MongoDB: Using $geoIntersects or $geoWithin with $near in one query - mongodb

I would like to query for all documents that have a polygon that a point is contained in and then for that result set, order it based on closeness of that point to the location of the document.
So imagine I have a database of friends because I'm just that cool, and would like to see which friends are within the my range and would be willing to come play. (each friend has a play-date polygon which is the range they are willing to travel for a play-date)
For all matches I would like to them proceed to see which friend I should call to come based on his actual address and its distance to my point (which is my address) so that I can determine if I am ok with them coming from far away. (lets say 300 meters)
So far I have below a query to find polygons that my point is contained within but I do not know how to include the $near operator of mongodb
"_id" : "objid",
"FRIEND_NAME" : "Bobby",
"FRIEND_POSITON" : {"lon" : -73.992188, "lat" : 40.729359 }
This works:
"coordinates":[-73.98652, 40.752044]
This does not:
"coordinates":[-73.98652, 40.752044]
"coordinates": [-73.98652, 40.752044]
Please help me with the query above that does not work.

This requires an aggregate pipeline. As per mogodb doc for $geoNear, You can only use $geoNear as the first stage of a pipeline. The aggregate function has an entry for an additional query which is where the polygon query will be used to narraw down results based on inclusion in the PLAYDATE_RANGE field of the document.
$geoNear: {
near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [-73.98652, 40.752044] },
maxDistance: 300,
distanceField: "friends.calculated_distance",
query: {
"$geoIntersects": {
"$geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates":[-73.98652, 40.752044]
spherical: true
P.S. note that only one geospatial index can be used so put it on the FRIEND_POSITION field. If adding a 2sphere index that requires a correctly formed GeoJSON value, specifically,
"FRIEND_POSITION" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -73.992188, 40.729359 ] }
So the document should look like:
"_id" : "objid",
"FRIEND_NAME" : "Bobby",
"type": "Polygon",
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [ -73.992188, 40.729359 ]


Return distance for each coordinates in mongodb [duplicate]

When I am firing this query on MongoDB, I am getting all the places in the proximity of 500 miles to the specified co-ordinates. But I want to know the exact distance between the specified co-ordinates and the result location.
db.new_stores.find({ "geometry": { $nearSphere: { $geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -81.093699, 32.074673 ] }, $maxDistance: 500 * 3963 } } } ).pretty()
My Output looks like:
"_id" : ObjectId("565172058bc200b0db0f75b1"),
"type" : "Feature",
"geometry" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
"properties" : {
"Name" : "Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza",
"Address" : "17901 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura, FL"
I also want to know the distance of this place from the specified co-ordinate. I created 2dsphere index on geometry.
You can use the $geoNear aggregate pipeline stage to produce a distance from the queried point:
{ "$geoNear": {
"near": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ -81.093699, 32.074673 ]
"maxDistance": 500 * 1609,
"key" : "myLocation",
"spherical": true,
"distanceField": "distance",
"distanceMultiplier": 0.000621371
This allows you to specify "distanceField" which will produce another field in the output documents containing the distance from the queried point. You can also use "distanceMultiplier" to apply any conversion to the output distance as required ( i.e meters to miles, and noting that all GeoJSON distances are returned in meters )
There is also the geoNear command with similar options, but it of course does not return a cursor as output.
if you have more than one 2dsphere, you should specify a "key".
MongoDB provides a $geoNear aggregator for calculating the distance of documents in a collection with GeoJson coordinates.
Let us understand it with a simple example.
Consider a simple collection shops
1. Create Collection
2. Insert documents in shops collections
db.shops.insert({name:"Galaxy store",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.442894,77.341299]}})
db.shops.insert({name:"A2Z store",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.412894,77.311299]}})
db.shops.insert({name:"Mica store",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.422894,77.342299]}})
db.shops.insert({name:"Full Stack developer",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.433894,77.334299]}})
3. create GeoIndex on "address" fields
db.shops.createIndex({address: "2dsphere" } )
4. Now use a $geoNear aggregator
to find out the documents with distance.
db.shops.aggregate([{$geoNear:{near:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.411134,77.331801]},distanceField: "shopDistance",$maxDistance:150000,spherical: true}}]).pretty()
Here coordinates:[28.411134,77.331801] is the center position or quired position from where documents will be fetched.
distanceField:"shopDistance" , $geoNear Aggregator return shopDistance as fields in result.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef047a4715e6ae00d0893ca"), "name" : "Full Stack developer", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.433894, 77.334299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 621.2848190449148 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef0479e715e6ae00d0893c9"), "name" : "Mica store", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.422894, 77.342299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 1203.3456146763526 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef0478a715e6ae00d0893c7"), "name" : "Galaxy store", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.442894, 77.341299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 1310.9612119555288 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef04792715e6ae00d0893c8"), "name" : "A2Z store", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.412894, 77.311299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 2282.6640175038788 }
Here shopDistance will be in meter.
maxDistance -> Optional. The maximum distance from the center point that the documents can be. MongoDB limits the results to those documents that fall within the specified distance from the center point.
Specify the distance in meters if the specified point is GeoJSON and in radians if the specified point is legacy coordinate pairs.
In the docs it says if you use legacy pairs , eg : near : [long , lat] , then specify the maxDistance in radians.
If you user GeoJSON , eg : near : { type : "Point" , coordinates : [long ,lat] },
then specify the maxDistance in meters.
Use $geoNear to get the distance between a given location and users.
{"$geoNear": {
"near": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ longitude, latitude]
"distanceField": "distance",
"distanceMultiplier": 1/1000,
"query": {/* userConditions */},

