Differences between "static var" and "var" in Swift - swift

What is the main difference between "static var" and "var" in Swift? Can someone explain this difference to me, possibly with a little example?

static var belongs to type itself while var belongs to instance (specific value that is of specific type) of type. For example:
struct Car {
static var numberOfWheels = 4
var plateNumber: String
Car.numberOfWheels = 3
let myCar = Car(plateNumber: "123456")
All cars has same amount of wheels. An you change it on type Car itself.
In order to change plate number you need to have instance of Car. For example, myCar.

I'll give you a very nice Swifty example based on this post. Though this is a bit more sophisticated.
Imagine you have a project in which you have 15 collectionViews in your app. For each you have to set the cellIdentifier & nibName. Do you really want to rewrite all code for your that 15 times?
There is a very POP solution to your problem:
Let's help ourselves by writing a protocol which returns a string version of our ClassName
protocol ReusableView: class {
static var defaultReuseIdentifier: String { get }
extension ReusableView where Self: UIView {
static var defaultReuseIdentifier: String {
return String(Self)
extension BookCell : ReusableView{
The same for the nibName of each custom cell you have created:
protocol NibLoadableView: class {
static var nibName: String { get }
extension NibLoadableView where Self: UIView {
static var nibName: String {
return String(Self)
extension BookCell: NibLoadableView {
so now where ever I need nibName I would just do
And where ever I need cellIdentifier I would just do:
Now specifically to your question. Do you think we need to change the cellIdentifier per each new instance of BookCell?! No! All cells of BookCell will have the same identifier. It's not something that would change per instance. As a result it's been made static
While I did answer your question, the solution to reducing the number of lines for the 15 collectionViews can still be significantly improved so do see the blog post linked.
That blog post has actually been turned into a video by NatashaTheRobot

A static var is property variable on a struct versus an instance of the struct. Note that static var can exist for an enum too.
struct MyStruct {
static var foo:Int = 0
var bar:Int
println("MyStruct.foo = \(MyStruct.foo)") // Prints out 0
MyStruct.foo = 10
println("MyStruct.foo = \(MyStruct.foo)") // Prints out 10
var myStructInstance = MyStruct(bar:12)
// bar is not
// println("MyStruct.bar = \(MyStruct.bar)")
println("myStructInstance = \(myStructInstance.bar)") // Prints out 12
Notice the difference? bar is defined on an instance of the struct. Whereas foo is defined on the struct itself.


Alternate approach to inheritance for Swift structs?

I'm using structs instead of classes to store data in my iOS app because of the obvious advantage of value vs reference types. However, I'm trying to figure out how to architect groups of similar content. User posts may consist of images, text, and/or titles. If I were using classes the approach I would use is having a common Post superclass with different subclasses representing different types of posts. That way I could pass Post data around and cast as needed. However, structs don't allow for inheritance, so how could I architect something similar?
In Swift with struct you can create protocol for common task and also implement default implementation using protocol extension.
protocol Vehicle {
var model: String { get set }
var color: String { get set }
//Common Implementation using protocol extension
extension Vehicle {
static func parseVehicleFields(jsonDict: [String:Any]) -> (String, String) {
let model = jsonDict["model"] as! String
let color = jsonDict["color"] as! String
return (model, color)
struct Car : Vehicle {
var model:String
var color:String
let horsepower: Double
let license_plate: String
init(jsonDict: [String:Any]) {
(model, color) = Car.parseVehicleFields(jsonDict: jsonDict)
horsepower = jsonDict["horsepower"] as! Double
license_plate = jsonDict["license_plate"] as! String
struct Bicycle : Vehicle {
var model:String
var color:String
let chainrings: Int
let sprockets: Int
init(jsonDict: [String:Any]) {
(model, color) = Bicycle.parseVehicleFields(jsonDict: jsonDict)
chainrings = jsonDict["chainrings"] as! Int
sprockets = jsonDict["sprockets"] as! Int
There is a detailed answer at following Gist, with all possible approaches. I do not like any of them as I am fan of Classes. But structs are future of Swift, you have to understand, adopt and like :( it .
Link: https://gist.github.com/AliSoftware/9e4946c8b6038572d678

