Resizeable quadratic grid - javafx-8

I would like to display a quadratic GridPane inside a window. The window can have every possible size and normally width and height are not equal. Anyway I would like to display the GridPane as square centered like this:
Ideally there is a configurable padding around the square. The pictures are taken from a canvas approach, but I want to switch to standard controls. Can anyone give me some hints how to achieve this?

One way to achieve an squared layout for your grid for any resolution of your window is rescaling it to use the maximum size of the window (after some padding), while keeping the squared size.
Instead of a GridPane, a simple Group is more flexible for moving its children, though it requires manual layouting of them.
This simple snippet is based on the JavaFX implementation of the 2048 game you can find here. It uses styleable rectangles to create a grid, and over them the 'tiles' are added. To find out more about styling, layouting or tile movement, go to the refered link.
private static final int NUM_CELLS = 15;
private static final int CELL_SIZE = 50;
private static final int TILE_SIZE = CELL_SIZE-15;
private final static int MARGIN = 20;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
// create background square grid
Group gridGroup = new Group();
Rectangle cell = new Rectangle(i * CELL_SIZE, j * CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE);
// Add grid to board
Group board = new Group(gridGroup);
// add random tiles to board
if(i==j || NUM_CELLS-i-1==j){
Label label = new Label();
label.setMinSize(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE);
label.setPrefSize(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE);
label.setMaxSize(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE);
label.setStyle("-fx-background-color: red; -fx-background-radius: 50");
Bounds gameBounds = board.getLayoutBounds();
StackPane root = new StackPane(board);
// Listener to rescale and center the board
ChangeListener<Number> resize = (ov, v, v1) -> {
double scale = Math.min((root.getWidth() - MARGIN) / gameBounds.getWidth(),
(root.getHeight() - MARGIN) / gameBounds.getHeight());
board.setLayoutX((root.getWidth() - gameBounds.getWidth()) / 2d);
board.setLayoutY((root.getHeight() - gameBounds.getHeight()) / 2d);
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
// Maximum size of window
Rectangle2D visualBounds = Screen.getPrimary().getVisualBounds();
double factor = Math.min(visualBounds.getWidth() / (gameBounds.getWidth() + MARGIN),
visualBounds.getHeight() / (gameBounds.getHeight() + MARGIN));
primaryStage.setWidth((gameBounds.getWidth() + MARGIN) * factor);
primaryStage.setHeight((gameBounds.getHeight() + MARGIN) * factor);;
And this is how it will look like after some window resizing:


Get normalized click position on a RectTransform

Ive made a ui touch/click controller by using an UI image with collider. The ui is rendered with a stacked camera.
Im using IPointerDownHandler.OnPointerDown to get the click event.
The controller is supposed to give a value from 0-1 depending on how far up you click it.
Im using Canvas Scaler on the UI to make the controllers resize depending on device. But that messes up my calculations since the click position wont be the same. How is this supposed to be handled? Now the calculation is only correct when i disable Canvas Scaler or run it on a display with the default dimensions.
public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData pointerEventData)
private void SetAccelerationValue(float posY)
float percentagePosition;
var positionOnAccelerator = posY - minY;
var acceleratorHeight = maxY - minY;
percentagePosition = positionOnAccelerator / acceleratorHeight;
I would use RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle to get a position in the local space of the given RectTransform.
Then combine it with Rect.PointToNormalized
Returns the normalized coordinates cooresponding the the point.
The returned Vector2 is in the range 0 to 1 with values more 1 or less than zero clamped.
to get a normalized position within that RectTransform.rect (0,0) being bottom-left corner, (1,1) being the top-right corner
[SerializeField] private RectTransform _rectTransform;
private void Awake ()
if(!_rectTransform) _rectTransform = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
private bool GetNormalizedPosition(PointerEventData pointerEventData, out Vector2 normalizedPosition)
normalizedPosition = default;
// get the pointer position in the local space of the UI element
// NOTE: For click vents use "pointerEventData.pressEventCamera"
// For hover events you would rather use "pointerEventData.enterEventCamera"
if(!RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(_rectTransform, pointerEventData.position, pointerEventData.pressEventCamera, out var localPosition)) return false;
normalizedPosition = Rect.PointToNormalized(_rectTransform.rect, localPosition);
// I think this kind of equals doing something like
//var rect = _rectTransform.rect;
//var normalizedPosition = new Vector2 (
// (localPosition.x - rect.x) / rect.width,
// (localPosition.y - rect.y) / rect.height);
return true;
Since the normalized position returns values like
| |
| (0|0) |
| |
but you sounds like what you want to get is
| |
| 0|0 |
| |
So you can simply shift the returned value using e.g.
// Shift the normalized Rect position from [0,0] (bottom-left), [1,1] (top-right)
// into [-1, -1] (bottom-left), [1,1] (top-right)
private static readonly Vector2 _multiplcator = * 2f;
private static readonly Vector2 _shifter = * 0.5f;
private static Vector2 GetShiftedNormalizedPosition(Vector2 normalizedPosition)
return Vector2.Scale((normalizedPosition - _shifter), _multiplcator);
So finally you would use e.g.
public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData pointerEventData)
if(!GetNormalizedPosition(pointerEventData, out var normalizedPosition)) return;
var shiftedNormalizedPosition = GetShiftedNormalizedPosition(normalizedPosition);
// And probably for your other question also
And of course within SetAccelerationValue you don't calculate anything but just set the value ;)
This uses always the current rect so you don't have to store any min/max values and it also applies to any dynamic re-scaling of the rect.
This would then probably also apply to your other almost duplicate question ;)

