Was trying to refresh a database which failed when dropping the AQ table 'SYSTEM.DEF$_AQCALL' with this error.
1. SqlBRuntimeException: Dropping Tables failed after 6/179 items (1 errors)
2. SqlBException: Fatal error executing resource: clean\tables\def$_aqcall
3. QueryException: Error executing resource (delimiter = '/'): clean\tables\def$_aqcall
4. QueryException: Error executing SQL statement (errcode=24005, sqlstate=99999: ORA-24005: Inappropriate utilities used to perform DDL on AQ table SYSTEM.DEF$_AQCALL):
5. SQLException: errorcode=24005, sqlstate=99999, line=-1: ORA-24005: Inappropriate utilities used to perform DDL on AQ table SYSTEM.DEF$_AQCALL
Then tried manually stopping the queue and dropping the queue table even with the 'Force' option, but no luck.
When stopping the queue this is the error I'm getting.
Error starting at line 5 in command:
queue_name => 'SYSTEM.DEF$_AQCALL');
Error report:
ORA-04063: package body "SYS.DBMS_AQADM_SYS" has errors
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "SYS.DBMS_AQADM_SYS"
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQADM", line 464
ORA-06512: at line 2
04063. 00000 - "%s has errors"
*Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure or use a view that has
errors. For stored procedures, the problem could be syntax errors
or references to other, non-existent procedures. For views,
the problem could be a reference in the view's defining query to
a non-existent table.
Can also be a table which has references to non-existent or
inaccessible types.
*Action: Fix the errors and/or create referenced objects as necessary.
Checking on the 'DBMS_AQADM_SYS' package using;
select owner,object_name,object_type,status from dba_objects where object_name='DBMS_AQADM_SYS';
shows that the Status of the 'Package Body' is 'INVALID' and I assume that this could be the cause of the above error.
Next step was to recompile this package to fix any issues in the package.
I recompiled the package as SYSDBA;
as per http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14258/u_recomp.htm#i1000051
This completed without any errors, but still the Status of the Package Body is 'Invalid'.
Tried using
sqlplus / as sysdba #?/rdbms/admin/utlrp
as per DBMS_METADATA and other packages invalid but still no luck.
Checked few forums and everyone suggests to recompile the package.
Appreciate if you have any insight on this issue.
Here are some ideas, in the order I would attempt them:
Try to figure out why it's invalid. If you're lucky the error message will give you a clue: select * from dba_errors where name = 'DBMS_AQADM_SYS';
Look for other invalid objects that might cause the problem: select * from dba_objects where status <> 'VALID';
Run utlrp multiple times. (That's an official Oracle recommendation in some processes; do the same thing multiple times.)
Manually recompile objects like this: alter package sys.dbms_aqadm_sys compile;. Recompiling objects may invalidate others, you may need to manually recompile them in a specific order.
Talk to your DBAs and find out if there was any recent maintenance on the servers lately. The only time I've had to do step #4 was after an upgrade.
Contact Oracle support.
Tried to fix an hdb partition using fixtables without realising that there are some symlinks in there.
Now when I query that table I get the following error:
"./2016.05.18/:./2016.05.18/tablename. OS reports: No such file or directory"
Any suggestions?
UPDATE: I don't think the fixtable caused this. I thing the following line caused it
(hsym`$getenv`hdb)set .Q.en[hsym`$getenv`hdb;]table
It looks like from your error that a partition has been placed within itself. Does the following directory exist?
q) key `:./2016.05.18/:./2016.05.18
If so then the issue is that a partition has been placed within itself.
If that error message is a typo or a red herring then you should first cover your basis and fill the HDB. For the HDB at /some/hdb/location
If that doesn't work then the table might exist but be broken. So inspect it and see if it's queryable
tabCheck: get `:./2016.05.18/tablename
If the table is queryable, then check that the schema conforms with the rest of the HDB.
I run into a Cannot enlarge string buffer message on my running postgREST API. I guess some tables are too large to work successful with the API.
I am using the docker postgrest/postgrest container from https://hub.docker.com/r/postgrest/postgrest with the version PostgREST 5.1.0.
Everything is working as expected but if the tables size getting too large, I get following error message.
hint null
details "Cannot enlarge string buffer containing 1073741822 bytes by 1 more bytes."
code "54000"
message "out of memory"
I can't determine the threshold when it's working or not.
Is there a possibility to enlarge the string buffer in some config file or is this hardcoded?
Are there any limits from the table size working with the API. So far I couldn’t find any information in the docu.
=========== Update
The postgres logs give me following SQL query:
WITH pg_source AS (
SELECT "public"."n_osm_bawue_line".*
FROM "public"."n_osm_bawue_line"
SELECT null AS total_result_set,
pg_catalog.count(_postgrest_t) AS page_total,
array[]::text[] AS header,
coalesce(json_agg(_postgrest_t), '[]')::character varying AS body
FROM pg_source
) _postgrest_t
I use following postgres version:
"PostgreSQL 11.1 (Debian 11.1-1.pgdg90+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) 6.3.0 20170516, 64-bit"
Unless you recompile PostgreSQL is not possible to upgrade the limit(defined here).