$near operator on a nested object list item

I have mongo db with a collection of objects with a nested object list (events) like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("59db84093f2fba2bf0bcfa90"),
"progressStatus" : "NOT_STARTED",
"events" : [
"issueDate" : ISODate("2017-10-09T00:00:00.000Z"),
"eventType" : "xyz",
"location" : {
"point" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
"cancelled" : false,
Trying to make a query using $near or $nearSphere operator on events.$.location:
This query gives me an error:
Error: error: {
"waitedMS" : NumberLong(0),
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "geoNear must be top-level expr",
"code" : 2
How should it be done?
neptune, this happens because geospatial queries with $nearSphere uses geoNear command to fetch documents, and the geoNear expression (when the command is run) needs to be at the top level on query. In your example, it happens to be at low levels (within elemMatch), raising an error when constructing the call to geoNear.
As I understand, your 2dsphere index is on "events.location.point", right ?
So, you can make this query like:
db.sample6.find({"events": {$elemMatch: {$and: [{eventType: "xyz"},{cancelled: false}]}}, "events.location.point": {"$nearSphere": {"$geometry": {type: "Point", coordinates: [25.601198, 45.657976]}, "$maxDistance": 20.4}}})
or just
db.sample6.find({"events.eventType": "xyz", "events.cancelled": false, "events.location.point": {"$nearSphere": {"$geometry": {type: "Point", coordinates: [25.601198, 45.657976]}, "$maxDistance": 20.4}}})
This last one I think is more wise, since it has already AND behaviour, without the need of $and use. Also, if it's possible, it would be cleaner and less confusing (since these queries have a lot of brackets and parentheses) to construct the geospatial info right on "location" field (if it only contains the coordinates).

MongoDB print distance between two points

When I am firing this query on MongoDB, I am getting all the places in the proximity of 500 miles to the specified co-ordinates. But I want to know the exact distance between the specified co-ordinates and the result location.
db.new_stores.find({ "geometry": { $nearSphere: { $geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -81.093699, 32.074673 ] }, $maxDistance: 500 * 3963 } } } ).pretty()
My Output looks like:
"_id" : ObjectId("565172058bc200b0db0f75b1"),
"type" : "Feature",
"geometry" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
"properties" : {
"Name" : "Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza",
"Address" : "17901 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura, FL"
I also want to know the distance of this place from the specified co-ordinate. I created 2dsphere index on geometry.
You can use the $geoNear aggregate pipeline stage to produce a distance from the queried point:
{ "$geoNear": {
"near": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ -81.093699, 32.074673 ]
"maxDistance": 500 * 1609,
"key" : "myLocation",
"spherical": true,
"distanceField": "distance",
"distanceMultiplier": 0.000621371
This allows you to specify "distanceField" which will produce another field in the output documents containing the distance from the queried point. You can also use "distanceMultiplier" to apply any conversion to the output distance as required ( i.e meters to miles, and noting that all GeoJSON distances are returned in meters )
There is also the geoNear command with similar options, but it of course does not return a cursor as output.
if you have more than one 2dsphere, you should specify a "key".
MongoDB provides a $geoNear aggregator for calculating the distance of documents in a collection with GeoJson coordinates.
Let us understand it with a simple example.
Consider a simple collection shops
1. Create Collection
2. Insert documents in shops collections
db.shops.insert({name:"Galaxy store",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.442894,77.341299]}})
db.shops.insert({name:"A2Z store",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.412894,77.311299]}})
db.shops.insert({name:"Mica store",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.422894,77.342299]}})
db.shops.insert({name:"Full Stack developer",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.433894,77.334299]}})
3. create GeoIndex on "address" fields
db.shops.createIndex({address: "2dsphere" } )
4. Now use a $geoNear aggregator
to find out the documents with distance.
db.shops.aggregate([{$geoNear:{near:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.411134,77.331801]},distanceField: "shopDistance",$maxDistance:150000,spherical: true}}]).pretty()
Here coordinates:[28.411134,77.331801] is the center position or quired position from where documents will be fetched.
distanceField:"shopDistance" , $geoNear Aggregator return shopDistance as fields in result.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef047a4715e6ae00d0893ca"), "name" : "Full Stack developer", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.433894, 77.334299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 621.2848190449148 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef0479e715e6ae00d0893c9"), "name" : "Mica store", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.422894, 77.342299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 1203.3456146763526 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef0478a715e6ae00d0893c7"), "name" : "Galaxy store", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.442894, 77.341299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 1310.9612119555288 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef04792715e6ae00d0893c8"), "name" : "A2Z store", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.412894, 77.311299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 2282.6640175038788 }
Here shopDistance will be in meter.
maxDistance -> Optional. The maximum distance from the center point that the documents can be. MongoDB limits the results to those documents that fall within the specified distance from the center point.
Specify the distance in meters if the specified point is GeoJSON and in radians if the specified point is legacy coordinate pairs.
In the docs it says if you use legacy pairs , eg : near : [long , lat] , then specify the maxDistance in radians.
If you user GeoJSON , eg : near : { type : "Point" , coordinates : [long ,lat] },
then specify the maxDistance in meters.
Use $geoNear to get the distance between a given location and users.
{"$geoNear": {
"near": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ longitude, latitude]
"distanceField": "distance",
"distanceMultiplier": 1/1000,
"query": {/* userConditions */},

