How can I create a new output file for each subfolder under a main folder using perl? - perl

I have 100 subfolder in a main folder. They have difference names. Each subfolder includes a .txt file, which has 10 column. I want to get a new .txt file for each subfolder. Each new .txt file must be in its own folder. That is I will have 2 .txt files (old and new) in each subfolder. I am trying to select the lines starting "ATOM" and some columns 2,6,7 and 8 from each .txt file. My code is the following. It doesn't work correctly. It doesnt create a new .txt file. How can i figure out this problem?
$search_text = "ATOM";
#files = <*/*.txt>;
foreach $file (#files) {
print $file . "\n";
open(DATA, $file);
open(OUT_FILE, ">$file a.txt");
while ($line = <DATA>)
#fields = split /\s+/, $line;
if ($line =~ m/$search_text/)
print OUT_FILE "$fields[2]\t$fields[6]\t$fields[7]\t$fields[8]\n";

To put the output file a.txt into the same directory as the input file, you need to extract the directory name from the input file name, and prepend it to the output file name (a.txt). There are a couple of ways you can do that; probably the simplest is to use dirname() from the standard module File::Basename:
use File::Basename;
my $dir = dirname($file);
open(OUT_FILE, ">", "$dir/a.txt") or die "Failed to open $dir/a.txt: $!";
or you could use File::Spec directly:
use File::Spec;
my ($volume, $dir) = File::Spec->splitpath($file);
my $outname = File::Spec->catpath($volume, $dir, 'a.txt');
open(OUT_FILE, ">", $outname) or die "Failed to open $outname: $!";
or you could just use a regexp substitution:
my $outname = ( $file =~ s![^/]+$!a.txt!r );
open(OUT_FILE, ">", $outname) or die "Failed to open $outname: $!";
Ps. In any case, I'd recommend adopting several good habits that will help you write better Perl scripts:
Always start your scripts with use strict; and use warnings;. Fix any errors and warnings they produce. In particular, declare all your local variables with my to make them lexically scoped.
Check the return value of functions like open(), and abort the script if they fail. (I've done this in my examples above.)
Use the three-argument form of open(), as I also did in my examples above. It's a lot less likely to break if your filenames contain funny characters.
Consider using lexically scoped file handles (open my $out_file, ...) instead of global file handles (open OUT_FILE, ...). I didn't do that in my code snippets above, because I wanted to keep them compatible with the rest of your code, but it would be good practice.
If you're pre-declaring a regular expression, like your $search_text, use qr// instead of a plain string, like this:
my $search_text = qr/ATOM/;
It's slightly more efficient, and the quoting rules for special characters are much saner.
For printing multiple columns from an array, consider using join() and a list slice, as in:
print OUT_FILE join("\t", #fields[2,6,7,8]), "\n";
Finally, if I were you, I'd reconsider my file naming scheme: the output file name a.txt matches your input file name glob *.txt, so your script will likely break if you run it twice in a row.


Perl copying specific lines of VECT File

I want to copy lines 7-12 of files, like
this example .vect file,
into another .vect file in the same directory.
I want each line, to be copied twice, and the two copies of each line to be pasted consecutively in the new file.
This is the code I have used so far, and would like to continue using these methods/packages in Perl.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
# This method works for reading a single file
my $dir = "D:\\Downloads";
my $readfile = $dir ."\\2290-00002.vect";
my $writefile = $dir . "\\file2.vect";
#open a file to read
open(DATA1, "<". $readfile) or die "Can't open '$readfile': $!";;
# Open a file to write
open(DATA2, ">" . $writefile) or die "Can't open '$writefile': $!";;
# Copy data from one file to another.
while ( <DATA1> ) {
print DATA2 $_;
close( DATA1 );
close( DATA2 );
What would be a simple way to do this using the same opening and closing file syntax I have used above?
Just modify the print line to
print DATA2 $_, $_ if 7 .. 12;
See Range Operators in "perlop - Perl operators and precedence" for details.
It's worth remembering the
module which maps a file line by line to a Perl array and allows you to manipulate text files using simple array operations. It can be slow when working with large amounts of data, but it is ideal for the majority of applications involving regular text files
Copying a range of lines from one file to another becomes a simple matter of copying an array slice. Remember that the file starts with line one in array element zero, so lines 7 to 12 are at indexes 6...11
This is the Perl code to do what you ask
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tie::File;
chdir 'D:\Downloads' or die $!;
tie my #infile, 'Tie::File', '2290-00002.vect' or die $!;
tie my #outfile, 'Tie::File', 'file2.vect' or die $!;
#outfile = map { $_, $_ } #infile[6..11];
Nothing else is required. Isn't that neat?

