The *NEW* Facebook 'Post Search API' - facebook

This may look like an old question but is actually a new one (in other words, I'm aware they deprecated the "old" Post Search).
According to this source Facebook has now made it possible to search for Posts using the standard "Facebook Search" and I'm wondering if can I access this through the Graph API (and how)? Also where is the source of the article I mentioned? Where does Facebook announce this feature?
Thank you!

The Graph Search is not available via the API, so there is no possibility to use the new Post Search - at least not right now. But since they deprecated the Public Post Search, i donĀ“t think there are any plans to implement it again.


Post Job Offers through the Facebook API

Does anyone know if it is possible to post job offers through the FB API? I am asking in context of this article
I searched for something in the FB documentation, but couldn't find anything.
I have been exploring the same thing, and minus an official FB statement that they do not support this through Graph API or otherwise, I'd safely say that it is not currently possible/supported.
It looks like Facebook is rolling this out now. It might not be available to you just yet (I can't use it in the UK).

Facebook API - Advanced Search

I'm trying to replicate some functionality of the Facebook web interface via the API and am a bit stuck. Basically, via the web site I can enter 'Favorite pages of people named "jim"' in the search box and get a slew of results, but I haven't found a way to replicate this type of query via the API. Is such a thing possible?
As WizKid commented, Graph Search is not available with the API, you can only use the Search API for searching:
Keep in mind that public search and news feed search are not available in v2.0 anymore, see changelog:

Embed Facebook Stream Filtered By Hashtags

I want to embed a stream of facebook posts onto a web page that is comprised of posts all around facebook containing a specific hash tag, but I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I had to do the same with twitter and instagram, but those were all fairly easy to accomplish. I'm just kind of looking for the best option right now, not so much on specifics. I've seen a couple of times the graph api for facebook as an option, but every time I see those they seem to be from a year ago, so not sure if it's out of date or if there is a better option out by now. Any recommendations on ways to go about it would be greatly appreciated.
See my answer here on how you can use the Search API for hashtags:
Need help on employing Graph Search parameters for hashtag query on facebook
Basically, you can call{user_access_token}
Be aware that you have to use v1.0 of the Graph API, because in v2.0 searching for public posts will no longer be possible (
Public post search is no longer available.
Graph API v1.0 will only be available until 30th of April, 2015.

Facebook - posting to the new "what you're doing"-thing

So Facebook introduced a new feature allowing you to include not only links/pictures/locations to a post, but also a moods, music, videogames etc.
Does the Graph API allow you to post these somehow? As far as I can see, the post end point only supports "link"|"photo"|"video" ->
The feature to express actions in the status composer is still being rolled out to the public.
The Graph API does not allow you to post these at the moment.
It is built off Open Graph actions (e.g. feeling) and objects (e.g. happy), so I imagine this will come out in the later months.

Facebook Questions API

Facebook has officially launched its Facebook Questions. Does anyone know if it's possible to add one of the new Facebook "Question" polls through the Graph API? If so, how?
Thank you very much
They just announced this is available on their blog. To get them, issue an HTTP GET request to the USER_ID/questions endpoint with the user_questions or friends_questions permissions.
Update: they also just announced that you can create questions now via the API.
I've searched the page for poll related search terms and also online. This yielded no notable results.
It's probably worth making a poll with an external website, most I'm sure are compatible with the Open Graph but will not provide the Facebook interface that you expect on Facebook itself.
This has been deprecated as of Grpah 1.0 -