Getting IndexOutOfBounds Exception while search for a subtring - scala

I have a string like
var word = "banana"
and a sentence like var sent = "the monkey is holding a banana which is yellow"
sent1 = "banana!!"
I want to search banana in sent and then write to a file in the following way:
the monkey is holding a
which is yellow
I'm doing it in the following way:
var before = sent.substring(0, sent.indexOf(word))
var after = sent.substring(sent.indexOf(word) + word.length)
This works fine but when I do the same for sent1, then it gives me IndexOutOfBoundsException. I think it is because there is nothing before banana in sent1. How to deal with this?

You can split based on the word and you will get an array with everything before and after the word.
val search = sent.split(word)
search: Array[String] = Array("the monkey is holding a ", " which is yellow")
This works in the "banana!!!" case:
res5: Array[String] = Array("", !!)
Now you can write the three lines to a file in your favorite way:

What if you had more than one occurrence of the word? .split understands regular expressions, so you could improve the previous solution with something like this:
\\s means a whitespace character
(?=<word>) means "followed by <word>"
(?<=<word>) means "preceded by <word>"
So, this would split your string into pieces, using any spaces either preceded or followed by the "banana", and not the word itself. The actual word ends up in the list, just like the other parts of the string, so you don't need to print it out explicitly
This regex trick is called "positive look-around" ( ?= is look-ahead, ?<= is look-behind) in case you are wondering.


How do i replace whitespace with underscore and encode values in scala array / list

I have a spark scala dataframe which has column "Name"
I have extracted the values of that column in to scala array[string]
org_name: Array[String] = Array(SARATOGA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL)
I want to replace whitespaces with _ and encode that value in to utf-8 (any encoding is fine as long as it replaces special chars with something else)
so if there are any special chars those will be removed. later i want to use those in file path .
var org_name = orgsFlatDF.rdd.collect
.map( _.getString(2))
This is how i am extracting those vals ^^. I haven't found any method which I can use to do that. Replace or replaceall doesn't work on array
I tried this :
org_name.replace("\\s", "")
That didn't work .
if name is : new $ high school it should gets converted to new_$_high_school then encoded to new_%24_high_school
There are a couple of issues with what you are asking.
Java/Scala Arrays don't have a replace method. Even if they did have a replace method, would they replace the values they hold or the characters in a String they hold?
Let's assume this line org_name.replace("\\s", "") didn't compiled and org_name is indeed a an Array[String] holding one element.
scala> val org_name=Array("SARATOGA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL")
val org_name: Array[String] = Array(SARATOGA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL)
scala> org_name(0).replace(" ","_")
replace("\\s","_") wouldn't work because it represents a \s string. "\" represents \. That's only way you'd be able to define strings containing other escape codes like \n or \t.
PS: to transform all the string in the array use" ","_")), this gives you back another another array.

How do you expand one literal of regex into multiple lines?

For example, I have a regex string:
val myRegex:Regex = "blahblah".r
but if the 'blahblah' is like more than thousand characters long, I want to split them into multiple lines so I can read easier. like so:
val myRegex:Regex = "blah".r
+ "blah".r
this does not work because value unary_+ is not a member of scala.util.matching.Regex.
is there a proper way?
One possible solution:
val myRegex:Regex =
.replaceAll("\n", "")

How do I find letters in words that are part of a string and remove them? (List comprehensions with if statements)