open files sequentially and search for content match in perl

I am new to perl.
I am comfortable with opening two files and checking their contents, but how do I open files one after another in a loop and check their contents?
As mkHun suggested, you can use an array to store filenames then loop over it. See the below template to get an idea:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #files = qw(file.txt file2.txt file3.txt filen.txt);
foreach my $file (#files){
#open file in read mode to check contents
open (my $fh, "<", $file) or die "Couldn't open file $!";
#loop over file's content line by line
#$_ contains each line of file. You can manipulate $_ below
if($_ =~ /cat/){
print "Line $. contains cat";
close $fh;
Also read:
Loop Control in Perl (perlsyn)
In addition to Chankey Pathak's answer, if you want to iterate over files in some directory (meaning you don't know what are the names of the files you want to process, but you know their location), the File::Find module is an easy and straightforward solution.

Merge multiple HTML Files

I am merging multiple html files in the directory/subdirectory into single html within the same directories. I gone through some website and tried the below code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Slurp;
my $basedir = 'c:/test';
opendir(DIR, $basedir) or die $!;
my #files = readdir(DIR); # name arrays plural, hashes singular
closedir DIR;
my $outfilename = 'final.htm';
my $outfilesrc = undef;
foreach (sort #files){
$outfilesrc.= File::Slurp::slurp("$basedir/$_");
open(OUT, "> $basedir/$outfilename") or die ("Can't open for writing: $basedir/$outfilename : $!");
print OUT $outfilesrc;
close OUT;
But I am getting follwing error and could not merge the file.
read_file 'c:/test.' - sysopen: Permission denied at line 15
Can anyone help me! Is there any way to merge HTML files to single in Perl?
Your error most likely comes from trying to open the "current directory" c:\test\. for reading. This comes from using readdir to list the files: readdir includes all the files.
If all you want to do is concatenate the files, its rather simple if you're in linux: cat test/* > final.htm. Unfortunately, in Windows its a bit more tricky.
perl -pe"BEGIN { #ARGV = map glob, #ARGV }" "C:/test/*" > final.htm
We use the -p option to read and print the content of the argument file names. Those arguments are in this case a glob, and the windows command shell does not perform these globs automagically, so we have to ask perl to do it, with the built-in glob command. We do this in a BEGIN block to separate it from the rest of the code. The "rest of the code" is in this case just (basically) a while (<>) { print } block that reads and prints the contents of the files. At the end of the line we redirect all the output to the file final.htm.
Why use glob over readdir? Well, for one thing, readdir includes the directories . (current dir) and .. (parent dir), which will mess up your code, like I mentioned at the top. You would need to filter out directories. And glob does this smoothly with no problem.
If you want the longer version of this script, you can do
use strict;
use warnings;
#ARGV = map glob, #ARGV;
while (<>) {
Note that I suspect that you only want html files to be merged. So it would perhaps be a good idea of you to change your glob from * to something like
*.htm *.html
Filter out the files "." and ".." from your #files list.

Perl: Substitute text string with value from list (text file or scalar context)

