Pattern Matching Against Anonymous - scala

I'm trying to do something like:
private val isOne = (x: Int) => x == 1
private val isTwo = (x: int) => x == 2
def main(x: Int): String = {
x match {
case isOne => "it's one!"
case isTwo => "it's two!"
case _ => ":( It's not one or two"
Unfortunately... doesn't look like my syntax is right or maybe that's just no possible in Scala... any suggestions?

This isn't going to work for two reasons. First,
case isOne => ...
is not what you think it is. isOne within the match is just a symbol that will eagerly match anything, and not a reference to the val isOne. You can fix this by using backticks.
case `isOne` => ...
But this still won't do what you think it does. x is an Int, and isOne is a Int => Boolean, which means they will never match. You can sort of fix it like this:
def main(x: Int): String = {
x match {
case x if(isOne(x)) => "it's one!"
case x if(isTwo(x)) => "it's two!"
case _ => ":( It's not one or two"
But this isn't very useful, and case 1 => .... does the job just fine.


Assign value to variable in Scala Parser

i have a question about the Parser in Scala. I'll just post the important part here so that there would not be too much codes. For the eval Function:
def eval(t: Term): Double = t match {
case Addition(l, r) => eval(l) + eval(r)
case Multiplication(l, r) => eval(l) * eval(r)
case Numeric(i) => i
case Variable("X") => 3
And the calculate function:
def calculate(arg: String): Double = {
return eval(parseAll(term, arg).get)
now i should overload the function "calculate" so that it takes an extra Parameter tup : (String, Double) and assign the value for this String. For example ("Y",2) then Y = 2 in the Parser. And then calculate the parser. But i don't know how to assign the value for this String. I had a stupid idea and tried this but it didn't work.
def calculate(arg: String, tup : (String, Double)) : Double = {
tup match {
case (a,b) => {
def eval(t : Term): Double = t match {
case Variable(a) => b
return eval(parseAll(term, arg).get)
can you guys pls help me out ? Thank you !!
You're almost there, you just need to tell the compiler that the a in your Variable pattern is actually the a from your (a, b) pattern. By default, what you do is called shadowing of the variable name a (in the scope of this pattern match, a is the value extracted in Variable, and the other a is forgotten).
What you want is something like
case Variable(`a`) => b
or, if your expression gets a little more complicated, you should rather use a guard:
case Variable(v) if v == a => b
EDIT However, now your eval function is not well defined. You need to put it all at once:
def eval(t: Term, varAssignement: (String, Double)): Double = t match {
case Addition(l, r) => eval(l) + eval(r)
case Multiplication(l, r) => eval(l) * eval(r)
case Numeric(i) => i
case Variable(a) if a == varAssignment._1 => varAssignment._2
Or, if you want to have multiple variables:
def eval(t: Term, assignments: Map[String, Double]): Double = t match {
case Addition(l, r) => eval(l) + eval(r)
case Multiplication(l, r) => eval(l) * eval(r)
case Numeric(i) => i
case Variable(a) if assignments.exists(a) => assignments(a)
Beware that you'll still get MatchErrors whenever an unassigned variable is used.

pattern matching with case match in scala

I have a match statement like this:
val x = y match {
case array: Array[Float] => call z
case array: Array[Double] => call z
case array: Array[BigDecimal] => call z
case array: Array[_] => show error
How do I simplify this to use only two case statements, since first three case statements do same thing, instead of four.
Type erasure does not really gives you opportunity to understand how array was typed. What you should do instead is to extract head ( first element) of array and check it's type. For example following code works for me:
List(1,2,3) match {
case (a:Int) :: tail => println("yep")
This work, although not very nice:
def x(y: Array[_]) = y match {
case a if a.isInstanceOf[Array[Double]] ||
a.isInstanceOf[Array[Float]] ||
a.isInstanceOf[Array[BigDecimal]] => "call z"
case _ => "show error"
Would have thought that pattern matching with "|" as below would do the trick. However, this gives pattern type is incompatible with expected type on Array[Float] and Array[BigDecimal]. It might be that matching of generic on this single case where it could work has not been given so much attention:
def x(y: Array[_ <: Any]) = y match {
case a # (_:Array[Double] | _:Array[Float] | _:Array[BigDecimal]) => "call z"
case a: Array[_] => "show error"
May be it helps a bit:
import reflect.runtime.universe._
object Tester {
def test[T: TypeTag](y: Array[T]) = y match {
case c: Array[_] if typeOf[T] <:< typeOf[AnyVal] => "hi"
case c: Array[_] => "oh"
scala> Tester.test(Array(1,2,3))
res0: String = hi
scala> Tester.test(Array(1.0,2.0,3.0))
res1: String = hi
scala> Tester.test(Array("a", "b", "c"))
res2: String = oh
You can obtain the class of array elements as follows (it will be null for non-array types): c.getClass.getComponentType. So you can write:
if (Set(classOf[Float], classOf[Double], classOf[BigDecimal]).contains(c.getClass.getComponentType)) {
// call z
} else {
// show error
Not particularly Scala'ish, though; I think #thoredge's answer is the best for that.
You could also check whether the Array is empty first and then if not, just pattern match on Array.head...something like:
def x(y: Array[_]) = {
y.isEmpty match {
case true => "error"
case false => y.head match {
case a:Double | a:BigInt => do whatever
case _ => "error"

More concise way to class match and access last of Option[List]

