Where is installed lightswitch desktop application - deployment

I'm trying to uninstall, and reinstall a Lightswitch Desktop Application.
The uninstall message is showed to me with sucess, but, when I try to install again, the message
'.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is invalid character. Line 1, position 1.
is showed to me.
It's strange to me, because in the others clients this message is not showed and the application runs without problems, and it's started after an electrical power failure.

Run start programs lightswitch
Go to the last tab and clear the cache
Instal/uninstall programs
Remove it


VSCode and cortex-debug plugin is sometimes really slow on QEMU target - but only on Windows OS

we have created an assembler project for Cortex A9 that we would like to prepare the code for without the board. We, therefore, chose to use cortex-debug plugin and it seems that every 2-5 instructions, it takes over a second or two to get to the next step.
It seems that it happens during the "data-list-register-values" command issued to QEMU.
It works ok if I run same command from command line in GDB and also on Linux we didn't spot this problem. It happens only on windows and it seems only under VSCode.
Any advice or more info on this strange behaviour?
Thanks in advance,

Why terminal becomes unresponsive after Parcel build?

I am following Parcel's "Building a web app with Parcel" to learn how to use it. The problem arises after I type in npx parcel src/index.html. The build runs fine and I can see the development server results just fine. The terminal becomes unresponsive afterwards. I can't type, quit, or anything. The only workaround is killing the terminal and restarting...which is very annoying. I've looked for answers, I've updated Node to the latest version, but to no avail. This doesn't happen when I use Webpack or any other time. Here is a screen shot just in case that helps. Could someone please help this unworthy noob out? Screen shot of terminal and VSCode
When you just run npx parcel, it starts a development server that will continue to run until you exit. This development server will watch for changes that you make as you develop and will reload your project, so you don't need to restart/rebuild every time you make changes.
The reason you can't type anything into the terminal (or, at least, that the terminal doesn't respond when you do) is that the development server is still running in that terminal. You have to exit the development server before the terminal prompt will re-appear and you can use it as normal.
To exit any program running in a terminal, you can type Control+C (hold down the Control key and hit the "c" key). This works for any terminal program, not just parcel. This will exit the development server program and you'll get your terminal prompt back.
There are other things you can do with programs (or "jobs") in the terminal window. You can read more about them here and here.
But you should use the development server to your advantage. Keep it running while you work. If you need to use the terminal while it's running, just open up another terminal window.
When you finally want to build your app/site, run parcel build instead.
You can read more about all of this here: https://parceljs.org/getting-started/webapp/

VSCode update failures

I started having this problem a couple of months ago, I believe soon after I installed Visual Studio 2022. I am in the midst using VSCCode for an educational project (JavaScript) that will finish this weekend, so have mostly just been hoping VSCode would work until I finished. (I have not been using VS2022.)
The first time I had this problem, I was closing VSCode and a window appeared regarding some updates. After maybe 10 seconds I received a failure message. After that, I could not start VSCode.
I tried to uninstall VSCode, but it would not work. I tried to install VSCode from the main URL (Download for Windows Stable Build), but it would fail to install with a message about "Not being able to rename or write to a file".
I next tried the System Installer link on the /Download page, but I received the same message. I next tried the User Installer link on this page, and it worked. I could launch VSCode again, but the icon in the toolbar was just a white page instead of the VSCode icon.
I don't exactly remember when, but at some point, perhaps with manual updates from the Help toolbar in VSCode, the VSCode icon reappeared in the toolbar.
But then a few days ago, when closing VSCode the window appeared again regarding some updates, then the failure message, and then VSCode would not start. I tried the various download steps again, but only the User Installer would work. And again, just the blank page for an icon in the toolbar. So just leaving everything open for now!
After this weekend, I am hoping to fix this issue. But hoping someone knows that the problem is.
I am running Windows 10 Pro (up to date), and have the blue dot telling me I can upgrade to Windows 11.
Since VSCode is working, maybe I can do a complete un-install. Or perhaps upgrade to Windows 11, or maybe a complete clean install of Windows 10 or 11.
Has anyone else had this issue?

How to run/start VsCode on Centos 7

I'm a beginner studying centos.
I installed centos and vscode, but there's no response when I click the vscode icon.
And when i enter the [code] at the terminal, only an error message comes out and it can't be executed (the screen below).
​And if you look at the top left of my screen, it says [Activities]. Is this normal?
I saw [Applications] other centos image
enter image description here
enter image description here
Both problems stem from logging in as the root user. This is not a good idea for many reasons (e.g., security, desktop shortcuts do not work correctly, etc.), and, once deployed, your program may not work correctly for non-privileged users.
If you need to run as root, the command from the Terminal is:
code "/home/<your default username>/<optional projects directory>" --user-data-dir="." --no-sandbox
However, if you have no reason to use root over sudo, I strongly recommend you log out as root, and run VS Code as a regular user. Also, VS Code will continue to warn you about being root.
As far as the Gnome desktop, Applications on CentOS 7 and Activities on CentOS 8+.

VSCode ran once on install, won't run or install again

I'm running this on Windows 7 SP1 with most (if not all) current patches. I have administrative permissions on this machine.
The first time I ran VSCodeSetup.exe, it ran the installer for several minutes then launched the actual application.
I got called into a surprise meeting, so I closed it thinking I'd look at it again later.
However, when I returned to my computer and tried to launch it, I found no evidence that it was actually installed... no desktop icon, no entry in the start menu, no Explorer integration...
I tried running VSCodeSetup.exe again, but all it does it show the installer screen for a split second, which then vanishes.
Since then, I've tried the suggestions outlined in VSCode Installation Failed - Failed to extract installer to install the application, even going so far as to run Update.exe --uninstall followed by running VSCodeSetup.exe again, but nothing has worked.
I even tried disabling my antivirus software and running the installer again, to no avail.
Does anyone know what I can do to get VSCode working again?
According to the comments and answers to Install VSCode in a specific folder, Visual Studio Code installs itself to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code on Windows.
While I'm not sure why it didn't register itself with Explorer, I can at least create a shortcut to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code\bin\code.cmd (with icon %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code\app.ico) to get it working again.
Or remove the directory entirely and run VSCodeSetup.exe to install it again, which still doesn't add Explorer integration... but this time at least the PATH now has code in it.
On windows VSCode is installed as Code.exe and its located in your