I'm trying to remove vowels from a string. Specifically, remove vowels from words that have more than 4 letters.
Here's my thought process:
(1) First, split the string into an array.
(2) Then, loop through the array and identify words that are more than 4 letters.
(3) Third, replace vowels with "".
(4) Lastly, join the array back into a string.
Problem: I don't think the code is looping through the array.
Can anyone find a solution?
def abbreviate_sentence(sent):
split_string = sent.split()
for word in split_string:
if len(word) > 4:
abbrev = word.replace("a", "").replace("e", "").replace("i", "").replace("o", "").replace("u", "")
sentence = " ".join(abbrev)
return sentence
print(abbreviate_sentence("follow the yellow brick road")) # => "fllw the yllw brck road"
I just figured out that the "abbrev = words.replace..." line was incomplete.
I changed it to:
abbrev = [words.replace("a", "").replace("e", "").replace("i", "").replace("o", "").replace("u", "") if len(words) > 4 else words for words in split_string]
I found the part of the solution here: Find and replace string values in list.
It is called a List Comprehension.
I also found List Comprehension with If Statement
The new lines of code look like:
def abbreviate_sentence(sent):
split_string = sent.split()
for words in split_string:
abbrev = [words.replace("a", "").replace("e", "").replace("i", "").replace("o", "").replace("u", "")
if len(words) > 4 else words for words in split_string]
sentence = " ".join(abbrev)
return sentence
print(abbreviate_sentence("follow the yellow brick road")) # => "fllw the yllw brck road"

Scala: Transforming List of Strings containing long descriptions to list of strings containing only last sentences

I have a List[String], for example:
val test=List("this is, an extremely long sentence. Check; But. I want this sentence.",
"Another. extremely. long. (for eg. description). But I want this sentence.",
I want the result to be like:
List("I want this sentence", "But I want this sentence"..)
I tried few approaches but didn't work>x.split(".").reverse.head)>x.split(".").last)
Try using this
To handle any Exception
You can map over you List, split each String and then take the last element. Try the below code.
val list = List("this is, an extremely long sentence. Check; But. I want this sentence.",
"Another. extremely. long. (for eg. description). But I want this sentence.")"\\.").last.trim)
It will give you
List(I want this sentence, But I want this sentence) (_.split("\\.").last)
Split takes a regular expression, and in such, the dot stands for every character, so you have to mask it.
Maybe you want to include question marks and bangs: (_.split("[!?.]").last)
and trim surrounding whitespace: (_.split("[!?.]").last.trim).
The reverse.head would have been a good idea, if there wasn't the last:
scala> (_.split("[!?.]").reverse.head.trim)
res138: List[String] = List(I want this sentence, But I want this sentence)
You can do this a number of ways:
For each string in your original list: split by ., reverse the list, take the first value'.').reverse.headOption)
// List(Some( I want this sentence), Some( But I want this sentence))
.headOption results in Some("string") or None, and you can do something like a .getOrElse("no valid string found") on it. You can trim the unwanted whitespace if you want.
Regex match { sentence =>
val regex = ".*\\.\\s*([^.]*)\\.$".r
val regex(value) = sentence
This will fetch any string at the end of a longer string which is preceded by a full stop and a space and followed by a full stop. You can modify the regex to change the exact rules of the regex, and I recommend playing around with if you fancy learning more regex. It's very good.
This solution is better for more complicated examples and requirements, but it's worth keeping in mind. If you are worried that the regex might not match, you can do something like checking if the regex matches before extracting it: { sentence =>
val regexString = ".*\\.\\s*([^.]*)\\.$"
val regex = regexString.r
if(sentence.matches(regexString)) {
val regex(value) = sentence
} else ""
Take the last after splitting the string by .'.').map(_.trim).lastOption)

Scala : How to split words using multiple delimeters

Suppose I have the text file like this:
The data needs to be split on multiple delimiters before performing the word count.
How to do that?
Use split method:
scala> "Apple#mango&banana#grapes".split("[#&#]")
res0: Array[String] = Array(Apple, mango, banana, grapes)
If you just want to count words, you don't need to split. Something like this will do:
val numWords = """\b\w""".r.findAllIn(string).length
This is a regex that matches start of a word (\b is a (zero-length) word boundary, \w is any "word" character (letter, number or underscore), so you get all the matches in your string, and then just check how many there are.
If you are looking to count each word separately, and do it across multiple lines, then, split is, probably, a better option: