Wordpress Plugin to Purge Varnish cache only when clicking a button - plugins

I'm running Wordpress with Varnish. I used W3 Total Cache to purge Varnish but I don't know why, the last version crashed my site.
I'm looking to alternatives to purge Varnish cache inside Wordpress Admin interface.
I found some alternatives, like "Varnish HTTP Purge", "Multi-Varnish HTTP Purge" ... But the problem is that they purge cache everytime a Post is changed.
What I want is a plugin that purge Varnish cache, only when clicking a purge button. (So this way I can do a lot of changes in backend, and only when everything is ready, I can flush cache)
Does anybody knows a Wordpress plugin that purges Varnish cache ONLY when clicking a purge button?


How to setup redis cache for moodle sever?

I was trying to setup redis cache for moodle server. My moodle serve is very slow. So I installed redis server to change the cache from file cache to redis. But when I open moodle server and try to configure redis cache, I am not getting the option of add instance for redis. Can someone guide me how to configure redis server to enable redis cache for moodle server ??
There is official docs at https://docs.moodle.org/39/en/Redis_cache_store that explains the rquired steps.
Make sure that you have installed Redis php driver and the green tick mark is visible as the doc states When installed, you should see a tick next to "Redis" under "Installed cache stores" and a link to add an instance.

After Flush Catalog Images cache from magento2 admin images not showing in frontend

In Magento admin System > Cache Management and then click on button Flush Catalog Images Cache.
Then Images not showing in frontend.
But If I apply below command then Images showing
php bin/magento catalog:image:resize
Can I need everytime apply this command? or Is any some server configuration missing?
If you flush catalog images cache then This command is a must if you are using magento 2.1.x.
No worries any more about your server configuration

Stopping version purge in AEM

We are running version purge manually in AEM repository occasionaly. When this is being done, the segment store size grows exponentially. So is there way to stop version purge activity from the backend (server) or front end (UI) inbetween? Because I see only the Start button in the version purge console and not a Stop/Kill button and I'm assuming restarting the AEM instance is the only way to kill version purge activity which should not be an ideal case. Please share your inputs.

How do I invalidate the service worker cache on deployed Gatsby website on S3 Cloudfront?

I am building my first Gatsby website. We host it on AWS S3. Also we use gatsby-plugin-offline.
So far I'm not able to find a good solution on how to invalidate the cache after a new deployment.
Even if I manually de-register sw.js service worker and clean the site data via Devtools -> Application -> Clear Storage, the browser keeps loading a cached version (missing added pages, displaying old text content, etc.).
For deployment I use amplify.
How do you invalidate an old cache when deploying a new build?
Did you check the amplify configuration of gatsby-auth-starter-aws-amplify ? The offline plugin is active in this starter and it is the recommended starter for deploying gatsby to amplify.
Another solution would be to use the s3 plugin with aws-cli
Gatsby's caching docs explains caching rules for Gatsby to work well. Common problems are caused by HTML pages' caching (The cache-control header in HTML files should be cache-control: public, max-age=0, must-revalidate)

Typo3 Scheduler: "The APC backend cannot be used because apc is disabled on CLI"

I created a typo3 Command for the scheduler and when I execute it manually it works fine. But when its executed automatically (via cronjob), there is the following error:
The APC backend cannot be used because apc is disabled on CLI
I googled this but the results are not helpful, does anyone know what exactly this means?
TYPO3 CMS uses the APC Cache backend for the extbase object and reflection caches.
If you do not want to use the APC cache backend, then you can do so in the Install Tool in the menu point Configuration Presets. There is one where you can choose between Database cache backend and APC cache backend. The APC cache is chosen automatically during installation if it is available.
You can also change your server configuration and make the APC cache backend available from CLI. http://php.net/manual/en/apc.configuration.php#ini.apc.enable-cli
Please note that the CLI cache is no persisted across requests, therefore there is no gain from doing this.
You can read more about the Caching Framework in the TYPO3 CMS Documentation: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/CoreApiReference/ApiOverview/CachingFramework/Index.html