How to escape square bracket in org mode links? - emacs

I want to add square bracket in org mode links' description, for example:
[[][ Array[i] ]]
Is there a way to escape the brackets [ and ] ? Someone mentioned URL-encoding, but it's not compatible. Besides, looking for the URL-encoding of a character is time consuming.

I suspect that Org doesn't support this.
Org's link structure documentation makes no mention of escaping square brackets in link descriptions.
If you use org-insert-link (bound to C-c C-l by default) and try to use square brackets in your link text, Org converts them to braces:
You should be able to use a Unicode character that looks like a square bracket inside your link text, but I haven't found a reasonable character to use. The closest I found were SQUARE IMAGE OF (⊏) and SQUARE ORIGINAL OF (⊐), which do indeed work:

I found that using org-mode Macros to insert the ASCII codes for the square brackets works. I have posted the solution on Emacs Stackexchange.


Highlight enclosing bracket in Visual Studio Code

Is there a way to highlight brackets when the cursor is anywhere within the enclosing brackets? Default settings highlight it only when I place the cursor near the brackets.
Yes, there is now a way by default, in VSCode 1.40 (October 2019):
Improvements to bracket matching
Previously, VS Code would only highlight matching brackets when the cursor was next to a bracket character.
Now VS Code will always highlight enclosing brackets if they exist.
We have also adjusted our Go to Bracket and Select to Bracket actions to use enclosing brackets.
It is improved and supported natively with VSCode 1.60 (Aug. 2021):
Bracket pair colorization can be enabled by setting "editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true.
All colors are themeable and up to six colors can be configured.
VS Code only supports bracket matching when the cursor is near the opening or closing bracket. Maybe an extension would help highlight the enclosing brackets wherever you are in the code but I haven't been able to find one.
If you just want to quickly find matching brackets, braces, parens, etc. you could try Bracket Pair Colorizer or Rainbow Brackets.
Also maybe you will like VSCode extension "Blockman", it highlights nested code blocks. (I am the author of Blockman)
With release 1.60 (September 2021), VS Code now has bracket pair colorization built in, indicating all matching brackets by color.
This feature can be enabled by adding this line to settings.json:
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true
I am using Version: 1.63.2(MacOS). Default bracket highlight feature was not working for me. In case, someone face similar issue, set it true.
"editor.matchBrackets": true,

Emacs replace right square bracket

I would like to replace the right square bracket "]" with ",1]". Usually I use M-% to do replacement, but for this case it does not work and gives: No matching parenthis found. I tried to replace left square brackets and it works. Does someone can give me a hint how I can replace right square brackets?
Thanks for help.
"No matching parenthesis found" is a useless warning here. Just ignore it. Consider this warning a bug, as it seems useful only WRT to regexps.

Org-Mode Inline Code with Equals Signs

In org-mode, I want to give inline code with equals signs and quotation marks:
<div class="foo">
The way I would normally do this in org-mode is
=<div class="foo">=
When I export this to HTML, it gets rendered like this:
<div class"foo">=
What is the right way to do this inline (rather than just creating a source block)?
You could use verbatim markers, ~, instead:
~<div class="foo">~
The problem is that the equals sign after 'class' is interpreted as the closing code section delimiter. You can prevent this by inserting a space before the equals sign, like this:
=<div class = "foo">=
I wanted org-mode's source code to appear correctly in Github's parser. But, just as =:echo "hello"= would not appear correctly in Emacs, it also did not appear correctly in Github. However, I tried other characters with C-x 8 RET, and the LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK and RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK work. That is,
=:echo “hello“=
appear successfully as
:echo “hello“
Unfortunately, I don't think they will actually work if copy-and-pasted into all environments. Vim gives E15: Invalid expression: “hello“. But then, how often do we paste commands into Vim's command line. Well, okay, there is :#".
After almost a decade, here's the correct answer:
Org's escape character is zero width space. When this character is inserted, Emacs will not interpret = as the end of the verbatim. Emacs can correctly interpret =<div class​="foo">=. Note that this string has an invisible zero width space character.
However, I think due to a bug, exports from org to other formats, will have this character and need to be removed manually. For example, the export of the string above to markdown will be `<div class​="foo">` which is what we want, except that it has an additional zero width space character.
It is not very hard to fix this. Removing all these additional characters can be easily done with replace-string command.
Tip: You can use C-x 8 RET (or insert-char command) and choose 200B to insert zero width space character inside Emacs.

Autoclose brackets and quotes in IPython

Is there a way to autoclose brackets and quotes in IPython.
Just like in RStudio when you type an opening bracket like [ it automatically types the closing bracket ] and moves the cursor inside the brackets. Same thing with quotes.
Possible, probably not too hard, but not trivial. Might need to update the underlying library (in progress), and to dig in CodeMirror doc to see if there is already such an option. If you are interested in diving in the code/submit Patch I would suggest asking for directions on the ML / on github.

Escaping characters in Emacs org-mode

Say I want to escape characters in org-mode, e.g. _ so that org-mode renders the following:
In my set up (which I think is the default one) org-mode underlines the word as opposed to rendering _TARGET_
More generally, where can I find information about how to escape characters in Emacs org-mode?
The code and verbatim markup will render the text inside as-is, without interpretation. Therefore, =_TARGET_= will probably work as you intend (you'll also get a different monospace typeface for that word).
With a current Emacs and org-mode you might try
* \under{}TARGET\under{}
If that is not automagically displayed as * _TARGET_ just try C-c C-x \, that should toggle the display of those codings between coding characters and coded character.
(In principle the same as I explained here.)
If you want to break org to interpret some syntax you are using, you will have to ways to do that.
Using escape char. _ is \under and * is \ast, so you can write like this \ast \under{}TARGET\under;
Another way is to use zero width space, its code is 200B, so you can use C-x 8 RET 200b RET to insert a zero width space to break the interpreting.
They work on the latest org on the responding time (latest 9.2).
Alternatively, use the normal shell backslash to escape the characters you want to avoid Org-mode interpreting as markup:
* \_TARGET\_
The backslash characters are visible in your Emacs buffer, but are hidden when exporting - e.g. to HTML or PDF-via-LaTeX.
This escaping works in many other situations, e.g. SR\_1234 to render as SR_1234 during export rather than as a subscript.