How to translate words literally? - unicode

I want to translate the names of the businesses literally.
i.e :
FLAFEL ADAM I want to translate it to Hebrew,
F -> פ
L -> ל
A -> א
so it will be פלאפל אדם
both names have the same spelling ! I don't care a bout the meaning , I just want to have the same spelling in both languages !
How to do that ?

You could use table lookup, i.e. a table that translates every character from one language to another. In Obj-C, you could use a NSDictionary that you could initialize as
NSDictionary *table = #{#"F": #"פ",
#"L": #"ל",
#"A": #"א"
You can then do the translation e.g. as
NSString *translatedL = table[#"L"];


How to use regular expression in iPhone app to separate string by , (comma)

I have to read .csv file which has three columns. While parsing the .csv file, I get the string in this format Christopher Bass,\"Cry the Beloved Country Final Essay\", I want to store the values of three columns in an Array, so I used componentSeparatedByString:#"," method! It is successfully returning me the array with three components:
Christopher Bass
Cry the Beloved Country Final Essay
but when there is already a comma in the column value, like this
Christopher Bass,\"Cry, the Beloved Country Final Essay\",
it separates the string in four components because there is a ,(comma) after the Cry:
Christopher Bass
the Beloved Country Final Essay
so, How can I handle this by using regular expression. I have "RegexKitLite" classes but which regular expression should I use. Please help!
Any regular expression would probably turn out with the same problem, what you need is to sanitize your entries or strings, either by escaping your commas or by highlighting strings this way: "My string". Otherwise you will have the same problem. Good luck.
For your example you would probably need to do something like:
\"Christopher Bass\",\"Cry\, the Beloved Country Final Essay\",\"\"
That way you could use a regexp or even the same method from the NSString class.
Not related at all, but the importance of sanitizing strings: hehehe.
How about this:
This should split your string whereever " and , appear together in either order, resulting in a three-member array. This of course assumes that the second element in the string is always enclosed in parentheses, and the characters " and , never appear consecutively within the three components.
If either of these assumptions is incorrect, other methods to identify string components may be used, but it should be made clear that no generic solution exists. If the three component strings can contain " and , anywhere, not even a limited solution is possible in such cases:
Doe, John,\"\"Why Unescaped Strings Suck\", And Other Development Horror Stories\",Doe, John <john.doe#dev.null>
Hopefully there is nothing like the above in your CSV data. If there is, the data is basically unusable, and you should look into a better CSV exporter.
The regex you're searching for is: \\"(.*)\\"[ ^,]*|([^,]*),
in ObjC: (('\"' && string_1 && '\"' && 0-n spaces) || string_2 except comma) && comma
NSString *str = #"Christopher Bass,\"Cry, the Beloved Country ,Final Essay\",,som";
NSString *regEx = #"\\\"(.*)\\\"[ ^,]*|([^,]*),";
NSMutableArray *split = [[str componentsSeparatedByRegex:regEx] mutableCopy];
[split removeObject:#""]; // because it will print always both groups even if the other is empty
NSLog(#"%#", split);
2012-02-07 17:42:18.778 tmpapp[92170:c03] (
"Christopher Bass",
"Cry, the Beloved Country ,Final Essay",
RegexKitLite will add both strings to the array, therefore you will end up with empty objects for your array. removeObject:#"" will delete those but if you need to maintain true empty values (eg. your source has val,,ue) you have to modify the code to the following:
str = [str stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex:regEx withString:#"$1$2∏"];
NSArray *split = [str componentsSeparatedByString:#"∏"];
$1 and $2 are those two strings mentioned above, ∏ is in this case a character which will most likely never appear in normal text (and is easy to remember: option-shift-p).
The last part looks like it will never contain a comma. Neither will the first one as far as I can see...
What about splitting the string like this:
NSArray *splitArr = [str componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
NSString *nameStr = [splitArr objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *emailStr = [splitArr lastObject];
NSString *contentStr = #"";
for(int i=1; i<[splitArr count]-1; ++i) {
contentStr = [contentStr stringByAppendingString:[splitArr objectAtIndex:i]];
This will use the first and last string as is, and combine the rest into the content.
Kind of a hack, but a name and an email address will never contain a comma, right?
Is the title guarantied to have the quotation marks? And is it the only component that can have them? Because then componentSeparatedByString:#"\"" should get you this:
Christopher Bass,
Cry, the Beloved Country Final Essay
Then use componentSeparatedByString:#"," or substringFrom/ToIndex: to get rid of the two commas in the first and last component.
Here's a solution using substring:
NSString* input = #"Christopher Bass,\"Cry, the Beloved Country Final Essay\",";
NSArray* split = [input componentsSeparatedByString:#"\""];
NSString* part1 = [split objectAtIndex:0];
NSString* part2 = [split objectAtIndex:1];
NSString* part3 = [split objectAtIndex:2];
part1 = [part1 substringToIndex:[part1 length] - 1];
part3 = [part3 substringFromIndex:1];

