what port does "ember-cli serve" use to serve mocks? - ember-cli

I am porting an ember application to ember-cli, and wanted to use the mock server facility.
What url are the mocks served at (by default, at least)?
I thought I'd look at the generated objects, but their location doesn't seem obvious. localhost:4200 seems to be serving only the client itself. Could it be under a prefix? Also where is the code that sets this up? -- "in the wild" I use oauth tokens, and may want to put auth and cors handling into the mocks to test this.

Ok ... the answer is: even if you are using ember-cli-coffeescript, you can't write server/ (or config/) code in coffee. Inside of generated server/server.js we have
var mocks = globSync('./mocks/**/*.js', { cwd: __dirname }).map(require);
var proxies = globSync('./proxies/**/*.js', { cwd: __dirname }).map(require);
I had converted my mocks to .litcoffee, which works in app/ and tests/, but not here.
I guess if I want to use coffeescript here, I need to compile in the Brocfile (or add to the addon...).


Netlify deploy can't connect to Heroku backend

I've built a wee program that works fine when I run it locally. I've deployed the backend to Heroku, and I can access that either by going straight to the URL (http://gymbud-tracker.herokuapp.com/users) or when running the frontend locally. So far so good.
However, when I run npm run-script build and deploy it to Netlify, something goes wrong, and any attempt to access the server gives me the following error in the console:
auth.js:37 Error: Network Error
at e.exports (createError.js:16)
at XMLHttpRequest.p.onerror (xhr.js:99)
The action that is pushing that error is the following, if it is relevant:
export const signin = (formData, history) => async (dispatch) => {
try {
const { data } = await api.signIn(formData);
dispatch({ type: AUTH, data });
} catch (error) {
I've been tearing my hair out trying to work out what is changing when I build and deploy, but cannot work it out.
As I say, if I run the front end locally then it access the Heroku backend no problem - no errors, and working exactly as I'd expect. The API call is correct, I believe: const API = axios.create({baseURL: 'http://gymbud-tracker.herokuapp.com/' });
I wondered if it was an issue with network access to the MongoDB database that Heroku is linked to, but it's open to "" (I've not taken any security precautions yet, don't kill me!). The MDB database is actually in the same collection as other projects I've used, that haven't had this problem at all.
Any ideas what I need to do?
The front end is live here: https://gym-bud.netlify.app/
And the whole thing is deployed to GitHub here: https://github.com/gordonmaloney/gymbud
Your issue is CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). When I visit your site and inspect the page, I see the following error in the JavaScript console which is how I know this:
This error essentially means that your public-facing application (running live on Netlify) is trying to make an HTTP request from your JavaScript front-end to your Heroku backend deployed on a different domain.
CORS dictates which requests from a frontend application are ALLOWED to make a request to your backend API.
What you need to do to fix this is to modify your Heroku application and have it return the appropriate Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. This article on MDN explains the header and how you can use it.
Here's a simple example of the header you could set on your Heroku backend to allow this to work:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Please be sure to read the MDN documentation, however, as this example will allow any front-end application to make requests to your Heroku backend when in reality, you'll likely want to restrict it to just the front-end domains you build.
God I feel so daft, but at least I've worked it out.
I looked at the console on a different browser (Edge), and it said it was blocking it because it was mixed origin, and I realised I had just missed out the s in the https on my API call, so it wasn't actually a cors issue (I don't think?), but just a typo on my part!
So I changed:
const API = axios.create({baseURL: 'http://gymbud-tracker.herokuapp.com' });
To this:
const API = axios.create({baseURL: 'https://gymbud-tracker.herokuapp.com' });
And now it is working perfectly ☺️
Thanks for your help! Even if it wasn't the issue here, I've definitely learned a lot more about cors on the way, so that's good

Axios BaseURL not working on certain hosts

Below is how I configured Axios based on the example given on Nuxt.js' website:
publicRuntimeConfig: {
axios: {
baseURL: process.env.BASE_URL
On page load I make this call:
Once I deploy my app as a static site it works both on my personal host and on GitHub pages. But on my employer's host, the path to endpoint specified in .env becomes https://localhost:3000 so the API call fails.
Why is the most likely cause of this behaviour?
Alright, from the comments, it looks like you configuration is totally fine from what you've provided and that the team on the other side does have an incorrect setup of the environment variables.
You need to ask where they do host your code and what are the actual values of their env variables. Actually, you will probably need to give it to them since they (usually) cannot guess it by themselves.
Human communication is the next step. ^^

Sinatra - how to match production urls with the app's urls

Consider the following simple Sinatra application:
require 'sinatra'
post '/user/login' do
# login logic...
When deploying the application to a production environment, the url /user/login is usually changed to something else, i.e., /nitro/nutcracker/v1/user/login. And of course, the Sinatra app will not serve this url.
To cut the unwanted prefix, I've considered using a filter (i.e., before block), and routes with regex (i.e., get /*/user/login), but surely there are better solutions?
What say you?
You can mount it with rack. On the production server, create a config.ru file, and put this inside:
require_relative 'my_app.rb'
map('/nitro/nutcracker/v1/') { run Sinatra::Application } # Or your class, if it's modular
This will prefix the entire app with /nitro/nutcracker/v1/.
Then you run the server with rackup, or your application server might have a command line argument to pass a rack config file.

Persistent Karma test runner with autoWatch=false

I am trying to run Karma via node (gulp, specifically) persistently in the background but to manually re-run the tests i.e. I have autoWatch set to false. I start the server with something like:
karma_server = new karma.Server(config.karma)
Then elsewhere I would like to trigger the tests running when files are updated outside Karma. The API method that one would expect might work is server.refreshFiles(), but it does not do this.
Internally it seems like executor.schedule() might do the trick, but it seems to be undocumented, private, and inaccessible.
So when autoWatch is turned off, how does one trigger Karma testing with an existing server? I'm sure I must be missing something obvious as otherwise the autoWatch option would always need to be true for the server to be useful.
If you have a server already running you can use the karma runner to communicate with it:
var runner = require('karma').runner,
karmaConfig = {/* The karma config here */};
runner.run(karmaConfig, callback);
The grunt-karma plugin works like this, you can check it out for more info:

Is it possible to ignore Ember CLI's http-mocks proxy server?

I've created some ember g http-mocks, and they live in my ember app under /server.
I'd also like to be able to run my ember cli app, proxying all api requests to localhost:3000.
It seems if /server exists, ember will use it, regardless of the -proxy flag. I found some discussion about a --no-http-mocks flag near the end of this issue, but I don't think there's a formal proposal yet.
Is there any hackish intermediate way to get ember cli to ignore /server, other than by deleting the entire /server directory?
You could probably set up ember-cli to enable/disable http-mock based on an environments.js variable as described here:
Then to manually flip http-mock on and off as you like, pass in a process environment variable when you run your ember serve at command line. Seems like the way to do that is in this SO post:
How to pass API keys in environment variables to Ember CLI using process.env?