Here is the original image with better vision: we can see a lot of noise around the main skeleton, the circle thing, which I want to remove them, and do not affect the main skeleton. I'm not sure if it called noise
I'm doing it to deblurring a image, and this image is the motion blur kernel which identify the camera motion when the camera capture a image.
ps: this image is the kernel for one case, and what I need is a general method in here. thank you for your help
there is a paper in CVPR2014 named "Separable Kernel for Image Deblurring" which talk about this, I want to extract main skeleton of the image to make the kernel more robust, sorry for the explaination here as my English is not good
and here is the ture grayscale image:
I want it to be like this:
How can I do it using Matlab?
here are some other kernel images:
As #rayryeng well explained, median filtering is the best option to clean noise in the image, which I realized when I had studied about image restoration. However, in your case, what you need to do seems to me not cleaning noise in the image. You want to more likely eliminate the sparks in the image.
Simply I applied single thresholding to your noisy image to eliminate sparks.
Try this:
desIm = imread(''); % // Your expected (desired) image
nIm = imread(''); % // Your original image
nImgray = rgb2gray(nIm);
T = graythresh(nImgray)*255; % // Thereshold value
S = size(nImgray);
R = zeros(S) + 5; % // Your expected image bluish so I try to close it
G = zeros(S) + 3; % // Your expected image bluish so I try to close it
B = zeros(S) + 20; % // Your expected image bluish so I try to close it
logInd = nImgray > T; % // Logical index of pixel exclude spark component
R(logInd) = nImgray(logInd); % // Get original pixels without sparks
G(logInd) = nImgray(logInd); % // Get original pixels without sparks
B(logInd) = nImgray(logInd); % // Get original pixels without sparks
rgbImage = cat(3, R, G, B); % // Concatenating Red Green Blue channels
subplot(1, 3, 1)
imshow(nIm); title('Original Image');
subplot(1, 3, 2)
imshow(desIm); title('Desired Image');
subplot(1, 3, 3)
imshow(uint8(rgbImage)); title('Restoration Result');
What I got is:
The only thing I can see that is different between the two images is that there is some quantization noise / error around the perimeter of the object. This resembles salt and pepper noise and the best way to remove that noise is to use median filtering. The median filter basically analyzes local overlapping pixel neighbourhoods in your image, sorts the intensities and chooses the median value as the output for each pixel neighbourhood. Salt and pepper noise corrupts image pixels by randomly selecting pixels and setting their intensities to either black (pepper) or white (salt). By employing the median filter, sorting the intensities puts these noisy pixels at the lower and higher ends and by choosing the median, you would get the best intensity that could have possibly been there.
To do median filtering in MATLAB, use the medfilt2 function. This is assuming you have the Image Processing Toolbox installed. If you don't, then what I am proposing won't work. Assuming that you do have it, you would call it in the following way:
out = medfilt2(im, [M N]);
im would be the image loaded in imread and M and N are the rows and columns of the size of the pixel neighbourhood you want to analyze. By choosing a 7 x 7 pixel neighbourhood (i.e. M = N = 7), and reading your image directly from StackOverflow, this is the result I get:
Compare this image with your original one:
If you also look at your desired output, this more or less mimics what you want.
Also, the code I used was the following... only three lines!
im = rgb2gray(imread(''));
out = medfilt2(im, [7 7]);
The first line I had to convert your image into grayscale because the original image was in fact RGB. I had to use rgb2gray to do that. The second line performs median filtering on your image with a 7 x 7 neighbourhood and the final line shows the image in a separate window with imshow.
Want to implement median filtering yourself?
If you want to get an idea of how to actually write a median filtering algorithm yourself, check out my recent post here. A question poser asked to implement the filtering mechanism without using medfilt2, and I provided an answer.
Matlab Median Filter Code
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
I have this BW image:
And using the function RegionProps, it shows that some objetcs are connected:
So I used morphological operations like imerode to separte the objects to get their centroids:
Now I have all the centroids of each object separated, but to that I lost a lot of information when eroding the region, like you can see in picture 3 in comparison with picture 1.
