSubroutineConsumer(
sub { while(<STDIN>) print("*$_") } }
print $si "test\n"
I thought the parent would have to print an EOF (e.g. like what you get from "control-d") to end the input in the test, but the test ends immediately even though I'm not sending any such end-of-input character. I can see that it's getting, modifying, and printing the input. Is that sufficient to confirm that the script will wait for user input (and that the user will be able to intentionally end the input) or is there something else I should do to confirm it waits for all user input until the user intends to end it?
Test 2 - done
Test 3 toy - don't know how to write it...
Even if modified input spit back out is sufficient proof of "waiting for input" for test 1, I also wish to test that a script doesn't consume input on STDIN when no input option (interactive or redirect) is provided - but since it doesn't seem to wait even when I do send it input without an end-of-input signal, how would I test that the script wouldn't hang waiting for input? Note, the script has other options for consuming redirected or piped input, so my intent is specifically to know if it's waiting on input from the tty. All of the STDIN consumption options (whether from the tty or via redirect/pipe) are optional, which is why I want to write these tests.
My manual testing shows everything works as intended. I would just like some tests to assure that behavior for the future.
I feel like the thing I'm missing is not relevant to IO::Pipe::Consumer, so WRT that, I'll just describe it instead of paste in 30 or so lines of code... All it does is it sets a pipe to the child's STDIN and gives that handle back to the parent for it to print to. I haven't put it on cpan. I'm just experimenting to see if I can use it to write these tests.
IO::Pipe::Consumer is basically the opposite of IO::Pipe::Producer (a module I published on cpan looong ago, say 2001-ish, when I was new to perl, or programming for that matter). The main difference, aside from swapping STDIN for STDOUT and Reader with Writer (and vice versa), is that the open is open(STDIN,"<",\${$stdin_pipe}).
I thought the parent would have to print an "end-of-input" (e.g. "control-d") character to end the input in the test,
Ctrl-D doesn't produce an "end of input character"; it causes the terminal to return EOF.
I don't know what IO::Pipe::Consumer is —it's not on CPAN— but I presume it creates a pipe. Exiting the program causes the writer end of the pipe to be closed and thus cause the reader end to return EOF.
is there something else I should do to confirm it waits for all user input until the user intends to end it?
<> reads until one of the following things happen:
A line feed is encountered (returning what was read including the line feed)
EOF is encountered (returning what was read up to an including the line feed)
An error is encountered (returning false).
You can confirm it waits by putting sleep statements between what you send. Be aware that buffering may interfere.

Any way to filter email dynamically by taking 'from' and matching it with database ? (Using procmail or Virtualmin or Webmin)

