Scala REHL jar importing issue - scala

I was trying to run a scala file using command
scala myclass.scala
However, it complains about one of the import library. I included the jar using the -classpath option like this.
scala -class ncscala-time.jar myclass.scala
Error I got is:
myclass.scala:5: error: object github is not a member of package com
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
Any idea why?


Running scala code using java -jar <jarfile>

I am trying to run scala code using java -jar <> i am getting below issue
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/fs/FSDataOutputStream at Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream
The same code is running fine with spark-submit.
I am trying to write data to hdfs file.
I have imported below classes
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream
You need to add all dependencies (including transitive dependencies, i.e. dependencies of dependencies) to -cp argument. If you just look at direct dependencies of hadoop-core you'll see why you should never do this manually. Instead use a build system. If you followed e.g. it actually sets up SBT, so you can do sbt run to run the main class like java -cp <lots of libraries> -jar <jarfile> would). If you didn't, add build.sbt as described there.

Scala can not load file in the interpreter

I am doing the Scala course from Coursera; currently, I am at the week 2 exercises. I want to load the code into the interpreter so I can check the methods I implemented like this:
:load FunSets.scala
However, I get the following error:
<console>:10: error: not found: value common
import common._
This appears because the source file imports another package like this:
package funsets
import common._
How can I make the interpreter see the other package as well?
Is there a way of importing the entire project?
Assuming your project uses sbt, you should be able to do the following.
From the root of your project, type sbt and press enter. Your project will be loaded in sbt.
Use the console task to load the REPL with all compiled classes and libraries. Use the consoleProject task to load the REPL with access to the project definition and sbt.
The sbt documentation has more details.

import scala.swing._ in eclipse giving an error that it is not a member of package scala

Does anybody have any experience with trying to get swing to work in eclipse, I can import it fine into scala using the command line interface, but when i try and use it in an eclipse scala project I get the following error:
import scala.swing._
"object swing is not a member of package scala"
Any help would be much appreciated.
If you are missing the library (as RĂ¼diger said, it is a separate dependency now), you can find how to add it to your build system here (for Scala 2.11):|org.scala-lang.modules|scala-swing_2.11|1.0.1|bundle
Look under "Dependency Information", e.g. for sbt if you use that.

"is not a member of package" error when importing package in Scala with SBT

(Relative beginner here, please be gentle...)
I've got a Scala program that I can build with sbt. I can (from within sbt) run compile and test-compile with no errors. I've defined a package by putting package com.mycompany.mypackagename at the top of several .scala files. When I do console to get a Scala REPL, this happens:
scala> import com.mycompany.mypackagename._
<console>:5: error: value mypackagename is not a member of package com.mycompany
import com.mycompany.mypackagename._
Any variation of this also fails. When I just do import com.mycompany I get no problems.
I thought that running the Scala console from within sbt would properly set the classpath based on the current projects? What (completely obvious) thing am I missing?
I ran into this same problem, and then I realized I was running scala 2.10.0 on commandline, and IDEA was using Scala 2.9.2. So the fix was to change both to use the same version, and:
sbt clean
What will happen if you import actual class name instead of wildcard.
import com.mycompany.mypackagename.ActualClassName

Bad class file error when using Scala 2.8.x (2.8.0 and 2.8.1) in Javafx 1.x (1.2 and 1.3.1)

When trying to import scala.Option in a javafx script, I get the following javafxc error:
cannot access scala.Option.$anonfun$orNull$1
bad class file: scala/Option$$anonfun$orNull$1.class(scala:Option$$anonfun$orNull$1.class)
undeclared type variable: A1
Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
import scala.Option;
I am using Scala 2.8.1, Javafxc 1.3.1_b101, JVM 1.6.0_21-b06, OS Ubuntu 10.10. The same code was working in Scala 2.7.7 .
Later edit:
The same error is reported in case I import scala.immutable.Seq/List/Traversable/Iterable . I have tried the imports in a default Netbeans 6.9.1 JavaFX project which has in the classpath only scala-library.jar.
It reminded me first of #4067, but this one looks quite different.
I would suggest that you try to reproduce the error with 2.8.1 or 2.9 trunk, maybe it is fixed?