So I was thinking if is there anyway to "dilate" the picture 3 till get closer to picture 1 but without connecting again the objects.
You might want to take a look at bwmorph(). With the 'thicken', inf name-value pair it will thicken the labels until they would overlap. It's a neat tool for segmentation. We can use it to create segmentation borders for the original image.
bw is the original image.
labels is the image of the eroded labels.
lines = bwmorph(labels, 'thicken', inf);
segmented_bw = bw & lines
You could also skip a few phases and achieve similiar results with a marker based watershed. Or even better, as the morphological seesaw has destroyed some information as seen on the poorly segmented cluster on the lower right.
You can assign each white pixel in the mask to the closest centroid and work with the resulting label map:
[y x]= find(bw); % get coordinates of mask pixels
D = pdist2([x(:), y(:)], [cx(:), cy(:)]); % assuming cx, cy are centers' coordinates
[~, lb] = min(D, [], 2); % find index of closest center
lb_map = 0*bw;
lb_map(bw) = lb; % should give you the map.
See pdist2 for more information.
Background: I am segmenting images using the watershed algorithm in MATLAB. For memory and time constraints, I prefer to perform this segmentation on subsampled images, let's say with a resize factor of 0.45.
The problem: I can't properly re-scale the output of the segmentation to the original image scale, both for visualization purposes and other post processing steps.
Minimal Working Example
For example, I have this image:
I run this minimal script and I get a watershed segmentation output L that consists in a label image, where each connected component is addressed with a natural number and the borders between the connected components are zero-valued:
im_orig = imread('kitty.jpg'); % Load image [530x530]
im_res = imresize(im_orig, 0.45); % Resize image [239x239]
im_res = rgb2gray(im_res); % Convert to grayscale
im_blur = imgaussfilt(im_res, 5); % Gaussian filtering
L = watershed(im_blur); % Watershed aglorithm
Now I have L that has the same dimension of im_res. How can I use the result stored in L to actually segment the original im_orig image?
Wrong solution
The first approach I tried was to resize L to the original scale by using imresize.
L_big = imresize(L, [size(im_orig,1), size(im_orig,2)]); % Upsample L
Unfortunately the upsampling of L produces a series of unwanted artifacts. It especially loses some of the fundamental zeros that represent the boundaries between the image segments. Here is what I mean:
figure; imagesc(imfuse(im_res, L == 0)); axis auto equal;
figure; imagesc(imfuse(im_orig, L_big == 0)); axis auto equal;
I know that this is due to the blurring caused by the upscaling process, but for now I couldn't think about anything else that could succeed.
The only other approach I thought about involve the use of Mathematical Morphology to "enlarge" the boundaries of the resized image and then upsample, but this would still lead to some unwanted artifacts.
TL;DR (or recap)
Is there a way to perform watershed on a downscaled image in MATLAB and then upscale the result to the original image, keeping the crisp region boundaries outputted by the algorithm? Is what I am looking for a completely absurd thing to ask?
If you only need the watershed segment borders after upsizing the image, then just make these little changes:
L_big = ~imresize(L==0, [size(im_orig,1), size(im_orig,2)]); % Upsample L
and here the results:
you can use nearest neighbor interpolation when resizing:
L_big = imresize(L, [size(im_orig,1), size(im_orig,2)],'nearest'); % Upsample L
Normally when we resize images we star fro the destination, iterate over x, y, and find the best matching pixel in the source. Here you want to do the reverse. Iterate over the source in x, y and write to the destination buffer, with 0 taking priority (so initialise to 0xFF, then don't overwrite any zeroes with other values),
There's unlikely to be a function that does this on the toolkit, you;ll hav e to roll your own.
i am trying to plot the figure of FFT magnitude of an image using the following code in the command window:
a= imread('lena','png')
However, the figure with the title magnitude shows nothing, even though MATLAB shows that it has computed abs() on fftshift. The figure is still empty, and there is no error. Also, why do we need to compute the phase shift before magnitude?
