Sprites reshape unexpectedly - unity3d

Using Unity 4.6.0 .
I've imported some sprites to my project . I attached an image of one of these sprites (It's only a prefab with SpriteRenderer Component attached to it)
But sometimes Unity reshapes the sprite automatically
And if I change some settings of these sprites like Max Size or Format, then the sprites will be rendered correctly but after a while it will be reshaped again! I don't have any idea about this problem.

This can happen when you parent your sprite to an object that has a scale other than (1, 1, 1). If any object higher up in the hierarchy is scaled it will affect all children including your sprite.
You can either counter the scaling or use Transform.SetParent to do it for you.


Unity TilemapRenderer draw mode sliced

Unity SpriteRender has a useful drawMode parameter to define how the Sprite scales when its dimensions change, with the option to slice sprite if correctly set in Sprite Editor.
Unlikely TilemapRenderer does not have this drawMode option, therefore it is impossibile to correctly slice a Sprite of a Tile.
The image below is an example of what I would achieve, the first image is the sprite itself, the second one is the tile (NOT sliced) the third one is a UI Image, where the sprite is correctly sliced (this is what I want to achieve).
Is there any way to have that result with TilemapRenderer?

SpriteKit sprite position inside node tree

Currently working on a simple 2D game, where I have player character that is split into multiple sprites (head, torso, legs, arms,...).
I have absolute coordinates right in Aseprite (if I take individual sprite and position them I get correct coordinates).
When I put everything into swift and use negative y instead of positive everything gets totally weird.
For example in Aseprite I have coordinates as follow: head (30, 17), torso (30, 24) and legs (28, 35). Everything aligns perfectly.
In SpriteKit I extend SKNode class and put every subsprites inside with just negative number for y. So instead of going up, I draw down. It looks like that coordinates give in pixels are not correct - sprites are off by few pixels. Mostly is off y coordinate but in some cases (character rotation) also x.
How to get from those absolute upper-left coordinates to correct SpriteKit coordinates then?
Ok I figured what was wrong (several things):
your parent class can be SKNode, but children has to have set anchor point at (0,1)
when changing texture of child sprite, always make sure that sprite size is set to new size of texture. If not it will use previous texture size and resize new texture to old size. This introduces additional problems with positioning. So you have to call: child.size = child.texture!.size() (I used force unwrap because I set (new) texture one step before so I'm 100% sure it exists.
when setting new texture set anchor point again (it seems it gets reset when changing texture of child sprite).

Unity all objects have same position

I have a 3d building model in my Unity project. It has many children like doors, walls etc. The problem is, all of the children points to same position in the Unity world (24.97, -2.08, 19.35). Their transforms show this position. And this position is far away from their actual one. How can i fix this?
I tried freeing all children from parent but this didn't change anything.
I want them to show their real position, which appears with move tool when we click upon them.
Here is the image link
It seems that this is simply their pivot point exported "wrongly" from the 3D editor your model was made with.
This won't change until you export it correctly from a 3D editor (Blender, Maya, etc).
Unity is not made for 3D mesh modeling and therefore in Unity itself you can't change the pivot points.
There is a very simple fix
Add a new empty GameObject
In the Inspector go to the Transform component, click on the context menu and hit Reset (you also simply set it to position 0,0,0 rotation 0,0,0 and scale 1,1,1) assuming the pivot should be at 0,0,0
Now drag and drop all objects into the empty GameObject
=> You have now one parent object with correct pivot.
By wrapping it in a parent object the childrens pivots don't matter anymore. You can simply do all translation, rotation and scaling on the parent object with the correct pivot and don't have to care about that "wrong" position at all.

Unity - Child Rotation and Scale error

I'm saw some wierd responses from Unity when I tried to do these actions :
1- I've created a Plane, simply rotated it (-32,-19,-56) and scaled it (3.21,1,2.43)
2- I've created a child cube for that plane and rotated it (-30,39,-78) and scaled it (3.54,4.8,6.42)
This is the final result in editor :
Did I do something wrong???
Why collider and renderer performing differently??
Is this a Unity bug? I'm currently using Unity 2017.3.1p1
Yes, it is some kind of bug.
To avoid it, don't child the objects directly to a non-uniformly scaled parent. Instead, child this non-uniform object (the cube) to an empty object, which will be the parent of the plane too.
Since an empty object is scaled 1,1,1, childing other objects to it don't cause this problem.

How can two GameObjects at different positions in the world space have the same position values under the transform attribute?

I have two gameobjects at different positions in the world space. But the position values under the transform attribute shows the same value.One object is a cube and the other one is a chess piece (a prefab).Here is the screenshot of the window with the objects. I'm completely new to unity and it would so helpful if someone could help me sort this out.Thanks.The screenshot the whole window.
If none of them isn't child of other gameObjects ,then maybe pivot of chess gameObject is not in center of your mesh ,check your 3D model of chess and set its pivot to center of gameObject.
Your chess piece is certainly set as child of an object located around (X=3.5, Y=2.0, Z=4.5) coordinates. Unity displays the localPosition of Transform components.
In your print screen you have scaled one of the objects 10 times. Could it be that the anchor of that object is at 0, 0, 0 but the rendered Chess piece is then rendered with offset.
Expand your mesh renderer and see if there are any offset variables