TYPO3 TypoScript: Display a list of subpages with content on parent page - typo3

I am trying to create an archive page that displays a list of subpages, similar to WordPress but display the parent's subpages instead of posts. I want the archive page to include the following from the subpage:
First image
First 150 words of regular text element
At the moment I can display a page title, but that's where I got stuck. I am placing the code in a sub template. Here is the code.
lib.portfoliolist = CONTENT
lib.portfoliolist.table = pages
lib.portfoliolist.select {
pidInList = this
lib.portfoliolist.renderObj = COA
lib.portfoliolist.renderObj {
stdWrap.wrap = <div class="project">|</div><hr />
10 = TEXT
10 {
field = title
wrap = <h2>|</h2>
10.typolink.parameter.field = uid
If it helps, all of the images are within the fileadmin/user_upload/ directory, and this is my page structure:
Project Portfolio
Project 1
Project 2
Contact Us

Seems like I figured it out myself, all I had to do was call for content in a separate query. For those that are looking to achieve something similar, here is the code I used to help you out.
lib.portfoliolist = CONTENT
lib.portfoliolist.table = pages
lib.portfoliolist.select {
orderBy = sorting ASC
lib.portfoliolist.renderObj = COA
lib.portfoliolist.renderObj {
stdWrap.allWrap = <div class="row">|</div>
stdWrap.wrap = <div class="project col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">|</div>
10 = TEXT
10 {
field = title
wrap = <h2>|</h2>
typolink.parameter.field = pages.uid
20 {
table = tt_content
select {
pidInList.field = uid
selectFields = header, bodytext
orderBy = sorting ASC
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
30 = TEXT
30.value {
field = bodytext
wrap = <div>|</div>


Typoscript records not translated content

I have a piece of typoscript code, it works nice for the main language but does not translate?
20 {
source.data = field:pid
tables = pages
conf.pages = TEXT
conf.pages.field = title
wrap = <li class="text-li"><h2>|</h2>
How to get the translated "title" field from database?
p.s. This code is working with fallbackType: fallback, but not with the current fallbackType: free
We want to keep free enabled because the site is already filled by the editors in this manner
Thanks to Thomas Löffler:
20 {
table = pages
select {
where = (l10n_parent={field:pid} AND sys_language_uid={field:sys_language_uid}) OR (uid={field:pid})
where.insertData = 1
slide = -1
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
10 = TEXT
10.stdWrap.field = title
10.stdWrap.wrap = <li class="text-li"><h2>|</h2>

TYPO3 10 <f:cObject/> does NOT render first content-element from tt_content table after clearing cache

I am currently facing the issue, that when I fetch content from a specific page via typoscript, I only get the full content after the second pageload if I have deleted all caches before. The first content element is not rendered at all (seems to be ignored).
Here is my Typoscript:
lib.dynamicContent = COA
lib.dynamicContent {
5 {
colPos.cObject = TEXT
colPos.cObject {
field = colPos
ifEmpty.cObject = TEXT
ifEmpty.cObject {
value.current = 1
ifEmpty = 0
pageUid.cObject = TEXT
pageUid.cObject {
field = pageUid
ifEmpty.data = TSFE:id
contentFromPid.cObject = TEXT
contentFromPid.cObject {
data = DB:pages:{register:pageUid}:content_from_pid
data.insertData = 1
wrap.cObject = TEXT
wrap.cObject {
field = wrap
20 {
table = tt_content
select {
includeRecordsWithoutDefaultTranslation = 1
orderBy = sorting
where = {#colPos}={register:colPos}
where.insertData = 1
pidInList.data = register:pageUid
pidInList.override.data = register:contentFromPid
stdWrap {
dataWrap = {register:wrap}
required = 1
This is how I render the content in fluid:
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.dynamicContent" data="{pageUid: '41', colPos: '1'}" />
The output from the first content element after clearing the cache is on the first pageload: <div />. When I reload the page, I get the full content from the page.
I already checked the database queries which are executed, but they are always the same and return the correct results.
TYPO3 10.4.8
PHP 7.3
You should remove the stdWrap part, which contains a wrap, that should be created via plain HTML in your Fluid template instead.
Im not 100% sure, but I guess the required check within that stdWrap section disables the content as well, since it might be checked before the actual content has been rendered.