The reason why this is probably happening is because of the following things:
When you take the 2D fft of your image, it will produce a double valued result, even though your image is mostly unsigned 8-bit integer. MATLAB assumes that double formatted images have their intensities / colours between [0,1]. By doing imshow on just the magnitude itself, you will most likely get an entirely white image because I suspect a good majority of the FFT coefficients are bigger than 1. This is probably the blank figure that you're referring to.
Even if you rescale the magnitude so that it is between [0,1], the DC coefficient will be so large that if you try to display the image, you'll only see a white dot in the middle while every other component will be black.
As a side note, the reason why you are doing fftshift is because by default, MATLAB assumes that the origin of the FFT for 2D is located at the top left corner. Doing fftshift will allow the origin to be in the middle, which is what we would intuitively expect of the 2D FFT.
In order to remedy this situation, I would suggest doing a log transformation on the FFT coefficients so you can visually see the results. I would also normalize the coefficients once you log transform it so that they go between [0,1]. Do not actually modify the FFT coefficients as this would be improper. You need to leave them the same way that it is because if you intend to do any processing on the spectrum, you would start by working on the raw image. Doing filter design or anything of that sort will require the raw spectrum, as the final filter will depend on these coefficients untouched. Unless you actually want to do a log operation as part of your pipeline, then leave these coefficients as is. As such, this can be done through the following MATLAB code:
imshow(log(1 + magnitude), []);
I'm going to show an example, using your code that you have provided but using another image as you haven't provided one here. I'm going to use the cameraman.tif image that's part of the MATLAB system path. As such:
a= imread('cameraman.tif');
imshow(log(1 + magnitude), []); %// NEW
This is what I get:
As you can see, the magnitude is displayed more nicely. Also, the DC coefficient is in the middle of the spectrum thanks to fftshift.
If you want to apply this for colour images, fft2 should still work. It will apply the 2D fft to each colour plane by itself. However, if you want this to work, you'll not only need to take the log transform, but you'll also need to normalize each plane separately. You have to do this because if we tried doing the imshow command we did earlier, it would normalize it so that the greatest value in the spectrum of the colour image gets normalized to 1. This will inevitably produce that same small dot effect that we talked about earlier.
Let's try a colour image that's built-in to MATLAB: onion.png. We will use the same code that you used above, but we need an additional step of normalizing each colour plane by itself. As such:
a = imread('onion.png');
logMag = log(1 + magnitude); %// New
for c = 1 : size(a,3); %// New - normalize each plane
logMag(:,:,c) = mat2gray(logMag(:,:,c));
figure; imshow(logMag); title('magnitude');
Note that I had to loop through each colour plane and use mat2gray to normalize each plane to [0,1]. Also, I had to create a new variable called logMag because I have to modify each colour plane individually, and you can't do this with a single imshow call.
With this, these are the results I get:
What's different with this spectrum is that we are applying the FFT to each colour plane separately, and so you'll see a whole bunch of colour spatters because for each location in this image, we are visualizing a linear combination of components from the red, green and blue channels. For each location, we have a value in between [0,1] for each colour plane, and the combination of these give you a colour at this location. You could say that darker colours are for locations that have a relatively low magnitude for at least one of the colour channels, while locations that are brighter have a relatively high magnitude for at least one of the colour channels.
Hope this helps!
Can't be sure about your version of "lena.png", but if it's a color RGB picture, you need to convert it first to grayscale, or at least select which RGB plane you want to examine.
I.e., the following works for (color png):
clear; close all;
a = imread('lena','png');
ag = rgb2gray(a);
ag = im2double(ag);
F = fftshift( fft2(ag) ); % also try fft2(ag, N, N) where N < image size. Say N=128.
I am looking for some measurements to do to distinct between these two binary images (texte and noise).
Hough transform of the frequency domain don't tell me much (either in skeleton or in the original shape), as can be seen below !
in the spatial domain, I have try to measure, if a given pixel participate to line or curve, or participate to a random shape, and then measures the percentage of all pixels participating and not participating to normal shape (lines and curves) to distinguish between these images, but I didn't succeed, in implementation.
what do you think ?
