select rows by comparing columns using HDFStore - select

How can I select some rows by comparing two columns from hdf5 file using Pandas? The hdf5 file is too big to load into memory. For example, I want to select rows where column A and columns B is equal. The dataframe is save in file 'mydata.hdf5'. Thanks.
import pandas as pd
store = pd.HDFstore('mydata.hdf5')
df ='mydf',where='A=B')
This doesn't work. I know that'mydf',where='A==12') will work. But I want to compare column A and B. The example data looks like this:
1 1 3
1 2 4
. . .
2 2 5
1 3 3

You cannot directly do this, but the following will work
In [23]: df = DataFrame({'A' : [1,2,3], 'B' : [2,2,2]})
In [24]: store = pd.HDFStore('test.h5',mode='w')
In [26]: store.append('df',df,data_columns=True)
In [27]:'df')
0 1 2
1 2 2
2 3 2
In [28]: store.select_column('df','A') == store.select_column('df','B')
0 False
1 True
2 False
dtype: bool
This should be pretty efficient.


Processing each row in kdb table and appending arbitrary results in a new table

I have a table
t:([]a:`a`b`c;b:1 2 3;c:`x`y`z)
I would like to iterate and process each row.
The thing is that the processing logic for each row may result in arbitrary lines of data, after the full iteration the result maybe as such e.g.
results:([]a:`a1`b1`b2`b3`c1`c2;x:1 2 2 2 3 3)
I have the following idea so far but doesn't seem to work:
uj { // some processing function } each t
But how does one return arbitrary number of data append the results into a new table?
Assuming you are using something from the table entries to indicate your arbitrary value, you can use a dictionary to indicate a number (or a function) which can be used to apply these values.
In this example, I use the c column of the original table to indicate the number of rows to return (and the number from 1 to count to).
As each entry of the table is a dictionary, I can index using the column names to get the values and build a new table.
I also use raze to join each of the results together, as they will each have the same schema.
raze {[x]
d:`x`y`z!1 3 2;
([]a:((),`$string[x[`a]],/:string 1+til d[x[`c]]);x:((),d[x[`c]])#x[`b])
} each t
Not sure if this is what you want, but you can try something like this:
ungroup select a:`${y,/:x}[string b]'[string a],b from t
Or you can use accumulators if you need the result of the previous row calculations like this:
If your processing function is outputting tables that conform, just raze should suffice:
raze {y#enlist x}'[t;1 3 2]
a b c
a 1 x
b 2 y
b 2 y
b 2 y
c 3 z
c 3 z
Otherwise use (uj/)
(uj/) {y#enlist x}'[t;1 3 2]
a b c
a 1 x
b 2 y
b 2 y
b 2 y
c 3 z
c 3 z
Your best answer will depend very much on how you want to use the results computed from each row of t. It might suit you to normalise t; it might not. The key point here:
A table cell can be any q data structure.
The minimum you can do in this regard is to store the result of your processing function in a new column.
Below, an arbitrary binary function f returns its result as a dictionary.
q)f:{n:1+rand 3;(`$string[x],/:"123" til n)!n#y}
q)f [`a;2]
a1| 2
a2| 2
q)update d:a f'b from t
a b c d
a 1 x `a1`a2`a3!1 1 1
b 2 y (,`b1)!,2
c 3 z `c1`c2!3 3
But its result could be any q data structure.
You were considering a unary processing function:
q)pf:{#[x;`d;:;] f . x`a`b}
q)pf each t
a b c d
a 1 x `a1`a2`a3!1 1 1
b 2 y `b1`b2!2 2
c 3 z `c1`c2`c3!3 3 3
You might find other suggestions at KX Community.
If I understand correctly your question you need something like this :
(uj/){}each t
Check this bit :
(uj/)enlist[t],{x:update x:i from?[rand[20]#enlist x;();0b;{x!x}rand[4]#cols[x]];{(x;![x;();0b;(enlist`a)!enlist($;enlist`;((';{raze string(x;y)});`a;`i))])[y~`a]}/[x;cols x]}each t
This part :
x:update x:i from
// functional form of a function that takes random rows/columns
?[rand[20]#enlist x;();0b;{x!x}rand[4]#cols[x]];
// some for of if-else and an update to generate column a (not bullet proof)
{(x;![x;();0b;(enlist`a)!enlist($;enlist`;((';{raze string(x;y)});`a;`i))])[y~`a]}/[x;cols x]
Basically the above gives something like :
q){x:update x:i from?[rand[20]#enlist x;();0b;{x!x}rand[4]#cols[x]];{(x;![x;();0b;(enlist`a)!enlist($;enlist`;((';{raze string(x;y)});`a;`i))])[y~`a]}/[x;cols x]}each t
+`a`b`c`x!(`a0`a1`a2`a3`a4`a5`a6`a7;1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1;`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x;0 1 2 3 ..
+`a`x!(`a0`a1`a2`a3`a4`a5;0 1 2 3 4 5)
+`a`b`c`x!(`a0`a1`a2;1 1 1;`x`x`x;0 1 2)
+`a`b`c`x!(`a0`a1`a2`a3`a4`a5`a6`a7`a8`a9`a10`a11;1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1;`x`..
or taking the first one :
q)first{x:update x:i from?[rand[20]#enlist x;();0b;{x!x}rand[4]#cols[x]];{(x;![x;();0b;(enlist`a)!enlist($;enlist`;((';{raze string(x;y)});`a;`i))])[y~`a]}/[x;cols x]}each t
a b x
a0 1 0
a1 1 1
a2 1 2
a3 1 3
a4 1 4
a5 1 5
a6 1 6
a7 1 7
a8 1 8
a9 1 9
a10 1 10
You can do
(uj/)enist[t],{ // some function }each t
to get what you want. Drop the enlist[t] if you don't want the table you start with in your result
Hope this helps.

