How do I find a random BigInteger smaller than another random BigInteger? - rsa

How do I Select a random element α ∈ Z∗p? P is a random 1024 bit prime BigInteger.
Here is how I find BigInteger p:
Random rand = new Random(new Date().getTime());
BigInteger p= new BigInteger(1024, rand);
BigInteger p= new BigInteger(1024, rand);
Thanks in advance.

I assume this is Java. In that case you are actually not picking a 1024 bit prime. You are picking a prime between 0 and $2^{1024}$. Take a look at the API though. There is a static method called some thing like probableprime which will give you a probable prime of a given bit length.
Now to sample a number $a \in Z_p$, you can use the method you used before to sample a random number $r$ between 0 and $2^{1024}$. Then check if $r < p$. If not resamble $r$ until you get an $r < p$. This is called rejection sampling, and should be reasonably efficient in this case.
You should, however, make sure that the randomness used by Java is good enough for your purpose.

I guess what you probably need in practice is a random k-bit prime (cf. Guut Boy's answer). Maurer published an algorithm of generating such a prime that is "provably" prime (in contrast to one that is obtained with the Miller-Rabin test). I have a Python implementation of Maurer's algorithm available at:


RSA Prime Generation using Provable vs Probable Prime Construction

I am trying to implement RSA prime generation for P and Q based on FIP186-4 specification. The specification describes two different implementations: Section 3.2 Provable Prime Construction vs. Section 3.3 Probable Prime Construction. Initially, I tried implementing the probable prime approach because it is easier to understand and implement, but I discovered it is very slow because of the number of iterations needed to find P and Q primes (worst case it takes 15 minutes). Next, I decided to try the provable prime approach but I found out the algorithm is much more complex and might be slow as well. Below are my two issues:
In Section C.10, Step 12, how to eliminate the sqrt(2) to the expression x = floor(sqrt(2))(2^(L−1))) + (x mod (2^L − floor((sqrt(2)(2^(L−1))))) so that I can represent it as whole numbers using BigNum representation?
In Section C.10, Step 14, is there a fast way to compute y in the interval [1, p2] such that 0 = ( y p0 p1–1) mod p2? The specification doesn't specify a method to implement this. My initial thought was to perform a linear search staring from integer 1 and up but that can be very slow because p2 can be a very large number.
I tried searching online for help on this issue, but I discovered a lot of examples don't even comply with FIPS186-4. I assume it is because these two methods are too slow.

Easier method to compute minimal perfect hash?

I have smallish(?) sets (ranging in count from 0 to 100) of unsigned 32 bit integers. For a given set, I want to come up with minimal parameters to describe a minimal(istic) perfect hash of the given set. High level of the code I used to experiment with the idea ended up something like:
def murmur(key, seed=0x0):
// Implements 32bit murmur3 hash...
return theHashedKey
sampleInput = [18874481, 186646817, 201248225, 201248705, 201251025, 201251137, 201251185, 184472337, 186649073, 201248625, 201248721, 201251041, 201251153, 184473505, 186649089, 201248657, 201251009, 201251057, 201251169, 186646818, 201248226, 201248706, 201251026, 201251138, 201251186, 186649074, 201248626, 201248722, 201251042, 201251154, 186649090, 201248658, 201251010, 201251058, 201251170]
for seed in range(11111): // arbitrary upper seed limit
for modulus in range(10000):
hashSet = set((murmur(x, seed=seed) % modulus for x in sampleInput))
if len(hashSet) >= len(allValves):
print('minimal modulus', modulus, 'for seed', seed)
This is just basic pseudo code for a 2 axis brute force search. I add lines by keeping track of the different values, I can find seed and modulus values that give a perfect hash and then select the one with the smallest modulus.
It seems to me that there should be a more elegant/deterministic way to come up with these values? But that's where my math skills overflow.
I'm experimenting in Python right now, but ultimately want to implement something in C on a small embedded platform.