I use matlab for test.
Thanks in advance
Looking at the skeleton images, one could notice how the noise image has lots of branches in it, as compared to the text image and this looks like one of the features that could be exploited. The experiment as code shown below soughts to verify the same, using the OP's images -
Experiment Code
%%// Experiment to research what features what might help us
%%// differentiate betwen noise and text images
%%// Read in the given images
img1 = imread('noise.png');
img2 = imread('text.png');
%%// Since the given images had the features as black and rest as white,
%%// we must invert them
img1 = ~im2bw(img1);
img2 = ~im2bw(img2);
%%// Remove the smaller blobs from both of the images which basically
%%// denote the actual noise in them
img1 = rmnoise(img1,60);
img2 = rmnoise(img2,60);
%// Get the skeleton images
img1 = bwmorph(img1,'skel',Inf);
img2 = bwmorph(img2,'skel',Inf);
%%// Find blobs branhpoints for each blob in both images
[L1, num1] = bwlabel(img1);
[L2, num2] = bwlabel(img2);
for k = 1:num1
img1_bpts_count(k) = nnz(bwmorph(L1==k,'branchpoints'));
for k = 1:num2
img2_bpts_count(k) = nnz(bwmorph(L2==k,'branchpoints'));
%%// Get the standard deviation of branch points count
img1_branchpts_std = std(img1_bpts_count)
img2_branchpts_std = std(img2_bpts_count)
Note: Above code uses a function - rmnoise shown below that is built based on the problem discussed at this link :
function NewImg = rmnoise(Img,threshold)
[L,num] = bwlabel( Img );
counts = sum(bsxfun(#eq,L(:),1:num));
B1 = bsxfun(#eq,L,permute(find(counts>threshold),[1 3 2]));
NewImg = sum(B1,3)>0;
img1_branchpts_std =
img2_branchpts_std =
One can see the big difference between the standard deviations of the two input images, suggesting this feature could be used.
Runs on some other samples
To make our theory a bit more concrete, let's use a pure text image and gradually add noise and see if the standard deviation of branch-points, naming it as check_value suggest anything on them.
(I) Pure text image
check_value = 1.7461
(II) Some added noise image
check_value = 30.1453
(III) Some more added noise image
check_value = 54.6446
Conclusion: As can be seen, this parameter provides quite a good indicator to decide on the nature of images.
Finalized Code
A script could be written to test for whether another input image would be a text or noise one, like this -
%%// Parameters
%%// 1. Decide this based on the typical image size and count of pixels
%%// in the biggest noise blob
rmnoise_threshold = 60;
%%// 2. Decide this based on the typical image size and how convoluted the
%%// noisy images are
branchpts_count_threshold = 50;
%%// Actual processing
%%// We are assuming input images as binary images with features as true
%%// and false in rest of the region
img1 = im2bw(imread(FILE));
img1 = rmnoise(img1,rmnoise_threshold);
img1 = bwmorph(img1,'skel',Inf);
[L1, num1] = bwlabel(img1);
for k = 1:num1
img1_bpts_count(k) = nnz(bwmorph(L1==k,'branchpoints'));
if std(img1_bpts_count) > branchpts_count_threshold
disp('This is a noise image');
disp('This is a text image');
And now what you suggest if we try to use the original shape instead of the skeleton, (to avoid the loss of information).
I try to measure for a given pixel, the elongation of the strokes (instead of straight branches) that past throughout that pixel, by counting the number of transitions from white to black in a clockwise.
I am thinking to use a circle with a radius, and for the origin the pixel in consideration, and store the pixels locating at the edge of the circle in an ordered list (clockwise) and then compute the number of transitions (black to white) from this list.
by increasing the radius of the circle we could trace the shape of elongated stokes and know his orientation.
this is a schema illustrating this.
the pixels that have a number of transitions equal to 0 or bigger than 2 (red ones) have to be classified as noise, and those that have 2 or 1 transition classified as normal.