I am a perl novice, but have read the "Learning Perl" by Schwartz, foy and Phoenix and have a weak understanding of the language. I am still struggling, even after using the book and the web.
My goal is to be able to do the following:
Search a specific folder (current folder) and grab filenames with full path. Save filenames with complete path and current foldername.
Open a template file and insert the filenames with full path at a specific location (e.g. using substitution) as well as current foldername (in another location in the same text file, I have not gotten this far yet).
Save the new modified file to a new file in a specific location (current folder).
I have many files/folders that I want to process and plan to copy the perl program to each of these folders so the perl program can make new .
I have gotten so far ...:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
my $current_dir = getcwd;
open SECONTROL_TEMPLATE, '<secontrol_template.txt' or die "Can't open SECONTROL_TEMPLATE: $!\n";
my #secontrol_template = <SECONTROL_TEMPLATE>;
opendir(DIR, $current_dir) or die $!;
my #seq_files = grep {
} readdir (DIR);
open FASTQFILENAMES, '> fastqfilenames.txt' or die "Can't open fastqfilenames.txt: $!\n";
my #fastqfiles;
foreach (#seq_files) {
$_ = File::Spec->catfile($current_dir, $_);
print FASTQFILENAMES #fastqfiles;
open (my ($fastqfilenames), "<", "fastqfilenames.txt") or die "Can't open fastqfilenames.txt: $!\n";
my #secontrol;
foreach (#secontrol_template) {
$_ =~ s/#/$fastqfilenames/eg;
open SECONTROL, '> secontrol.txt' or die "Can't open SECONTROL: $!\n";
print SECONTROL #secontrol;
My problem is that I cannot figure out how to use my list of files to replace the "#" in my template text file:
my #secontrol;
foreach (#secontrol_template) {
$_ =~ s/#/$fastqfilenames/eg;
The substitute function will not replace the "#" with the list of files listed in $fastqfilenames. I get the "#" replaced with GLOB(0x8ab1dc).
Am I doing this the wrong way? Should I not use substitute as this can not be done, and then rather insert the list of files ($fastqfilenames) in the template.txt file? Instead of the $fastqfilenames, can I substitute with content of file (e.g. s/A/{r file.txt ...). Any suggestions?
This made it all better.
foreach (#secontrol_template) {
push #secontrol, $_;
And as both suggestions, the $fastqfiles is a filehandle.
replaced this: open (my ($fastqfilenames), "<", "fastqfilenames.txt") or die "Can't open fastqfilenames.txt: $!\n";
with this:
my $fastqfilenames = join "\n", #fastqfiles;
made it all good. Thanks both of you.
$fastqfilenames is a filehandle. You have to read the information out of the filehandle before you can use it.
However, you have other problems.
You are printing all of the filenames to a file, then reading them back out of the file. This is not only a questionable design (why read from the file again, since you already have what you need in an array?), it also won't even work:
Perl buffers file I/O for performance reasons. The lines you have written to the file may not actually be there yet, because Perl is waiting until it has a large chunk of data saved up, to write it all at once.
You can override this buffering behavior in a few different ways (closing the file handle being the simplest if you are done writing to it), but as I said, there is no reason to reopen the file again and read from it anyway.
Also note, the /e option in a regex replacement evaluates the replacement as Perl code. This is not necessary in your case, so you should remove it.
Solution: Instead of reopening the file and reading it, just use the #fastqfiles variable you previously created when replacing in the template. It is not clear exactly what you mean by replacing # with the filenames.
Do you want to to replace each # with a list of all filenames together? If so, you should probably need to join the filenames together in some way before doing the replacement.
Do you want to create a separate version of the template file for each filename? If so, you need an inner for loop that goes over each filename for each template. And you will need something other than a simple replacement, because the replacement will change the original string on the first time through. If you are on Perl 5.16, you could use the /r option to replace non-destructively: push(#secontrol,s/#/$file_name/gr); Otherwise, you should copy to another variable before doing the replacement.
$_ =~ s/#/$fastqfilenames/eg;
$fastqfilenames is a file handle, not the file contents.
In any case, I recommend the use of Text::Template module in order to do this kind of work (file text substitution).

