How to import files outside the compiler package in matlab compiler so that it can be executed universally for any file in a hardrive? - matlab

I have made an application where two signatures are compared. The code I used to import image is given below
a=uigetfile('*.png','Select signature');
After converting the code to exe file, the application imports only those image files which I have attached during packaging. How to import other files/images outside of the package or better say from anywhere in my hard drive ?


How to import all files at once pointed out by Dart Analysis?

I just put some of my code from a/b.dart to a/b1.dart file and now I started getting lot of errors on importing.
Is there any command or any other fix to import all a/b1.dart file in these files instead of manually opening each file and importing one by one.
I understand that a function or a property can be defined in more than two files and Dart can't make the right choice but if a function or property is defined in just one place, I think there must be some way to import it except searching for a/b.dart and replacing it with a/b.dart + a/b1.dart and then optimizing all imports.
As much as I am aware, Plugins/Extensions for your specific IDE (for dart) can be found that will help you with this problem.
I would recommend using dartdev tools - dartfix

matlab: cannot import package

Probably a basic mistake, but the cause is eluding me. I am trying to import a package, but I get an error saying it cannot be found or imported.
First I set the current directory to the parent directory of the package, and this does not work.
Second, the docs say that the parent folder of the package must be added to the matlab path. I tried this, and still no luck.
It is not due to using plot as the package name as I get the same error when trying to import analysis.
What I can do is to import using: import plot.* or import analyse.* and then go on to use the functions in the packages, but I want to use the namespaces (i.e. not use .*).
I'm having this problem on both versions I have installed: 2015b and 2016a.
The answer is that, somewhat counterintuitively, you don't need to call import at all. The docs state that
The parent of the top-level package folder must be on the MATLAB path.
Which is what your addpath(pwd) does and then state that (emphasis is mine):
All references to packages, functions, and classes in the package must
use the package name prefix, unless you import the package.
Meaning at this stage you should be able to call
If you were to import analyse.testFunc you would then be able to call testFunc without prefacing it with the namespace but since you want to retain the namespace the answer is to not call import at all.

Best way to solve imports of file in same package but in different directory with Gatling

I want to clean my code structure and put class/object files in another directories in my gatling project.
If i put all simulation class and utils class in the same directory and same package i do not need an import statement and everything works fine.
Let's say my structure is as follow :
I have tried several import or naming configuration to be able to use Router in my Simulation.
Follow package naming as directories structure
Put simulations and utils class in the same package
I have also tried different style of import
//using package
import packagename.Router
//another try
import packagename.Router._
//without package name
import Router._
My attempt to search a solution on scala docs or stack overflow didn't helped me.
This is the error given after executing gatling.bat
not found: value Router
You can't do that this way: there's one single source folder, which is by default /user-files/simulations.
If you want to use folders/packages (which is a good thing), you can have a structure such as:
Then, in Scala, packages and folder hierarchy are not related, BUT it's a good practice to use the same convention as in Java.
So, you would have:
package utils
object Router
then in MySimulation:
import utils.Router

Issues with reading xml file after creating jar

We are building an application using ScalaFX. When I run the project in IntelliJIDEA, everything works fine. However, when I create jar file and try to execute it, I am getting errors in reading some xml file.
I tried various solutions posted in SO, but with no use.
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.Includes._
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.typeOf
import scalafxml.core.{FXMLView, DependenciesByType}
object App extends JFXApp {
val root = FXMLView(getClass.getResource("/com/app/adt/Home.fxml"),
new DependenciesByType(Map(
typeOf[TestDependency] -> new TestDependency("ADT"))))
stage = new JFXApp.PrimaryStage() {
title = "ADT"
scene = new Scene(root)
The xml file(Home.fxml) is placed in com/app/adt package. I am creating the jar file using sbt-one-jar.
I have tried different combinations of path, but alwasys gives the same error.
Error Stack:
Caused by: javafx.fxml.LoadException:
at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.constructLoadException(
at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.loadImpl(
at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.loadImpl(
at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.load(
at scalafxml.core.FXMLView$.apply(FXMLView.scala:17)
Jar Structure:
Also, I have tried with sbt-assembly instead of sbt-one-jar. But , still getting the same error. :(
Tried with below answers in SO:
The real problem is rather tricky. Firstly, one needs to realize that JAR is an archive (e.g. similar to ZIP) and archives are regular files. Thus the archive itself is located somewhere in the file system, hence, it is accessible via URL.
On the contrary, the "subfiles" (entries) are just data-block within the archive. Neither the operating system nor the JVM knows that this particular file is an archive therefore they treat is as a regular file.
If you're interested in deeper archive handling, try to figure out how ZipFile works. JAR is basically ZIP so you're able to apply this class to it.
Java provides Class.getResourceAsStream methods that enables the programmer to read files as streams. This solution is obviously useless in this particular example since the ScalaFX method expects the File instead.
So basically you have three options
Use the stream API in order to duplicate the XML into temporary file, than pass this file to the method.
Deploy your resources separately in a way they remain regular files.
Re-implement JavaFX in order to accept streams (this should probably happen anyway)

import and compile axapta 2009 xpo by commandline

i'm looking for a way to import an existing xpo-export via command-line into ax2009 aot and afterwards compile just this imported xpo. google tells me how to compile the whole aot by commandline, which takes quite long.
so is there a way to import an xpo ( shared project ) and compile just these objects?
what possibilities are available, if the objects which should be imported are version-controlled by ax and are checked-in?
hoping for an easy way to automate optionally check-out, import, avoid overwrite?-questions, compile and run ;)
thanks in advance!
You can make you own startup command:
Make a new class and extend SysStartupCmd
Change the construct method of SysStartupCmd to call you class.
Do whatever you need, this includes parsing the parm variable.
Also you will have to deal with version control by calling checkin/checkout in your code, handling compile errors etc.
There are no easy way, this is complicated stuff.
Over the last two years I have introduced and refined a command line process for deploying XPOs to AX 4.0 with great success. The class SysAutoRun is key as mentioned above. The following is a brief explanation of the resulting process:
Developers export AX objects from the AOT to a corresponding folder(layer) i.e. CUS, VAR, etc... for the most part the file name is the default file name set by AX.
Developers commit using SVN in this scenario. This would have to be evaluted to meet your needs.
Console application for the build process reads all file names from each directory(layer) and creates corresponding AX project definition files.
Console application reads all file names from each directory (again) and creates an import definition file for each corresponding layer(folder). The project definition created above is also instructed to be imported after all other objects are loaded and finally compiled. The import definition contains some specialized elements that are recognized by the SysAutoRun.execCommand(XmlNode _command) method.
A call is made to ax32.exe "config.axc" -StartupCmd=AUTORUN_ImportDefinitionMentionedAbove.xml -lazyclassloading -lazytableloading -nocompileonimport -internal=noModalBoxes
AX parses this import definition file invoking customizations as instructed. Logging is added to the process for outputting compilation results to an XML log file. Finally step 3's project definition file is compiled.
Console application validates the outputted XML log and handles appropriately.
Step 5-7 is repeated for each (folder)layer.
I understand this is very vague. The intent of this post is to get feedback on interest before I invest more time on describing the process. The import definition file is probably of most interest as it is responsible for loading the objects in the right order, synchronizing the ORM, compiling, repeating, etc...
Thanks M#