What do you think of this approach !
I'm building an "Optical Character Recognition" system.
so far the system is capable to identify licence plates in good quality without any noise.
what I want in the next level is to be able to identify licence plates in poor quality beacuse of different reasons.
for example, let's look at the next plate:
as you see, the numbers are not look clearly, because of light returns or something else.
for my question: how can I improve the image quality, so when I move to binary image the numbers will not fade away?
thanks in advance.
We can try to correct for lighting effect by fitting a linear plane over the image intensities, which will approximate the average level across the image. By subtracting this shading plane from the original image, we can attempt to
normalize lighting conditions across the image.
For color RGB images, simply repeat the process on each channel separately,
or even apply it to a different colorspace (HSV, Lab*, etc...)
Here is a sample implementation:
function img = correctLighting(img, method)
if nargin<2, method='rgb'; end
switch lower(method)
case 'rgb'
%# process R,G,B channels separately
for i=1:size(img,3)
img(:,:,i) = LinearShading( img(:,:,i) );
case 'hsv'
%# process intensity component of HSV, then convert back to RGB
HSV = rgb2hsv(img);
HSV(:,:,3) = LinearShading( HSV(:,:,3) );
img = hsv2rgb(HSV);
case 'lab'
%# process luminosity layer of L*a*b*, then convert back to RGB
LAB = applycform(img, makecform('srgb2lab'));
LAB(:,:,1) = LinearShading( LAB(:,:,1) ./ 100 ) * 100;
img = applycform(LAB, makecform('lab2srgb'));
function I = LinearShading(I)
%# create X-/Y-coordinate values for each pixel
[h,w] = size(I);
[X Y] = meshgrid(1:w,1:h);
%# fit a linear plane over 3D points [X Y Z], Z is the pixel intensities
coeff = [X(:) Y(:) ones(w*h,1)] \ I(:);
%# compute shading plane
shading = coeff(1).*X + coeff(2).*Y + coeff(3);
%# subtract shading from image
I = I - shading;
%# normalize to the entire [0,1] range
I = ( I - min(I(:)) ) ./ range(I(:));
Now lets test it on the given image:
img = im2double( imread('') );
subplot(411), imshow(img)
subplot(412), imshow( correctLighting(img,'rgb') )
subplot(413), imshow( correctLighting(img,'hsv') )
subplot(414), imshow( correctLighting(img,'lab') )
The difference is subtle, but it might improve the results of further image processing and OCR task.
EDIT: Here is some results I obtained by applying other contrast-enhancement techniques IMADJUST, HISTEQ, ADAPTHISTEQ on the different colorspaces in the same manner as above:
Remember you have to fine-tune any parameter to fit your image...
It looks like your question has been more or less answered already (see d00b's comment); however, here are a few basic image processing tips that might help you here.
First, you could try a simple imadjust. This simply maps the pixel intensities to a "better" value, which often increases the contrast (making it easier to view/read). I have had a lot of success with it in my work. It is easy to use too! I think its worth a shot.
Also, this looks promising if you simply want a higher resolution image.
Enjoy the "pleasure" of image-processing in MATLAB!
Good luck,
P.S. If you are flattening the image to binary tho, you are most likely ruining the image to start with, so don't do that if you can avoid it!
As you only want to find digits (of which there are only 10), you can use cross-correlation.
For this you would Fourier transform the picture of the plate. You also Fourier transform a pattern you want to match a good representation of a picture of the digit 1. Then you multiply in fourier space and inversely Fourier transform the result.
In the final cross-correlation, you will see pronounced peaks, where the pattern overlaps nicely with your image.
You do this 10 times and know where each digit is. Note that you must correct the tilt before you do the cross correlation.
This method has the advantage that you don't have to threshold your image.
There are certainly much more sophisticated algorithms in the literature for assigning number plates. One could for example use Bayes theory to estimate which digit would most likely occur (this helps a lot if you already have a databases of possible numbers).