Why does it appear that json4s JObject uses a List(Tuple2) under the hood - scala

This is really bad if it is what I think it is. I'm still learning Scala so I could be missing something HUGE but if I need constant time access to a specific element in a JObject, wouldn't storing the elements as a List(Tuple2) be REALLY REALLY REALLY bad for runtime?
I'm working on an application which uses Spark... and it looks like Spark is using json4s. I could imagine there's a good reasoning behind this, or maybe I don't know enough about Scala yet to understand why this doesn't matter.
Any thoughts?


Consume Scala syntax-trees from external tool

I would like to develop a tool that would consume scala syntax-trees (as the title suggests). More specifically it would be great if I could consume the trees after each compilation phase.
My research led me to Dotty's TASTY interchange format which seemed to be what I was looking for. Perhaps it is.
However, I was not able to find adequate documentation on-line to figure out how to extract it and consume it.
I also looked at dotc compiler flags and couldn't figure out an obvious approach.
I noticed the option : "-print-tasty" but I couldn't verify the expected output or perhaps I am missing something ?
Of course I can always print the AST after each phase using the scala printer (i.e., -Yshow-trees etc.). Is this my only option ? If it is, then fine.
Ideally, it would be great if I could consume the ASTs in a more "machine-friendly" format if you will. TASTY seems to be what I want in theory, i.e., a serialization of the AST, but I am not sure how to extract this after each phase.
I do apologize if my question is too trivial or has already been addressed. Any feedback would be highly appreciated ! Thanks !
P.S.: What if the ASTs were encoded in a JSON format ? Would a scala tool like that make sense, (i.e., a tool that converts Scala ASTs to JSON and back) ?

Is there something similar to T4 to do code generation in Scala with IntelliJ?

Not sure if it's possible, but given a case class in Scala, I would like to generate another class and some methods using reflection.
For example, Phantom table definition, which must have a specific object extends to a column type. Those things will have much less error-prone if I can generate them instead of hand code them.
IntelliJ live template doesn't seem can allow me to do this.
I was quickly reading Scala Marco
and this:
But I still have no idea how to apply it to IDE yet.
still reading, if anyone has done something like T4 in Scala programming, please share some insight. Thanks

Pure FP in Scala?

I was under the impression that there are folks out there that do write pure applications using Scalaz, but based on this example: [ stacking StateT in scalaz ], it looks like anything real would also be impossibly hairy.
Are there any guidelines or examples of real, modular, loosely-coupled, pure applications in Scala? I'm expecting that this means scalaz.effect.SafeApp and RWST over IO, but I'd like to hear from folks who have done it.
Edit: In the absence of an answer, I've started collecting resources as an answer below. If you have any examples or related links to contribute, please do.
i think you are mixing two different things. one is pure functional programming and second is scala type system. you can do 'pure' programming in any language, even in java. if the language is funvtional than you will have pure functional programming.
does it make your programs work faster? depends on the program - it scales better but for single threaded parts you will rather loose performance.
does it 'save your cognition'? it depends on how good you are in what you are doing. if you work with FP, monads, arrows etc on the daily basis then i assume it may help significantly. if you show the code to the OO developer he probably won't understand anything.
does it save the development time? as previously, i think it may but to be honest it doesn't matter that much. you more often read the code rather than write it
can you do useful stuff in PFP? yes, some companies makes money on haskell
and now, can it be done in scala? for sure. will anyone do it in scala? probably not because it's too easy to break the purity, because type system is too weak and because there are better, 'more pure' tools for it (but currently not on jvm)
I guess I will start collecting resources here, and update as I find more.
Functional Reactive Programming: stefan hoeck's blog, github, examples
Monadic effect worlds for interacting safely with mutable data. (tpolecat)
Mellow database access for Scala (tpolecat)
Dependency Injection without the Gymnastics (tony, rĂșnar)
Google search for "extends SafeApp"

Scala. Too much small functions, too many classes?

I am a Scala newcomer, but have some Java background.
When writing Scala code it is useful to deal with Option parameter in such style:
val text = Option("Text")
val length = text.map(s => s.size)
but each s => s.size as I know brings a new Function1[A, B]. And if I do for example 8 such conversions it will bring 8 additional classes. When binding forms I use such snippets very heavily, so the question is:
Should I use it less and, maybe substitute it with an if-notation, or is such class-flood not critical for the JVM, or maybe the Scala compiler does some kind of magic?
Update: a maybe more concrete example is:
case class Form(name: Option[String], surname: Option[String])
val bindedForm = Form(Option("John"), Option("Smith"))
val person = new Person
bindedForm.name.foreach(a => person.setName(a))
bindedForm.surname.foreach(a => person.setSurname(a))
will it produce two different Function1[String, String] classes? What if there are hundreds of such conversions?
If you are developing for Android, then you're probably going to run the code using Dalvik, which has an annoying 64k method limitation (though there are ways around it). Since each class requires a couple of methods (constructor and apply), this can be a problem.
Otherwise, classes on the Sun/Oracle JVM go into PermGen space, which you can adjust when launching the JVM if you really need to. It really doesn't matter. Yes, you'll have lots of classes, maybe tens of thousands, but the JVM can handle it fine (at least if you're willing to give it a heads-up about what to expect). Unless you know you're very likely to run into some unusual constraint, this is not something you should be worrying much about.
Far more often one might be worried that creating all those functions has a performance penalty--but if you're not actually running into that penalty now, don't worry about that either; this is something that the Scala compiler can in principle fix, and it's getting cleverer all the time. So just write code the idiomatic way and unless it's a big performance problem now, just hope that the compiler will come save you. There's a decent chance it will, and an even better chance that you'll find it easier to write it the "right" way and then refactor for performance where needed than to adopt a policy of using a more awkward construct just in case there might be a problem. Of course, there are some places that you may know in advance are certain to be a bottleneck, like wrapping each byte you read from a huge file in an option, but aside from blatant stuff like that, you're better off acting reactively to known problems than proactively avoiding closures.

Is there a way in scala to convert from any Map to java.util.Map?

I use a lot of scala maps, occasionally I want to pass them in as a map to a legacy java api which wants a java.util.Map (and I don't care if it throws away any changes).
An excellent library I have found that does a better job of this:
(bad name, awesome library). You explicitly invoke .asJava or .asScala depending on what direction you want to go. No surprises.
Scala provides wrappers for Java collections so that they can be used as Scala collections but not the other way around. That being said it probably wouldn't be hard to write your own wrapper and I'm sure it would be useful for the community. This question comes up on a regular basis.
This question and answer discuss this exact problem and the possible solutions. It advises against transparent conversions as they can have very strange side-effects. It advocates using scala-javautils instead. I've been using them in a large project for a few months now and have found them to be very reliable and easy to use.