Apply code format style to large Java project in Eclipse - eclipse

Recently I did something wrong and it ruined my project's code style format, my eyes bleed with the new code style format and I neither can read or edit my code. I fixed the project settings by restoring to default, but pre-formatted code resits the new Eclipse Format and I have to fix every Java file one by one by hand...
This is how all my sources look like after the mistake
The same code should look like:
My whole project is destroyed (30.000+ Java files) into this annoying coding style... What should I do to automatically fix it?

Create a formatter profile here Windows > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter.
Then in package explorer view right click on project then select Source > Format.
You can also create your source clean up profile here Windows > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Clean Up
Then in package explorer view right click on project then select Source > Clean up.
You have to repeat it for all projects.
If you have many many projects then try this solution


VS Code - Dynamically link IntelliSense to files from Extension

Im looking to add IntelliSense support to my VS Code Extension.
Within the extension i have a few files like:
And files like below, with the d.ts that should provide IntelliSense behind it.
/server/script.js > server.d.ts
/client/script.js > client.d.ts
/widget/script.js > server.d.ts
/widget/widget.js > client.d.ts
I have the data for the mapping, but cant figure out what to do in the extension. Clues?
You might wanna try this extension,

Custom tag-colors for imported tag library tags in Eclipse

Is it somehow possible to change the tag-colors (not one-by-one, but for all of them... or else one-by-one would also be okay) of imported tag library tags (like e.g. jstl-tags: <c:if>, <c:forEach>, or <my:tag>, etc.)? Just to make some visual difference within a JSP-code between usual HTML-tags and all the rest.
Other than Preferences > Java > Editor > Syntax Coloring, I'm pretty sure you can't change tag colors for custom tags.

How to set eclipse preferences use plugin?

Now I'm using python to change settings files under .metadata/ in my workspace.I need find every line needed in these files beacuase I don't want any unnecessary content.
For example , if I want set tab's width be 4. I need change the file
in workspace and add a line following in it , not simply copy the settings file:
So I want to know : Can I set this value by java code in eclipse plugin? If it can, please give me related classes :-)
And, does it more complex than python's method?
In a plugin you can use:
IPreferenceStore store = new ScopedPreferenceStore(InstanceScope.INSTANCE, "org.eclipse.ui.editors");
store.setValue("tabWidth", 4);

Eclipse RCP: programmatically associate file type with Editor?

How programmatically associate file type with Editor?
That is what Eclipse-RCP Java code can do what is archived with the following UI interaction:
Window -> Preferences
General -> Editors -> File Associations
Add... > File type: *.json
Select *.json file type
Add... (Associated editors) > JavaScript Editor
Make it default
Ralated to Q
Eclipse: associate an editor with a content type
Get associated file extensions for an Eclipse editor
Opening a default editor, on a treeviewer selection eclipse rcp(eg: as eclipse knows that files must be opened in text editor)
eclipse rcp change icon for xml configuration file
I know your questions says "programmatically" but I'll give a complete run down of the methods.
If you are writing the plugin that provides the editor, then you should simply declare the extension in your plugin.xml.
If you are distributing a complete RPC application, you can edit the plugin.xml for the plugin that provides the editor or add a plugin that just refers to that editor.
But, if you have to do it programmatically, you are manipulating the internals of an RPC instance. Eclipse does not provide a public API for that but this code will do it:
// error handling is omitted for brevity
String extension = "json";
String editorId = "theplugin.editors.TheEditor";
EditorRegistry editorReg = (EditorRegistry)PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getEditorRegistry();
EditorDescriptor editor = (EditorDescriptor) editorReg.findEditor(editorId);
FileEditorMapping mapping = new FileEditorMapping(extension);
IFileEditorMapping[] mappings = editorReg.getFileEditorMappings();
FileEditorMapping[] newMappings = new FileEditorMapping[mappings.length+1];
for (int i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) {
newMappings[i] = (FileEditorMapping) mappings[i];
newMappings[mappings.length] = mapping;
Associating file type means associating content of ur editor with a predefined one.
This can be easily achieved via plugin.xml..
Just follow the following link:-
Eclipse help Documentation
and search for org.eclipse.core.contenttype.contentTypes.

How do you stop Eclipse from inserting a certain class in Content-Assist?

I'm using SpringSource Tool Suite (Eclipse) to program with Grails, and I'm also using JFreechart in the program.
In Grails you log by typing"method worked"). Unfortunately JFrechart has a class called "Log" with Static methods like "info". This means that in STS I type and then when I type space or ( Eclipse "assists" me by importing the JFreechart Log class and changing what I've typed to Very irritating.
I reckon I could turn off the Eclipse option to "insert single proposals automatically", but I like this feature. Can I instruct Eclipse not to give me content assist from this particular JFreechart class?
You can add the JFreechart Log class to Type Filters via Window > Preferences > Java > Appearance > Type Filters:
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