I have a function that as a parameter takes an object and if it is of the correct type I need to access the last element in an Option[List[Int]]. I have a working solution but it seems clumsy. In the case that there are not any items in obj.listOfThings I will need to have i have the value 0. Is there a better way to achieve this?
val i = foo match {
case obj: Bar =>
obj.listOfInts match {
case Some(ints) =>
case _ =>
case _ =>
Technically it could return an Option[Int]. I'm still pretty new to Scala and would like to learn better approaches to this sort of problems.
In your case initially it seems that what Ende Neu suggested is the right way to go:
val i = foo match {
case obj: Bar => /* This throws an exception when the list is empty*/).getOrElse(0)
case _ =>
But if you look into it you'll see that you have a bug in your code, in the case that that obj.listOfInts is Some(Nil), because in that case you get a NoSuchElementException for trying to call last on an empty List.
Try this code with foo = Bar(Some(Nil)) and see for yourself.
When you use Option[List] think very carefully if this is what you want.
Usually after some thinking you will scrap the Option and just stay with a List because the Option serves no purpose.
I worked with many developers who misuse Option[List] because of not understanding the similarities between Nil and None and usually the 'None' case ends up playing the same role as Some(Nil)
So you end up having to do this:
optionalList match {
case None => // do something
case Some(list) =>
list match {
case Nil => // do the same thing
case head::tail => // do other stuff
As you can see the None case and the Some(Nil) case are basically the same.
To fix your bug you should do:
case class Bar(listOfInts: Option[List[Int]])
val i = foo match {
case Bar(Some(list)) if list != Nil => list.last
case _ => 0
You probably want to use flatMap and lastOption here:
In case listOfInts is None, or it is Some(Nil), this will return None. Otherwise it will return the last element. If you want to return 0 instead of None, just use getOrElse:
If you wanted to use a match, you could do:
obj.listOfInts match {
case Some(list#(hd::tl)) => list.last
case _ => 0
Here, the hd::tl guarantees that list is not empty. Another option is use a conditional match:
obj.listOfInts match {
case Some(list) if list.nonEmpty => list.last
case _ => 0
Or to match the None and Some(Nil) cases first:
obj.listOfInts match {
case None | Some(Nil) => 0
case Some(list) => list.last
As suggested in the comments, I think the best way to go is:
val i = foo match {
case obj: Bar =>
case _ => 0
More concise way including the instanceof:
scala> case class B(is: Option[List[Int]])
defined class B
scala> def f(x: Any) = Option(x) collect { case b: B => flatMap (_.lastOption) } flatten
f: (x: Any)Option[Int]
scala> f(B(Option(5 to 7 toList)))
res0: Option[Int] = Some(7)
scala> import PartialFunction.{ condOpt => when }
import PartialFunction.{condOpt=>when}
scala> def g(x: Any) = when(x) { case b: B => flatMap (_.lastOption) } flatten
g: (x: Any)Option[Int]
scala> g(B(Option(5 to 7 toList)))
res1: Option[Int] = Some(7)
It's probably worth asking why you lost static type info, that you need to pattern match.

Pattern matching on non-literal values

I feel like this is a silly question, but I'll ask anyway... I'm trying to do something like this:
def func(x: Int, y: Int) = {
val value: Int = 0 //from config
(x, y) match {
case (value, value) => "foo"
case _ => "bar"
But both the repl and intelliJ shower me with warnings. (e.g. "patterns after a variable pattern cannot match"; "suspicious shadowing by a variable pattern"; etc.). Is there a correct way to match on non-literal values?
Yes! There are two ways to get what you want. The first is to capitalize the names of the variables you wish to match against:
def func(x: Int, y: Int) = {
val Value: Int = 0 // from config
(x, y) match {
case (Value, Value) => "foo"
case _ => "bar"
If you don't want to go that route (because it's not idiomatic to capitalize variable names, etc.), you can backtick them in the match:
def func(x: Int, y: Int) = {
val value: Int = 0 // from config
(x, y) match {
case (`value`, `value`) => "foo"
case _ => "bar"
I'd suggest using backticks in most situations.

Scala matching, resolving the same variable from two different patterns

Say I have the following
case class IntWrap(value:Int)
I would like to extract the same variable from two cases as follows:
x match {
case value:Int | IntWrap(value) => dosomethingwith(x)
case _ => ???
but the only way I have been able to do this is as:
x match {
case value:Int => dosomethingwith(x)
case IntWrap(value) => dosomethingwith(x)
case _ => ???
Is there a better way, as in my real life case dosomething is actually a large block of code which is not so easy to encapsulate.
If it is really the case that you want to do something with x, not with the extracted value, then the following would work:
case class IntWrap(value:Int) // extends T
def dosomethingwith(x: Any) = x
val x: Any = IntWrap(101)
x match {
case _: Int | _: IntWrap => dosomethingwith(x)
case _ => ???
If you actually want to work with the extracted value, you could factor out the corresponding match block into its own extractor and reuse that wherever necessary:
x match {
case Unwrap(value) => dosomethingwith(value)
case _ => ???
object Unwrap {
def unapply(x: Any) = x match {
case x: Int => Some((x))
case IntWrap(value) => Some((value))
case _ => None
I honestly don't see an issue with the way you are doing things. As long as dosomethingwith is a separate function then I don't see any issues with duplicate code. If your code looked like this then I don't see any need to come up with other solutions:
def foo(x:Any){
x match {
case value:Int => dosomethingwith(value)
case IntWrap(value) => dosomethingwith(value)
case _ => ???
def dosomethingwith(x:Int){
//do something complicated here...
I came up with sth a little bit different, but it may help you avoid duplicates:
case class IntWrap(value: Int)
implicit def intWrapToInt(intWrap: IntWrap) = intWrap.value
def matchInt(x: AnyVal) = x match {
case i: Int => println("int or intWrap")
case _ => println("other")
matchInt(IntWrap(12)) //prints int or intWrap
matchInt(12) //prints int or intWrap
matchInt("abc") //prints other
It won't work for every reference, though. So, be careful.