TYPO3 Menu Double up

I have this custom menu setup based on the default section menu. When testing on one content element, it looks good... When I add a second content element to the page both get added to each menu item.
Anyone know what's going on here?
tt_content.menu.20.3.1.sectionIndex.useColPos = -1
tt_content.menu.20.101 < tt_content.menu.20.3
tt_content.menu.20.101 {
1.NO {
stdWrap.cObject = CONTENT
stdWrap.cObject {
table = tt_content
select {
pidInList.field = uid
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
10 = FILES
10 {
stdWrap.wrap = <div class="menu-img">|</div>
references {
table = tt_content
fieldName = image
renderObj = IMAGE
renderObj {
file {
import.data = file:current:uid
treatIdAsReference = 1
width = 100c
height = 100c
altText.data = file:current:alternative
titleText.data = file:current:title
stdWrap.typolink.parameter.data = file:current:link
maxItems = 1
20 = TEXT
20.field = header
30 = TEXT
30.field = rowDescription
This is currently outputting:
What it should be:
It is about your CONTENT object.
your selection is strange:
select {
pidInList.field = uid
you select all tt_content elements which are in the page with the uid of the current content element.
And your rendering is executed for each record found.
Do you really need to select the contentelement with a cObject again? I think in the menu it should be the current context.
add on:
I would try something like this to render the image before the text (which should be available by default):
before just for the image instead of stdWrap with a full query of all CEs and with a COA for all fields.
have a look to the correct fieldname!
1.NO {
before.cObject = FILES
before.cObject {
stdWrap.wrap = <div class="pic">|</div>
references {
table = tt_content
uid.data = uid
// 'image' or 'media' or ... ???
fieldName = image
renderObj = IMAGE
renderObj {
stdWrap.wrap = <div class="pic">|</div>
file {
import.data = file:current:uid
treatIdAsReference = 1
width = 150c
height = 150c
altText.data = file:current:alternative
titleText.data = file:current:title
#params = class="menu-img"
// don't do a link inside a link =:-O
#stdWrap.typolink.parameter.data = file:current:link
maxItems = 1
I have tried this many different ways and cannot get it working with the image and fields. So instead I have simply patched my original code using by adding: tt_content.menu.20.101.maxItems = 1 and adding a wrap to the renderObj.
I know this is not how it should be done, but it works for now. But if anyone knows the correct way of doing it let me know!

typo3 add image resource as background

I'm totally new to typo3, I need to make a div with background from a specific page. For example on home page, I would like to use a media resource from page id 20.
I got something like that
page.20 = TEMPLATE
page.20.template = FILE
page.20.template.file = fileadmin/refood/layouts/home.html
page.20.workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT
BOX1 < styles.content.get
BOX1.select.where = colPos=1
BOX1.wrap = <div class="offers"><div class="home-box-desc"></div><div class="home-box-desc">|</div><div class="meta-square-green"></div></div>
BOX1.stdWrap.typolink.parameter = 14 _self home-box }
I tried to use something like that
references {
table = pages
uid.data = 20
fieldName = media
renderObj = IMAGE
renderObj {
file.import.data = file:current:publicUrl
altText.data = file:current:title
wrap = <div class="offers">|</div>
BOX1.wrap = <div class="home-box-desc" style="background:url(|)"></div>
Into a subpart part, but nothing happens. How should I make it ?

TYPO3: Show content from a fixed page if there’s no content on current page

I would like to show content from a fixed page if there’s no content on current page.
An example: On the mainpage (pid=58) In the right col (colPos=31) I have a news plugin with the latest item. On subpages, it’s possible to insert content in the right col (colPos=31). It could be images,text etc. BUT, if the right col is empty I would like to show the news plugin from the mainpage as a fallback option.
This is my TypoScript, but it doesn’t work. Default content from mainpage are not showed, if there's no content from current page.
lib.rightCol-1 = COA
lib.rightCol-1 {
10 = COA
10 {
## Get content from current page.
10 = COA
10 < styles.content.get
## Get content from colPos 31
10.select.where = colPos=31
if.isTrue.current = 1
20 {
## IF no content on current page show content from mainpage
stdWrap.if.isTrue.current = 1
stdWrap.if.negate = 1
table = tt_content
select {
## Get content from mainpage
pidInList = 58
where = colPos=31
orderBy = sorting
languageField = sys_language_uid
This can be done using stdWrap.override. If stdWrap.override returns something non-empty, this value replaces the normal value stdWrap would return. In your case, this could look like this:
# Fetch the default content from the mainpage with id 58
lib.rightCol-1 = CONTENT
lib.rightCol-1 {
table = tt_content
select {
pidInList = 58
where = colPos=31
orderBy = sorting
languageField = sys_language_uid
# override the content from page 58 with content from the current page,
# but only if there is content on this page
stdWrap.override.cObject = CONTENT
stdWrap.override.cObject {
table = tt_content
select {
pidInList = this
where = colPos=31
orderBy = sorting
languageField = sys_language_uid
You can also create the following behaviour:
If there is content on the current page, show it.
Else, walk up the rootline and take the content from the first page that has content in the column.
If there is no such page, take the content from the "mainpage".
This can be done by simply setting slide = -1 to the second CONTENT-Object.
Thanks for answer but I couldn't get it to work. Instead this worked:
lib.rightCol-1 = CONTENT
lib.rightCol-1 < styles.content.get
lib.rightCol-1.select.where = colPos=31
lib.rightCol-1 {
stdWrap.ifEmpty.cObject = CONTENT
stdWrap.ifEmpty.cObject {
table = tt_content
select {
pidInList = 58
orderBy = sorting
where = colPos = 31
languageField = sys_language_uid