How do I make my Gradle project automatically built in Eclipse? - eclipse

I am trying to use Gradle for my Java project. However, it does not automatically build like when I use Maven. Which plugins and settings should I use?

You could use the Gradle Eclipse plugin:
If you are starting your project, maybe you could try STS:


Existing Gradle Project into eclipse

I want to Import my Existing Gradle projects into Eclipse which i have checked out from SVN into my local directories. The Projects contains the code on two Branches. I have tried using Importing Existing gradle project Option but after import i am getting No Build Path errors when i am trying to use Eclipse see call hierarchy and other functionalities. I don't necessarily want to build the project from eclipse i just want to edit the code in eclipse and want changes to reflect in the local ,from where i can build manually.
Can you please direct me to some link or provide steps to achieve this?
Here are steps for importing gradle projects in Eclipse and another IDE Intellij
You can use gradle eclipse plugin to create a eclipse project file.
First apply the plugin in your build.gradle as below :
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
Then use below command to generate the eclipse project file as below:
gradle eclipse
Then import this project using eclipse's import project feature.

Building a groovy project in eclipse

I have imported a groovy project in my eclipse and I have installed the groovy plugins in my eclipse too. now, I want to build my project(which is a groovy-gradle plugin) in eclipse and use it further. I have gone through a link but I don't understand how to build my project. I don't get build option.
Install the gradle plugins.
Some tasks will be available in the tasks Window.
Right click on build task and run it.

Running Gradle inside Eclipse?

There appears to be an Eclipse plugin for Gradle, but no Gradle plugin for Eclipse...
Simply, I'd like to add a build.gradle to my Eclipse project, write its contents (including defining its dependencies), and then run it from inside Eclipse, the same way I can run Ant scripts from inside Eclipse.
When it runs, I'd expect the plugin to pull down all dependencies and make them available to my project's classpath in Eclipse.
If no such plugin exists, then I ask: what's the best way to develop in Eclipse, but keep your builds managed by Gradle? If I decide I need a new xyz.jar as a dependency for my code, how do I add it as a dependency in such a way that both Gradle and Eclipse will recognize it (and not throw compiler errors)?
Either use the IDE project generation approach (gradle eclipse), or use the Eclipse Gradle Integration. In both cases, you'll want to apply plugin: "eclipse".
The Gradle plugin for Eclipse is part of the Spring IDE. It understands the dependencies specified in the build script and makes those available in the .classpath.

Gradle Plugin resolve artifact

Is it possible for a Gradle plugin to resolve an artifact on its own? I know that in Maven, plugins can inject the Aether RepositorySystem and use that to download artifacts (That's how the Appengine Maven Plugin downloads the Appengine SDK). Is there similar functionality in Gradle?
I don't know what exactly you are trying to achieve but there are two things you could do when it comes to adding artifacts to a project with a plugin:
simply add the dependency you wish to be resolved to one of project's configurations using the plugin and let Gradle resolve it for you
add a custom configuration and do whatever you need to do with the resolved artifact, just like gradle gae plugin does for downloading gae sdk here and here

Eclipse not recognizing project as Gradle Project

I want to build a project with gradle. I have included build.gradle in my project.
But eclipse is not recognizing it as gradle project and I can't build it. Can anybody give a solution for this.
I just had this problem in Spring Tool Suite.
Here's what I did.
Right-click on project for context menu.
Go to "Configure"
near the bottom of menu (for me)
Select sub-menu option of
"Convert to Gradle project".
Refresh project.
The imported project's build.gradle then appeared in the drop-down options of the Gradle view.
If you are using the Buildship Eclipse plugin for Gradle integration, you can try to add the following snippet into your build.gradle file:
eclipse {
project.natures 'org.eclipse.buildship.core.gradleprojectnature'
Then run "gradle eclipse" to re-generate Eclipse project files and refresh your project in Eclipse.
In Eclipse Neon you:
Right-click on your project --> Configure --> Add Gradle Nature.
Your project will automatically refresh and you will see all the dependencies being downloaded by Gradle.
Eclipse doesn't have native support for Gradle. There's an eclipse plugin available from SpringSource in order to support Gradle in Eclipse, but the easiest way is to generate the eclipse project from gradle, following the documentation.
I had a similar problem, to get eclipse to recognize the Gradle project I added the Gradle nature and then I had to click on Gradle->Refresh All then the Gradle icon appeared and all dependencies were resolved.
Clicking on Enable Dependency Management before refreshing resulted in "This operation is not enabled" and all the Gradle menu options getting greyed out.