My suggestion would be to try to reduce the size of the payload(are you sure you need all the data?) or get all of the payload in multiple requests.
With PostgREST you can do vertical filtering(just select the columns that you need) or paginate to reduce the number of rows you get in one request.
The error message comes from PostgreSQL. PostgREST just wraps the message in JSON and sends the HTTP response.
As a first step for finding the problem, look what is the exact HTTP request you do to trigger the error.
Then, enable PostgreSQL logging and repeat the request, check the logs and then you'll see what is the SQL query that causes this error. Run the query through pgAdmin or psql to make sure you got the problematic query.
Update your question with your findings. The SQL query would be what is needed to continue.
After that you could add a postgresql tag to your question.
There is always the possibility that the file being imported is either corrupted or malformed because of any number of reasons.
I just happened to have discovered in my case that my file had something like incorrect line endings (long story, unnecessary here) which caused the whole file to appear as one line, thus causing the obvious result. You may have something similar in your case that requires a find+replace kind of solution.
For whatever benefit to anyone else, I used this to resolve it:
tr -d '\0' < bad_file.csv > bad_file.csv.fixed
I am trying to extend a item profile table by parsering the its part_number column further down into properties. It works fine outside a function.
ALTER TABLE tbl_item_info
ADD prop1 varchar(2),
ADD prop2 varchar(1),
ADD prop3 numeric(4,3);
UPDATE tbl_item_info
SET prop1 = substr(part_num,5,2)
, prop2 = substr(part_num,7,1)
, prop3 = to_number( substr(part_num,8,5) , '9G999')
WHERE ARRAY[left(part_num,3)] <# ARRAY['NTX','EXC'] ;
But when I try to put the statements into a function. It always fail with error "relation with OID xxxxx does not exist" pointing to the UPDATE statements.
I have no clue what it is trying to say. Any idea why ?
I wish I had a definitive answer, but this seems to be related to a known bug in PostgreSQL as described here:
Bear in mind that the greenplum implementation of PostgreSQL is proprietary to Dell EMC, however, the core code issue is likely the same for all major PostgreSQL distributions. I am still researching this to determine if there is a good resolution to the problem. The database in which I experienced a markedly similar error is not the greenplum implementation of PostgreSQL. The error was thrown when I called the pg_relation_filepath() function in a query on an oid that was dynamically obtained from a record in the pg_class table that should have had an associated external file in a subdirectory of the ./base/ path. The error that was thrown was:
ERROR: relation "pg_toast_34474_index" does not exist
The point here is that for a toast entity to exist, it is supposed to be tied to another relation and acts as a reference to additional files created out on the storage media to accommodate additional data that does not fit into the owning relation's top level file - in this case, most likely a table. But when I search for the owning relation's oid (34474), the owner doesn't exist. Since the owner doesn't exist I think the logic assumes that the toast entity doesn't either, even though it has a record in the pg_class table.
This is as close as I can get to a root cause for now. Although the above link suggests code to improve the issue is supposed to have been released in version 8.3, my database has been upgraded from version 8.1 to version 9.4.7, so it appears that even though code may have improved between those two version to prevent new occurrences of the problem, if the problem was created before the database was upgraded, the newer code does not know how to reassemble the tinker toys left behind from issues created by this apparent bug before the fix was implemented.
At present I am investigating if a PLPGSQL function can wrap and trap the error for all relations so I can identify which ones have the problem (as well as to solve my original problem of determining which relation is hosted in a specific file that the server.postmaster log tells me it is unable to read from - hopefully it is just an index I can drop/create).
I found this issue at server 13.7. It was not at server 14.3.
It happened when I changed the signature (parameters) of the stored procedure:
SQL Error [42883]: ERROR: function with OID 894070 does not exist
I removed the old procedure and created new one.
But when I called a function which used that procedure it triggered the error.
To fix it I recreated the function which used changed object.
So general rule:
look where error happens, make sure to recreate object that triggers error, and recompile the code which uses it.
Hope it will help.
I'm getting this error while executing a batch operation.
Use getNextException() to retrieve the exceptions for specific batched elements.ERRORCODE=-4229, SQLSTATE=null
I'm not finding any pointer to proceed with debugging this error.
Appreciating any help!!!
Search for the error on the IBM page:
-4229 Message text: text-from-getMessage Explanation: An error occurred during a batch execution.
User response: Call SQLException.getMessage to retrieve specific
information about the problem.
So, it might be related to any underlying error during the execution of your batch insert/update/delete
For those who are looking for an solution to this error.
For me this was due to
DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-530, SQLSTATE=23503
In my case, this occurred because I had an unique covering index defined on two columns and the combination of these two values was not unique when I was inserting the records.
For anyone who is still wondering, try entering a unique record and check if the error still persists?
For me it was because of duplicate entry of a foreign key.
In my case, this was due to having rows in the database with the same PK IDs that the sequence was generating. The solution can be to fix these "future" row IDs or adapt the sequence to jump those numbers.
