PKCS#11 and application identification - pkcs#11

In Cryptoki, all sessions that an application has with a token must have the same login/logout status. but how a token in a Network HSM can identify sessions related to an application? is there an application Id for this purpose? for example, by sending application id to each application after calling C_initailze and sending back id? There isn't anything about this in pkcs#11 spec. I want to implement pkcs11 for a network HSM. but i don't know how identify different applications in my cryptoki token.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated

PKCS#11 defines an API usually implemented via the dynamically linked library. In run-time (when loaded) the library becomes the part of the process and gets requests from that process. So the library knows the ID of the process that it serves. Now it's up to you how your PKCS#11 library and your hardware communicates. Possibly you can store the process ID somewhere along the data passed to and from the hardware.


Need clarity on Vidyo Io possibilities

I am just exploring on Vidyo IO platform for enabling video conferencing capabilities on top of one web application. I am just concerned about the below points and trying to get answers for the same.
Can anyone please help me with the details for the below points if you are aware of them?
Can we add/remove the participants from the video conference.
Can we just have an audio call.
Are the conference calls carried in the encrypted mode.
Are there any chances like generated API token can be stolen by any hackers and join into the conference call.
Can we add/remove the participants from the video conference.
Yes. This kind of "moderation" may be achieved via client SDK only as well as via Vidyo backend APIs.
Can we just have an audio call.
Yes. On your application level you should just not select any local camera device (in Visyo SDK language - .SelectLocalCamera(null)).
Are the conference calls carried in the encrypted mode.
Are there any chances like generated API token can be stolen by any hackers and join into the conference call.
Token is being generated based on ApplicationID and DeveloperKey that are tied to your personal account. If you don't expose this information, Token will not be compromised.

FOSOAuthServerBundle Create Client

I'm currently trying to setup FOSOAuthServerBundle with my Symfony2 app.
Everything seems to be setup and functional, anyway I'm stuck after the installation.
What is the proper workflow with URLs to get the access_token ?
I tried /oauth/v2/auth, but sounds like I need to define a Client object first.
How to create/generate Client ? Clients are always supposed to be created manually ?
FOSOAuthServerBundle doc is great, but seems to skip all the usage workflow. Am I supposed to check the OAuth2 doc for this ?
Thanks !
In short, yes. You should be using the oAuth2 RFC to determine which workflow you want to use. In regards to client registration the RFC specifically states that the means through which a client registers is beyond the scope of the specification (
With that being said I can give you some insight into how I did this. My application is a mobile phone application that connects to several services running on various servers. I'm also using the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant.
The way I approached this was: when the application loads, the first thing it does is to check if it has an oAuth2 client id. If it doesn't, then it POSTS to a create client endpoint I've setted up with the meta-data I need. The endpoint validates the POST, creates the client and returns the client information. The application stores the client id and the process doesn't have to be repeated the next time.
Application loads;
Application checks for oAuth2 client id;
If there is one, the process ends;
If there isn't, it posts to;
If we get a 200, store the oAuth2 client id.
I could have also created the oAuth2 client when the user created an account in the application, but I wanted to make the registration process as fast as possible. Creating the client would have added some extra waiting time to the process.
Check this:
It's quite simple to convert to Doctrine, whether you use it.
There's a command-line that does exactly what you need: create a Client!

How to secure Rest Based API?

