Reduce bothering notices in plpgsql - postgresql

I have a function which uses temporary table, that must be dropped if exists.
drop table if exists t_xy;
create temp table t_xy on commit drop as select ...;
Subsequently I use this function in a view. The function is called many times while select is in progress. I like to use "raise notice" command because it is almost the only reliable way to report any variables in functions for debug purposes. The problem is I must search for them in huge amount of unwanted lines like:
NOTICE: table "t_xy" does not exist, skipping
CONTEXT: SQL statement "drop table if exists t_xy"
PL/pgSQL function f_pending_operations(uuid) line5 in SQL command
Is there a way to suppress such notices that haven't been generated by raise notice command, but by drop table if exists or dropping other objects? Setting 'client_min_messages' option to 'debug' makes the problem worse.

You can silence notices to the client from any command with a local setting for client_min_messages:
SET LOCAL client_min_messages = warning; -- "debug" would have opposite effect
DROP TABLE if exists t_xy;
-- RESET client_min_messages;
If you don't issue RESET you effectively silence notices for the rest of the transaction. The manual:
The effects of SET LOCAL last only till the end of the current transaction
Alternatively, you can set client_min_messages in the call from the command line (for the duration of the session):
How to suppress INFO messages when running psql scripts

You can also reduce the verbosity of the messages using the GUC parameter:
set log_error_verbosity='terse';
which can of course be set at the function level.


How do I chain a VACUUM off of a purge routine running with pg_cron?