How to open/join more than one file (depending on user input) and then use 2 files simultaneously

EDIT: Sorry for the misunderstanding, I have edited a few things, to hopefully actually request what I want.
I was wondering if there was a way to open/join two or more files to run the rest of the program on.
For example, my directory has these files:
taggedchpt1_1.txt, parsedchpt1_1.txt, taggedchpt1_2.txt, parsedchpt1_2.txt etc...
The program must call a tagged and parsed simultaneously. I want to run the program on both of chpt1_1 and chpt1_2, preferably joined together in one .txt file, unless it would be very slow to do so. For instance run what would be accomplished having two files:
taggedchpt1_1_and_chpt1_2 and parsedchpt1_1_and_chpt1_2
Can this be done through Perl? Or should I just combine the text files myself(or automate that process, making chpt1.txt which would include chpt1_1, chpt1_2, chpt1_3 etc...)
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => "all";
print "Please type in the chapter and section NUMBERS in the form chp#_sec#:\n"; ##So the user inputs 31_3, for example
chomp (my $chapter_and_section = "chpt".<>);
print "Please type in the search word:\n";
chomp (my $search_key = <>);
open(my $tag_corpus, '<', "tagged${chapter_and_section}.txt") or die $!;
open(my $parse_corpus, '<', "parsed${chapter_and_section}.txt") or die $!;
For the rest of the program to work, I need to be able to have:
my #sentences = <$tag_corpus>; ##right now this is one file, I want to make it more
my #typeddependencies = <$parse_corpus>; ##same as above
EDIT2: Really sorry about the misunderstanding. In the program, after the steps shown, I do 2 for loops. Reading through the lines of the tagged and parsed.
What I want is to accomplish this with more files from the same directory, without having to re-input the next files. (ie. I can run taggedchpt31_1.txt and parsedchpt31_1.txt...... I want to run taggedchpt31 and parsedchpt31 - which includes ~chpt31_1, ~chpt31_2, etc...)
Ultimately, it would be best if I joined all the tagged files and all the parsed files that have a common chapter (in the end still requiring only two files I want to run) but not have to save the joined file to the directory... Now that I put it into words, I think I should just save files that include all the sections.
Sorry and Thanks for all your time! Look at FMc's breakdown of my question for more help.
You could iterate over the file names, opening and reading each one in turn. Or you could produce an iterator that knows how to read lines from sequence of files.
sub files_reader {
# Takes a list of file names and returns a closure that
# will yield lines from those files.
my #handles = map { open(my $h, '<', $_) or die $!; $h } #_;
return sub {
shift #handles while #handles and eof $handles[0];
return unless #handles;
return readline $handles[0];
my $reader = files_reader('foo.txt', 'bar.txt', 'quux.txt');
while (my $line = $reader->()) {
print $line;
Or you could use Perl's built-in iterator that can do the same thing:
local #ARGV = ('foo.txt', 'bar.txt', 'quux.txt');
while (my $line = <>) {
print $line;
Edit in response to follow-up questions:
Perhaps it would help to break your problem down into smaller sub-tasks. As I understand it, you have three steps.
Step 1 is to get some input from the user -- perhaps a directory name, or maybe a couple of file name patterns (taggedchpt and parsedchpt).
Step 2 is for the program to find all of the relevant file names. For this task, glob() or readdir()might be useful. There are many questions on StackOverflow related to such issues. You'll end up with two lists of file names, one for the tagged files and one for the parsed files.
Step 3 is to process the lines across all of the files in each of the two sets. Most of the answers you have received, including mine, will help you with this step.
No one has mentioned the #ARGV hack yet? Ok, here it is.
local #ARGV = ('taggedchpt1_1.txt', 'parsedchpt1_1.txt', 'taggedchpt1_2.txt',
while (<ARGV>) {
print FH $_;
ARGV is a special filehandle that iterates through all the filenames in #ARGV, closing a file and opening the next one as necessary. Normally #ARGV contains the command-line arguments that you passed to perl, but you can set it to anything you want.
You're almost there... this is a bit more efficient than discrete opens on each file...
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => "all";
print "Please type in the chapter and section NUMBERS in the for chp#_sec#:\n";
chomp (my $chapter_and_section = "chpt".<>);
print "Please type in the search word:\n";
chomp (my $search_key = <>);
open(FH, '>output.txt') or die $!; # Open an output file for writing
foreach ("tagged${chapter_and_section}.txt", "parsed${chapter_and_section}.txt") {
open FILE, "<$_" or die $!; # Read a filename (from the array)
foreach (<FILE>) {
$_ =~ s/THIS/THAT/g; # Regex replace each line in the open file (use
# whatever you like instead of "THIS" &
# "THAT"
print FH $_; # Write to the output file