I basically want to check the incoming 'From' in the email received and then either
Keep it and make it deliver to the intended mailbox if the email matches a Specified MySQL/PostgreSQL
Database User (eg. select email from users where exists ('from email address') )
If the 'From' address is blank or it is not found in the database, the email should be discarded
Any way I can achieve this before the e-mail is delivered to the intended mailbox?
I am using Procmail + Virtualmin + Webmin + PostgreSQL
PS: I want to apply this filter not to the wole server but to some specified mailboxes/users (i'm assuming 1 user = 1 mailbox here)
Procmail can easily run an external command in a condition and react to its exit status. How exactly to make your particular SQL client set its exit code will depend on which one you are using; perhaps its man page will reveal an option to make it exit with an error when a query produces an empty result set, for example? Or else write a shell wrapper to look for empty output.
A complication is that Procmail (or rather, the companion utility formail) can easily extract a string from e.g. the From: header; but you want to reduce this to just the email terminus. This is a common enough task that it's easy to find a canned solution - generate a reply and then extract the To: address (sic!) from that.
FROM=`formail -rtzxTo:`
* FROM ?? ^(one#example\.com|two#site\.example\.net|third#example\.org)$
* ? yoursql --no-headers --fail-if-empty-result \
--batch --query databasename \
--eval "select yada yada where address = '$FROM'"
{ }
The first condition examines the variable and succeeds if it contains one of the addresses (my original answer simply had the regex . which matches if the string contains at least one character, any character; I'm not convinced this is actually necessary or useful; there should be no way for From: to be empty). If it is true, Procmail enters the braces; if not, they will be skipped.
The first recipe inside the braces runs an external command and examines its exit code. I'm imagining your SQL client is called yoursql and that it has options to turn off human-friendly formatting (table headers etc) and for running a query directly from the command line on a specific database. We use double quotes so that the shell will interpolate the variable FROM before running this command (maybe there is a safer way to pass string variables which might contain SQL injection attempts with something like --variable from="$FROM" and then use that variable in the query? See below.)
If there is no option to directly set the exit code, but you can make sure standard output is completely empty in the case of no result, piping the command to grep -q . will produce the correct exit code. In a more complex case, maybe write a simple Awk script to identify an empty result set and set its exit status accordingly.
Scraping together information from,
How do you use script variables in psql?,
Making an empty output from psql,
and from your question, I end up with the following attempt to implement this in psql; but as I don't have a Postgres instance to test with, or any information about your database schema, this is still approximate at best.
* ? psql --no-align --tuples-only --quiet \
--dbname=databasename --username=something --no-password \
--variable=from="$FROM" \
--command="select email from users where email = :'from'" \
| grep -q .
(We still can't use single quotes around the SQL query, to completely protect it from the shell, because Postgres insists on single quotes around :'from', and the shell offers no facility for embedding literal single quotes inside single quotes.)
The surrounding Procmail code should be reasonably self-explanatory, but here goes anyway. In the first recipe inside the braces, if the condition is true, the empty braces in its action line are a no-op; the E flag on the next recipe is a condition which is true only if any of the conditions on the previous recipe failed. This is a common idiom to avoid having to use a lot of negations; perhaps look up "de Morgan's law". The net result is that we discard the message by delivering it to /dev/null if either condition in the first recipe failed; and otherwise, we simply pass it through, and Procmail will eventually deliver it to its default destination.
The recipe was refactored in response to updates to your question; perhaps now it would make more sense to just negate the exit code from psql with a ! in front:
FROM=`formail -rtzxTo:`
* FROM ?? ^(one#example\.com|two#site\.example\.net|third#example\.org)$
* ! ? psql --no-align --tuples-only --quiet \
--dbname=databasename --username=something --no-password \
--variable=from="$FROM" \
--command="select email from users where email = :'from'" \
| grep -q .
Tangentially, perhaps notice how Procmail's syntax exploits the fact that a leading ? or a doubled ?? are not valid in regular expressions. So the parser can unambiguously tell that these conditions are not regular expressions; they compare a variable to the regex after ??, or examine the exit status of an external command, respectively. There are a few other special conditions like this in Procmail; arguably, all of them are rather obscure.
Newcomers to shell scripting should also notice that each shell command pipeline has two distinct results: whatever is being printed on standard output, and, completely separate from that, an exit code which reveals whether or not the command completed successfully. (Conventionally, a zero exit status signals success, and anything else is an error. For example, the exit status from grep is 0 if it finds at least one match, 1 if it doesn't, and usually some other nonzero exit code if you passed in an invalid regular expression, or you don't have permission to read the input file, etc.)
For further details, perhaps see also which has an old "mini-FAQ" which covers several of the topics here, and a "quick reference" for looking up details of the syntax.
I'm not familiar with Virtualmin but shows how to set up Postgres and as per I guess you will want to use the option to put this code in an include file.

Procmail split mailing list answer

The common ethicete about mailing lists is to answer to a human, and CC the mailing list, like this:
To: help-volounter#dev.full
Subject: Re: Describtion of the problem
Problem is that I get two copies of such email(it's expected). I would like to procmail one copy to mailing list mbox, and another to inbox mbox. Is it simple way to do it?
It's not entirely trivial, but there are some building blocks you may find useful.
You can detect whether you have already received a message by keeping a cache of seen message-id:s. This is a standard technique described in the procmailex man page in more detail. I would propose to use the same technique to decide where to file an incoming message; if it has not been seen before, deliver to your inbox; otherwise, file to the list's folder.
The locking becomes somewhat more complex because you need to obtain the lock file before entering the formail -D recipe. This can be done by using the LOCKFILE special variable.
# Is this message addressed both to yourself and to the list?
* ^TO_you#example\.net\>
* ^TO_mailing-list#elsewhere\.example\.org\>
# Select regular inbox as default target for this message
# Lock msgid.lock for exclusive access to msgid.cache
# If message-id is already cached, override $dest
* H ? formail -D 8192 msgid.cache
{ dest=listbox/ }
# Release lock
# Deliver to $dest
This is not 100% foolproof. If you get a Bcc:, for example, your own address will not be in the headers, and so ^TO_ yourself will not match.

What are these lines of log-parsing Perl doing and how can I come up with something that might work?