Unity 2D - Keep Player Object in Boundary of it's Parent Panel

In Unity i have a UI Panel which has a player object (an UI Image object).
I moving player object into planel with user inputs (keyboard or touch)
I can't keep player object in it's parent panel,
Please check below image, I want to keep player inside of Red Panel
Here is my Tried Code
public Camera MainCamera; //be sure to assign this in the inspector to your main camera
private Vector2 screenBounds;
private float objectWidth;
private float objectHeight;
private RectTransform pnlBackgroundTransform;
private void Start()
pnlBackgroundTransform = GameObject.Find("PnlBackground").GetComponent<RectTransform>();
screenBounds = MainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(pnlBackgroundTransform.rect.width , pnlBackgroundTransform.rect.height , MainCamera.transform.position.z));
objectWidth = transform.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().bounds.extents.x; //extents = size of width / 2
objectHeight = transform.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().bounds.extents.y; //extents = size of height / 2
void LateUpdate()
Vector3 viewPos = transform.position;
viewPos.x = Mathf.Clamp(viewPos.x, screenBounds.x * -1 + objectWidth, screenBounds.x - objectWidth);
viewPos.y = Mathf.Clamp(viewPos.y, screenBounds.y * -1 + objectHeight, screenBounds.y - objectHeight);
transform.position = viewPos;
I'd say it's not very usual having the player implemented as a UI element, and instead you should be implementing it outside the UI/Canvas system.
The UI/Canvas system uses a set of rules of placing and scaling to deal with responsive design. You have at least 4 values (excluding rotation) to place something on the screen: anchor, pivot, position and scale.
For example: if you want to create a square you can either set it's size in absolute pixel values or relative values (to parent). If you're using absolute values, your UI Scale Mode, defined on the Canvas object, should affect the visual results.
This means the UI/Canvas is for elements that should adapt to the screen, such as buttons, dialogs, labels, etc. Taking advantage of device parameters to improve the UX.
Outside the UI/Canvas system, things are directly based on Linear Algebra: you have a 3D vector space (a "World") where everything exists with an absolute size and position. Then, your Camera stretches and twists the whole world to match what your current perspective. That means your object will always have the same size, regardless of screen size.
Now, assuming you have a very specific reason to implement your game into UI, there are a few ways you can do it. I'll assume you're using absolute values. Please note all the units used here are pixels, and the effect should be different for devices with different resolutions and sensible to the UI Scale Mode parameter. Also, please note I've set both anchors min and max to (0,0), the bottom left corner (default is screen center, (0.5,0.5)), in order to avoid negative coordinates.
The following script is attached to the player's UI Image.
public class UIMovementController : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 5.0f;
new private RectTransform transform;
private Rect canvasRect;
private void Start()
transform = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
canvasRect = GetComponentInParent<Canvas>().pixelRect;
void Update()
// Keyboard Input (Arrows)
Vector2 move = new Vector2(0,0);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow)) { move.y += speed; }
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow)) { move.y -= speed; }
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { move.x -= speed; }
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)) { move.x += speed; }
transform.anchoredPosition += move;
// Position clamping
Vector2 clamped = transform.anchoredPosition;
clamped.x = Mathf.Clamp(clamped.x, transform.rect.width / 2, canvasRect.width - transform.rect.width / 2);
clamped.y = Mathf.Clamp(clamped.y, transform.rect.height / 2, canvasRect.height - transform.rect.height / 2);
transform.anchoredPosition = clamped;