Swift - Declare nested variable names using dot

I'll keep it short. I'm trying to accomplish the following:
class Media {
var likes.count : Int? = 0
Obviously the complier throws me an error:
Consecutive declarations on a line must be separated by ';'
Is there a way to work around this? I know that i can eventually do some kind of String Replace using Mirror(reflecting:object) but i'd like to keep it efficient. Would love any help. Thanks.
I wasn't clear enough, sorry. The issue is that the complier won't let me use . inside the variable declaration name.
The issue is that the complier won't let me use . inside the variable declaration name.
Exactly, a property name in Swift cannot contain the . character.
A possible approach
Now, if you want to be able to write something like this
let media = Media()
media.likes.count = 1
then you need to define your class like shown below
class Media {
class Likes {
var count = 0
var likes = Likes()
class Likes {
var count = 0
class Media {
var likes = Likes()
A few suggestions
PLEASE don't use implicitly unwrapped optionals like this one
var likes.count : Int! = 0
They are like a gun ready to fire and crash your entire app!
And finally the class keyword begins with a lowercase character: class not Class.
I recommend using a Struct. A Struct is basically the same as a class that is referenced by value. So you can have as many Structs as you want with their own nested variables and functions, just like a class! And the best part is, you never have to use the Struct as a functional piece of code, just as something to namespace your variables in. I do this frequently with a Constants swift file.
struct Constants {
struct MainMenu {
static var height:CGFloat = 420
static var width:CGFloat = 240
static var backgroundColor:UIColor = .red
struct MainViewController {
static var toolBarHeight:CGFloat = 49
static var backgroundColor:UIColor = .blue
func getRemainingHeight() ->CGFloat {
let viewHeight = self.view.bounds.size.height
let menuHeight = Constants.MainMenu.height
let toolBarHeight = Constants.MainViewController.toolBarHeight
return viewHeight - (menuHeight + toolBarHeight)

Using a string parameter to describe class property

I want to write a function that takes a string and then prints the value of the class property with that name. In practice, there would be more than one property to choose form. For example...
class Apple{
var juiciness : Int = 0
init(juiciness: Int){
self.juiciness = juiciness
var myApple(juiciness : 10)
func printValue(property : String){
print(Apple.property) // <-- I want to use the string to choose a property
Obviously, I can't do this code but I know there has to be a better solution than just I series of if statements.
Apple has done this for you. It is known as key-value observing(KVO).
Try the following code in the playground:
let label = UILabel()
print(label.value(forKey: "font"))
Your own class can support KVO by inheriting from NSObject:
class YourClass: NSObject{ ... }

iterate over struct attributes in Swift

I am using struct in swift.
class Constants {
struct const {
static let signupFirstName = "signupFirstName"
I want to iterate the struct. For iterating I am using :
let mirrored_object = Mirror(reflecting: Constants.const())
for (index, attr) in mirrored_object.children.enumerate() {
if let property_name = attr.label as String! {
print("Attr \(index): \(property_name) = \(attr.value)")
But it does not enter into the code because of static value. Is there any way to iterate this struct?
Since static members are technically part of the type and not the instance, you would need to approach it this way to reflect on the type itself:
let mirrored_object = Mirror(reflecting: Constants.const.self)
However, Swift's automatic reflection for types themselves doesn't appear to be implemented at this time, so even the above line won't work.
That leaves one last option, which is defining your own custom mirror for reflecting on an instance of your type. That could look something like this:
class Constants {
struct const : CustomReflectable {
static let signupFirstName = "signupFirstName"
func customMirror() -> Mirror {
return Mirror(self, children: ["signupFirstName" : const.signupFirstName])
If you modify your code with a CustomReflectable implementation similar to the above, your loop to iterate through the struct members will now work.
Swift reflection will eventually get better out of the box, you might want to try a different approach until then.
You can do it directly by accessing the variable at class level
if let property_value = const.signupFirstName as String! {
print("hello \(property_value)")
Be sure to access it from the class it self const not an instance const(). Because the variable is static you can not access it from instance, you have to directly use the class

