Deploy orange Model as web service - orange

I have created a model using Orange data mining that I am happy with.
I would like to use this model as a web service for real time categorization,
Is there an option to use this Orange flow as a Web Service using my trained model ?

No, there is no way you can deploy Orange workflows created through visual programming as web services.


IBM Watson Natural Language Classifier

one simple question: how can I create more than one classifier within a instance of Natural Language Classifier using the beta toolkit?
I've asked that because I don't know how to upload and train a new classifier after I've just deployed one.
Thanks for the help.
Your question is about the Toolkit. You can manage your training data and classifiers by using the IBM Watson™ Natural Language Classifier Toolkit web application. The toolkit gives you a unified view of all the classifiers that are running in the same Bluemix service instance. So you need to create another classifier and use the toolkit to manage.
I think you can view this document, about Natural Language Classifier using Toolkit.
Obs.: The first classifier is free, but each other you will need to pay.
See the API Reference to use NLC.
As #Sayuri mentions above, use the Toolkit to manage your Classifiers.
Something to keep in mind that when you create the first NLC instance (the little box in Bluemix), this is called a service instance. Within this service instance, you can have up to 7 unique classifiers. If you need to create an 8th classifier, you will need to create a new service instance.

Can I use RESTful web services with Oracle ADF

I want to develop and application with the Oracle ADF, but I want a RESTful web service that will allow for other clients (a desktop app, a mobile app, etc...). TO help me determine the best way to do this I have two questions:
Does the ADF have some easy way to create a REST service built into the application?
If not, can I create a JAX-RS web service and hook it up in the same container as the ADF application?
I am thinking that because of what the ADF is, it may be best not to try to create a service with it. If so, please alert me of this.
Now with the release of jDeveloper 12.2.1 ADF comes with inbuilt REST Freamework which will solve all kinds of requirements(CRUD Operations, Custom method invocation, Paging, Data Consistency Check etc.)
The link for getting started with this
will help a lot in getting started with REST and ADF.
For getting into more advanced features please follow this link
this will help in implementing all the other features in the ADF way.
Yes you can build and consume REST from ADF Faces, please see below a step-by-step tutorial for ADF 12c:
This will work well for simple use cases, where there is not much complexity behind data entry screens.
However, you must keep in mind that ADF is most powerful when using Business Components and Bindings. Any other combination will decrease your productivity.
Yes, you can build REST service on top of ADF components, here's a fresh tutorial showing how to proceed with many Java technologies : and also
With JDeveloper 12.2.1 release, an easy way to create REST services has been provided. Using this feature, you can expose the entity objects of your choice as REST resources and then consume them easily via the DC palette.
Take a look at this blog which provides some insight into the same:

How does portable class libraries, MVVM and DDD all work together?

So we are focusing on developing a enterprise web application that utilized DDD patterns with CQRS+ES. We have a pretty good handle on that from the enterprise level. Now when we want to open up our backend services to native mobile devices using Xamarin and portable class libraries how does this come together? Do we change our domain projects in each of our bounded context to be a PCL project type? What do we do with the MVVM side of things for instance in Windows Store App, Windows Phone app? Since we are pulling from a Web API service do we pull in the PCL bounded context library or do we make a subset domain model and a separate PCL library for our native client MVVM patterns?
Right now we are leaning towards leaving the original DDD projects as class libraries and just creating a separate portable class library for our MVVM code. We will probably use file linking to link back into the domain projects to get the models so that we always have the latest set of POCO objects and any DTO objects we want to use on the client. Any one else have any thoughts or ideas on this? I really don't see a lot of discussions around this DDD+PCL combination.
I have done a lot of thinking about this and what i did to put Xamarin in my current architecture with DDD approach was:
Put your Domain Entities in a PCL project and use it to reference in all projects that you need, such as Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, ASP.NET, WCF, etc.
Your Domain Services can be in a normal class library that will be used for the Application layer. The application layer will be used by the Presentation projects such as ASP.NET MVC.
In the Distributed Services layer you're going to expose your services for Xamarin or other apps to communicate with your application. You can use ASP.NET Web Api or WCF with REST. This layer will also use the application layer respecting the DDD concepts.
The xamarin projects go in the presentation layer but do not use application layer. Here you will write your services for Xamarin to connect to your Distributed Services Layer through the internet. If you need offline sync you can also put that in here. Here you're going to reference your Domain Entities Project and have all your entities with their business rules.
This way you have your domain and business rules shared with all your solution and respecting DDD concepts and role separation.

Example for using WCF RIA Services with Prism?

Is there a current and good example how to use WCF RIA Services together with Prism? There's a lot of information about each topic. But at the moment I can't see how to put everything together into a "real world" LOB application.
You can check the Telerik Sales Dashboard demo. It implements the "Composite Application Guidance for WPF and Silverlight ("Prism")" and also uses WCF Services. You can download the source of the application and run it on your side.

What is the difference between ASP and SaaS models?

I am interested in finding a business model for a software product (iprocurement). However, I got quite confused between ASP (Application Service Provider) and Saas models. What are the differences?
Thanks in advance.
Though medium of delivery is the same i.e. internet, ASP takes a packaged-base approach while SaaS takes product approach. ASP provider need not be a manufacturer of the product. He can be a trader or a middleman who takes the responsibility of selling it and customising and implementing it when required. On the other hand, a system based on Saas model had been designed, built, delivered, configured and implemented normally by a single party who has total control of the system.
In case of ASP there can be multiple instances (or implementations) of a software running on a single server, suitable as per customer needs while in case of SaaS, a single software will serve to many clients allowing them to configure the service as per their requirement.
The fundamental difference is how software is built and used. ASP follows traditional development with a twist when it comes to deployment. It is built on data centric and it is deployed as an application with a centralized host sever. SaaS is built on service centric and deployed as web services.