str_detect for multiple patterns

I am using str_detect within the stringr package and I am having trouble searching a string with more than one pattern.
Here is the code I am using, however it is not returning anything even though my vector ("Notes-Title") contains these patterns.
filter(str_detect(`Notes-Title`, c("quantity","single")))
The logic I want to code is:
Search each row and filter it if it contains the string "quantity" or "single".
You need to use the | separator in your search, all within one set of "".
> words <- c("quantity", "single", "double", "triple", "awful")
> set.seed(1234)
> df = tibble(col = sample(words,10, replace = TRUE))
> df
# A tibble: 10 x 1
1 triple
2 single
3 awful
4 triple
5 quantity
6 awful
7 triple
8 single
9 single
10 triple
> df %>% filter(str_detect(col, "quantity|single"))
# A tibble: 4 x 1
1 single
2 quantity
3 single
4 single

how to find max value from multiple columns in dataframe in spark [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Scala/Spark dataframes: find the column name corresponding to the max
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have input spark dataframe as
sample A B C D
1 1 3 5 7
2 6 8 10 9
3 6 7 8 1
I need to find the max among A,B,C,D columns which are subject marks.
I need to create a new dataframe with max_marks as the new column.
sample A B C D max_marks
1 1 3 5 7 7
2 6 8 10 9 10
3 6 7 8 1 8
I have done this using scala as
val df = df.columns.toSeq
val df1=df.foldLeft(df){(df,colName)=> df.withColumn("max_sub",max((colName)))
I am getting an error message
"main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException:grouping expression sequence is empty
this dataframe has about 100 columns so how to iterate over this dataframe
It would be helpful to iterate over the data frame as the columns where the mean has to be found out are about 10 out of 100 column dataframe with about 10000 records
I am looking to dynamically pass the columns without giving the column names manually which means to loop over the columns that i choose and perform any mathematical operation
There are many ways to accomplish this one of the ways would be using map.
Simple pseudo code to do what you want (It wont work in anyway but I think the idea is clear)
df = df.withColumn("max_sub", "A"){x=> {
max = "A"
maxVal = 0
for col in x{
if(col != "max_sub" && x.col > maxVal){
max = col
maxVal = x.col
x.max_sub = max