Postgres 13.4
I've got some pg_cron jobs set up to periodically delete older records out of log-like files. What I'd like to do is to run VACUUM ANALYZE after performing a purge. Unfortunately, I can't work out how to do this in a stored function. Am I missing a trick? Is a stored procedure more appropriate?
As an example, here's one of my purge routines
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dba.purge_event_log (
retain_days_in integer_positive default 14)
WITH -- Use a CTE so that we've got a way of returning the count easily.
deleted AS (
-- Normal-looking code for this requires a literal:
-- where your_dts < now() - INTERVAL '14 days'
-- Don't want to use a literal, SQL injection, etc.
-- Instead, using a interval constructor to achieve the same result:
FROM dba.event_log
WHERE dts < now() - make_interval (days => $1)
-- Save details to a custom log table
logit AS (
insert into dba.event_log (name, details)
values ('purge_event_log(' || retain_days_in::text || ')',
'count = ' || (select count(*)::text from deleted)
-- Return result count
select count(*) from deleted;
COMMENT ON FUNCTION dba.purge_event_log (integer_positive) IS
'Delete dba.event_log records older than the day count passed in, with a default retention period of 14 days.';
The truth is, I don't really care about the count(*) result from this routine, in this case. But I might want a result and an additional action in some other, similar context. As you can see, the routine deletes records, uses a CTE to insert a report into another table, and then returns a result. No matter what, I figure this example is a good way to get me head around the alternatives and options in stored functions. The main thing I want to achieve here is to delete records, and then run maintenance. if this is an awkward fit for a stored function or procedure, I could write out an entry to a vacuum_list table with the table name, and have another job to run though that list.
If there's a smarter way to approach vacuum without the extra, I'm of course interested in that. But I'm also interested in understanding the limits on what operationa you can combine in PL/PgSQL routines.
Pavel Stehule' answer is correct and complete. I decided to follow-up a bit here as I like to dig in on bugs in my code, behaviors in Postgres, etc. to get a better sense of what I'm dealing with. I'm including some notes below for anyone who finds them of use.
COMMAND cannot be executed...
The reference to "VACUUM cannot be executed inside a transaction block" gave me a better way to search the docs for similarly restricted commands. The information below probably doesn't cover everything, but it's a start.
Command Limitation
ALTER DATABASE If creating a new table space.
CLUSTER Without any parameters.
REINDEX All in system catalogs, database, or schema.
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION When creating a replication slot (the default behavior.)
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION With refresh option as true.
DROP SUBSCRIPTION If the subscription is associated with a replication slot.
The accepted answer indicates that the limitation has nothing to do with the specific server-side language used. I've just come across an older thread that has some excellent explanations and links for stored functions and transactions:
Do stored procedures run in database transaction in Postgres?
Sample Code
I also wondered about stored procedures, as they're allowed to control transactions. I tried them out in PG 13 and, no, the code is treated like a stored function, down to the error messages.
For anyone that goes in for this sort of thing, here are the "hello world" samples of sQL and PL/PgSQL stored functions and procedures to test out how VACCUM behaves in these cases. Spoiler: It doesn't work, as advertised.
SQL Function
select * from dba.vacuum_sql_function();
ERROR: VACUUM cannot be executed from a function
CONTEXT: SQL function "vacuum_sql_function" statement 1. 0.000 seconds. (Line 13).
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS dba.vacuum_sql_function();
CREATE FUNCTION dba.vacuum_sql_function()
AS $sql_code$
select * from dba.vacuum_sql_function(); -- Fails.
PL/PgSQL Function
select * from dba.vacuum_plpgsql_function();
ERROR: VACUUM cannot be executed from a function
CONTEXT: SQL statement "VACUUM ANALYZE activity"
PL/pgSQL function vacuum_plpgsql_function() line 4 at SQL statement. 0.000 seconds. (Line 22).
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS dba.vacuum_plpgsql_function();
CREATE FUNCTION dba.vacuum_plpgsql_function()
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $plpgsql_code$
select * from dba.vacuum_plpgsql_function();
SQL Procedure
call dba.vacuum_sql_procedure();
ERROR: VACUUM cannot be executed from a function
CONTEXT: SQL function "vacuum_sql_procedure" statement 1. 0.000 seconds. (Line 20).
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS dba.vacuum_sql_procedure();
CREATE PROCEDURE dba.vacuum_sql_procedure()
AS $sql_code$
call dba.vacuum_sql_procedure();
PL/PgSQL Procedure
call dba.vacuum_plpgsql_procedure();
ERROR: VACUUM cannot be executed from a function
CONTEXT: SQL statement "VACUUM ANALYZE activity"
PL/pgSQL function vacuum_plpgsql_procedure() line 4 at SQL statement. 0.000 seconds. (Line 23).
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS dba.vacuum_plpgsql_procedure();
CREATE PROCEDURE dba.vacuum_plpgsql_procedure()
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $plpgsql_code$
call dba.vacuum_plpgsql_procedure();
Other Options
Plenty. As I understand it, VACUUM, and a handful of other commands, are not supported in server-side code running within Postgres. Therefore, you code needs to start from somewhere else. That can be:
Whatever cron you've got in your server's OS.
Any exteral client you like.
As we're deployed on RDS, those last two options are where I'll look. And there's one more:
Let AUTOVACCUM and an occasional VACCUM do their thing.
That's pretty easy to do, and seems to work fine for the bulk of our needs.
Another Idea
If you do want a bit more control and some custom logging, I'm imagining a table like this:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dba.vacuum_list (
database_name text,
schema_name text,
table_name text,
run boolean,
run_analyze boolean,
run_full boolean,
last_run_dts timestamp)
PRIMARY KEY (database_name, schema_name, table_name);
That's just a sketch. The idea is like this:
You INSERT into vacuum_list when a table needs some vacuuming, at least as far as you're concerned.
In my case, that would be an UPSERT as I don't need a full log-like table, just a single row per table of interest with the last outcome and/or pending state.
Periodically, a remote client, etc. connects, reads the table, and executes each specified VACUUM, according to the options specified in the record.
The external client updates the row with the last run timestamp, and whatever else you're including in the row.
Optionally, you could include fields for duration and change in relation size pre:post vacuuming.
That last option is what I'm interested in. None of our VACUUM calls were working for quite some time as there was a months-old dead connection from something sever-side. VACUUM appears to run fine, in such a case, it just can't delete a whole lot of rows. (Because of the super old "open" transaction ID, visibility maps, etc.) The only way to see this sort of thing seems to be to VACUUM VERBOSE and study the output. Or to record vacuum time and, more important, relation size change to flag cases where nothing seems to happen, when it seems like it should.
VACUUM is "top level" command. It cannot be executed from PL/pgSQL ever or from any other PL.

