JDBC Connection between MATLAB and NEO4J - matlab

I am trying to setup a database connection (to neo4j) using its JDBC driver. I am using Database Explorer within 2014b.
I get the error message "Unable to find JDBC driver". I have tried adding the driver using javaaddpath ('D:\driver path\filename.jar') and then using any combination of this in the "Driver" field in Connection Parameters. I have also tried "edit classpath.txt" as suggested elsewhere but I can't save it (Access Denied).
So any suggestions?


Using Wrangler with MySQL: A server error occurred when testing the connection. Error: Exception occurred while handling request: string

I am trying to connect a MySQL database via Google Cloud Data Fusion Wrangler. It's a very standard connection and I can connect and do every action with another tool (DBeaver). However, trying to connect with Wrangler, I am getting this message:
A server error occurred when testing the connection. Error: Exception occurred while handling request: string
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Please follow the instructions on https://cloud.google.com/data-fusion/docs/how-to/using-jdbc-drivers
Once done, you will be able to select the uploaded driver from the dropdown
For your requirement, you have to use JDBC Driver for connecting to MySQL database.You can use Public IP to setup connection to Wrangler.
Following are the steps to connect to MySQL database using Wrangler
Go to Hub in the Cloud Fusion instance and and select the required JDBC Driver.
Download the
driver and deploy it.
Go to Wranglers page and click on Add
Connection if you are connecting to MySQL for the first time.
the MySQL database from the list of databases provided in Wrangler.
Add name and JDBC driver along with username, password and other connection arguments.
Click on test connection to check the connectivity.
For more details you can check this link.

Is there a way to use Flyway on AS400?

I need to implement migration tool like Flyway in order to use Jenkins to deploy DB changes.
I tried to add jt400.jar file and added configuration as follows:
as a driver and it would not connect with this message:
ERROR: No database found to handle jdbc:as400://
I also tried with using IBM DB2 driver and had configuration
this time I am getting this kind of refusal message
Unable to obtain connection from database (jdbc:db2:// for user 'DEVUSER':
[jcc][t4][2043][11550][4.26.14] Exception java.net.ConnectException: Error opening socket to server
/ on port 50,000 with message: Connection refused (Connection refused).
With this test migration I am trying to create a simple table by executing this sql
Anyone had this situation and solved it?
I believe that at present there is no support for flyway to work with IBM i (as/400) regardless of whether you use jt400.jar or an IBM jdbc driver.
You can either use a different database-schema versioning tool, or find a fork of flyway that supports i-series (or pay someone to create and support such a fork, it is open source...).
It seems that currently (flyway 7.7.2) does not recognize a URL that starts with "jdbc:as400:" as a Db2 URL, so it throws an exception, which is the reason that the jt400.jar style URL is rejected with exception:
"No database found to handle ..."
The github history tells a story (see: https://github.com/flyway/flyway/issues/105).
Looks like the devs did not succeed to get the AS400 support added due to the lack of a suitable available i-series testing/dev environment (and also available to travis ci) . There may have been at least one PR for such support in the past, although it seems to be removed.
If you try to use the IBM db2jcc4.jar driver to connect to i-series (as400) with a url similar to: jdbc:db2://hostname/dbname, and you explicitly use an IBM jre , and have the relevant license file (e.g. db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar on the CLASSPATH), then flyway will connect and then report the exception similar to:
Unsupported Database: AS 7.4
The flyway source code shows that flyway does not recognize this database product-name and version, at current flyway version 7.7.2.
Are you sure DBDEV is the name of your Db2 data base on the IBM i?
Use the Work with RDB Directory Entry (WRKRDBDIRE) from the green screen, and look for the *LOCAL entry.
Or use the Access Client Solutions (ACS) "Schemas" tool to see a list of DB on your system.
The above shows 2 DB's, UT29p63 and Dbtest

How to update Pentaho Spoon JDBC drivers

I'm trying to connect to a postgresql 13 DB hosted on my computer using spoon.
I get the following error when trying to connect
Error connecting to database [DW] :org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException:
Error occurred while trying to connect to the database
Error connecting to database: (using class org.postgresql.Driver)
The authentication type 10 is not supported. Check that you have configured the pg_hba.conf file to include the client's IP address or subnet, and that it is using an authentication scheme supported by the driver.
Error occurred while trying to connect to the database
Error connecting to database: (using class org.postgresql.Driver)
The authentication type 10 is not supported. Check that you have configured the pg_hba.conf file to include the client's IP address or subnet, and that it is using an authentication scheme supported by the driver.
I did some digging and that's due to an outdated JDBC driver. Can anyone help me update the driver? I have located the driver directory but the guide on the website https://help.pentaho.com/Documentation/5.4/0D0/160/030
is just crap, they require you to have a distribute-files.bat file? Which I couldn't find anywhere.
You do not have to follow all the steps. Just pasting the JAR file in the directory is enough.

JDBC Producer in streamsets that could not write data into MySql

I had configured the JDBC connection configuration in the pipeline.
and when the application executes i get the following error on the logs.
"java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'databaseName.aim_table' doesn't exist"
The databaseName is not what I have set.
I have tried many times. it shows the same message that could not find the table in different database, and the question is all the db occurred in the sdc.log are that I had never configured ,and the correct database is never used ,so I want to know how could it find the wrong db and I had checked before start the pipeline and it shows successful:
Do you have anything set in the Schema Name configuration for JDBC
Producer? This should be blank for MySQL, since you're setting the
database/schema name in the connect URL.
Check that your MySQL driver matches the server. In particular, using
the current version 8.0.x JDBC driver with a 5.x.x server seems to
result in this problem. Download the older 5.1.x driver (currently
5.1.46) and it should work.
refer this
This problem is indeed caused by the wrong version of the driver package. I found the correct driver package and successfully wrote the data to the target table. add aonther point, I have set the SCHEMA NAME to blank and defined the database name in the connect URL for mysql.
My English is not good. Please forgive me.

Database Profile for DBVisualizer & SnappyData?

We are using the DBVisualizer Generic profile and Wizard setup to access SnappyData Store, however, the tool randomly loses track of which Driver class to load and then, you need to re-create the connection each time.
Product: DbVisualizer Pro 9.2 [Build #2348]
An error occurred while establishing the connection: The selected
Driver cannot handle the specified Database URL. The most common
reason for this error is that the database URL contains a syntax error
preventing the driver from accepting it. The error also occurs when
trying to connect to a database with the wrong driver. Correct this
and try again.
Is there an open source DBVisualizer 'Database Profile' for SnappyData or a better workaround to ensure our Generic DB Connection driver settings remain?
I was able to setup DBVisualizer with SnappyData, all I did is created a generic Driver, added the jar file and connected to SnappyDriver , like this jdbc:snappydata://ip:port/
jar file name: snappydata-store-client-1.5.0.jar