Move Search Box in Typo3 V6.2.5 List Module (Backend) - typo3

I'm using an own Extbase extension with my articles, which are stored in a Sysfolder.
It is possible to move the Search Box in the Backend's List module from the bottom to the top?

This is not possible since the html is not located in a template but is hardcoded located in the \TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList::main() function (see: typo3/sysext/recordlist/Classes/RecordList.php).
I don't know if the back-end has a contentPostProc-all hook. If some kind of hook exists you can move the html by your own class.


Where do I implement the settings html of my TYPO3 extension?

I am currently developing my own TYPO3 extension (in v 9.5.11) and I want to know where I have to reference the Html file that is supposed to open when you click on Admin Tools-->MyExtension in the TYPO3 sidebar.
This completely depends on how you integrated your extension; there are at least two (vanilla, Extbase) ways to make such modules. Where your template file (which is Fluid, not pure HTML) exists depends on the integration and your TypoScript configuration that defines template paths, but by default it would be in your extension, in the sub path Resources/Private/Templates/$controllerName where $controlerName is the name of the controller that renders your plugin.
Note that template paths for frontend and backend are configured separately.
If you use the vanilla way of making backend modules you most likely need to define this template manually, by setting it in the view, in which case it can be placed anywhere you like (but should of course be inside your extension).
Have a look at system extension extensionmanager, where the backend module has some registered controller classes, and methods in ext_tables.php. fx class ListController, with indexAction, unresolvedDependenciesAction, terAction, ... and more methods:
'List' => 'index,unresolvedDependencies,ter,showAllVersions,distributions',
ListController class like all other controller classes uses FLUID views, which is looking for HTML templates inside Resources/Private/Templates/<CONTROLLERNAME>/...
For ListController->indexAction it would be Resources/Private/Templates/List/Index.html where you can use TYPO3 FLUID functionality.
See also
Well, It is always recommended to write your question clearly and bit more detail so people can understand quickly.
Anyway as I understand the question, you're talking about view resource file. If you have created your extension with Extension builder, your action file will automatically be generated in the Resource folder.
BE module directory will be Resources/Private/Backend See the example here.
In the TypoScript, you will get the source path this will something look like this.
To check the backend default action, you can see the backend module configuration here. From here you will get better idea which action will be call by default (Probably List action)
In this directory, you will have all the HTML you need. Hope this will help you!

What is the relation between extensions and the backend of TYPO3?

I am new to TYPO3 and have trouble understanding the general relation between extensions and the backend of TYPO3.
For example, is it true that the goal of making an extension is to be able add edited/new content elements to your page that cannot be found in TYPO3 out of the box?
For example if I wanted to add a carousel to my page, would I make an extension and design it in such a way that I can add it from my backend to the desired page? Or would it make more sense to, for example, put it as a partial and import it to the desired page using fluid (all of this without using the backend and just using code).
Or are both approaches possible and when would you go for the first or the second (or seek out a third approach)?
Sorry if this question is too general/vague. I feel like I do not understand how the backend and the files in my TYPO3 folder communicate to generate the website and that I am using content elements in the backend one time and typing out the elements in HTML the next time without a good reason for it.
I try to bring some light into the dark areas.
Backend This is the admin area of the CMS where in most cases the content is created by editors.
Frontend: How the website looks to a regular visitor
Extension: An extension is custom code, either your own code or by others which extend TYPO3 in one or more ways. The benefit is that you don't change the code of TYPO3 core itself and therefore it can be always updated.
An extension can be used for a lot of things:
- Shipping a site template with all the assets like CSS, JavaScript, HTML template, ..
- Providing custom content elements
- Providing new record types like news or forms
- Improve user experience
So yes, if you want to have a new kind of content elements you need to use an extension:
Search on to check if there is already something which fits your needs
Use (best in combination with or to make it a lot faster to create content elements
If experienced you can also create a custom content elements without any additional extension but for start I don't recommend that.
One approach to look at this question in a different way might be to differentiate between content created and maintained by editors (the backend users which typically add and maintain content) and parts of the visible webpages created in other ways. For example, the header, footer, menu of a site may be created by a sitepackage extension - this is something the editor (backend user without admin access) typically has no permission to access and that is one of the points of a CMS - the content is editable by someone without technical background. Of course this improves the stability as well because you don't have people fiddling around with things they should not be able to have access to and thus cannot break.
If you want your editors to be able to add (remove, change) content - do it in a way they have access to (typically using content elements).
You are right, the core provides content elements (such as "textmedia"), extensions can extend this by adding other content elements.
For your example with "carousel" you might want to look at the (official) Introduction Package which uses the bootstrap_package which offers a carousel content element. The Installation Guide explains how to setup a TYPO3 installation with "Introduction Package" so you may already be using that.
For example, is it true that the goal of making an extension is to be able to add edited/new content elements to your page that cannot be found in TYPO3 out of the box?
That is one of many, many other possible purposes of an extension. For example, look at the extension "min". It does not provide any content element and there is no visible change for the editor. An extension is just a way to extend the TYPO3 core (while the core itself also consists of extensions).
Introduction of Extensions in TYPO3 Explained
Sitepackage Tutorial