Growing menu with scrollbar

I hate to ask such a generic question but I'm really stuck and super hoping someone can help me along the way. Here is the situation:
I'm making the GUI for a mobile app, portrait mode. I'm using canvas scalers to scale my canvasses with a reference width of 1080. This means I effectively don't know the height of my screen space.
What I want to create is a menu with a variable amount of items. The menu must be anchored to the bottom (with an offset margin) and grow upwards. So far I've been able to manage this using VerticalLayoutGroup and anchoring the rect transform to the bottom.
But my last requirement is that if the content would grow too big, a scrollbar would appear. The definition of the content being too big is: if it would extend the (unknown) screen height ( minus the offset margin of course). I hope the following image illustrates this much clearer:
I have a unity project here:
Did you give a try to scrollView? here it is:
You can use your vertical layout inside it and you will probably want to deactivate horizontal scroll and delete the horizontal slider.
Via script you can check its rectTransform height and compare it to your container's size, when reached maxHeight you can start managing your item's sizes
I assume you use the ScrollRect component as it is the right component to use in your case.
You can check the screen height with the Screen.height property.
Once you know the screen height you can compare it with your rect height and toggle the scrollbar with the ScrollRect.vertical property. You may have to change the ScrollRect.verticalScrollbarVisibility to permanent in order to make it work for you.
The answer Dave posted was close, but the problem is that the scrollview doesn't expand. I fixed it eventually by stretching the scrollview and resizing the parent manually as items are added. I set the anchors to the maximum size and adjust the sizeDelta.
public class MenuScript : MonoBehaviour
public int MenuItemCount;
public GameObject MenuItemPrefab;
public Transform MenuItemParent;
private RectTransform _rectTransform;
void Start()
_rectTransform = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
for (var i = 0; i <= MenuItemCount; i++)
GameObject instance = Instantiate(MenuItemPrefab, MenuItemParent, false);
instance.GetComponent<Text>().text = = "Item " + i;
float size = instance.transform.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.y;
TryExpandBy(size + 10);
private void TryExpandBy(float size)
var deltaY = _rectTransform.sizeDelta.y + size;
if (deltaY > 0) deltaY = 0;
_rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(_rectTransform.sizeDelta.x, deltaY);

RectTransform coordinates according to TextMesh Pro text size

I'm trying to create an InputField (TextMesh Pro) with a dynamic (its text content may vary) prefix.
This spectacular image should explain the goal.
So I set a TextMeshPro text to use as Prefix, and by script I was trying to "move" the TextArea accordingly.
The fact is, TextArea is a RectTransform, and I'm operating in a ScreenSpace render mode.
I was trying like this:
private TextMeshProGUI prefix;
private RecTransform textArea;
public void ChangePrefixTo(string newPrefix)
float oldWidth = prefix.preferredWidth;
prefix.text = newPrefix;
float newWidth = prefix.preferredWidth;
Vector2 newPos = new Vector2();
newPos.x = textArea.position.x + (newWidth - oldWidth);
newPos.y = textArea.position.y;
textArea.position = newPos;
, but the textArea gets shot into the stars.
How can I map the RectTransform position according to the size of a TextMeshPro text?
Thanks for the help and long live the whales
Instead of using a script to resize your prefix, you can group both of your elements in a Horizontal Layout Group, check only Width for Child Controls Size.
Add a Layout Element and set your Preferred Width to define the size of your TextArea.
The Prefix will scale according to his content, and it will push your text area as it grows.

Images getting cut off using Swing

I am writing a tile based platform game. At the moment I am trying to get 400 tiles to display at once. This is my panel. On the top and left sides everything is working great but on the right and bottom sides the images are cut off by a few pixels. Each image is 32*32. All of blocks are initialized. None are null. What is wrong here?
public class Pane extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
Timer timer;
boolean setup = false;
Block[][] blocks;
Level level;
public Pane()
level = new Level();
blocks = level.Parse();
timer = new Timer(25, this);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
for(Block[] b : blocks)
for(Block bx : b)
// Debug code if(bx.letter.equals("D"))
// Debug codeSystem.out.println(bx.y*32 +" = "+ bx.x*32);
g2d.drawImage(bx.bpic, bx.x*32, bx.y*32, this);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
on the right and bottom sides the images are cut off by a few pixels
If you mean the right and bottom sides of the whole panel (not on the single tiles), than it's probably a LayoutManager related problem. The solution depends on the layout manager you are using for the component your JPanel will be added to.
You could try to specify the minimum/preferred size of your JPanel with:
Pane pane = new Pane();
In order to specify its minimum dimension accordingly to the size of the generated image (32 * COL , 32 * ROW).
Unfortunately the effectiveness of the setPreferredSize call depends on the layout manager of your Pane parent component.
JComponent can do that basically and can return very easily something as MinimumSize or PreferredSize, valid for majority of standard Swing LayoutManagers, examples here.