Geo-query using a circle as area to match at least one of the points of MultiPoint object in MongoDB

I have the following document in the entities collection at Mongo (a 2dsphere index for location.coords is in place):
> db.entities.find({},{location: 1}).pretty()
"_id" : {
"id" : "en3",
"type" : "t",
"servicePath" : "/"
"location" : {
"attrName" : "position",
"coords" : {
"type" : "MultiPoint",
"coordinates" : [
As far as I have checked, $geoWithin only matches when the geometry includes all the points of the MultiPoint, e.g:
> db.entities.find({"location.coords": { $geoWithin: { $centerSphere: [ [ -3.691944, 40.418889 ], 0.002118976612776644 ] } } })
// Small circle centered at first point, but without covering the second point: it doesn't matchh
> db.entities.find({"location.coords": { $geoWithin: { $centerSphere: [ [ -3.691944, 40.418889 ], 2 ] } } })
// Big circle centered at first point covering also the second point: it matches
However, I would like to have a query to match if at least one point of the MultiPoint matches. I have read about the $geoIntersects operator. I have tried just replace $geoWithin by $geoIntersect in my query, but it doesn't work:
> db.entities.find({"location.coords": { $geoIntersects: { $centerSphere: [ [ -3.691944, 40.418889 ], 0.002118976612776644 ] } } })
error: {
"$err" : "Can't canonicalize query: BadValue bad geo query",
"code" : 17287
Reading the $geoIntersects operator, it seems that it can be only used with polygons or multi-polygons, but it doesn't mention circles. I wonder if I'm missing something, because this "asymmetry" between $geoWithin and $geoIntersects seems to be a bit weird...
Thus, is there any way of doing a geo-query using a circle as area to match at least one of the points of MultiPoint object?
I think I have found the answer at the end. It can be done with the $near operator, in the following way:
db.entities.find({"location.coords": { $near: { $geometry: { type: "Point", "coordinates": [ -3.691944, 40.418889 ] }, $maxDistance: 0.5 } }})

Not getting results from $geoNear aggregate

Can you help me figure out why this query isn't returning results?
I imported a shape file using ogr2ogr to convert it to geoJson, then imported it to Mongo using this command:
"mongoimport --db ht--collection facilities< f.json"
Then, I created index like this: "db.facilities.ensureIndex({"geometry":"2dsphere"})"
Here's a sample document, along with the query that isn't returning anything and the index:
$geoNear: {
near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -74.501340, 39.944520 ] },
distanceField: "dist.calculated",
maxDistance: 3,
query: { type: "public" },
includeLocs: "dist.location",
spherical: true,
distanceMultiplier: 3959
Here's the document (properties removed for brevity):
"_id" : ObjectId("54ff20a90e46de508d1dae93"),
"type" : "Feature",
"properties" : {
… },
"geometry" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
And here's the index. I tried with both "geometry" and with "geometry.coordinates" with the same result:
"geometry.coordinates" : "2dsphere"
When you execute geoNear, in addition to the location filter, the query filter is also applied. Your query filter is { type: "public" } if none of the documents that satisfy $geoNear are of type "public" then you will get no documents as a result.