NET::LDAP FIlter with OR

In PERL, NET::LDAP, I'm trying to use-
my $psearch-$ldap->search(
base => $my_base,
attr => ["mail","employeeNumber","physicalDeliveryOfficeName"],
filter => "(&(mail=*)(!(employeeNumber=9*)) (&(physicalDeliveryOfficeName=100)) (|(physicalDeliveryOfficeName=274)))");
Saying "give me everyone with a mail entry, where employee number does not begin with 9 and the physicalDeliveryOfficeName is either 100 or 274".
I can get it to work using just 100 or using just 274 but I can't seem to figure out how to specify 100 OR 274.
I can't seem to find the correct filter string, ready pull my hair out... please help!!
I can't test this, but LDAP queries use prefix notation while we're use to using infix notation. Imagine if you want something that's either a dog or a cat. In infix notation, it would look something like this:
((ANIMAL = "cat") OR (ANIMAL = "dog"))
With prefix notation, the boolean operator goes at the beginning of the query:
(OR (ANIMAL = "cat") (ANIMAL = "dog"))
The advantage to prefixed notation comes when you do more than two checks per boolean. Here I'm looking for something that's either a cat, a dog or a wombat:
(OR (ANIMAL = "cat") (ANIMAL = "dog") (ANIMAL = "wombat"))
Notice that I only needed a single boolean operator in the front of my statement. This will OR together all three statements. With our standard infix notation, I would have to have a second OR operator:
((ANIMAL = "cat") OR (ANIMAL = "dog") OR (ANIMAL = "wombat"))
Prefix notation was created by a Polish Mathematician named Jan Lukasiewicz back in 1924 in Warsaw Univeristy and thus became known as Polish Notation. Later on, it was discovered that computers could work an equation from front to back if the equation was written in postfix notation which is the reverse of Polish Notation. Thus, Reverse Polish Notation (or RPN) was born.
Early HP calculators used RPN notation which became the Geek Sheik thing back in the early 1970s. Imagine the sense of brain superiority you get when you hand your calculator to someone and they have no early idea how to use it. The only way to be cooler back then was to have a Curta.
Okay, enough walking down nostalgia lane. Let's get back to the problem...
The easiest way to construct an infix operation is to build a tree diagram of what you want. Thus, you should sketch out your LDAP query as a tree:
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
OR employee!=9* mail=*
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
phyDelOfficeName=100 phyDelOfficeName=274
To build a query based upon this tree, start with the bottom of the tree, and work your way up each layer. The bottom part of our tree is the OR part of our query:
(OR (physicalDeliveryOfficeName = 100) (physicalDeliveryOfficeName = 274))
Using LDAP's OR operator, the pipe (|) and removing the extra spaces, we get:
(|(physicalDeliveryOfficeName = 100)(physicalDeliveryOfficeName = 274))
When I build an LDAP query, I like to save each section as a Perl scalar variable. It makes it a bit easier to use:
$or_part = "|(physicalDeliveryOfficeName=100)(physicalDeliveryOfficeName=274)";
Notice I've left off the outer pair or parentheses. The outer set of parentheses return when you string all the queries back together. However, some people put them anyway. An extra set of parentheses doesn't hurt an LDAP query.
Now for the other two parts of the query:
$mailAddrExists = "mail=*";
$not_emp_starts_9 = "!(employee=9*)";
And, now we AND all three sections together:
Note that a single ampersand weaves it all together. I can substitute back each section to see the full query:
Or like this:
my $psearch-$ldap->search(
base => $my_base,
attr => ["mail","employeeNumber","physicalDeliveryOfficeName"],
filter => "(&(mail=*)(!(employee=9*))(|(physicalDeliveryOfficeName=100)(physicalDeliveryOfficeName=274)))",
Or piecemeal:
my $mail = "mail=*";
my $employee = "!(employee=9*)";
my $physicalAddress = "|(physicalDeliveryOfficeName=100)"
. "(physicalDeliveryOfficeName=274)";
my $psearch-$ldap->search(
base => $my_base,
attr => ["mail","employeeNumber","physicalDeliveryOfficeName"],
filter => "(&($mail)($employee)($physicalAddress))",
As I said before, I can't test this. I hope it works. If nothing else, I hope you understand how to create an LDAP query and can figure out how to do it yourself.