This problem comes under the context of pop-before-smtp / Postfix / Dovecot, but if I knew Perl string parsing, I could come up with an answer myself. However, I'm so lost I don't even know the precise question. To wit:
We've been using Postfix for a LONG time now and are kind of hooked on it. Now we need to "move into the modern era" and let people SEND email from our SMTP server(s) even when they're outside our network. So, tasked with this job, I've found pop-before-smtp.
You can find it here.
So, I've got it all configured but it fails in testing. I've troubleshot it using the directions here, and determined that the Perl that's trying to parse the log appears to be incorrect. We're using Dovecot as our IMAP / POP server, and there are three choices given in the configuration file. Here is an excerpt from the config file showing the three sets:
# For Dovecot POP3/IMAP when using syslog.
#$pat = '^[LOGTIME] \S+ (?:dovecot: )?(?:imap|pop3)-login: ' .
# 'Login: .*? (?:\[|rip=)[:f]*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)[],]';
#$out_pat = '^[LOGTIME] \S+ (?:dovecot: )?(?:imap|pop3)-login: ' .
# 'Disconnected.*? (?:\[|rip=)[:f]*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)[],]';
# For Dovecot POP3/IMAP when it does its own logging.
##$logtime_pat = '(\d\d\d\d-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+)';
#$pat = '^dovecot: [LOGTIME] Info: (?:imap|pop3)-login: ' .
# 'Login: .+? rip=[:f]*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+),';
#$out_pat = '^dovecot: [LOGTIME] Info: (?:imap|pop3)-login: ' .
# 'Disconnected.*? rip=[:f]*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+),';
# For older Dovecot POP3/IMAP when it does its own logging.
#$pat = '^(?:imap|pop3)-login: [LOGTIME] Info: ' .
# 'Login: \S+ \[[:f]*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\]';
#$out_pat = '^(?:imap|pop3)-login: [LOGTIME] Info: ' .
# 'Disconnected.*? \[[:f]*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\]';
One is supposed to uncomment the ones that apply, however, none of them work.
I surmise that 'pat' is the pattern for login, and out-pat is the pattern for logging out or otherwise disconnecting.
The actual log record format is clearly different than any of these three, but they're close. Here are an example pair:
Mar 11 17:53:55 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<username>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS
Mar 11 17:59:10 IMAP(username): Info: Disconnected: Logged out bytes=352/43743
When using POP, 'imap-login' is replaced by 'pop-login', and on log-out, 'POP' replaces 'IMAP' - why the changes in capitalization I can't say!
Importand data are: The timestamp, the username, and, when logging in, the "remote" ip ("rip").
Given enough time, I may be able to piece together something that works, but since I don't actually know Perl, this is kind of tough. Please help me write new rules to parse the logging output used with our Dovecot package.
The (:?.. portion of a Perl regular expression asks for clustering but not capturing; this allows entire groups to be matched or ignored as as group without influencing the capture group numbers; all the lines capture exactly one field, the IP to allow. (Which is a little odd, I might have expected both username and IP, but this might be easier in the long run.)
# For Dovecot POP3/IMAP when using syslog.
$pat = '^[LOGTIME] \S+ (?:imap|pop3)-login: Info: ' .
'Login: .*? (?:\[|rip=)[:f]*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)[],]';
# not necessary? see comment header START OF PATTERNS
# $out_pat = '^[LOGTIME] \S+ (?:IMAP|POP3)\(\S+\): Info: ' .
# 'Disconnected.*';
I've removed the dovecot pieces since they weren't in your input. I added the Info: to both lines. I've modified the $out_pat to use IMAP(username) instead of the no-longer-there imap-login from the original. (The use of \S+ will break if usernames have spaces. Since this assumption was made elsewhere in the file, I hope it's fine.)
Since there is no longer any IP address to capture for the logout line, it is probably best to not define $out_pat -- the START OF PATTERNS comment block includes the phrase If the entry of your choice also provides $out_pat, you should uncomment that variable as well, which allows us to keep track of users who are still connected to the server (e.g. Thunderbird caches open IMAP connections).
I haven't tested this but I have good feelings about it.

Maildrop: Filter mail by Date: header

I'm using getmail + maildrop + mutt + msmtp chain with messages stored in Maildir. Very big inbox bothers me, so i wanted to organize mail by date like that:
|-2010.11->all messages with "Date: *, * Nov 2010 *"
|-2010.12->same as above...
I've googled much and read about mailfilter language, but still it is hard for me to write such filter. Maildrop's mailing list archives has almost nothing on this (as far as i scanned through it). There is some semi-solution on, but i don't like it, because i want to use "Date:" header and i want to sort by month like "YEAR.MONTH" in digits.
Any help, thoughts, links, materials will be appreciated.
Using mostly man pages, I came up with the following solution for use on Ubuntu 10.04. Create a mailfilter file called, for example, mailfilter-archive with the following content:
# Uncomment the following to get logging output
#logfile $HOME/tmp/maildrop-archive.log
# Create maildir folder if it does not exist
`[ -d $DEFAULT ] || maildirmake $DEFAULT`
if (/^date:\s+(.+)$/)
datefile=`date -d "$MATCH1" +%Y-%m`
to $DEFAULT/$datefile
# In case the message is missing a date header, send it to a default mail file
to $DEFAULT/inbox
This uses the date command, taking the date header content as input (assuming it is in RFC-2822 format) and producing a formatted date to use as the mail file name.
Then execute the following on existing mail files to archive your messages:
cat mail1 mail2 mail3 mail4 | reformail -s maildrop mailfilter-archive
If the mail-archive contents look good, you could remove the mail1, mail2, mail3, mail4, etc. mail files.