Magento2 Home page cms: from where content is coming in my home page cms

I am seeing that couple of blocks getting called in my home page because i am seeing them rendered in fontend but they are not being called from cms page content. Is there any other place i can look for?
It can be called from various places as below:
You can see what template files being called in Homepage CMS page, than can search the block id in those template files.
Search in theme directory.
possible if there is layout handle hook in any extension (but for that you have to check in all custom modules)
The best way to detect is to turn on Template path hints if it is coming from phtml(template) file than you will definitely get the location.

TYPO3: HTML template on multiple pages

I have installed TYPO3 and am working with a HTML template and markers to display content.
There is only one thing i am asking myself:
I have several pages with the same layout but different content and I only want to change parts of these contents.
Do I have to implement a specific template for every page to make this work or is there any other way?
(the red marked content shall be changed only)
I hope you got the point what I want to achieve and can answer my question.
there is a bootstrap introduction package that you can install (look at packages in the extension module)
based on:
there is no need for gridelements or DCE.
when you are a TYPO3 beginner, the introduction package gives you a good start because it stays close tho the TYPO3 'core' way of creating a website.
After you have learned how to create basic templates (with backend layouts & FLUIDTEMPLATES) you can deep into other extension like DCE or gridelements.
You can either create a template for each page or use one template for the whole content and then use some other extensions to create the grid view.
For this job the best extensions are:
dce - dynamic content element dce extensions
-- or --
gridelements gridelements extension

Joomla chronoform insert into existing content

I dont know much about joomla but I have a problem.
I started reading for the chromoform and it is a very nice pugin.
I created a form which I can see in the form manager and also I can view in the url.
but I want ot integrate it to an existing content.
I have a content which contains text, photos etc..
The content is editable with tinymce plugin.
And I want to integrate this form also.
One way to integrate would be to copy the html code and paste in the conent but then if I change the form component the changes would not be also in the conent.
is there a way to include the created form in the content?
Or which is the best one?
Anybody any idea?
If you also have the chrono plugin installed & published, you can add a form into content (such as an article) using the following syntax:
This allows you to place the form anywhere within the article - you can preface the form with content (such as a heading) ....
You probably want to use the Chronocontact module (mod_chronocontact), which is provided with ChronoForms. This allows you to insert any ChronoForms form into any module location. The Joomla 1.5 download for this module is here.
Then you just need to define a module location in your template, and create a mod_chronocontact module in that location, with your forms name set up. You'll find having a couple of module locations defined immediately before and after your main content in the template is normally handy, like so:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="beforecontent"/>
<jdoc:include type="component" />
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="aftercontent"/>