What is the backend of the mobiledata service of Bluemix? - ibm-cloud

I analyzing if I use or not the mobiledata of Bluemix to my app, but I could not find what is the DB engine behind its Solution.
Anyone know what is the backend of mobiledata service of Bluemix?

Backend of mobile data service of bluemix is cloudant.For details please refer below link on getting started:

Backend of mobile data service of bluemix uses Cloudant NoSQL Database for Bluemix as datastore.

It actually uses Cloudant behind the scenes. Cloudant is based on CouchDB and adds Lucene Indexes as well.

Basically, you can select any database service available on Bluemix to store your data. It depends on type of application and data to be stored. If you need to store relational data, go for a SQLDB service. If your mobile application need to store JSON data, then you need a NoSQL database service available on Bluemix. Cloudant is a good NoSQL database and most developers use it as a mobile data backend service.


Can you connect a live frontend to a offline backend?

I was wondering, is it possible to connect a deployed frontend to a offline backend on a local host on the same machine? Or a local frontend to a live backend?
It is not possible to connect a deployed frontend to an offline backend as it can only source data from an online source, but an offline frontend can source data from an online backend as long as the links to the data source or APIs are correctly placed. e.g a mongoDB database, can be posted or one can get data from the database using an offline frontend.

want to connect local DB2 database with IBM bluemix App

Corporate AS400 server having Application and database DB2 running. currently there is no reporting tool for this application.
Planning to create new application on IBM bluemix with PHP. how can I connect secure DB2 database with IBM bluemix API.
As commented by mustaccio, you have tagged your question with secure-gateway - have you seen the Bluemix secure gateway documentation?
About Secure Gateway
Last updated: 6 December 2016
The Secure Gateway service provides you with a secure way to access
your on-premises or cloud data from your Bluemix® application through
a secure passage.
How Secure Gateway works
As displayed in the following diagram, the
service works by using a client to connect to your Bluemix
organization. Next, you add the service to your Bluemix organization.
Then, by using the Secure Gateway UI or REST API you can begin
creating your gateway by connecting to your client and creating a
destination point to your on-premises or cloud data. To increase
security, you can add application-side Transport Layer Security (TLS),
which encrypts the data that travels from your app to the client. You
can extend this security with client-side TLS, which encrypts the data
from the client to the on-premises or cloud data. When you complete
your gateway configuration, you can monitor the behavior of your
gateways and destinations in the Secure Gateway Dashboard.
Source: https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/services/SecureGateway/sg_overview.html#sg_overview
The Secure Gateway documentation describes all the steps you need to follow to connect a Bluemix application to an internal service.

Existing db2 database in liberty worksphere app in bluemix

I have deployed a Worksphere Liberty project from eclipse to Bluemix. Now I want to connect it with an existing Db2 database. What are the steps to follow?
Check out the example app Java DB Web Starter. It uses a DB2 database in Bluemix.
Does your existing database have a URL which is accessible from the internet? If so, you can directly talk to the database from your Bluemix application.
Connection connection = connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/yourdb", "username", "pwd");
Be sure to package the db2 driver jar in your WEB-INF/lib.
If your datasource definition is already defined in a Liberty server.xml config, you can push the entire liberty server pacakge.
If your existing database is behind a company firewall, look at the Secure Gateway to expose the connection securely.
Assuming you need to connect to an existing DB2 database that resides on-premises (outside of Bluemix), you would need to use the Bluemix Cloud Integration service. With it, you can move data or create REST APIs for Bluemix applications to access and use.

sync sqlite database from server database (mysql) in iphone sdk

I am using SQLite database in iPhone application. I want to sync application SQLite database from MySQL server database.
Any ideas about how to do this?
Implement a webservice to provide data on the server, then deploy a client to consume the service. In your application you may use the WSClient++ (http://wsclient.neurospeech.com/) or some other API.

Astoria vs. SQL Server Data Services

What are in your opinion big differences between areas of usage for "Astoria" (ADO.NET data services) and SQL Server Data Services?
They are similiar but very different technologies. Astoria or what is now called at Microsoft ADO.NET Data Services is a programming library that will allow data to be passed through RESTful web services. You develop these web services to be run against data you have access to. ADO.NET Data Services is now included in the .NET 3.5 SP1 updates.
SQL Server Data Services is a new service provided by Microsoft. The following is a decription:
"SQL Server Data Services (SSDS) are highly scalable, on-demand data
storage and query processing utility
services. Built on robust SQL Server
database and Windows Server
technologies, these services provide
high availability, security and
support standards-based web interfaces
for easy programming and quick
SQL Server Data Services is very similair to Amazon S3 service.
I'm pretty sure you can call both Astoria and SQL Data Services with the same code in your app. So it depends on where you want your data - on your servers or in the cloud.