Universal Hashing Integers

This is my first thread here and I would like to ask you a couple of questions for universal hashing of integers.
A universal hashing algorithm is supposed to use this:
equation =
((a*x+b)mod p) mod m
a=random number from 1 to p-1
b=random number from 0 to p-1
x= the Key
p= a prime number >=m
m=the size of the array
I know the numbers I am going to hash are on the range of 1-2969.
But I cannot understand how to use this equation in order to make as low collisions as possible.
At the time a and b are random I cannot do anything about it.
My question is how I am supposed to pick the prime if I have more than one choice, the range of primes I can use are from 2 to 4999.
I tried to pick the first available that corresponds the requirements for the function but sometimes it can return negative numbers. I have searched on Google and Stackoverflow but I could not figure out what I am not doing wrong.
I am coding in C. Also, I can use only universal hashing.
Thank your for your time.

Generating k pairwise independent hash functions

I'm trying to implement a Count-Min Sketch algorithm in Scala, and so I need to generate k pairwise independent hash functions.
This is a lower-level than anything I've ever programmed before, and I don't know much about hash functions except from Algorithms classes, so my question is: how do I generate these k pairwise independent hash functions?
Am I supposed to use a hash function like MD5 or MurmurHash? Do I just generate k hash functions of the form f(x) = ax + b (mod p), where p is a prime and a and b are random integers? (i.e., the universal hashing family everyone learns in algorithms 101)
I'm looking more for simplicity than raw speed (e.g., I'll take something 5x slower if it's simpler to implement).
Scala already has MurmurHash implemented (it's scala.util.MurmurHash). It's very fast and very good at distributing values. A cryptographic hash is overkill--you'll just take tens or hundreds of times longer than you need to. Just pick k different seeds to start with and, since it's nearly cryptographic in quality, you'll get k largely independent hash codes. (In 2.10, you should probably switch to using scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3; the usage is rather different but you can still do the same thing with mixing.)
If you only need near values to be mapped to randomly far values this will work; if you want to avoid collisions (i.e. if A and B collide using hash 1 they will probably not also collide using hash 2), then you'll need to go at least one more step and hash not the whole object but subcomponents of it so there's an opportunity for the hashes to start out different.
Probably the simplest approach is to take some cryptographic hash function and "seed" it with different sequences of bytes. For most practical purposes, the results should be independent, as this is one of the key properties a cryptographic hash function should have (if you replace any part of a message, the hash should be completely different).
I'd do something like:
// for each 0 <= i < k generate a sequence of random numbers
val randomSeeds: Array[Array[Byte]] = ... ; // initialize by random sequences
def hash(i: Int, value: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
val dg ="SHA-1");
// "seed" the digest by a random value based on the index
return dg.digest(value);
// if you need integer hash values, just take 4 bytes
// of the result and convert them to an int
I don't know the precise requirements of the Count-Min Sketch, maybe a simple has function would suffice, but it doesn't seem to be the simplest solution.
I suggested a cryptographic hash function, because there you have quite strong guarantees that the resulting hash functions will be very different, and it's easy to implement, just use the standard libraries.
On the other hand, if you have two hash functions of the form f1(x) = ax + b (mod p) and f2(x) = cx + d (mod p), then you can compute one using another (without knowing x) using a simple linear formula f2(x) = c / a * (f1(x) - b) + d (mod p), which suggests that they aren't very independent. So you could run into unexpected problems here.

arc4random Random Number Generator

int randomNumber = (arc4random() % 83) + 1;
Is this the best way to generate "the most random" number? Or is there a better way to generate a random number?
When you use arc4random you avoid one pitfall of using % with linear congruential generators (which is the usual algorithm used by rand): the low-order bits aren't less random.
However, you still have truncation issues: i.e., because (1 << 32) % 83 is 77, that means that numbers between 0 and 76 appear (slightly) more frequently than numbers between 77 and 82. To avoid this, you should throw away the incoming value (i.e., call arc4random again) if it's above (1 << 32) / 83 * 83.
(I assume the range of arc4random is from 0 to 232-1. Adjust the above explanation accordingly.)
arc4random has a superior algorithm for generating random numbers based on the current time. There are other rand functions but they are not as good and require seeding.
The best random number generator I've ever seen (as well as a very clear definition of what random means) can be found in Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science. He's been using a very simple cellular automata as his random number generator for decades in his Mathematica software program so it's been extremely well tested.