Adding oembed plugin to ckeditor - plugins

I used ckBuilder to create my own custom editor with certain plugins.I chose the oembed plugin, followed the installation procedures but I kept getting a weird error.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'button' of undefined
Are there other configurations that need to be adjusted before using it?!

Turns out if you modify the ckeditor multiple times, you need to clear your cache in order to reflect any new plugins.


Next JS + Material UI Warning: Prop className did not match

I am getting this error in the console, when I am using a specific custom component that uses Material UI.
I got the component from here.
Here is a sandbox with the error:
The answers I found on the internet don't work, as most of them refer to a custom _document.tsx file configured for using Material UI with next js which I already set up.
I don't get the console error in production, but instead I get weird CSS behaviour.

AEM 6.3 Classic UI issue in overlay functionality error "TypeError: is undefined"

In AEM 6.3 classic UI, When i am trying to overlay
the following error is coming
TypeError: is undefined
= CQ.Ext.extend(,{
Like this we are getting error for all the overlay js has issue in AEM 6.3
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe the Sling Resource Resolution kicks in when resolving the contents of client libraries.
To extend the OOTB functionality, you need to:
create your own client library with a dependency to the original
be part of the appropriate category
override the functions/objects as you desire
More info:
The Sling Resource Merger itself seems to be only applicable to Touch UI and I've only ever used it when making changes to the authoring UI (i.e. navigation menus)
The Sling Resource Merger and related methods can only be used with Granite. This also means that it is only appropriate for the touch-optimized UI; in particular overrides defined in this manner are only applicable for the touch-optimized dialog of a component.
I have resolved the issue using the below logic. Clientlibs js file creation logic is differed in AEM 6.3.
In AEM 6.1 Clientlibs js creation is binding the overlaid files from /apps/cq/security/widgets/source/widgets/js.txt and non overlaid files from /libs/cq/security/widgets/source/widgets/js.txt
In AEM 6.3 Clientlibs js creation is binding files from /apps/cq/security/widgets/source/widgets/js.txt only.
Because of this non overlaid files ( are not binding into clientlibs js(widgets.js) and its gives the below error
TypeError: is undefined
= CQ.Ext.extend(,{
So i have merged the js.txt of
/libs/cq/security/widgets/source/widgets/js.txt into
/apps/cq/security/widgets/source/widgets/js.txt and it's resolved the
Please provide your answer if there is any other way to resolve this issue.

how to show showBusyIndicator into xdk html5 hybrid application?

i added the cordova-notification plugin into intel-xdk appication, when try to show the indicator i get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'showBusyIndicator' of undefined
this is the code:
$(document).on("change","#sel_produttori", function(evt)
maybe it is strange the plugin is listed in the first window but not in the second one.
Many of the 'intel.xdk' plugins have been or are being deprecated in favor of their standard core Cordova counterparts. I would recommend using that instead.
The problem you're running into appears to be that you've included the standard Cordova notification plugin, but you're trying to access the intel.xdk notification plugin, which is not included and therefore doesn't exist in your app.
It looks like the corresponding method on the standard Cordova Notification plugin was deprecated some time back and isn't there anymore. You might want to try a plugin like this:
It seems to work for me but, as always, use at your own risk.

Sample Component with Content Versioning from Joomla Site not working correctly

I was trying to restore a version of a content I am editing.
in my administrator/components/com_joomprosubs/tables/subscription.php
in the construct function I added this following line:
'JoomprosubsTableSubscription', array('typeAlias' =>'com_joomprosubs.subscription'));
from what I have read in this link:
but when I try to restore a version, an error is displayed:
"Error restoring item version from history."
I have followed the procedures step by step from that link. The storing of content history works, the only problem is when I try to restore the older versions. I even downloaded the finished sample file on the link's above.
The error is being return due to the blank value of typeAlias. I don't know where I got it wrong. from the code that I added above, I have included the typeAlias with its corresponding value. The weird thing is, if my code above does not work, it would not been also able to store content history.
Has anybody tried adding versioning in their custom component in Joomla? Please leave your comments.
For now, I temporarily overridden the loadHistory function from the Base Class.
from there, i passed the alias as 'com_joomprosubs.subscription'. The restoring of version history is now working.
Is there a disadvantage in my resolution?

Dynamically loaded javascript doesn't show in sources panel?

For example, I have an ajax request and it returns <script src='buggy.js'></script>.
Problem is, it doesn't show up in sources or resources panel. That means I can't do all the cool stuffs like adding breakpoint and inspecting the elements as they run.
I could only see the source of the js file under the Network panel.
Is there anyway to make chrome add them to the sources panel?
Or how do you guys go about debugging dynamically added scripts?
Using Canary.
I was having the same problem, and I found a workaround that is better than the deliberate exception. It does still require changing the code as opposed to just setting a breakpoint inside the chrome dev tools.
I tried using the "//# sourceURL=dynamicScript.js" that was suggested as a workaround by the OP, but it still wasn't showing up for me unless it already existed in my tabs from a previous time when it produced an exception.
Coding a "debugger;" line forced it to break at that location. Then once it was in my tabs in the Sources panel, I could set breakpoints like normal and remove the "debugger;" line.
Please refer to
(Original link is broken-- archived link below) ("Breakpoints in Dynamic JavaScript").