I want to drop a column called id which is an auto incrementing PK.
The SQL:
alter table "CO88GT"."XGLCTL" drop column id cascade;
And I get:
Error: [SQL0952] Processing of the SQL statement ended. Reason code 10.
SQLState: 57014
ErrorCode: -952
I could be wrong but I think it has something to do with preventing the table from losing data. To get around this issue I need to create a new table without the column and copy the data from the old table into the new table and then replace the old table with the new table.
AS400 is giving you a warning (inquiry message) because of possible data loss, asking you to Cancel or Ignore the requested operation. So, beacuse of this being a interactive request, over JDBC/ODBC you cannot type 'I' to ignore, and AS throws you an ErrorCode: -952 with SQLState: 57014 and Reason code 10.
In the documentation of SQL0952 says:
Message Text: Processing of the SQL statement ended. Reason code &1.
Cause Text: The SQL operation was ended before normal completion. The reason code is &1. Reason codes and their meanings are:
* 1 - An SQLCancel API request has been processed, for example from ODBC.
* 2 - SQL processing was ended by sending an exception.
* 3 - Abnormal termination.
* 4 - Activation group termination.
* 5 - Reclaim activation group or reclaim resources.
* 6 - Process termination.
* 7 - An EXIT function was called.
* 8 - Unhandled exception.
* 9 - A Long Jump was processed.
* 10 - A cancel reply to an inquiry message was received.
* 11 - Open Database File Exit Program (QIBM_QDB_OPEN).
* 0 - Unknown cause.
If you are using JDBC and the SQL error isn't self-explanatory, you can make a JDBC connection with parameter 'errors=full', which will give much more info on the error. For other connection parameters see this.
example connection string:
With that connection the resulting error would be like this:
Error: [SQL0952] Processing of the SQL statement ended. Reason code 10.
Cause . . . . . : The SQL operation was ended before normal completion.
The reason code is 10.
Reason codes and their meanings are:
1 -- An SQLCancel API request has been processed, for example from ODBC.
2 -- SQL processing was ended by sending an exception.
3 -- Abnormal termination.
4 -- Activation group termination.
5 -- Reclaim activation group or reclaim resources.
6 -- Process termination.
7 -- An EXIT function was called.
8 -- Unhandled exception.
9 -- A Long Jump was processed.
10 -- A cancel reply to an inquiry message was received.
11 -- Open Database File Exit Program (QIBM_QDB_OPEN).
0 -- Unknown cause.
Recovery . . . : If the reason code is 1, a client request was made to cancel SQL processing. For all other reason codes, see previous messages to determine why SQL processing was ended.
SQLState: 57014
ErrorCode: -952
The solution
So finally, if you cannot use STRSQL, another solution is to use iSeries Navigator, to be exact its "Run SQL scripts" (it is usually here --> "%Program Files%\IBM\Client Access\Shared\cwbundbs.exe").
But first of all you have to add a system reply parameter (only once per machine)
This is done in "green screen". This sets a deafult answer ('I') on CPA32B2 inquiry message. The CPA32B2 is an internal massage id, which is tied to an drop column operation.
(It actually doesn't have to be done in "green screen", use it like CHGJOB command. Example :
Now you can start "Run SQL scripts", the first command to run is:
this changes the current job parameter INQMSGRPY, to *SYSRPYL. *SYSRPYL causes to look if exists a system reply parameter when an inquiry message should be displayed.
Now you can run your alter which drops the column.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to drop a column, just using JDBC. If someone knows please let me know.
Understanding What Controls the Automatic Reply Function
Replying to Run-Time Inquiry Messages
Error in dropping column (forum post)
How can I avoid SQL0952 on ALTER TABLE?
Finally I found a solution:
ALTER TABLE <tablename> DROP COLUMN <column_name>;
There isn't enough information in your error message to be sure, but dropping a primary key column is generally quite risky and the database correctly makes it difficult.
You likely have a foreign key constraint involving that column.
Don't drop the constraint and delete that column unless you're sure you know what you're doing.
According to this post: http://bytes.com/topic/db2/answers/185467-drop-column-table
It is possible to drop a column using STRSQL in the green screen environment. I have access to this and it does work, but a client with a 400 does not have the licensed program to use STRSQL. The issue is that STRSQL will prompt if this is something I really want to do.
To get at the data I'm using SQuirrel SQL client with the JT400 JDBC driver... So I guess with the system insisting on prompting (and actually no way of getting the prompt even without STRSQL) it won't let me do it.
So I guess I'm stuck doing what I'm doing... creating a new table and copying the data and then swapping the tables.
The only way I found to get jdbc to work is to first manually change the default for this message. Then run your update application. In our case we use Liquibase. I could get the java's CommandCall to call ADDRPYLE and CHGJOB INQMSGRPY(*SYSRPYL), but it never actually allowed the alter table * drop column * to not give the follow error:
10 -- A cancel reply to an inquiry message was received.
Working Command:
green screen -- STRSQL will give you error msg to answer
alter table devlibsc/trklst drop column "ST"
Change of file TRKLST may cause data to be lost. (C I)