deep copy for array of objects in swift

I have this class named Meal
class Meal {
var name : String = ""
var cnt : Int = 0
var price : String = ""
var img : String = ""
var id : String = ""
init(name:String , cnt : Int, price : String, img : String, id : String) {
self.name = name
self.cnt = cnt
self.price = price
self.img = img
self.id = id
and I have an array of Meal :
var ordered = [Meal]()
I want to duplicate that array and then do some changes to the Meal instances in one of them without changing the Meal instances in the second one, how would I make a deep copy of it?
This search result didn't help me
How do I make a exact duplicate copy of an array?
Since ordered is a swift array, the statement
var orderedCopy = ordered
will effectively make a copy of the original array.
However, since Meal is a class, the new array will contain references
to the same meals referred in the original one.
If you want to copy the meals content too, so that changing a meal in one array will not change a meal in the other array, then you must define Meal as a struct, not as a class:
struct Meal {
From the Apple book:
Use struct to create a structure. Structures support many of the same behaviors as classes, including methods and initializers. One of the most important differences between structures and classes is that structures are always copied when they are passed around in your code, but classes are passed by reference.
To improve on #Kametrixom answer check this:
For normal objects what can be done is to implement a protocol that supports copying, and make the object class implements this protocol like this:
protocol Copying {
init(original: Self)
extension Copying {
func copy() -> Self {
return Self.init(original: self)
And then the Array extension for cloning:
extension Array where Element: Copying {
func clone() -> Array {
var copiedArray = Array<Element>()
for element in self {
return copiedArray
and that is pretty much it, to view code and a sample check this gist
You either have to, as #MarioZannone mentioned, make it a struct, because structs get copied automatically, or you may not want a struct and need a class. For this you have to define how to copy your class. There is the NSCopying protocol which unifies that on the ObjC world, but that makes your Swift code "unpure" in that you have to inherit from NSObject. I suggest however to define your own copying protocol like this:
protocol Copying {
init(original: Self)
extension Copying {
func copy() -> Self {
return Self.init(original: self)
which you can implement like this:
class Test : Copying {
var x : Int
init() {
x = 0
// required initializer for the Copying protocol
required init(original: Test) {
x = original.x
Within the initializer you have to copy all the state from the passed original Test on to self. Now that you implemented the protocol correctly, you can do something like this:
let original = Test()
let stillOriginal = original
let copyOriginal = original.copy()
original.x = 10
original.x // 10
stillOriginal.x // 10
copyOriginal.x // 0
This is basically the same as NSCopying just without ObjC
EDIT: Sadly this yet so beautiful protocol works very poorly with subclassing...
A simple and quick way is to map the original array into the new copy:
let copyOfPersons: [Person] = allPersons.map({(originalPerson) -> Person in
let newPerson = Person(name: originalPerson.name, age: originalPerson.age)
return newPerson
The new Persons will have different pointers but same values.
Based on previous answer here
If you have nested objects, i.e. subclasses to a class then what you want is True Deep Copy.
var dogsForAdoption: Array<Dog>
class Dog{
var breed: String
var owner: Person
So this means implementing NSCopying in every class(Dog, Person etc).
Would you do that for say 20 of your classes? what about 30..50..100? You get it right? We need native "it just works!" way. But nope we don't have one. Yet.
As of now, Feb 2021, there is no proper solution of this issue. We have many workarounds though.
Here is the one I have been using, and one with less limitations in my opinion.
Make your class conforms to codable
class Dog: Codable{
var breed : String = "JustAnyDog"
var owner: Person
Create this helper class
class DeepCopier {
//Used to expose generic
static func Copy<T:Codable>(of object:T) -> T?{
let json = try JSONEncoder().encode(object)
return try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: json)
catch let error{
return nil
Call this method whenever you need true deep copy of your object, like this:
//Now suppose
let dog = Dog()
guard let clonedDog = DeepCopier.Copy(of: dog) else{
print("Could not detach Dog")
//Change/mutate object properties as you want
clonedDog.breed = "rottweiler"
//Also clonedDog.owner != dog.owner, as both the owner : Person have dfferent memory allocations
As you can see we are piggy backing on Swift's JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder, using power of Codable, making true deep copy no matter how many nested objects are there under our object. Just make sure all your Classes conform to Codable.
Though its NOT an ideal solution, but its one of the most effective workaround.