How to not execute INSERT in read-only transaction

Postgres server is in hot standbuy mode.
Asynchronou streaming binary replication is used.
Command like
INSERT INTO logfile (logdate) values (current_date)
Causes error
cannot execute INSERT in a read-only transaction.
Maybe it should be changed to
INSERT INTO logfile (logdate)
SELECT current_date
What where condition should used ?
It should work starting at Postgres 9.0
If direct where clause is not possible, maybe some plpgsql function can used in where.
show transaction_read_only
result should captured or some function can used.
Alternately application can determine if database is read-only in startup. Should show transaction_read_only result used for this.
Running INSERT on a standby server is not possible in pure (non-procedural) SQL because when the server is in standby mode, all the data-modification queries are rejected in planning phase, before it's executed.
It's possible with conditionals in PL/PgSQL.
DO $code$
IF NOT pg_is_in_recovery() THEN
INSERT INTO logfile (logdate) VALUES (current_date);
However, it's probably not recommended - it's usually better to test pg_is_in_recovery() once (in application code) and then act accordingly.
I'm using pg_is_in_recovery() system function instead of transaction_read_only GUC because it's not exactly the same thing. But if you prefer that, please use:
SELECT current_setting('transaction_read_only')::bool
More info: DO command, conditionals in PL/PgSQL, system information functions.

How can pgsql sequence be undefined when I just called nextval?

I've got an app built on top of PostgresQL, which makes use of a custom sequence. I think I understand sequences pretty well by now: they are non-transactional, currval is defined only within the current session, etc. But I don't understand this:
2015-10-13 10:37:16 SQLSelect: SELECT nextval('commit_id_seq')
2015-10-13 10:37:16 commit_id_seq: 57
2015-10-13 10:37:16 SQLExecute: UPDATE bid SET is_archived=false,company_id=1436,contact_id=15529,...(etc)...,sharing_policy='' WHERE id = 56229
2015-10-13 10:37:16 ERROR: ERROR: currval of sequence "commit_id_seq" is not yet defined in this session
CONTEXT: SQL statement "INSERT INTO history (table_name, record_id, sec_user_id, created, action, notes, status, before, after, commit_id)
SELECT TG_TABLE_NAME,, (SELECT id FROM sec_user WHERE name = CURRENT_USER), now(), SUBSTR(TG_OP,1,1), note, stat, oldH, newH, currval('commit_id_seq')"
PL/pgSQL function log_to_history() line 28 at SQL statement
We log every call to the database, and in the case of the SELECT nextval, I also log the result. The above are the exact calls, except that I trimmed the UPDATE statement (because the original is really long).
So, you can see that we just called nextval on the sequence, got a reasonable number back, and then we do an UPDATE that invokes a trigger function that attempts to use currval on that sequence... and it fails, claiming currval is not defined.
Note that this doesn't usually happen, but once it does start happening, it does so consistently (perhaps until the user disconnects from the DB).
How can this be? And what can I do about it?
Your UPDATE statement obviously calls a trigger. The most plausible cause of this error is that the trigger function is in a different schema from where the sequence is defined and the schema of the sequence is not in the search_path. That gives you two options to resolve this:
Make the schema of the sequence visible to the trigger function using SET search_path TO .... Note that this will make all objects in the schema of the sequence visible, which may be something of a security risk, depending on your database design.
Schema-qualify the sequence name in the trigger function: currval('my_schema.commit_id_seq').
Another plausible cause is connection pooling at your application end. Log the "session ID" (really just the starting time and pid of the current session) by adding %c to your log_line_prefix() parameter in postgresql.conf. In PostgreSQL every command runs in its own transaction unless a transaction is explicitly established. Connection pooling software also works at the transaction level (i.e. you start a transaction and then your connection will stay open until you close it, outside of a transaction there are no guarantees about session persistence). If that is the case you can wrap your entire set of commands in a BEGIN ... COMMIT block (you should probably use a specific call from your pooling software), or better yet, change your code to not depend on a previous nextval() call.