We intend to develop rest based api. I explored the topic but it seems, you can secure api when your client is an app (So there are many ways, public key - private key etc). What about websites / mobile website, if we are accessing rest based api in website which do not use any login for accessing contents ( login would be optional ) then how could we restrict other people from accessing rest based api ?
Does it make sense using Oauth2.0 ? I don't have clear idea of that.
More clear question could be ,How can we secure get or post request exposed over web for the website which doesn't use any login ?
If it's simple get request or post request , which will return you json data on specific input, now i have mobile website , who will access those data using get request or post request to fetch data. Well, some else can also access it , problem is i am not using Login, user can access data directly. But how can we restrict other people from accessing that data.
What do you think is the difference between securing a website that is not using REST vs one that is using REST API?
OAuth provides authorisation capabilities for your site, in a REST architecture this means a user of the mobile application will have to provide their credentials before being allowed to access the resource. The application can then decide on if that user has access to the requested resource. However you've said your website doesn't need use authorisation.
You can use certificates however good luck managing the certificate for each client. My take on it is for your explanation you don't need to secure your website because you will never be able to manage a trust relationship between the client and the server. There are some options though:
You build your own client application that you ship out to people which can verify itself with the server using a packaged certificate with the client. E.g. iOS has this kind of feature if you build for that device.
You provide a capability to download a certificate that is 'installed' in the browser and used when communicating to your REST API
Use something like a handshaking protocol so when a client wants to make the first request it says; 'hi I'm a client can we chat?' And the server responds with 'yes for the next X minutes we can however make sure you send me this key everytime you tell me something YYYYYY' (you can use something like SecureUDID or equivalent for other devices than iOS).
There are probably others but you get the basic idea. Again in my opinion if your resource doesn't need authorisation then you don't need to secure that REST API. Can I ask what kind of data are you exposing via this REST API or functionality your providing? That might help provide a better answer.
You want authorization: only some agents (mobile clients) and/or users should be allowed to access those APIs.
To solve that problem, you need identification: a way for the server to tell who is who (or what), so the right decision can be made.
There are many different way to provide some form of identification, depending how much you care about security.
The simplest is a user agent string, specific to your mobile clients. But it can be faked easily. Slightly harder to fake are client based 'secrets' - embed some kind of secret or key in your mobile client code. You can make it really complicated and secret, but as ramsinb pointed out, you can't get security this way as it would require you to be able to guarantee that the secret you're shipping with the client (wether it's code, algorithm or any other fancy construct) can't be compromised or reverse engineered. Not happening when you don't control the client.
From there, 3 choices:
Security isn't really required, don't bother
Security isn't really required, but you still want to limit access to your API to either legit users/agents or people ready to invest some time hacking your protection - go with a specific user agent or a client embedded secret - don't invest much into it as it won't block people who really want access to get it anyway
Security IS required - and then I don't think there is a way around authentication, wether it's login/password, user specific (device specific?) keys, OpenID, etc... No matter what, you'll have to add to the user burden to some extent, although you can limit that burden by allowing authentication to persist (cookies, storage....)

Usage of SAML attribute AttributeStatement

in SAML 2.0 you can use the AttributeStatement element to provide any kind of application specific information.
What I was wondering, is it really good design to pass business related information within a SAML assertion? Shouldn't this data be provided in a e.g. separate web services call?
I just want to ask for best practice in this case or any real world experiences.
It depends a lot on just what information you're conveying. For instance, on the application I work on, we use attributes to indicate what web site features should be shown to the user being logged on. That's clearly an appropriate use. Now, we also allow use of attributes to create a user profile, even though we have a web service that does the same thing (and in fact, the implementation calls the web service behind the scenes). It's not an ideal context for that sort of thing; there's no endpoint to convey the web service response to, or any errors resulting from the attempt. But we get a fair amount of resistance from customers, who don't want to have to call a separate web service before they can make an SSO call. So we've had to compromise. What we've done is require that if a customer wants to use this particular functionality, that they provide an endpoint (either email address or web page) to receive errors from the web service call. And if they're concerned about security of the information being conveyed, they can use standard XML encryption.

Authenticating Users for an API Built for Third Party Application Developers

i'm in the early stages of developing an API for my site so that third party developers can build an iPhone application for it. The API would have a limited subset of the functionality of the full site. The trouble i have is around security and authentication for the user who downloads the application. I have come up with the following options:
The user enters the same credentials they use on the site to authenticate themselves. My API would then take the credentials when accessing information specific to the user. This is my least preferred solution as the third party application could log these details and use them maliciously on the full site.
Each user generates a unique key on the site which they can then use on the app to login. My API would take the api key as an argument when accessing information specific to the user. The main problem though is that any application can do what they like to the user once they gain access to their key even if the user has not given the application permission to do so.
To overcome the above problem the third party developer would have to register their application with the site and then the user would need to generate a unique key per application they wish to use. This would then be used to login. This is my preferred solution as each key is unique per application and user i can tell which application called the api and whether the user approved it.
My final option is to implement oAuth. We are currently waiting for the 2.0 version to be finalized and do not have the time to keep updating our code as the spec may change.
This is the first API i have had to build and i was wondering if i have understood this correctly? I'm assuming in option 1 the application could log the user credentials and use them maliciously but how does twitter overcome this issue with their third party applications? Or is it simply up to the user to trust the application they are using? If this is the case then would option 2 and/or 3 be feasible in the meantime until i switch to option 4.
I'd appreciate your feedback. Thanks
OAuth 1 and OAuth 2 are both viable options. But you will come a long way with basic authentication aswell (as long as it is over SSL). Don't be scared :)
I've implemented an API provider over OAuth 1.0. And since there are so many ready made libraries for OAuth1.0 for many platforms I would not be scared of using that either, much of the work has been done already, both for you as a provider and for third party implementors.
Anyway: you can always couple basic authentication with some very simple signing of the request using an application key and secret, say for example that as a third party developer you have to call.
where the API implementor has to sign perhaps the random_string, timestamp and api_key with the secret. Then you would at least have a way of shutting down malicious apps.