Methods in NSString

I am new to objective C and I am in a position where I need to create an iPhone App Really quickly , I am using XCode 4.2
I have a string (assuming the string is called string1) of type NSString and I would like to copy som charaters from this string into another NSString (called string2) I would like to do the following algorithm
If ( string1.char 1 ='a' and string1.char 2 ='b' and string1.char3='c')
I am not saying that the above code is executable , but this is the idea I would like to implement
also , do I need to add other framwork , synthestize any variable ? as I mentioned I am very new to all this
Thanks alot!
First off, looking at Apple's documentation is always a good idea. Just google 'NSString Class Reference.'
Second, NSString has a few methods that do what you desire, one being
[string1 characterAtIndex:myIndex];
where 'myIndex' is an NSUInteger (basically an int) of your index of interest.
With that method, you can specify an index of the string (remember, these start at 0, not 1), and check what character resides there.
if([string1 characterAtIndex:0] == 'a') {
//do something
Also, you can use
[string1 substringToIndex:myIndex];
to create a substring (smaller version of the original string, which would be string1) that is made up of the characters in string1 starting from index 0 (first character) and going to the index you specify.
The method
[string1 substringFromIndex:myIndex];
works similarly, but creates a substring starting at the given index and moving to the end of the string.
Also, it is important to note that strings created with the above to methods, for example:
NSString* stringTwo = [string1 substringToIndex:5];
are autoreleased, which means that the string referenced by the variable 'string1' can and will soon be wiped from memory unless you reserve the rights to use it by claiming ownership of it. The way you reserve rights to an object by claiming ownership of it (officially known as 'retaining' the object) is by calling
[string1 retain];
Now you own that object, and Objective C promises not to free that memory until you release ownership of it using
[string1 release];
if ([[string1 substringWithRange:(NSRange){0, 3}] isEqualToString #"abc"]){
string2 = [string1 substringWithRange:(NSRange){0, 3}];
where: (NSRange){startingIndex, length}
This is using the format you mentioned in your question.

How to compare A to Á on the iPhone

I need to compare 2 strings, looking at the first letter only.
Is there a method to compare A to Á, and recognize it as A, without the ´?
NSString has a diacritic-insensitive comparison mode which will do what you're after.
// should return NSOrderedSame, i.e. identical
[#"Apple" compare:#"Ápple"
If you want it to be case-insensitive as well:
// ditto
[#"APPLE" compare:#"Ápple"
options:NSDiacriticInsensitiveSearch | NSCaseInsensitiveSearch]

How a get a part of the string from main String in Objective C

I have mainString from which i need to get the part of the string after finding a keyword.
NSString *mainString = "Hi how are you GET=dsjghdsghghdsjkghdjkhsg";
now I need to get the string after the keyword "GET=".
Waiting for a reply.
Have a look at the NSString documentation.
Assuming your string really is so totally straightforward, you could do something like this:
NSArray *components = [mainString componentsSeparatedByString: #"GET="];
NSString *stringYouWant = [components objectAtIndex: 1];
Obviously, this performs absolutely no error checking and makes a number of assumptions about the actual contents of mainString, but it should get you started.
Note, also, that the code is somewhat defensive in that it assumes that you are looking for GET= and not separating on =. Either way is a hack in terms of parsing, but... hey... hacks are sometimes the right answer.
You can use a regex via RegexKitLite:
NSString *mainString = #"Hi how are you GET=dsjghdsghghdsjkghdjkhsg";
NSString *matchedString = [mainString stringByMatching:#"GET=(.*)" capture:1L];
// matchedString == #"dsjghdsghghdsjkghdjkhsg";
The regex used, GET=(.*), basically says "Look for GET=, and then grab everything after that". The () specifies a capture group, which are useful for extracting just part of a match. Capture groups begin at 1, with capture group 0 being "the entire match". The part inside the capture group, .*, says "Match any character (the .) zero or more times (the *)".
If the string, in this case mainString, is not matched by the regex, then matchedString will be NULL.
You can get the location of the first occurrence of = and then just take a substring of mainString from the location of = to the end of the string.