Suppressing "Notice: Relation exists" when using "CREATE ... IF NOT EXISTS"

I have a function that creates a temporary table to store and process data. Problem is I want to run this function on the order of 1M times within a single transaction, without having:
NOTICE: relation "foo" already exists, skipping
output ~1M times. Is there an efficient way to do so?
What is not efficient:
Dropping the table instead
Leads to running out of shared memory
Catching the duplicate_table exception (less efficient than using IF NOT EXISTS?)
WHEN duplicate_table THEN --do nothing
As others have pointed out, the client_min_messages setting is what you want. There are a number of ways to configure this.
SET client_min_messages = warning or SELECT set_config('client_min_messages', 'warning', false) will persist for the rest of the current session/connection.
SET LOCAL client_min_messages = warning or SELECT set_config('client_min_messages', 'warning', true) resets at the end of the current transaction.
The CREATE FUNCTION statement's SET clause will scope the setting only to this function; this sounds like the most suitable option in your case. For example:
SET client_min_messages = warning
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS ...
SET client_min_messages = error;
before running the statement(s).
You can also set it on the psql command line for batch executions
PGOPTIONS="-c client_min_messages=error" psql -f somefile.sql dbname

debugging postgresql trigger

I have this Trigger in Postgresql that I can't just get to work (does nothing). For understanding, there's how I defined it:
CREATE TABLE documents (
modification_time timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
CREATE FUNCTION documents_update_mod_time() RETURNS trigger
AS $$
new.modification_time := now();
return new;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER documents_modification_time
EXECUTE PROCEDURE documents_update_mod_time();
Now to make it a bit more interesting.. How do you debug triggers?
Use the following code within a trigger function, then watch the 'messages' tab in pgAdmin3 or the output in psql:
RAISE NOTICE 'myplpgsqlval is currently %', myplpgsqlval; -- either this
RAISE EXCEPTION 'failed'; -- or that
To see which triggers actually get called, how many times etc, the following statement is the life-saver of choice:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE UPDATE table SET foo='bar'; -- shows the called triggers
Note that if your trigger is not getting called and you use inheritance, it may be that you've only defined a trigger on the parent table, whereas triggers are not inherited by child tables automatically.
To step through the function, you can use the debugger built into pgAdmin3, which on Windows is enabled by default; all you have to do is execute the code found in ...\8.3\share\contrib\pldbgapi.sql against the database you're debugging, restart pgAdmin3, right-click your trigger function, hit 'Set Breakpoint', and then execute a statement that would cause the trigger to fire, such as the UPDATE statement above.
Turns out I was using inheritance in the above problem and forgot to mention it. Now for everybody who might run into this as well, here's some debugging hints:
Use the following code to debug what a trigger is doing:
RAISE NOTICE 'test'; -- either this
RAISE EXCEPTION 'failed'; -- or that
To see which triggers actually get called, how many times etc, the following statement is the life-saver of choice:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE UPDATE table SET foo='bar'; -- shows the called triggers
Then there's the one thing I didn't know before: triggers only fire when updating the exact table they're defined on. If you use inheritance, you MUST define them on the child tables as well!
You can use 'raise notice' statements inside your trigger function to debug it. To debug the trigger not being called at all is another story.
If you add a 'raise exception' inside your trigger function, can you still do inserts/updates?
Also, if your update test occurs in the same transaction as your insert test, now() will be the same (since it's only calculated once per transaction) and therefore the update won't seem to do anything. If that's the case, either do them in separate transactions, or if this is a unit test and you can't do that, use clock_timestamp().
I have a unit test that depends on some time going by between transactions, so at the beginning of the unit test I have something like:
ALTER TABLE documents
ALTER COLUMN modification_time SET DEFAULT clock_timestamp();
Then in the trigger, use "set modification_time = default".
So normally it doesn't do the extra calculation, but during a unit test this allows me to do inserts with pg_sleep in between to simulate time passing and actually have that be reflected in the data.