Using Apigen in Netbeans IDE - netbeans

I have been trying to use the Apigen script to do documentation in Netbeans. I downloaded Apigen.phar file and created the Apigen.bat file. I added the location of it into the Netbeans in the Apigen section. When I try to do the documentation for the project I get the error below:
There are no commands defined in the "C" namespace.
Any suggestions please.
P.S: I am using Windows 8.1

Create apigen.neon in your project folder and set it as "Configuration File" on "Project Properties"/"ApiGen" in Netbeans. Edit apigen.bat as is
#"C:\xampp\php\php.exe" "C:\xampp\php\apigen.phar" generate
It's not very good decision, but it's worked)


Enterprise Configuration of Workspace mechanic

I am using Google's Workspace Mechanic to configure my eclipse environment. All seems to work fine, except that for any fresh installation, the workspace mechanic opens up with a default location of its own (~/.eclipse/mechanic) to look for preference files.
As given in their documentation i tried including their code
in my plugin_customization.ini , but it does not work for me.
Does anyone have any other idea as to how to achieve this?
Quite late, but I just needed the same configuration.
First locate your plugin_customization.ini (eg. 'find -name plugin_customization.ini' in your eclipse folder).
I had two files with same name, located in org.eclipse.platform and org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.
For me, the jee one was relevant and you can configure it as JSON Array.["http\://server/mechanics/tasks.json","/tmp"]
This example shows how to configure a folder (/tmp) and via http location.
Under Windows, I found that when using the recent Eclipse Juno and the latest Workspace Mechanic I had to do the following:
Edit the (Java EE):
and add the following line at the end:\\...\\eclipse_extensions\\WorkspaceMechanics
in order for the plugin to recognize the above directory as the shared folder...
The plugin preferences now correctly references the folder !
The documentation is for Eclipse on Linux/Unix. If you are running Eclipse on Windows you will need a different path.
Another aproch is to put the preferencces in another file and point to that file from your eclipse.ini with a line such as
or eclipse startup with
eclipse -pluginCustomization /var/wsm/current/
The following worked for me (for Eclipse Luna in Windows).
Open the Luna/plugins folder
Search for a folder that begins with org.eclipse.epp.package.
(and I ended up with org.eclipse.epp.package.java_4.4.1.20140925-1820)
Go inside that folder and edit plugin_customization.ini
Append the following at the end (to point to \\sharedserver\share\DEV\Workspace-Prefs-Luna):
#Workspace Mechanic Settings\\\\\sharedserver\\share\\DEV\\Workspace-Prefs-Luna
Save and Close the file
Restart Eclipse

Is it possible to add external command line tools to Netbeans?

Is it possible to use external command line tools in Netbeans?
Thank you.
After searching and searching and searching, this feature is just missing in netbeans although it would absolutely straightforward to implement and has been ask by user for 2 more than years...
There is a Terminal window in NetBeans 7:
Open the menu, Window -> Output -> Terminal
What about using an Ant target? Ant files are quite comfortable to run from Netbeans.
<exec executable="${executable-full-path}" ...
The best option I've found is to use jmarsault's plugin that he calls NetBeans Command Shortcuts. This give you an icon in the command line where you can add command and terminal scripts to run. The display shows in the output window.
Installation files are available here and he has kept it up to date with the newest versions of NetBeans.
NetBeans Command Shortcut plugin
Download the .nbm file for your version of NetBeans
Open Tools / Plugins / Downloaded / Add Plugins...
Select the .nbm file and allow the installation of the plugin.
In since at least version 9.0, there are two decent options:
Just create a script file. (I think you need the C++ plugin for this. Otherwise you have to create it outside NetBeans or as a text file.) In my case I created a that just executes JLinkGDBServer as a prerequisite to start an embedded debug session. This automatically sends the executable's output to a NetBeans terminal.
Add a tool to Tools/Options/Miscellaneous/SendTo. SendTo is a pop-up menu item for certain project entities, for example files but not the project. In my case, I could add a SendTo running the executable and use it by right-clicking on for example the .elf file (although for the GDB server I don't need any file name as an argument).

netbeans 6.8 and zend framework

I installed Netbeans 6.8 but in the PHP framework list it does not show Zend framework. Do I need to configure it? How do I do that?
Same this one :
This feature will be in the next release (AFAIK 6.9 is planned at the beginning of the summer). You can already download (or compile by yourself) dev build and try it out.
For now, ZF support in Netbeans it is just a wrapper for command line Zend
_Tool. You just configure your zf.bat path and that's it.
There is a great plugin named "Path Tools" (get it from the netbeans plugins page). This will allow you to open a command window in your project directory. Then, creating a new project is really easy(ofcourse, you need to have zf.bat and php.exe in your path). Simply open command window..
. zf create project
. (you will be prompted for directory.. enter '.' for current dir)
Netbeans does not create ZF projects. So first you need to create ZF project yourself using Zend_Tool, and than in NetBeans create New Project (File->New Project) and select PHP category with 'PHP Application with Existing Sources' and off course point to your newly created ZF project.

Eclipse doesn't recognize lua files after installing the lua plugin

I downloaded Eclipse Classic off of the Eclipse website then the Lua Eclipse IDE plugin. I followed the install instructions but Eclipse doesn't seem to recognize or be able to understand lua files. Can someone help?
Sounds like your file types aren't associated. Click on Window/Preferences and select General/Editors/File Associations.
Add more information
Which installation guide did you follow? (Lua Eclipse Installation?)
Which OS (version)?
Which java version? (Which implementation)
Which eclipse version?
I love these kind of questions because they provide an opportunity to do a test I postponed until now...
So I downloaded the plugin package, and followed the instructions: closed Eclipse, put two jar files in the plugin folder, put the open-ldb.exe elsewhere, restarted Eclipse.
I created a generic project, added a generic file linked to an existing Lua file. When I opened the file, it was automatically identified as such, with a moon icon and correct syntax highlighting.
Using Eclipse 3.5.1 on Windows XP, BTW.
Now, I have an issue, the debugger won't start for me, I get a
Unable to connect to PDA VM
Connection refused: connect
error, not sure why (path to exe file is correct, I have another error when it is wrong).
But at least I have the Lua files recognized without problem.
I think you might want to check that in Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations, *.lua is defined and associated to the Lua editor.
Instead of opening a File you have to do the following:
Open a new LUA project.
Then import using 'File System' all files (resources and LUA files) into the project.
Now you can see and edit the LUA files. Don't know why it doesn't work by simply opening a LUA file directly.

How do I configure the place of the Netbeans .netbeans directory?

I want Netbeans 6.1 to store the .netbeans directory in another place than the default. How do I do this?
You can also specify this when you run Netbeans IDE via the command line. This is useful if you want to have different profiles/working environments in the IDE or when you are testing out Netbeans IDE plug-ins. This works from 5.0 to the current version (6.5).
Simply specify "--userdir " on the command line. Example:
netbeans --userdir /local/file/system/netbeans/userdir/6.1
There's config file: