Extract year from date within WHERE clause - postgresql

I need to include EXTRACT() function within WHERE clause as follow:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM date) = '2014';
I get a message like this:
pg_catalog.date_part(unknown, text) doesn't exist**
SQL State 42883
Here is my_table content (gid INTEGER, date DATE):
gid | date
1 | 2014-12-12
2 | 2014-12-08
3 | 2013-17-15
I have to do it this way because the query is sent from a form on a website that includes a 'Year' field where users enter the year on a 4-digits basis.

The problem is that your column is of data type text, while EXTRACT() only works for date / time types.
You should convert your column to the appropriate data type.
That's smaller (4 bytes instead of 11 for the text), faster and cleaner (disallows illegal dates and most typos).
If you have non-standard format add a USING clause with a conversion expression. Example:
Alter character field to date
Also, for your queries to be fast with a plain index on date you should rather use sargable predicates. Like:
SELECT * FROM my_table
WHERE date >= '2014-01-01'
AND date < '2015-01-01';
Or, to go with your 4-digit input for the year:
SELECT * FROM my_table
WHERE date >= to_date('2014', 'YYYY')
AND date < to_date('2015', 'YYYY');
You could also be more explicit:
to_date('2014' || '0101', 'YYYYMMNDD')
Both produce the same date '2014-01-01'.
Aside: date is a reserved word in standard SQL and a basic type name in Postgres. Don't use it as identifier.

This happens because the column has a text or varchar type, as opposed to date or timestamp. This is easily reproducible:
SELECT 1 WHERE extract(year from '2014-01-01'::text)='2014';
yields this error:
ERROR: function pg_catalog.date_part(unknown, text) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT 1 WHERE extract(year from '2014-01-01'::text)='2014';
^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
extract or is underlying function date_part does not exist for text-like datatypes, but they're not needed anyway. Extracting the year from this date format is equivalent to getting the 4 first characters, so your query would be:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE left(date,4)='2014';


In Amazon Redshift though I have specified service_date column as Date datatype but when I am taking date in IN operator it working with quotes only

select *
from nsclc_thought_spot
where patientid = 11000001
and service_date in ('2019-07-08', '2019-07-10')
order by patientid, service_date
is returning the results properly
But this is not working as expected:
select *
from nsclc_thought_spot
where patientid = 11000001
and service_date in (2019-07-08, 2019-07-10)
order by patientid, service_date
This query is not returning results.
If I have defined service_date column as date, then why do I have to pass the values in quotes inside IN operator in redshift?
Because 2019-07-08 means the integer 2019 minus the integer 7 minus the integer 8 which equals the integer 2004. Without quotes in SQL numbers are seen as numeric values. To be interpreted as something else you need to quote them (which is a text value) and then they need to be cast to the data type needed. In this case '2019-07-08' is a text value but Redshift will implicitly cast this to a date to make the comparison to the column data "service_date".
If you want to do this explicitly you can add the casting to the values - ... service_date IN ('2019-07-08'::date,'2019-07-10'::date) ... - which might make things clearer for you.

How to query by date and time in postgresql

i have a table where my date/time is of form: 2020-03-10 22:54:08
This is a timestampped object. I tried the following query but didn't return any rows:
select ts from table1
where cast(ts as timestamp) = '2020-03-10 22:54:08'
returns nothing.
How do i query based on date and time in postgressql?
A timestamp has microsecond resolution, so you have to use same techiques as when testing floating point numbers: Round it or use only < and > for comparison.
To retrieve data from a database, you need to refer to SQL SELECT syntax. In your situation, the ts column is already a timestamp, so there is no need to use cast(). Bear in mind, however, that a timestamp type contains fractions of a second (i.e., 2020-03-10 22:54:03.xxx), so you would be better off using a comparison operator (>,<,>=,or <=)
You can retrieve all columns by using the * syntax:
select *
from my_table
where ts >= '2020-03-10 22:54:08';
tymestamp type by default contains also microseconds, so, now() which, for example, is 2020-03-11 01:56:27.593985 here obviously is not equal to 2020-03-11 01:56:27. If you do not want to have microseconds precision in your data then declare your field like ts timestamp(0) NOT NULL DEFAULT now() which means "0 decimal digits for microseconds":
current_timestamp::timestamp as ts,
current_timestamp::timestamp(2) as ts2,
current_timestamp::timestamp(0) as ts0;
ts | ts2 | ts0
2020-03-11 02:02:52.98298 | 2020-03-11 02:02:52.98 | 2020-03-11 02:02:53
Actually this worked.
select distinct(ts) from my_table where ts >= '2020-03-10 22:54:08' and ts <= '2020-03-10 22:54:09'
But this doesn't give me the whole rows
But then i tried this and this worked:
select ts from table1
where to_char(ts,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') = '2020-03-10 22:54:08'

PostgreSQL - sort by UUID version 1 timestamp

I am using UUID version 1 as the primary key. I would like to sort on UUID v1 timestamp. Right now if I do something like this:
SELECT id, title
FROM table
PostgreSQL does not sort records by UUID timestamp, but by UUID string representation, which ends up with unexpected sorting result in my case.
Am I missing something, or there is not a built in way to do this in PostgreSQL?
The timestamp is one of the parts of a v1 UUID. It is stored in hex format as hundreds nanoseconds since 1582-10-15 00:00. This function extracts the timestamp:
create or replace function uuid_v1_timestamp (_uuid uuid)
returns timestamp with time zone as $$
('x' || lpad(h, 16, '0'))::bit(64)::bigint::double precision -
) / 10000000
from (
substring (u from 16 for 3) ||
substring (u from 10 for 4) ||
substring (u from 1 for 8) as h
from (values (_uuid::text)) s (u)
) s
$$ language sql immutable;
select uuid_v1_timestamp(uuid_generate_v1());
2016-06-16 12:17:39.261338+00
122192928000000000 is the interval between the start of the Gregorian calendar and the Unix timestamp.
In your query:
select id, title
from t
order by uuid_v1_timestamp(id) desc
To improve performance an index can be created on that:
create index uuid_timestamp_ndx on t (uuid_v1_timestamp(id));

tsql convert string into date when possible

I've got a column to import into an Azure SQL DB that is supposed to be made of dates only but of course contains errors.
In TSQL I would like to do something like: convert to date if it's possible otherwise null.
Does anyone know a statement to test the convertibility of a string into a date?
use TryCast or Isdate
try_Cast('test' as date)
select try_Cast('4' as date)
select case when ISDATE('test')=1 then cast('test' as date) else null end
TryCast will fail if the expression is not in expected format ..ie.,if the explicit conversion of expression is not permitted
try_cast( 4 as xml)
select try_Cast(4 as date)
You could use TRY_PARSE:
Returns the result of an expression, translated to the requested data type, or null if the cast fails. Use TRY_PARSE only for converting from string to date/time and number types.
Additionaly you could add culture:
And importing:
INSERT INTO target_table(date_column, ...)
SELECT TRY_PARSE(date_string_column AS DATE) ...
FROM source_table

What is equivalent of isNullOrEmpty in Postgresql select command?

select complaintno from complaintprocess where endtime='';
It Is Not Working
In complaintprocess table endtime datatype is timestamp without time zone.
Here I want to get one of the column in complaintprocess where endtime is empty.
You could not store '' as timestamp. I suspect that by blank you mean NULL value.
SELECT CAST('' AS timestamp);
-- ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp: ""
To filter them you could use:
SELECT complaintno
FROM complaintprocess
WHERE endtime IS NULL;