Soundcloud API - How to get all Favorite Sets? - soundcloud

Is there an official way of getting all Favorites including the favorite Sets of the user or getting all playlists including the favorite sets ?
i tried the following urls but none of them gets the job done:
Any Ideas ?

You have to wait a bit, its part of their new API.
Just change the user-id to yours.


How do I get the Explore and Stream section from the SoundCloud API

I can't seem to find the section in their api reference. I tried it as a searchquery but it doesn't seem to work. or /explore return a 404, so that doesn't work either
Thats actually not a part of the public API.
But its quite easy to grab your call from the dev console.
Thats an example call from my user:
To make that call work, you need to modify the headers.
These answers may help you:
Retrieving the "recommended" playlist via API call?
soundcloud: Is api-v2 allowed to be used and is there documentation on it?
How to get "all" tracks related to an artist with Souncloud API
Using these endpoints does not go inline with SoundClouds TOS.

google analytics - api is not working?

i just start one internal server, to show info from our sites!
and we intend to centralize all analytics data in one internal page,
so i try API from google... (in this example page : )
it supose to return one graphic with accessed numbers by users
but get just one blank page...
of couse I put my ClientID...
any help? any tips?
thanks in advance!!
[]s Sena
here is the code i have working on just, download from the link, note that i used my ClientID..

In the Soundcloud API, is information about a track still available after it's removed due to DMCA infringement?

I'm building an app that utilizes Soundcloud API and we came across a small problem. We archive playlists on our own servers to cut down on the amount of data needed to display tracks. So, for example, a user can create a playlist with tracks from soundcloud but we strip away the data provided by soundcloud to the minimum required to view and play said track. This data includes it's SC_ID, track name, artist, stream URL, etc. But doesn't provide the full data set SC does.
My question:
When songs are removed due to DMCA Copyright infringement, does SoundCloud keep the track ID and information available or does it remove the track entirely? What I mean by this is, say I have a track with ID 123456 and it was removed due to DMCA. Does this track still exist such that I could GET request [SC_api_url]/tracks/123456.json which would yield the track but it would not be streamable nor downloadable?
Correct my logic if I am wrong. I've searched the documentation and the best answer I can get is if you try and request a resource that is not available it throws a common 404 error but the API is not very clear on what happens when tracks are removed due to DMCA violations.
So I reached out to Soundcloud and they said that they are removed from the public facing API.
This means an error would occur if you referenced it.
This is also true for exceeding quotas.
Hope this also helps someone else too!

Order by playbacks when fetching tracks from SoundCloud

I am fetching a list of tracks from soundcloud's API using the following query to retrieve the 5 most popular tracks:
But recently SoundCloud removed the hotness order. In the blog post they say tracks can instead be sorted by playback_count. But can this be done in the query or do they suggest I pull down the whole SoundCloud library and order them in the client? The following doesn't seem to work:
So how would one retrieve the top tracks on SoundCloud?
The solution was to use the undocumented calls for the explorer feature that SoundCloud itself uses (I used the dev tools in Chrome to check the AJAX calls).
This appears to use some sort of sorting on the popularity of the songs. The songs can then be filtered on only music by checking the "grouping" attribute. I then have to resolve the list of IDs to actual songs which can be done with the (documented, official) API call:,2,3&client_id=XXX
This seems to work perfectly and I also get the added benefit of an even distribution among genres. But of course, this can stop working at any moment since the API calls are undocumented and perhaps not meant for public use.
Just wanted to provide an update. It seems soundcloud has moved to v2 of the explore API call.
Use this to get a list of categories:
And this to get tracks from a category:
So far it seems to without a key, although I have no idea how long that will last.
EDIT: So the 2nd url doesn't seem to allow cross-origin, but so far this does work, though it only returns the trackID not the full information
check here, soundcloud removed order by hotness.
Has order by hotness been removed from Soundclouds API
so, for now, only order by date is possible.

iPhone facebook integration

I am using Graph API in my application. I am fetching user's facebook wall feeds using graph API also getting details of particular post i.e (Like count,Comments etc).
but i want to allow user to Like and Comment any post from the application itself.
what is the request format for that?
Please help me or give any pointers.
You would be well served to check out the Publishing section of the documentation. It provides information such as this.
One example is liking, which is defined as:
Method: /OBJECT_ID/likes
Description: Like the given object (if it has a /likes connection)
Arguments: none
Basically, just initiate a Graph API call to something like:
[facebookObject requestWithGraphPath:#"98423808305/likes" andDelegate:self];
That will "like" a picture from Coca-Cola (ID taken from the documentation).
Edit 1
According to the documentation:
Most write operations require extended permissions for the active user. See the authentication guide for details on how you can request extended permissions from the user during the authentication step.
Are you sure you have enough privileges? Unfortunately the documentation is very unclear as to whether it serves the dual purpose of liking the object and returning the likes already on that object.
Edit 2
I did some more research into what could be causing this and came across this question and answer that indicated that the code I posted above using requestWithGraphPath:: should work. However, it does not due to a bug on Facebook's Bug Tracker.
Unfortunately, it looks like there is no way to "like" an object via the Graph API, which seems very strange to me. Perhaps it is possible with the legacy REST API instead of the Graph API?
Edit 3
Well, it looks like your best bet is the stream.addLike method of the legacy REST API which you can still call using the Facebook iOS SDK. You should be able to use the stream.addLike method to "like" something in the "stream". Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to support photos, videos, etc. Only posts and comments.
Finally i found the solution for LIKE option
We should use following method for like option.
-(void) requestWithGraphPath:(NSString *)graphPath
andParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params
andHttpMethod:(NSString *)httpMethod
andDelegate:(id <FBRequestDelegate>)delegate
graphPath = /OBJECT_ID/likes
Paramas = dictionary with comment ,for like option use empty dictionary
HttpMethod should be POST
you should get response = true if the LIKE request is successful.