Out of memory in Talend - talend

I'm still having some problems with this error in Talend. I already changed the VM Arguments to this:
And then I always get this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
Any suggestions?

The -Xms option sets the initial and minimum Java heap size
You increased the initial heap size not the maximum.
You need to use Xmx like #David Tonhofer said.
If this is not enough you should watch your memory management. Having too much lookup (data volume)in a same subjob or storing big volume of data in tHash can lead to memory problems.

Additionally I would suggest to check -XX:MaxPermSize parameter as well. In case of bigger jobs I need to change it to -XX:MaxPermSize=512m


How to monitor jvm heap size with Pyspark / Dataproc

I have noticed my pyspark codes are causing memory out of error. Using VirtualVM, I have noticed points where heap size increases over the executor memory, and changed the codes. Now that I am trying to deploy codes with bigger data and in dataproc, I found it hard to find a good way to monitor the heap size. Is there any good way to monitor the runtime heap size? I think It would be easiest if I can print out the runtime heap size via py4j or any other libraries.

Postgres cursor calculation in Talend

Data was read from postgres table & written to file using Talend. Table size is 1.8GB with 1,050,000 records and has around 125 columns.
Assigned JVM as -Xms256M -Xmx1024M. The job failed due to being out of memory. Postgres keeps the result set in physical memory until the query completes. So the entire JVM was occupied and getting an out of memory issue. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.
Enabled Cursor option and kept the value as 100,000 and JVM as -Xms256M -Xmx1024M. Job failed with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
I don't understand the concept here. Cursor used here denotes the fetch size of rows. In my case, 100,000 was set. So 100,000 will be fetched and stored in physical memory and it will be pushed to file. Then, the occupied memory will be released and the next batch will be fetched. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Considering my case, with 1,050,000 records it occupies 1.8GB. Each record occupies 1.8KB of size. 100,000 * 1.8 = 180,000KB. So entire size is just 175MB. Why is the job not running with a 1GB JVM? Someone please help me with, how does this process work?
Some records got dropped after setting the cursor option in talend. Cannot trace the problem in that.
Had the same problem with a tPostgresInput component. Disabling the Auto Commit setting in the tPostgresConnection component fixed the problem for me!

Getting error when i want to fetch bulk records

i am getting below error when i am trying to fetch more then 300000 records.
m using link to fetch records and using muiltiple classes.
Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
please let me know solution for this.
In your case, memory allocated to JVM is not sufficient.
You can try by allocating more memory as follows :
Run --> Run Configurations --> select the "JRE" tab --> then enter -Xmx2048m
I believe you are running program with default VM arguments.
You can also figure out memory requirement by performing heap dump analysis or memory analyzer.
Even though this may resolve your issue temporarily (depending upon how much memory is required for 300000 records), I would suggest to do changes in your program, such as fetching records in batches.
I would suggest to refer to this post.
How to deal with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error (64MB heap size)

Websphere Out of Memory Issue

Tried to update server.xml, deleted dumps and temporary cache files from C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\javasharedresources
And still not able to start the server.
This is the following error message I get:
JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to C:\WAS8\profiles\AppSrv02\bin\javacore.20150210.094417.6468.0009.txt
JVMDUMP013I Processed dump event "systhrow", detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError".
There could be multiple causes for the OutOfMemoryError exceptions. It could be that there is a memory leak in one of the applications that is loaded on startup, or the maximum heap size is not set high enough to support all of the components loaded on startup.
It is best to go through a troubleshooting exercise. I suggest you download heap analyzer tool from here and analyze the javacore file to see where the potential leak, if any, could be.
If you can't find a memory leak, try increasing the JVM maximum heap size. Check that your host system has enough RAM to support the chosen maximum JVM heap size.
Earlier I didn't update the server.xml with correct arguments and once I updated server.xml with genericJvmArguments="-Xms1024M -Xmx2048M" and InitialHeapSize="1024" maximumHeapSize="2048", I was able to start the server.

Understanding JVM heap size (when using Eclipse)

There are a lot of questions about "how to increase heap size" here but I'd like to understand how these settings actually influence memory consumption of a Java app (Eclipse IDE in my case but I guess that doesn't matter).
My JVM starts up with these parameters:
so I would expect that when something memory-demanding executes, the heap size will go up to 1024 MB. However, I only see Eclipse allocating around 700-800 MB at most.
(if I understand the bar correctly, the yellow part is the current allocation, the whole bar is the max allocation and that there is some "marker" that I don't know what it is).
When I start a compilation of a large project, I periodically see the yellow bar rising, reaching about 90% of the whole bar and then dropping back to about 200-300 MB. That doesn't utilize the max allowed 1024MB, does it?
It'd be great if someone could explain this behavior to me and possibly how to change it.
BTW, my Eclipse is 64-bit version with 64-bit JVM if that matters (1024 limit should be OK for 32-bit too, though).
Xmx is a hard limit. If the GC is able to clean objects / lower the mem consumption before hitting the limit the max, the max is not reached.
If you have some reason to require 1GB consumption of memory just set Xms and Xmx to the same size.