Create new binary column based off of join in spark

My situation is I have two spark data frames, dfPopulation and dfSubpopulation.
dfSubpopulation is just that, a subpopulation of dfPopulation.
I would like a clean way to create a new column in dfPopulation that is binary of whether the dfSubpopulation key was in the dfPopulation key. E.g. what I want is to create the new DataFrame dfPopulationNew:
dfPopulation = X Y key
1 2 A
2 2 A
3 2 B
4 2 C
5 3 C
dfSubpopulation = X Y key
1 2 A
3 2 B
4 2 C
dfPopulationNew = X Y key inSubpopulation
1 2 A 1
2 2 A 0
3 2 B 1
4 2 C 1
5 3 C 0
I know this could be down fairly simply with a SQL statement, however given that a lot of Sparks optimization is now using the DataFrame construct, I would like to utilize that.
Using SparkSQL compared to DataFrame operations should make no difference from a performance perspective, the execution plan is the same. That said, here is one way to do it using a join
val dfPopulationNew = dfPopulation.join(
dfSubpopulation.withColumn("inSubpopulation", lit(1)),
Seq("X", "Y", "key"),
.na.fill(0, Seq("inSubpopulation"))

OpenRefine: Fill down with increasing counter

Is it possible in OpenRefine to fill down blank cells with a counter instead of copying the top non-blank value?
In this example image:
Or here the same example as typed text - image this as a column from top to bottom:
I would like to see the column filled as follows (again, imagine top to bottom):
Thanks, help is very much appreciated.
It's not really simple. You have to:
1 Replace the blanks with something else, such as an "x"
2 Create a unique record for the entire dataset
3 Use this Jython script:
import itertools
data = row['record']['cells']['YOUR COLUMN NAME']['value']
x = itertools.count(2)
liste = []
for i, el in enumerate(data):
if data[i] == "x":
x = itertools.count(2)
return ",".join([str(x) for x in liste])
4 Use Blank down to clear duplicates
5 Split the first multivalued cell.
Here is a screencast of the operations described above.
If you know a little Python, you can also transform your file using pandas. I do not know what is the most elegant way to do it, but this script should work.
import itertools
import pandas as pd
x = itertools.count(2)
def set_x():
global x
x = itertools.count(2)
def increase(value):
if not value:
return next(x)
return value
data = pd.read_csv("your_file.csv", na_values=['nan'], keep_default_na=False)
data['column 1'] = data['column 1'].apply(lambda row: increase(row))
Here are two simple solutions using GREL.
Use records
You could move the column to the beginning, telling OpenRefine to use the numbers as records. You might need to transform the column to text to really convince OpenRefine to use it as records.
Then either add a new column or transform the existing one with the following expression.
1 + row.index - row.record.fromRowIndex
Use record markers
In case you don't want to use records or don't have a static number, you can create a similar setup. Imagine you have an incomplete counter like in the following table and want to fill it.
To fill the missing cells first add a new column based on your orignal column using the following expression and name it record_row_index.
if(isNonBlank(value), row.index, "")
After that fill down the original column and the new column record_row_index.
Then create a new column based on the original filled column using the following expression.
value + row.index - cells["record_row_index"].value
Hint: the expression is expecting both columns to be of type number.
If one of them is of type text, you can either transform the column beforehand or use toNumber() in the expression.
The following table shows how these operations are working together.
Origin filled
1 + 0 - 0 = 1
1 + 1 - 0 = 2
1 + 2 - 2 = 1
2 + 3 - 3 = 2
2 + 4 - 3 = 3
1 + 5 - 5 = 1